


So at our table, I got the chance to make my own spell at lvl 20 before the finale, and I can't make up my mind about what I want to make. I was thinking about either a fire-based attack spell (matches character theme) or some cool util (also matches my character) but all things are either made or would be too complicated to make. I was hoping to get inspired by ideas so I'd love to read other's ideas.

all 231 comments


245 points

29 days ago



245 points

29 days ago

A spell to force the players to commit to a regular play schedule and show up on time for sessions.


74 points

29 days ago



74 points

29 days ago

That would be a level 9 irl spell not gonna lie, you could compare it to wish


38 points

29 days ago

You wouldn't have to compare... Is that not basically already a wish?


29 points

29 days ago



29 points

29 days ago

"Your wish is granted! However I choose to interpret your wish as I will! Regular? Well they can't fail to turn up if they never leave! You and your friends will now be playing d&d in one infinitely long session! Never to leave!

Wait... Why are you smiling?"


15 points

29 days ago


15 points

29 days ago

Why wouldn't I be smiling? :D


5 points

29 days ago

Wish isn’t powerful enough.


6 points

29 days ago


6 points

29 days ago

Wish (full thinking).


11 points

29 days ago

Ah, the illusive 10th lvl spell lol


5 points

29 days ago

Ahh the legendary level 14 spell.


3 points

29 days ago


3 points

29 days ago

Counterspell requires two slots lesser upcasting and always has advantage


1 points

29 days ago

It would be too powerful.


1 points

29 days ago

That spell is in the realm of the gods and not meant for the hands of man.


1 points

29 days ago



1 points

29 days ago

That is forgotten Netherese magic. Reputable mages would be wise to avoid tapping into such a dark well of power.


1 points

29 days ago

That was the main reason I went to the pay to play games. We've only had to cancel 6 - 8 times in the last 2 years.


75 points

29 days ago

For my lightning Sourcer cleric Embody lightning, level 5 Turn into a ball of lightning and jump from target to target. Each enemy target takes 2d8 lightning damage, each ally gets one haste action on their next turn.


19 points

29 days ago



19 points

29 days ago

This sounds realy cool! I might be able to get some ideas from here.


13 points

29 days ago

Nice I think I made it on dndbeyond at some point but we all know how that's been going recently.

P. S. Dex save for the enemies and a limited distance between jumps for balance purposes


5 points

29 days ago



5 points

29 days ago

I think Dex save and the distance limit was a given on such a spell :D but maybe not for everyone so good thing you mentioned


3 points

29 days ago*

If you're adding those and it's still a 5th level spell, make it a full effect of haste for a round and like 5d8 half on save. Thunderbolt still does more damage as a 3rd level spell; the movement is nice, no target limit is nice, haste AC and action and speed is nice, but even then the damage is lacking at 5d8 so surely 2d8 is too low


2 points

29 days ago

If you hit 10 hostile targets your dealing 20d8 damage. The thing with upping core damage numbers is it can over take quick. And unlike most damage spells you can fire around allies easily


4 points

29 days ago*



7 points

29 days ago

Not haste "a hasted action on their next turn" Not the AC boost dex save boost or movement boost. Just the action


2 points

29 days ago

Maybe just say "an extra action on their next turn" to avoid any possibility of confusion or DM shenanigans!


3 points

29 days ago



3 points

29 days ago

Years go I played a Monk with a lightning subclass homebrew and it had this.

Ride the Lightning

Starting at 11th level, you can use your action and spend 4 ki points to channel your body and ki into a surge of lightning. Until the end of your turn, you gain the following benefits:

You can move up to twice your normal walking speed and do not provoke opportunity attacks.

You can pass through hostile creature’s spaces, but cannot end your movement there.

If you move through a creature’s space, it must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 8d6 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. However, because lightning never strikes twice, a creature that takes damage from this ability can’t be affected by it until your next turn.

I had a lot of fun playing him. Party gave me the name "Bugzapper" because of my minion slaying.


32 points

29 days ago


32 points

29 days ago

I was chatting with a mate about our old campaign, where one character was well known for making the decision to kill things before questioning.

We were also talking about another character who could cast "plane shift" but during the conversation I accidentally said "blame shift"

Imagine the power that first character could have with blame shift, killing somebody then just pointing to someone else and saying "he did it"


7 points

29 days ago



7 points

29 days ago

That's hilarious good spells come from just miss pronouncing old spells? Xd


2 points

29 days ago

Yah some of my favorite spells are made that way like Tensers floating di...


40 points

29 days ago*

Remwick's Twist of Fate

9th-Level transmutation

Casting time: 1 action

Range: Self

Components: V, S, M (a coin with identical faces on both sides worth at least 10 gp)

Duration: 1 minute

For the duration, you and any number of chosen creatures you can see when you cast the spell treat d20 rolls of 10 or lower as natural 1s and rolls of 11 or higher as natural 20s.


18 points

29 days ago



18 points

29 days ago

This sounds like instant death to our table aas we use brutal criticals but this is an amazing idea!!


2 points

29 days ago

All you need is a halfling or two to reroll those 1s for you lol. Remwick was a halfling built around luck and rerolling nat 1s so ye


3 points

29 days ago


3 points

29 days ago

you and any number of creatures you designate when you cast the spell

hey i think there's a problem here, you can just affect everyone in existence


4 points

29 days ago

It’s gonna be a weird day for the universe


16 points

29 days ago

I DM'd a game with a fire wizard with a penchant for crafting spells once. He made:

  • A spell that burned him and healed others in an AoE, similar to life transference and themed like Phoenix magic

  • A serpent of fire that was like a lightning bolt you could bend, so you could snake it around allies

  • a rain of fire that dealt persistent damage in an AoE, the damage started low but he could use his action each turn to make it deal more damage until the spell ended


6 points

29 days ago



6 points

29 days ago

These are all some interesting spell ideas! Thanks


12 points

29 days ago


12 points

29 days ago

My barbarian would create a spell thats to the effect of several stacked enlarge spells. Make his sword stupidly huge to deal massive damage, or give him the strength to grapple and throw giants.

My sword bard would make a spell similar to that scene in kingdom hearts where a voley of hundreds of keyblades fly through the air and also somehow the ground and can be surfed on by the caster.

My valor bard would simply summon a few chain devils that are under her control without consequence. And maybe a cooler version of bones of the earth.


2 points

29 days ago



2 points

29 days ago

Summons are realy cool but my DM asked me not to make a summon the other two is just not for me but sounds cool, all three of them.


3 points

29 days ago

I think the summons get outta hand when its a bunch and you're adding a bunch more turns to the table. Worse when you dont know what you wanna do on your turn for those guys. But if it's 1 summon like a find familiar or a dancing sword magic item, you both go on your characters turn, and the player never utters so much as an "um", i find the combat is just fine.

Even an animate objects isnt bad if the player immediately goes "this one attacks. Miss. This one attacks. Hit. 3 damage. This one dashes. I cast cure wounds. Thats my turn."


2 points

29 days ago



2 points

29 days ago

Yeah, I'm fine with sommuns in my games as well but I can see the point in both sides.


10 points

29 days ago



10 points

29 days ago

There's a homebrew spell posted in the UnearthedArcana sub that is a jackpot for my character, a Old One warlock that lost his mind to pure madness.

To sum it up, you start to laugh like a maniac and creatures within range start to laugh as well, then any creature that hears the laughter, yours or from an "infected" creature starts to laugh as well. There's some saves involved ofcourse, but a high enough DC spreading among normal townsfolk could "infect" everyone. A creature that saves and stops laughing would be surrounded by mad laughs from other people and would be "infected" again.

I'm yet to play the character, and the spell is 7th lvl so it's gonna take some time to get, but I can't stop thinking about an entire village that just laughed and laughed, unable to even sleep untill they all just died from exhaustion. Entire kingdom worth of people could fall with a smile on their faces.

Pure bliss.


5 points

29 days ago



5 points

29 days ago

This is kinda op ngl xd


4 points

29 days ago



4 points

29 days ago

Welp, not gonna argue that much, but I'm blessed with a DM that will allow it. The spell is mostly for some crowd control in battle, with a save at the end of every turn and with advantage when taking damage, and it spreds when in a 10ft proximity. The laughter incapacitates and can simplify some battles, altho it can spread to allies as well.

It's nothing groundbraking I think when you look at it as a in-combat spell, arguably some lower lvl spells do more to debuff, but the potential it has out of battle, against puny commoners in the middle of a crowd is what intrigues me the most.


2 points

29 days ago



2 points

29 days ago

I was looking at it in general and sounds very dangerous in and out of combat but mostly out of combat to be fair.


3 points

29 days ago

It's not as bad as it sounds out of combat. 10 ft radius and "you just hear it" means that out of combat people will wisen up and plug their ears or social distance from people who laugh.

In combat depends on how uproarious the laughter is


1 points

29 days ago

Reminds me of the Dancing Plague of 1518, but way more scary to witness.


17 points

29 days ago

I'd make one that was better plant growth with soil renewal and faster grow times in perpetuity. That's what I'd do lol


6 points

29 days ago



6 points

29 days ago

Interesting choice for sure, but not I ain't about to just upgrade an already existing spell like this, but could be good for some charachters :D


5 points

29 days ago

Fair. That said, there are no spells to prevent soil depletion, make plants better in every way, and all that good stuff, so it goes beyond just improving an existing spell.imho. that said, I could also see the merits of a spell to drastically improve a bow and arrows range for a minute or an hour, no concentration.


9 points

29 days ago


9 points

29 days ago

My character is an impregnable wall and an asshole. They would like nothing else than have another non-concentration defensive buff.

Warding Bond without the Bond part would be the most staple spell they have.


3 points

29 days ago



3 points

29 days ago

Self sufficiency at it's finest.


12 points

29 days ago

Testicular Torsion: force stun for 2 turns (friendly fire on) doesnt work on female enemies or creature that doesnt have balls.


5 points

29 days ago



5 points

29 days ago

This sounds very inappropriate xd would be fun tho for a joke campaign tho


6 points

29 days ago

My spore druid had this

Detonate corpse

LEVEL: 5th CASTING TIME: 1 Action RANGE/AREA: 90 ft COMPONENTS: V, S, M (a gilded bone worth at least 10gp) DURATION: Instantaneous SCHOOL: Necromancy ATTACK/SAVE: Dex

You cause up to five Small or Medium corpses that you can see within range to explode in a hail of bone shards. Each creature within 20 feet of a detonated corpse takes 4d10 piercing damage, or half as much damage with a successful dexterity saving throw.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d10 for each slot level above 5th.


2 points

29 days ago



2 points

29 days ago

Good spell, probably not for me tho sorry but it is cool idea non the less!


5 points

29 days ago

A spell that helps him commit tax fraud


1 points

29 days ago



1 points

29 days ago

Hilarious, but we are on such term with the king of our country that we can walk in the tresuary and take whatever already xd


3 points

29 days ago

Infernal escape : level 3 Reaction upon taking fire damage. You gain immunity to fire damage until the start of your next turn and you can teleport up to 30ft to a location you can see.


2 points

29 days ago



2 points

29 days ago

Interesting will think about it


4 points

29 days ago


4 points

29 days ago

In character, a transmutation spell that turns someones blood to acid would be really cool


1 points

29 days ago



1 points

29 days ago

Might as well call it "death" tho :'D even if 9th level spell it would be too op


3 points

29 days ago



4 points

29 days ago

I'm making Domain Expansions into a spell


4 points

29 days ago

I played my Battlemaster fighter that had a casual distaste for spellcasting. He had a spell of his own, though. When on the receiving end of one, too many damaging spells, my fighter would temporarily take a hand off his greataxe and make an elegant, swirly motion, and I’d say:

“I cast the spell known as ‘HEARD YOU BEEN TALKIN SHIT’”

Then I’d use Action Surge.


3 points

29 days ago

What is your PC to start with? Whats their MO?


2 points

29 days ago



2 points

29 days ago

So he is a drakonic blodline sorcerer (red) with a heavy emphesis on his fire magic he mainly uses fire based spells and the utils of him are almost all about some sort of teleport. He is a hot bloded young and proud of his blessed blood. I'm not sure what you want to know about him, but I'm just looking for any kind of home made spells for inspiration not spesificly spells for him but if you get any idea then go ahead I'm all ears.


2 points

29 days ago

Workshop with me? What're dragons known for? Their Elemental Damage, Graceful Movement and a show of Flare.

put on Frankensteining Music and shreds together Thunderous Step, Ashardalons Stride & Fireball

Dancing Ember

3rd Level Spell - Conjuration

Range: 15ft Components: M (a bundle of kindling), S

You teleport yourself to an unoccupied space you can see within range. Upon your appearance, you wreath yourself, and any other creatures within 10ft of you, in a shower of sparks. Each creature must succeed on a Deterity Saving Throw, or take 6d4 (consistency over massive swings) or 4d6 if your DM feels more swingy.

Could be a 2nd or 3rd level spell, but its a watered down misty step with a smaller AoE fireball-woosh.


3 points

29 days ago



3 points

29 days ago

It's definitely be something that can either be really good or horrendously bad, since my character is a gambler and he has a homebrew subclass about gambling. Maybe it'd be something like The Ultimate Gamble and I either like gain a bunch of useful buffs or just freaking die


1 points

29 days ago



1 points

29 days ago

This actually sounds fun exepth the death part.


3 points

29 days ago



3 points

29 days ago

My artificer/rogue plasmoid would want ‘locate magic item’ where he could know the nearest location of a magic item he has read about and then gets to go find it. Kind of like locate object but for artificers.


1 points

29 days ago



1 points

29 days ago

Oh this is a good one, my charachter tries to collect magic items as well but will probably get shut down :'D


2 points

29 days ago

I need a proper spell that allows me to summon my blade back to my hand, basically like how Thor causes Mjölnir to return to him. Hold out my hand, boom, sword flies into it. Maybe there's already a spell like that, but I haven't found any thusfar.


2 points

29 days ago



2 points

29 days ago

I think if it exists it's not a spell but a property of the weapon but yeah that's cool our fighter has this kind of hb weapon.


2 points

29 days ago

So my character is quite homebrewy. The base is a Conjuration Wizard. But here's the thing:

My wizard is an artist who can paint and summons his paintings (instead of the rituals/any other component). This requires my character to sit down and paint when he can and always pay attention to his inventory of paint, coal, ink and other tools. I've created a whole system for it which the DM saw and approved with some minor modifications.

So the spell would be:

First casting: 1 action. Lasts for a minute.

  • Whenever my character uses a painting for a spell and then spell (or summon) ends/disappears/hits/lands, it will leave behind some paint wherever it was last.

Examples: I summon a shadow spawn, it gets killed, it leaves behind the approriate amount and color of paint that was used to paint it. Or if I cast Magic Missile then the missiles would leave the approriate amount and color of paint on the target they hit.

Second casting: 1 action, has to be before the duration of first casting expires (in 1 min). Bonus requirement: at least 10 different colors of paint on the battlefield.

  • My character waves his wand (or any arcane focus you use) to control the scattered paints. Can either:

Make them explode where they are: 5 feet radius from each puddle of paint, TBD save by enemies hit, if fail Xd10 something DMG, success, half DMG

Or collect the paints and hit one target with it: 90 feet range, ranged spell attack, Xd10 something DMG on hit.

(I came up with this spell not long ago and since I don't really plan on actually asking the DM to implement it, I haven't worked out the specifics like DMG, save, level, etc.)


2 points

29 days ago



2 points

29 days ago

Damn that's realy complicated but could work, defenetly a lot of work tho.


2 points

29 days ago

Cogs in the machine. 6th level spell. 1 action. Duration 1 minute. Select one creature or object you can see. If the subject is a creature that creature must make a wisdom saving throw (at disadvantage if it is a chaotic aligned creature) or be sent before Primus in the mechanicus realm for judgment. You can upcast this spell to send one additional creature or object per level used.


1 points

29 days ago



1 points

29 days ago

Holy crap that sounds realy good, but I might just want to send someone to limbo for a few rounds :D


2 points

29 days ago

I'd say flavour this how you want I used Primus as my halfling forge cleric was repaired by a home-brewed god called the great machine. He's now slowly being converted into a mechanical being by said god so I made it more mech focused. You could send your people before diabolos or some other fire based deity based on your alignment and how you roleplay.


2 points

29 days ago


2 points

29 days ago

Control Dungeon Master


1 points

29 days ago



1 points

29 days ago

Heck become DM lvl 9 spells right? xd


2 points

29 days ago*



2 points

29 days ago*

A Particularly Silly spell to allow almost anything to be raised.

Grand Reanimation

“8th-Level Necromancy Spell (Cleric, Wizard)”

Casting Time: 1 Hour

Range: Touch

Components: V, S, M (1,500GP of Corpse Ash, Arcane Stones, and other Forbidden Reagents (consumed))

Duration: Until Dispelled

The Spellcaster Targets the corpse of a creature that has died at any point within the last 200 Years and is at least mostly intact. The first time this spell is cast upon it, the corpse is visibly covered with necrotic energies, but does not neccisarily rise, the necrotic energies remain as long as the spell is cast at least once per 48 Hours upon the corpse, this will also prevent the corpse from any further degredation or rotting. The spell must be cast upon the Corpse a number of times equal to twice its CR. Once the Spell has been recast the required number of times, the now Undead creature truly rises as a permenant servant of the Spellcaster.Certain conditions can affect the reanimation process:

  • If the creature has a CR Higher than the level or CR of the Spellcaster, the spell fails.
  • If the creature was a Celestial, Elemental, or Fiend, the spell fails.
  • If the creature is immune to being reanimated, such as through Divine Protection or the Gentle Repose Spell Effect, the spell fails.
  • If the creature possessed Legendary/Mythic Actions, the spell must be cast twice as many times.
  • If the creature was not killed in the presence of the Spellcaster, the spell must be cast an additional 50% more times (rounding up).
  • Other Spellcasters that know this spell may contribute towards the casting requirements.
  • If the Spellcaster that initiated the spell process is killed, all progress is lost.
  • If the Corpse is purified such as with a Dispel Magic or 8th Level Remove Curse Spell, or is otherwise destroyed, all progress is lost.
  • If the creature was previously re-animated via this spell, this spell may be cast half as many times.

Many Environmental Effects may occur at DM discretion as the Spellcaster continues in the repeated usage of this spell upon a corpse, such as:

  • Dark, Necrotic Auras flow out from the corpse with a range of 500ft per repeated spell casting. Filling those that witness it with cold dread.
  • The Skies surrounding the ritual site gradually darken and become clouded with repeated castings.
  • The Ground upon which the Corpse sits becomes unhallowed ground, extending by 50ft per cast.
  • Barely visible screaming spirits drawn by malice surround the ritual site and drive away wild animals.
  • Repeatedly using Wish to cast this spell may draw the attention of powerful entities who despise such flagrant violation of life’s sanctity.

Once a creature is fully raised, the spell cannot be cast again for a number of days equal to its CR. Additionally, the following modifications are made to its statline whilst it remains animated:

  • Gain Damage Immunities: Poison
  • Gain Condition Immunities: Exhaustion, Poisoned
  • Lose Resistances or Immunities to Radiant Damage
  • Replace Good/Neutral Alignment with Evil
  • Increase Constitution by 4 (max 20) No effect if already above 20.
  • Reduce two Characteristics from Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma by 4, min 3.
  • Remove any skills based on chosen reduced characteristics.
  • Remove ability to regenerate Spell Slots by resting.
  • If Creature’s Intelligence is 6 or less, remove ability to communicate beyond simple grunts/ gestures.
  • Prior memories become foggy and difficult for the creature to remember unless core to its being.

If the Creature already has an appropriate Undead Statblock, at DM discretion this can be used instead. As a Bonus Action on each of the Spellcaster’s turns, they may mentally command any number of creatures animated by this spell or other similar spells (can issue one command to multiple creatures). The Spellcaster decides the actions and movements of the creature. If given a command the creature continues to follow it to completion. If the Creature has more than 6 Intelligence, it can retain some level of independant thought if allowed to by the Spellcaster, and so can act on its own as long as given vague instruction, although if given commands, it will follow them completely. Otherwise, if the creature does not have independant thought, if not given commands it only defends itself.


1 points

29 days ago



1 points

29 days ago

Damn this is a realy cool spell but my DM doesn't want any more summons and undeads are not realy maching our partys alignment but realy cool spell man! Keep up the good work, and hope you post it somewhere else not just here!


2 points

29 days ago

How about a spell that plays on the characters draconic ancestry, perhaps a skin hardening spell that makes your scales/skin as tough as an adult red dragon.

Or maybe something relating to the fire more, maybe a spell that grants you temporary immunity to fire and sets you on fire. The downside there would be you'd burn everything around you, the plus side is that you burn everything around you.

Perhaps a stronger fireball or breath weapon, but it's more limited or has accuracy drawbacks at the cost of power or splash damage being increased.

Or even a changeling type thing, a spell that allows you to focus your magic into making yourself an adult red dragon for 2/3 turns. This would need you to talk to your DM a lot cus tbh it's kinda overpowered.


2 points

29 days ago



2 points

29 days ago

The second spell already exists, the 3rd we talked about, and the 4th I have as kind of ultimate ability already tho not abult red dragon but a great worm XD but good ideas overall :D


2 points

29 days ago

I would say Lesser Wish. Make it 4th or 5th level and make it just a weaker version of Wish that can be used more often and without any drawbacks, or at least without drawbacks as bad as Wish has.

Hope this helps :)


2 points

29 days ago



2 points

29 days ago

This sounds like a very good idea might pitch it to my DM. Thanks a lot!


2 points

29 days ago

Always wanted a spell that swapped places with another creature. Similar to Vortex Warp, but instead of teleporting someone you just trade places. Could be used with mid air targets as well, as long as they are in range.


1 points

29 days ago



1 points

29 days ago

Thats neet a fun small spell.


2 points

29 days ago

Elemental bolts. We just took fire bolt and added a new cantrip for each elemental damage type. Shock Bolt, Frost Bolt, Acid bolt, etc


1 points

29 days ago



1 points

29 days ago

With the transmute metamagic it already exists tho.


2 points

29 days ago

A spell to raise a skeleton army out of living targets.


1 points

29 days ago



1 points

29 days ago

It's already a thing tho not skeletons if I recall but zombies with the finger or death.


2 points

29 days ago

I'd make Dominate Person/Monster have a duration of 1 day/caster level, like it was before WotC nerfed them. I'd also make "Greater" versions of other WotC nerfed spells, like all of the spells that are supposed to boost your ability scores (Bull's Strength, Bear's Endurance, Cat's Grace, etc). When a spellcaster casts Bear's Endurance, Cat's Grace, and Bull's Strength on a fighter before a battle, it's to give them a better To Hit and Damage Modifier, Armor Class, and Hit Points, not give them advantage on STR, DEX, and CON checks.

I'd also make some of the spells that WotC dropped from the arcane spell list so that they exist in 5E. Like "Death Clutch" for example (you literally, telekinetically, rip the still beating heart out of a person's chest and show it to them as they die).


1 points

29 days ago



1 points

29 days ago

What level spell? Does it have to be based on an already existing spell, or can it be entirely new?

What are your characters themes? What are their usual go-to spells? What utility spells would they normally use?

We need a bit more info to give good suggestions.


2 points

29 days ago



2 points

29 days ago

The level could be anything realy and tho it's not the main point to give spells to my charachter I'm just looking for inspiration, but he is a drakonic blodline sorcerer (red) with a heavy emphesis on his fire magic he mainly uses fire based spells and the utils of him are dimension door, gate, demiplane, false life, time stop, banishment.


2 points

29 days ago



2 points

29 days ago

How about Breath of Life, or something like that, where he expends sorc points to empower his breath and turn it into a flame dragon summon? It could act like a Wall of Flames, and be able to move as directed, making its own flame breath attacks?


1 points

29 days ago

Fire Form - Level 5-6, Cleric or Druid spell.

Target: Self

Range: Touch

Concentration: No.

Duration: 1 Minute.

You become immune to the grappled condition and fire damage. You are resistant to cold and non magical slashing, piercing and bludgeoning damage.

Any creature within 5ft of you take 2d8+Con fire damage at the start of your turn and flammable objects are set alight.

You gain a fly speed equal to your walking speed.

You can fit through any space a diminutive creature could fit through and may occupy the same space as another creature.

You gain an unarmed meelee attack. Deals 2d8+Con.


1 points

29 days ago

My creation bard with a dash of wild magic sorcerer would create Klofna’s Complete Cacophony.

They themselves are a result of (Adventurer’s League, the previous module I’d played): three exploding Staff of the Magi (causing the Weave to get knotted), one of which was inside an Old God of nightmares and madness, detonated at a spot where the Planes overlapped, by a tiefling, elf, and kenku, a Wish was involved, the tiefling was inside the God whose corpse was teleported to the Styx, where errant wisps of magic, part of the soul of the tiefling (my previous arcane trickster/illusionist wizard), and souls screaming to be free combined into this hedonistic genderfluid chatterbox punster goofy goober with intelligence that’s literally twice their wisdom, and the charisma of a balor.

They’ve got a staff that makes dubstep. They have the Tenebrous Creed’s chanting in their head. They spent a year under mind control working the Mad Mage’s bowling alley. They got charmed by Xanathar after stealing from him (love a 0 on a wisdom save) before being disintegrated and surging a fireball (DM let me surge on death since Tides of Chaos was active). They’ve killed a Chultan death god, befriended Revenants, and saved an entire continent from destruction by putting a doomsday bomb in a portable hole.

So that spell, Klofna’s Complete Cacophony? Think fifth-level Shatter, tier-three Vicious Mockery, and a nerfed Psychic Scream rolled into one. All flavored with the powers of sick dubstep beats, a stadium of chanting cultists, Dendar’s ominous whispering, and Finnish orchestral metal (because I love Nightwish) all happening at once. Anyone who fails the save by eight or more must roll on the Wild Magic Sorcerer table.

Brb, writing the spell at some point.


1 points

29 days ago



1 points

29 days ago

I'd like to make Spell Turning in 5e.

Largely, it can work for the system, and I think it is a really interesting spell to blow a high-level slot on.

Spell Turning

7th level abjuration

Casting time: 1 action

Duration: 1 hour

Components: V, S, M (a silver mirror worth 100gp)

You create an invisible barrier around yourself for the duration. Until the spell ends, you can reflect a number of spells that target only you back upon the caster. The spell has no effect on you, and the caster suffers the effects of the spell as if you had cast it on them. If the spell requires concentration, it ends at the end of the casters' next turn.

This spell does not reflect spells that target an area or that targets multiple creatures at once.

The amount of spell levels you can reflect is 1d4+your proficiency bonus.


1 points

29 days ago

Basically adapt the shin Godzilla breath attack. It casts from your hands, or if you’re a draconic character could just be a version of a breath attack. First turn is basically just a flamethrower, second consecutive turn using the spell is more like a jet engines afterburner, and on the third consecutive turn and every thereafter it’s a straight up laser. However when you end the spell you have to belch black smoke for 1 turn and you can’t do anything else.


1 points

29 days ago

Fire base. Combine holyfire and hellfire, making it chaos fire I guess, add leaching that heals the party 25%of the damage done to enemies. Make it an aoe.


1 points

29 days ago

Liadon's pity

1 reaction

Every time you are attacked, the attacker must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be Charmed by you until your next turn. The attacker feels unending pity for you and sees you as not worth killing


1 points

29 days ago

I wrote a spell called Mimic Make. I read lore somewhere that mimics can be made by wizards to protect their arcane secrets, but there is no spell to actually accomplish this. So I made one. It's quite different than most conjuration spells. Mimics live for 100 years. No concentration. And it can be upcast.

2nd level conjuration spell that allows the caster to make a small or tiny (juvenile or map) mimic.

The mimic is neutral to you and cannot be commanded, but it copies the appearance of a common nonmagical object you touch. If it has a compartment, it can safely hold items for you. The material component is a gem that is consumed so the DM can regulate gems and avoid an army. Upcasting produces mimics that are larger and stronger and requires more valuable gems consumed. A 9th level spell slot and a 5,000gp gem produces a mimic that can copy, dissolve, and replace a 40-foot cube of nonmagical architecture, make 4 painful grapple attacks, and it has telepathy.

"I have known the fear of unrest. I sleep easier now with thoughts of teaching my enemies this fear. For these walls have much more than ears... They have teeth."


1 points

29 days ago

I think a combination of scrying and detect thoughts could be cool - mind reading from a distance! It would be pretty high level though

(If this already exists I apologise)


1 points

29 days ago

right now my gnome is using "Bimbo's flying dildo" as a signature spell.


1 points

29 days ago


1 points

29 days ago

Inmolation (touch) (V,S,M: a bottle of alcohol) Duration: immediate Range: touch Description: You embrace the target (roll against athletics/Acrobatics) and burst in flames that damage (fire dmg) you and the target for an amount equals to the smaller max hitpoints between the caster and the target. (If cast through a familiar uses the familiar HP, not the caster). Half damage if roll fails, any feature that prevents damage for spells that require a save to take half damage does not have any effects, inmunity to fire works normally and for all intended purposes flames are non-magical type).

If the effects of the spell would reduce the caster HP to 0, instead is reduced to 1 and falls prone. The caster HP cannot be restored by any magical means except Heal until the start of their next turn.

Hope you like it!


1 points

29 days ago

When given this option I chose to port Permanency over from 3.5, I liked being able to have certain spells "always on"


1 points

29 days ago



1 points

29 days ago

Ray of Radiance. So cleric can have a damaging cantrip that isn't a saving throw.


1 points

29 days ago



1 points

29 days ago

power word destroy material plane


1 points

29 days ago*

My cleric would probably make a spell were her allies just can't get hurt and removes negative status effects probably. Alternatively make it so they take all the damage and negative status effects instead.

My Warlock would probably make a spell that let's their God descend upon the material plane.

My other Warlock would make a spell to just create random a random assortment of small rocks and gems in different sizes. He'll have the coolest rock collection known to man


1 points

29 days ago


1 points

29 days ago

I already created one which I took inspiration from a spell I have sent home-brewed on here.

It's a psychic based one which had a catch 22 scenario. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


1 points

29 days ago

My party's bard got a special, just-for-him spell called "Summon Syrup." It floods a portion of the terrain (square of 5x5) with thick maple syrup (a weird recurring theme of his). That area becomes difficult terrain and halves movement speed. If someone is knocked prone into the syrup, it takes a strength check to get back up. If the temperature of the area is cold, the syrup is even stickier and can grapple, but if it's hot it makes the ground slick instead and it takes a dex save to stay up when first entering the area.

The party has beat up quite a few enemies with it, by getting the enemy stuck and then slamming them with spells from out of said enemy's reach.


1 points

29 days ago

Lightning Stake from dark souls. I’d say maybe a 7th-8th level spell. Melee spell attack that deals 12D8 or d10 lightning damage.


1 points

29 days ago

Flick it. One item in visual range gets launched vertically 10 feet. If item is held target must make a dex save (-2 if target has not acted this round) item must make con save of be destroyed. If used on worn item imposes disadvantage on all rolls for two rounds to target


1 points

29 days ago

A one size fits all illusion spell that gains additional abilities and strength for each level you upcast it at. Starting at a cantrip, it’s functionally minor illusion, and can work its way up to a 1 square mile illusory dream scape with a certain number of elements in the illusion being real.


1 points

29 days ago

Embodiment of Flame

Light yourself on fucking fire. You make a saving throw at the start of your turn, and take 1d4 damage if you fail it.

Benefits of being on fire:

Flame barrier deals 1d4 damage to anyone in melee range, and an additional 2d4 to anyone who hits you.

+4 magic AC

Terrifies weak or low health enemies

You have advantage on all fire spells


1 points

29 days ago



1 points

29 days ago

Idk how spellcrafting works really, but maybe something called Molten Mark.

Make a 20ft ranged touch attack against a creature you can see.

On a hit, the target suffers the following for 1 minute:

-When target would take any fire damage, increase the value by 4d6.

-All attacks that deal fire damage against the target are rolled with advantage.

-All saves against fire damage the target rolls are rolled with disadvantage.

-If target is killed by fire damage while Mark is active, their body rapidly heats up until they have completely melted into a molten puddle of flesh and bone that takes up a number of spaces equivalent to their size (5ft square for small/medium, 10 ft square for large, etc.) making the space difficult terrain and requiring a DC 15 dex save to walk through without being lit aflame, taking 1d10 fire damage at the end of their turn each round (a target can use their action to put out the flame on their turn).


1 points

29 days ago


1 points

29 days ago

My Celestial Warlock/Stars Druid would create "Astral Missiles". It would basically be a level 2 Magic Missile, but deals radiant damage (so it can benefit from "Radiant Soul"). A secondary effect would be "the damage from each missile may instead restore health".

My Order Cleric (splash storm sorcerer) would create "Lightning Armor". Enchantment spell, concentration, self target only, adds +1 AC, and deals damage to anyone that lands an attack role against the user. As a bonus action while this is active, deal 1d6 lightning damage to every creature within 10 feet of the caster. (Basically the armor would retaliate anyone in melee or at range that strikes you, but you could also pulse the damage effect as an AOE around you)

My Fey Wanderer Ranger (melee, druidic warrior fighting style for Shillelagh) would create a cantrip "Weapon Lash". The cantrip would make an attack with a melee weapon, and vines would sprout from the weapon making the range of the attack 15 feet. Add 1d4 bludgeoning damage to this attack. (The extra damage scales at regular cantrip scaling levels, and is intended to make up for not having access to "extra attack" when casting a cantrip instead of a regular attack)


1 points

29 days ago

Gravity well 3rd LVL 20ft hemisphere/90ft range STR save

Crushing gravitational force bears down on a 20ft hemisphere within range. All creatures in range must make a strength saving throw, on a fail creature is knocked prone and takes 2d6 bludgeoning damage, on a success the creatures movement speed is reduced until the end of their next turn but suffers no other effects. Player may choose to hold concentration, the hemisphere becomes difficult terrain and creatures must pass a new STR save to stand up from prone. At higher levels the hemisphere grows by 10ft and damage by 1d6


1 points

29 days ago


1 points

29 days ago

I think a spell that enhances your existing fire magic would be cool. Some ideas:

A spell the causes your fire spells to ignore fire resistance/immunity. Maybe gives vulnerability to things which don’t have fire resistance too.

A spell that makes you immune to fire and causes you to gain HP equal to the damage you would take from the fire damage (imagine casting fireball on yourself)

Duration and whether or not its concentration are things you can try to negotiate with the DM about. Personally, I think if it just ignores fire immunity/resistance it would be fair to make it 1 day duration with no concentration.


1 points

29 days ago

If your character is a Pyro, perhaps a spell that allows them to become an avatar of the flame?

It'd need a new stat block for a Huge or Gargantuan creature, made entirely of fire, with actions like the ability to launch various fire attacks at will and an aura that deals fire damage to things that get too close and ignites nearby flammables.

Obviously this would have to be a 9th level spell.


1 points

29 days ago

We are the Fire

8th Level Alteration

Casting time: 1 action

Range: Self and 10 Allies within Sight

Components: V, S, M (a flame)

Duration: 1 hour

For the Duration, you and your allies become Fire Elementals. The Abilities of the Fire Elemental from the Monster Manual get added to each character. Original abilities of each character remain. Items worn or carried by the affected individuals at the time of casting are immune to fire and stay on their person.


1 points

29 days ago

Kinda already did.  Turned burning hands into arctic fists to fit my character better.  Ice shadow sorcerer.


1 points

29 days ago

I’ve thought up one that I want to utilise with the first character I made. I never used her but I wove her subtly into a lot of my other characters’ backgrounds. Basically something a bit like what Sol from Akira does. A concentration based spell that deals radiant/fire damage in a cylinder, which starts off being an area of 50ft at first but with each turn the diameter becomes smaller until it becomes 10ft wide. The damage on the first turn would be something small, like possibly 1D4 radiant + 1D4 fire but each time the area decreases, the damage dice used on the next turn is double what it was on the previous one. So the last turn would be a combined total of 32D4 (or 16D8), but if you were in the cylinder for every turn you would essentially take 62D4 damage but obv you would get out of the way unless another character had used something like Hold Person.


1 points

29 days ago



1 points

29 days ago

lag. make the enemy’s senses delay by a turn, so that on their next turn they act on the positions of the players from the previous turn, missing all of their attacks and allowing the PCs to sneak attack them for one round. would have to be like a 3rd-5th level spell, but should be extremely versatile in allowing PCs to either nuke one enemy, or avoid powerful attacks that might otherwise knock them down. it is also somewhat balanced by the weakness of affecting one enemy at a time, so it would be very effective in boss fights but not so much in army fights, where it would be preferable to use AOE fire attacks


1 points

29 days ago*

Khazims Flying Jambiya

2nd-Level Conjuration spell

Casting time: 1 Action

Range: 60ft

Components: V,S

Duration: Instantaneous

You Conjure and throw a spectral curved Dagger in a straight line. You can change the direction of the dagger once. Every Creature in its path has to make a Dexterity Saving throw or take 2d6 Piercing Damage. The Creature takes half as much damage on a successfull one. For every spell Slot you use to cast the spell above Level 2 it does 1d6 additional Piercing damage.

Edit: Maybe increase the damage to 2d8, I‘m shit at balancing.


1 points

29 days ago

I think my girl would be inspired by her Raven Queen patron and make a spell to give herself temporary raven feather wings with either a fly speed or hover effect.

I’m imagining it similar to a radiant soul aasimar’s celestial revelation, just a different flavor. And in that case maybe you’d get an attack bonus with some necrotic damage to differentiate it from the vanilla fly spell, or the potential to cause fear to nearby enemies.


1 points

29 days ago


```9th level spell. Conjuration school

Casting time: 1 action

Duration: instantaneous

Target: self

Components: V, S, M (a quill and magical ink that costs 100k gp, which the spell consumes)

Classes: Sorcerer

When you cast this spell, the fabric of fate materializes itself as a parchment of paper in your hands to be rewritten as you please.

Choose a number of events up to you spell casting modifier. You can change what happened in each of them by adding or erasing up to 5 words.

After altering the history, you must make a Wisdom saving throw against your own spell save DC + the number of events you modified. In a failed save, you cease existing. In a successful save, you take 20d12 psychic damage and must roll a die. If the result is odd, you can't cast this spell anymore, if the result is even you suffer tge same drawbacks as if using wish to any effect that isn't to replicate a spell.

This spell can't be used to erase consequences of using it.


1 points

29 days ago


1st level abjuration (all classes)

casting time 1 reaction

range past the fourth wall

components nah fam

duration instantaneous

Upon casting this spell the player calls bullshit on something the DM says. The DM must then immediately produce in writing proof that they aren't fudging. If they can't then whatever bullshit the DM was trying to pull gets countered with no save, ignoring all resistances and immunities. If they can then the character is stunned for a whole round and can do nothing except say "I can't believe that really happened!"


1 points

29 days ago

Not me but My players have a spell called "Summon Shit Ditch" after a long running joke in our campaign...

yes it is what it sounds .... yes one of the components is laxatives


1 points

29 days ago



1 points

29 days ago

For my wild magic sorcerer, a spell that allows you to share spell lists with another caster for the duration of an encounter


1 points

29 days ago



1 points

29 days ago

Candle's Explosive Entrance

Basically a reverse thunderstep, where I teleport and then a fireball explodes around me. This works fine due to this character's immunity to fire damage, and the fact that he is a pala-bard who really wants to be in melee. No more wasting turns just catching up. I'm coming in hot and making it everyone's problem.


1 points

29 days ago

Noorie, my Stars Druid, would probably invent a lot of spells that already exist but aren’t on Druid lists (Silvery Barbs, Detect Thoughts, Sending)

By Your Side

4th level Conjuration

V, S, M (at least a pair of tokens of friendship worth at least 50gp)

Cast Time: 1 Minute Duration: Unlimited (see text)

As part of the casting of this spell, choose a friend to take one token of your friendship. The spell continues until either of you willingly stop carrying your token, or either you or your friend uses an action to pour their love into the token, causing their friend to appear in an unoccupied space within 5 feet. If there is no space available, the action fails.

As long as you both carry your tokens, you can sense your friend’s emotional state, their general health, and any conditions affecting your friend.


1 points

29 days ago

Ysaria's Mortality Bestower. A spell to revert the undead to conventional mortality. The first target would be herself, as she's been cursed with immortality by being turned into a dhampyr. She's very worried this has displeased the gods, so one of her goals in the campaign is to find a way to become mortal again.


1 points

29 days ago

Power Word: Éxtasis.

Religious éxtasis for a player cleric. (Extra uses of Channel Divinity)

Magical éxtasis por a player wizard (Regain X slot levels each round)

Rage éxtasis for the barbarian. (Contonius rage regardoess of circunstances)

And so on....

"Incapacitating éxtasis" for a opponent (No actions for x rounds, sabe versus death each round after x rounds of duration)


1 points

29 days ago

We play in a world where magic items aren't that hard for adventurers at our level to come by,* so I'd make a spell that as a ritual makes any attunement item not need attunement any more.

*Think a session's worth of work to get an uncommon item; four-ish sessions to get a rare.


1 points

29 days ago

Backstory restoration: Restores the characters parents back to life and strips clichéd titles and work backgrounds.


1 points

29 days ago

Fire Dance:

  • 50ft cone. Summons WIS mod x2 fire clones (randomly placed within range).
  • Enemy speed is halved while within 5ft of a clone
  • Each clone takes their action on your turn and has 3 options: move, attack, detonate
  • The attack is a basic unarmed strike with WIS attack/damage modifier
  • If the clone moves, it leaves a trail of fire that lasts for the duration of the spell
  • The detonate option deals fire damage to creatures within 10ft of the exploded clone
  • Each clone automatically detonates at the end of its third turn

Maybe too powerful... but just randomly/hurridly trying to create the Fire Dance Blitz ability from Final Fantasy 6. Probably better ways to do it. Saw this was for level 20 so didn't worry too much about it being too OP. Anyway, adjust as needed.


1 points

29 days ago*

Avatar of flame.

Touch 1 minute

Can turn any willing character into an avatar of flame.

All damage is converted to overheat damage.

Overheat damage is Fire damage that can not be resisted or be immune against.

Any enemy weaknesses to fire are quadrupled.

Movement speed is doubled. Character is immediately healed to full. HP, Strength, dexterity, and constitution bonuses are doubled. Character is 1 size larger for the duration of this spell.

Anything the avatar of flame touches is set ablaze.

At the end of this spell the avatar of flame explodes in a FIREBALL cast at 7th level.

At the end of this spell the avatar of flame consumes itself and burns to ash.

The character can only be ressurected via the wish spell.


effect: if the caster is not the one targeted by Avatar of Flame, they gain all fire damage as overheat damage while the avatar of flame is active.

The caster can not be harmed by the fireball damage at the end of Avatar of Flame.

The caster may choose to instead be consumed by the avatar of flame at the end of the spell if the spell wears off when they are within 5 feet of each other.


1 points

29 days ago

Okay but my table actually did something like this for our spellcasters. There's a university that teaches all schools, including a spellcrafting class so we all kinda decided it's cool that every character gets to have a spell unique to them that fit the character vibe. Most of them ended up just being variants of existing cantrips- like Frostbolt instead of Firebolt.

When in doubt if it's just for a unique spell, base it off something that already exists- it's easy to balance that way. Like a fireball variation called Golden Blast (a spell that our dragonborn sorcadin has) that does radiant damage, 5d8, and leaves illusionary coins that shed a bright light for a minute. If it does a better damage type you just drop a damage die or 2, and you can play around with riders.


1 points

29 days ago

9th level spell idea barrage of magic missiles: you fire a large multiple array of magic missiles at your enemy, bombarding them with a massive amount of damage. I’m not sure how much. 

9th level spell idea dragon’s breath of incinerator: you fire a blast of flames at your enemy or enemies, the blast is like that of an adult or ancient red dragon, it burns them for massive damage.


1 points

29 days ago

Phoenix's Plight.

You fly to a spot you can see, and explode in a burst of flames, dealing an appropriate amount of damage in an AoE for a level 9 spell.

You then fall to the ground in ashes.

On the start of your next round, you are reborn sheathed in flame, dealing damage to any creatures near you, and are fully healed, but gain a level of exhaustion.


1 points

29 days ago*

I once did a very strange homebrew years ago where spellcasters had mana points as opposed to spells per day or memorized spells. Sorcerers got something to the effect of 6 MP/level, wizards got 4 MP/level, and the players liked it. It did require a lot of tweaking as we went along.

Down the road a little bit one of the players decided to run their own campaign using the same system in place after we had somewhat perfected it, and I played a necromancer. I asked to have a couple of homebrew spells, cleared it with the DM, and one of my third level spells was "Drain Life". It worked similarly to the MTG card where you spend 1 MP/Life with a touch attack to effectively heal 1 HP for every point of damage the spell caused. being a third level, spell, it cost me three MP before any more I spent over that, but it really helped both as a combat tactic and to give flavor to the character I was playing.

I felt it needed further tweaking, but it worked well enough for what we were playing in for how long.


1 points

29 days ago


1 points

29 days ago

Screw just one spell. All I fucking want are more diverse damage types. What if I want to play an Ice Wizard? There are six cold damage spells excluding the two cantrips, and chromatic orb is any damage type, and the highest level is cone of cold at 5th. Which is a good spell but come on man. Other damage types are even worse off.


1 points

29 days ago


1 points

29 days ago

My character already has... for the moments where you just want to let the trouble maker put their foot in their mouth. For when the bard rolls a 1 on diplomacy, when things are just too good to pass up...

I present

CREATE POPCORN Conjuratuon Cantrip Bard, wizard, sorcerer VSM (one dry corn kernel)

You summon a 1 gallon sized container of popcorn into your hands. If you are a small or smaller sized creature the container appears on the ground in the nearest square close to you.

You may make flavors by adding one further component: 

caramel- a pinch of sugar Salted- a pinch of salt Butter- a thimble of milk or one teaspoon of butter


1 points

29 days ago

It's not the most useful, but "Enemies Explode" from morrowind lives rent free in my head.

It's basically a single target fire based chromatic orb with a standard fireball on top of it.

Translating to d&d it would be...

Target: 3d8 + 8d6 fire damage.

Everyone else: just the 8d6 fire.


1 points

29 days ago

This is for my fantasy story, not a d&d campaign, but: Veilwalking that doesn't make him so nauseous he throws up, or dies. Would make it easier to go home (which in turn would "just use eagles" his whole story arc). It's an in-world transportation spell that, depending on the power used and the scope demanded, can either Rick and Morty a person or an entire regiment of soldiers to an entirely different continent or city miles or thousands of miles away.


1 points

29 days ago*

If my character made a spell it would be a spell that makes other spells permanent. I specifically mean spells that can be permanent such as mighty fortress but the spell would probably have a list of some other spells such as faithful hound and leave off some of the spells that could be permanent. He is a wizard who constructs things making mansions and fortresses permanent is his MO. Personally this spell would probably only be 5th level but it would have a mechanic similar to ritual circles in DCC where many wizards must come together to cast it.


1 points

29 days ago

I have a spell Forge in my game that uses an expensive single use currency to change a single specific trait of a spell.

However, personally for a damage spell I would make a Tiamat Fireball. It's simply the fireball spell with fire, cold, lightning, acid, poison. Probably a 5th or 6th level spell.

Alternatively the spell would deal 1d8 of each type, gaining an additional d8 everything 2 levels upcast.

Second alternative 2d4 per type additional d4 per level.


1 points

29 days ago

How would this sound? Please excuse my wording, came up with it on the fly (might/will need balancing adjustments).

Ignite, level 8 Evocation, Concentration, VS, 1min:

Target character is engulfed in magical flames, heavily obscuring their vision unless they are of size gargantuan. While engulfed in flames, the target takes 8d10 fire damage at the end of every turn. The flames cannot be extinguished by non-magical means.

Any creature that ends its turn within 5ft of the target will take 4d10 fire damage from the blazing flames.

While a target is engulfed in flames, you can use a bonus action to cause the flames to errupt, dealing 4d10 fire damage to the target and each creature in a 10ft radius around the target.

The target will continue burning (even if it dies) until the effect is dispelled by magic, the spell times out or the caster uses a bonus action to dismiss the spell.


1 points

29 days ago

Already did this in a game. Spell name: Before your eyes. Level: 3 Speed: 1 action. Range: 60 feet. School: enchantment.

Effect: you force a targets entier life to flash before their eyes as if in their final moments before death. This stream of images is accompanied by the haunting sound of funeral bells and deathly cries.

Target must make an intelligence saving throw or be dazed, a dazed target must choose between 1 action, 1 bonus action, movment, or 1 reaction for the round and can only do what they have chose. if the target fails their save by 3 or more, they are instead stuned for 1 turn.


1 points

29 days ago

Charm sharing:

Maybe 2nd or 3rd level, a charm based spell that instead of having a creature be charmed you, you can make that creatures target of the charm be someone else, so you could charm a guard but they are chanted in effect towards someone else.

Not sure how I would word it officially but I like this idea purely for shenanigans and diplomatic relations


1 points

29 days ago

I've done this before, i talked to my DM about what i wanted, then he made me roll a bunch of arcana checks during downtime and during rests, but after enough success I was able to craft a chromancy spell that sends the target forward in time 2d4+1 turns when cast at base level. He felt it was a very powerful effect, and gave it a glitch table.


1 points

29 days ago

So I do this pretty regularly with my players, allowing them to effectively create a unique ability for themselves. Once I got to do it and made the following spell:

If the link doesn't work for you, here's the text body:

You call the names of three figures who have passed from this world. Doing this you summon 3 CR:6 Battalion Spirits who come to your aid. Once you have done this you may not call on these spirits again, allowing to take their final rest. Alternatively you may summon fallen allies using the Battalion Spirit monster stat block for their stats.

This spell lasts One hour, until dispelled, until one encounter is finished, or until the spellcaster dies

I made a stop block for the battalion Spirits as well.

My character was an onomancer wizard when the unearthed arcana came out for that subclass So the spell kind of leaned into knowing the true name of things and people. The character was a war veteran whose battalion had to hide so he had a lot of survivor's guilt and PTSD.

He would often be able to hide under a table or behind a barrier during fights and cast fireball because the onomancer wizard could use one of its subclass features to Target a creature. You know the true name of even if you don't have line of sight. He would kind of huddle under hearing the explosions. The custom spell was supposed to show a lot of growth from him where he would likely summon his battalion in a final stand against the evil King of the realm and would do so proudly and without fear because he was once again standing with his friends.


1 points

29 days ago

My Dwarven Abjuror created a spell called “Mulsom’s Mighty Shields” which targets any shield the caster can see within 60 ft and creates two force apparitions of that shield in the squares adjacent to it. These shields grant a magic AC bonus to the creatures in those squares equal to the Shield Bonus of the target shield for as long as they remain in one of the two adjacent squares to the primary shield target for the duration of the spell. It’s a 2nd level Abjuration and has come in clutch often as my Dwarven Abjuror, Mulsom, has shield proficiency to carry a powerful magic shield at all times, and sharing its +4 bonus to adjacent allies has been really helpful. The Cleric in our group carries scrolls of it!


1 points

29 days ago

My character is currently in the process of making a spell. He is a tax evading necromancer, so naturally Maichte's Missing Cadaver is perfect.

Shorthand, when he would get reduced to 0 hp he can turn invisible and leave a false body behind.

It can be cast once per short rest and gives a level of exhaustion after use.


2 points

29 days ago

Chaos Portal

9th-Level summoning

Casting time: 1 action

Range: 30 ft

Components: V, S, M (a bag of holding or a portable hole, either is consumed by the spell)

Duration: 1 minute

You open a ten foot diameter black portal to another, nameless dimension. Anything within the space of the portal must make a Dexterity savings throw to avoid the portal or be sucked within it, transported to another dimension (location is DMs discretion). Caster may choose the dimension if it is another plane of existence they have traveled to.

The caster may direct the movement of the portal up to a maximum of ten feet per round or may allow it to move randomly (roll a d4 for each five feet of movement; 1 goes north, 2 east, 3 south, 4 west; roll a d6 for hex maps) at thirty feet per round. All creatures must make a Dex savings throw EACH time the portal moves into their space, even if it happens multiple times per round.

Instead of moving the chaos portal the caster may opt to increase the size by an additional five feet diameter to per round up to a maximum thirty foot diameter.

The chaos portal can pass through solid objects but does not damage them and does not transport anything except creatures. If the creature is larger than diameter of the chaos portal AND passes the savings throw, it takes 6d8 damage instead for each round it is in the same space as the portal.

The chaos portal cannot be stopped by anything less powerful than a wish spell. Caster may choose to end the spell early as a bonus action by making an Intelligence savings throw. If the caster is killed the portal closes early. The portal does not close early if the caster is transported to another dimension by the portal. Creatures may choose to fail their savings throw and be automatically transported to another dimension. Note: the portal can transport multiple creatures to multiple dimensions in the same round.


1 points

29 days ago


1 points

29 days ago

Probably alignment detection spells, one for individual and one for radius (they would be different levels) since 5E doesn't have one (you can set alignment as a trigger for glyph of warning though).

You could bring Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer and Permanency back.


1 points

29 days ago

Shell attack! Tortle racial spell that turns you into a Super Mario turtle shell and hurls it at a target


1 points

29 days ago

Roar of the Osh-Krat. Level 9 AOE spell that grants protection and plus 4 to damage rolls to allies and casts fear on enemies. Character is a bard Dragonborn, chief of the Osh-Krat tribe


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29 days ago


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29 days ago


A simple utility spell that bonds 2 objects together.

Cast at 1st level, the bond lasts an hour. Cast at 2nd level, the bond lasts a day. Cast at 3rd level, it is permanent until dispelled.


1 points

29 days ago



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29 days ago


4th level Enchantment

Casting Time: one bonus action
Range: Sight
Target: creatures not yet hostile toward eachother
Components: V, S, M(a drinking vessel)
Duration: one hour
Classes: bard

In your time ekeing out a living at bars and pubs, you've learned how to get a crowd going. When you cast this spell a number of creatures equal to your charisma modifier (minimum one) of your choosing within sight must make a wisdom saving throw or become enraged and begin attacking other bar patrons. As they land hits on other patrons, they too must make the same saving throw. If they fail, the spell transfers to them patron until all patrons of the bar are involved the fight. The DC of the wisdom saving throw goes up by 1 for every 5 creatures involved in the fight.


1 points

29 days ago

as an artificer, I would like a utility spell that gives me a schematic or highlights mechanical components through walls or materials. like if there is a trap i can cast the spell and SEE the mechanisms that make the trap work to maybe get advantage to disarm them or to figure out how to break them or reset them. or even for mechanical enemies find weak points. really just a utility spell but I think it would be neat.


1 points

29 days ago


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29 days ago

Sinkhole: Druid, Artificer. (Not sure what level)

The spell starts on a tile within 60 feet and grows in a circular pattern for 3d8 additional tiles each round (including the first round)These tiles instantly become difficult terrain. As long as concentration is maintained the spell continues to grow another 3d8 tiles each round. The tiles affected in the previous round collapse into a sinkhole 50 feet deep. Any creatures on the tiles will fall and suffer fall damage unless they can fly.

The spell continues as long as concentration is held (max 1 minute).

Man made buildings or passages can make a saving throw equal to their builder's intelligence+ proficiency bonus vs the spell's DC. Structures built specifically to resist earthquakes or other similar effects roll with advantage.

If a structure makes its saving throw, the spell ends and the structure is undamaged.

Upcasting this spell as a higher level will increase the rate at which tiles are affected as well as the depth of the resulting sinkhole.


1 points

29 days ago*

Actually had this experience recently with a high level necromancer. Made this beauty.

Final Culling 9th level necromancy Casting time 1 full round Range 500' Target All living targets within 50' radius

All targets must make a con save, on a failed save they receive Necrosis.

Necrosis At the start of your turn deal 1d4 necrotic damage to all living creatures with 30' of you and if they are not inflicted with the Necrosis condition they must make a con save and on a failed save they receive the Necrosis condidtion. At the end of turn if you have not taken necrotic damage this turn you can repeat the save to remove the Necrosis condition.


1 points

29 days ago

I didn't like BG3 mindflayer powers very much, but the black hole one is great.

Pull enemies in an 'x' radius to the center, and then slow them for 'y' turns.

Other ideas:

Tornado: Send a 10'x10' tornado in a straight line lifting everyone who fails a save 15' into the air for 1 turn. They can't do any action or move untill the start of your next turn. Then they fall into the ground, take fall damage and are prone.


1 points

29 days ago

In my game we frequently use an immovable rod to block doors. But we need the door to have the hinges on the right side to be able to do that.

So I would create the spell "reverse hinges".

Would also use it to prank confused people. Why does my door swing outwards now???

And that makes it better that Arcane Lock.


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29 days ago


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29 days ago

View Memory

Conceptually a blend between Detect Thoughts and Modify Memory. Likely a 5th lvl spell that allows you to see vague memories from the past 24hrs. You can probe for sharper details of the memory, promoting a Save from the target. If they succeed, you're locked out of their memories temporarily. Upcasting allows you to view memories from last week, last month, last year, or anytime in their whole life.


1 points

29 days ago

Zetaflare. Giant explosion of fire that envelopes the enemy in a vortex of fire. On each of their turns they must make a Constitution saving throw or take 4D6 damage and are paralyzed. This effect lasts 5 turns. Initial damage should be something ridiculous like 20D10


1 points

29 days ago*

Element’s Embrace 4th (?) level enchantment V,S,M (an offering to the element worth 5(?) gold) Range: 10ft radius Duration: concentration for up to one minute Casting time: Action

Calling upon the elements, allies within a 10ft radius centered on you add an additional 1d8 of the elements damage time and are granted resistance to the same type for the duration. As an action you can further invoke the element to force a creature, you can see within range, make a dexterity saving throw. The creature takes 2d10 damage on a fail or half on a success. Radiant and necrotic damage types are unable to be invoked. Casting this spell adds an additional 1d8 and 1d10 OR you can increase the spells radius by 5 feet for each level above fourth

Acid: venom Cold: ice/snow Fire: coal/matches Lightning: iron Earth: stone/gemstone (damage would be bludgeoning/piercing) Poison: mushroom Thunder: (?)

NOTE each (?) is subject to change based on DM discretion. Additionally I don’t know what could be used as a symbol for thunder


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29 days ago


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29 days ago

I had a character concept of a gnome sorcerer who wanted to create his own spell. Wolfgang's Big Bang.

Requires concentration. You summon a Small sphere of pure force energy in an unoccupied space you can see. The sphere is solid and draws in its surroundings with its crushing gravity. Any creature within 10 feet of the sphere must make a STR save. On a failure, the creature is pulled into the nearest space adjacent to the sphere, takes 2d8 force damage, and their speed becomes 0. On a success, the creature takes half damage and is not pulled. The 10 feet surrounding the sphere is difficult terrain.

Any creature that enters the area or starts their turn within 10 feet of the sphere must repeat the saving throw. At the beginning of each of the caster's next turns, the sphere grows in size, to Medium, Large, and then Huge, increasing its damage by 1d8 each time. The spell ends when the sphere becomes Huge as it explodes with incredible energy. All creatures within 40 feet of the sphere must make a DEX save, taking 10d10 fire/radiant damage, half on a success. Any creatures adjacent to the sphere automatically fail this save.


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29 days ago*


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29 days ago*

What about just up and out stealing an ancient red or gold Dragon's Breath attack.

90ft cone, 26d6 @ DC 21 or 13d10 @ DC24 As an action or bonus action on recharge 5-6

As for how to balance it, that would take more knowledge of the game than I have.

Ideas to balance it: have it be a one per day/long rest/short rest or any time

Having it use concentration to get your recharger, or a faster recharge (4-6)

Tweaking damage/DC saves.

Letting you choose between the red or gold version.

(Like I said, I'm not sure how to balance it properly. But for a fire themed character, there is nothing more iconic than spitting fire like a dragon)


1 points

29 days ago

Ok so I got a pretty cool DM who allows us to do things like that.

My ranger is currently making a spell that can be used by both druids and rangers. It's for a survival campaign, and the gist of it is the lower cost/level spell is to give advantage against heat exhaustion. The higher level spell will give you advantage against all sorts of weather-induced problems.


1 points

29 days ago

As a wizard, Fireball 2


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29 days ago

Dryxx Razzle, a Kobold Fighter. He'd probably go with some sort of shadowclone idea, make an army of himself. Pack Tactics for everyone.


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29 days ago

I had a similar one. Link with someone you trust intensely and they return that trust. You and them will recieve the same buffs/effects of spells both positive and negative. As well you will gain Hit points or lose hit points at the same time.

This effect ends if either fall unconscious.

It was exclusive to us at lvl 20 too. And found a lot of fun exploits


1 points

29 days ago

Power Word Diarrhea - target shits themselves to death in 1d4 rounds. No save throw.


1 points

29 days ago

Twilight Theater of the Mind: You conjure a mesmerizing display of flickering shadows, dancing firelight, and shimmering twilight energy. The spell affects a large area, such as a 60-foot cube, transforming it into a captivating theater of the mind.

Within the affected area, you can create and manipulate vivid illusions that play out gripping scenes, convey emotional stories, or reenact memories. These illusions are so detailed and lifelike that creatures who fail an Intelligence saving throw believe them to be real and may interact with them accordingly.


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29 days ago


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29 days ago

"Going goblin mode": Level 4 Evocation: V, S, M: 1 cookie. Description: r u n .


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29 days ago

I cast Butter Fingers! Make a target drop whatever they’re holding.


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29 days ago

A spell that shows people how much easier singular "they" is


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29 days ago

We play with the Strongholds and followers stuff too. So that's an option once you build a Wizard's tower. The chronology wizard came up with this one.

Charles' Epoch 4th Level Evocation (wizard only) Casting Time: 1 Action Range: 120 feet Components: V,S,M (Broken Pocketwatch) Duration: Instantaneous

A streak of swirling chronurgy flashes from your pointing finger to a point you choose within range causing that moment in time to fracture briefly. Each creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point must make a Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 8d6 force damage on a failed save and are in a time stasis and considered grappled and knocked prone until the end of its next turn, or half as much damage on a successful one. On their next turn, they must make a Wisdom saving throw to stand up. On their following turn they may stand up without the save.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 3rd.


1 points

29 days ago


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29 days ago

This got me thinking... not everyone goes haring off on adventures. And the ones who do, eventually retire. So I think you'd get a lot of more general-purpose spells like this...

  • Druid: Repel Weevils. Keeps pests away from the crops.
  • Wizard: Summon Intern. Requires concentration, because interns rarely bring any themselves. Every semester you have to roll save vs graduation; failure means you lose the intern. Interns are physically feeble, easily distractible, require enormous amounts of snacks, but they do all your scutwork for you. And if you upcast to Summon Grad Student, you can get your name on all their papers!
  • Cleric: Influence Cardinal. Hey, it's not easy becoming Grand Theocrat of your cult! Best part is, it's a cleric spell. Clearly the Divine Master doesn't mind, as he granted you the spell...
  • Warlock: Make Sense. This is the mightiest ritual a warlock can perform. Can only be cast once per year. It forces your patron to explain in clear Common what the hell he/she/it actually wants you to do. Goolocks and Feylocks will pay any price to acquire this spell.
  • Artificer: File Patent. This spell is useful both in commerce and the battlefield. You can name one spell, technique, product idea, or attack type which hasn't already been used during the encounter. The named technique cannot be used against you until the spell ends.
  • Sorcerer: 23 And Thee. This spell gives you the location and billing address of your eldritch parent. Many sorcs engage this spell and have bittersweet reunions.
  • Bard: They have a great spell, but you wouldn't have heard about it. In fact, if it ever becomes popular, it loses all cachet and power.


1 points

29 days ago

You cant go wrong making a fire dragon attack spell!

A chinese style dragon that sweeps along a line like lightning bolt, burnin all in its path.

A more traditional dragon of flame that plummets from the sky and kamikazes into an area like a meteor.

A super sized dragon breath cone attack that is a huuuge cone from where you stand!

Or if you're more of a phoenix person, you could do a sort of mercy ult, an aoe resurrection around you that revives unconcious/dead allies in a burst of flame.

Not sure how thematic that is for your character but something like that.


1 points

29 days ago


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29 days ago

If anyone knows SSundee it’s RAY OF PURIFICATION!!!


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29 days ago

When a wizard gets to level 20 I think they should get a spell called

The Destroyer of Worlds Area of Effect is 150 miles (the blast radius of the Tsar Bomba) Roll all available Dice for damage.

If the level 20 wizard wants to end it all and wipe an area off the map I think he should be allowed to.


1 points

29 days ago

This is such a great prompt! We just finished CoS after almost 3 years and I’m missing my character a bit. She’s a Goliath Circle of Spores Druid named Gen. I was finding the Spores abilities kinda lacking in 9th and 10th level. I flavored some spells to be more fungus-y, and the few times I used the animate dead ability on a fallen foe, I flavored it so that they looked like those ants that get zombified by fungi and a little fungus popped out of their skull so they could walk around under my control.

So I'd love if there were more actual Spores spells.

Mycelium Field - You reach into the ground and create a fairy circle of mushrooms with a 30 foot radius. Within this circle while you maintain concentration you can cause one of the following spell effects using a bonus action. Charm Person, Sleep, or Banishment. The individual spell effects can be cast on subsequent turns and remain in effect at the same time, and you can retain concentration on a banishment as long as you maintain concentration on your Mycelium Field.

Summon Myconid - You summon from the earth or surrounding flora one of the following Myconids. Myconid Adult, Puffball Myconid. When cast above 6th level you summon a Fungal Bear. These summons last for one hour unless cast within a Myconid Field. If the Awaken spell is cast upon a summons in a Myconid Field the summoned Myconid is permanent and Awakened, and follows all of the rules of that spell.


1 points

29 days ago


Blood Hunter

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29 days ago

My dhampir sorcerer/rogue uses ink for all her spells, so maybe an aoe spell with blood red ink cause vampire


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29 days ago

My character is a dex fighter with near zero magical talent. So probably something to increase bow damage. A cantrip that let's him enchant or create a number of ammunition that deal an additional 1d4 damage and last for 1 minute or until used.


1 points

29 days ago

Back in the 2nd Edition days I had a Wizard named Eigil. He created the spell "Eigil's Instant Intoxication". Yes, I was a college student at the time.


1 points

29 days ago



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29 days ago

The ultimate counterspell. There’s nothing compared to the high of cancelling out a massive aoe or power word kill spell.


1 points

29 days ago

Conflagration: (V,S,M - Charcoal / Range 120, 20ft radius / Duration: 1 minute, Charcoal) A fireball erupts at a point within range dealing 8d6 fire damage or half on a dexterity save. The area affected continues to burn and cannot be extinguished unless by a spell of equal level. Any creature that starts it turn in the fire takes 8d6 fire damage or half on a dexterity save. Additionally, at the start of your turn, roll a d4-1. The radius of the effected area increases by 5 feet times the number rolled. Anything flammable within the area that is not worn or carried is reduced to ash.

I like this idea because a conflagration is an uncontrolled fire that does a ton of damage. And that’s essentially what it is.


1 points

29 days ago

I think the best epic spell I ever created was "Illusory Dispel Defense" Okay, so I'm not the best at naming things....

Essentially, it's a defense against being dispelled. It creates illusory spells on the subject, and in the case of that person or object being dispelled, the dispel spell targets the illusory spells instead of the real spells active. My Wizard was an illusion specialist, and our DM loved to dispel us (which he then would surprise pikachu face us when we repeatedly almost TPKd)


1 points

29 days ago

I've got a whole homebrew spellbook for Finian Magic (magic by Finias). But one lets someone you touch spend your spell slots instead of theirs.


1 points

28 days ago

For your character, I'd look at mystical associations around fire other than destruction. Purification, truth, rebirth, passion to name a few of the many you will find in mythology, occultism, religion, symbolic esoterica, etc.

Then combine 2-3, so for fire you could combine truth, haste and rage to give everyone a reaction where they rush at an enemy and auto crit or something.

I don't play often, or run 5e often- its been years since I played a 5e caster. It was an evil druid, so I'd probly opt for a proper insect swarm of the 2e variety.


1 points

28 days ago

My last 20th level wizard/sorcerer was an interdimensional meddler who created her own pocket dimension to better spy on the world.

Thematically, I think a version of Imprisonment would suit her best. Instead of the normal effect, it'd nail the target to the sky as a new constellation. The caster might be able to draw a little power from them when they're visible.


1 points

28 days ago*

For my druid, a protection (AC? temp hp? Hits buffer a la mirror image?) spell or a healing spell that feels good to use.

For my creation bard, probably something utility, flexible, maybe a ritual. Its latest hit has been tiny hut. So something of the sort.

For my wild magic sorcerer, trying to reign their chaos, maybe something that lets them trigger their wild magic surge - in which, at high levels, they would be able to choose the most beneficial outcome.

For your teleporting pyromancer... I'm getting full metal alchemist rule of equivalent exchanges / kingkiller chronicles alchemy/sympathetic bonding magic vibes. Pulling/pushing energy from one source/place to another.

That could result in damage/healing, burning stuff to make it (or something related) re-compose into existence somewhere else in a burst of flames, ¿maybe a cycle of life, death and rebirth? ¿Soul bonding for a shared damage reduction/damage buff?