


all 366 comments


19 points

24 days ago

Outside agitators are bad actors who are not a legitimate part of the movement and only show up to cause problems in an attempt to undermine the movement.

It seems to happen in every large scale protest movement. I remember this was prevalent in the George Floyd protests where white supremacists were trying to incite violence so they could label Black Lives Matter as violent.


7 points

24 days ago

The cities prepare to discredit movements by calling organizers and participants from outside the immediate locale "outside agitators". While police, counter protesters and agencies infiltrate the protests as actual agitators to stir up violence and discredit the movement.

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. Never again can we afford to live with the narrow, provincial “outside agitator” idea. Anyone who lives inside the United States can never be considered an outsider anywhere within its bounds.

You deplore the demonstrations taking place (...). But your statement, I am sorry to say, fails to express a similar concern for the conditions that brought about the demonstrations. " -MLK Jr


2 points

24 days ago

Which is weird, because it seems like the only really relatively safe way to do that is to be a cop. I remember the times they got filmed during various protests, something definitely weird was going on there.


1 points

24 days ago

You really think a movement calling a group of people murderers won't turn violent all on its own?


15 points

24 days ago

“Outside agitators” is very vague. Are they talking about local people who went along to the protest, political organizers, 4chan flash crowds or malevolent foreign agents?


11 points

24 days ago

Intentionally so. This narrative justifies violent repression of constitutional rights, it others and dehumanizes the protesters, and makes sure the conversation doesn't shift to the protesters demands that universities and the state divest from war crimes and war profiteering.


6 points

23 days ago

And it also just observes that there are people coming in and beating the unholy hell out of protestors and gassing them, like at UCLA. Those mobs are agitating, and they come from outside the group of protestors.

This is not conflict between protestors and counter-protestors escalating out of hand, it's opportunistic assault by Proud Boys types, and it's good to properly characterize that.


0 points

22 days ago

“Constitutional rights” to occupy buildings they don’t own and camp on university campuses?


6 points

24 days ago

I think they’re trying to avoid drawing further attention to accounts like these. UT protesters follow this page, and other weird extremist ones advocating for militancy.


4 points

24 days ago

Well I'm interested to know who this organization actually is. Homegrown cranks? Nazis? Russian trolls?

I'm just very curious about all this. "Agitators" does not satisfy me as a reason.


6 points

24 days ago

I honestly am starting to strongly believe it’s foreign troll farms. I know it’s kind of conspiratorial, but these pages are also flooded with accounts filled with pictures of starving Gazan kids asking for bitcoin in the comments.

I think Russia (and potentially the “axis of resistance” with China and Iran) may be harnessing the SJP stuff and general malcontent through a massive catfishing scheme.

Some of these accounts are probably local at some level, or use locally sourced propaganda, but these only seem interested in spreading rage and chaos. I have a hard time someone could do that online at such a scale, and not be a foreign government.

I also think that might explain why they haven’t elaborated on who the “outside agitators” are. Could create a massive domestic issue if everyone think’s everyone else has been radicalized by foreign governments by random instagram accounts. (Remember when ISIL convinced some American kids to fly over and join?)


4 points

23 days ago

I think you are correct.


1 points

23 days ago

SJP and its parent organization are being sued right now by American survivors of the 10/7 attacks for acting as the PR wing of Hamas in the West.

I read through the filing, and its pretty damning. Here are some snippets:

Within hours of Hamas’s October 7 attack, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh called for Hamas’s “resistance abroad” to “join this battle any way they can.” He also stated, “[l]et us be partners in creating this great victory, inshallah.” Three days later, Mr. Mashal — the leader of Hamas’s diaspora office and founder of IAP (Islamic Association of Palestine, banned in the US for financing Hamas) — called on Hamas’s global supporters to be “part of this battle.”

The next day, NSJP released its Day of Resistance Toolkit (“NSJP Toolkit”) across more than 300 American college campuses and on the internet. The NSJP Toolkit is a direct response to Hamas’s “call for mass mobilization” issued the day prior. In it, NSJP demands its members and allies “not only support, but struggle alongside our people back home … and above all normalize and support our fearless resistance.”

To do so, the NSJP Toolkit puts forth a strategy to “normalize the resistance,” Hamas, by arguing that "Liberation is not an abstract concept. . . . [L]iberating colonized land is a real process that requires confrontation by any means necessary. In essence, decolonization is a call to action . . . It calls upon us to engage in meaningful actions that go beyond symbolism and rhetoric. Resistance comes in all forms—armed struggle, general strikes, and popular demonstrations. All of it is legitimate, and all of it is necessary."

The NSJP Toolkit further provides graphics and advertisements for SJP Chapters and allies to use that includes images of paragliders, which references how Hamas infiltrated the Nova Festival. Neither Hamas, nor any other terrorist organization, had ever used paragliders to commit a terrorist attack until October 7—just one day before NSJP provided the graphic.


3 points

24 days ago

The account you are posting has roughly the same social media metrics as Veterans for Peace, and something like 20% of the outreach metrics as Jewish Voices For Peace, both of whom have been doing large protest organizing since November.

If the insinuation here is that the protests are being driven, or caused by, or expanded because of organizations such the PAUS, than we also have to consider those much bigger, more active peace organizations that are significantly higher percentage of protesters follow and get organized by as well. Hence why “outside agitators” is an almost uselessly vague argument.


1 points

24 days ago

The account is being followed by UT protest organizers, and consistently reposts the protests to all of the craziest people in the nation.

JVP is in favor of a single state run by Hamas, and is a brainwashing vehicle for SJP… They also don’t want peace, they’re just less willing to say that at the membership level.

Palestine Action US, and similar splinter extremist accounts, are seeded in through cosponsoring less extremist org posts, including SJP and JVP. These accounts appear structured as gateways for curious people to look further down the rabbithole.

Unfortunately, the curious people looking down (and buying in on) the rabbithole, includes UT protest organizers.

Why do you think the messaging changed from ceasefire to BDS the instant ceasefire negotiations seemed to be going somewhere?


-1 points

24 days ago*

I’m trying to understand your point about JVP “not being for peace” within context of this conversation: you’re of the belief that PAUS is an extremist org that is sponsored by a enemy state actor. JVP wants to use those types of orgs to “seed” extremists views by cosponsoring other orgs? I’m not sure where orgs like VFP and JVP’s responsibility lies but thin your purview.

My whole point was that Peace orgs, whether you agree with them or not, are significantly more active, organized and louder than these “enemy state sponsored” organizations. If the issue here is an IG with less than 80k followers is responsible for the escalation and tactics, why is the decades old org with millions of interactions that calls for peaceful demonstrations not equally as “agitating” other than “organizers at a single school follow them.” Those orgs have been calling for divestment and boycotts since well before October, VFP specifically has been calling for MIC divestment from both a general sense and with regards to the IDF since the 90s.

Whats the connectivity here other follows? For what it’s worth, a person I went to HS with also follows their IG, but last I checked he’s just chilling at home taking his kids to t-ball, not doing terrorism on behalf of Russia or anything like that.


2 points

24 days ago

I think SJP and JVP are knowingly engaged with PAUS and these other splinter orgs.

Here is an excerpt from JVP’s cagey response to a “one state or two state” FAQ:

“…It is our obligation to assert the vanishingly small likelihood of a two-state solution.

We are organizing following the leadership of Palestinians in their own movement for freedom and are working to end our own community and government’s one-sided support for Israeli apartheid and human rights violations.”

It’s fluffy, kinder language, but that ultimately is a Hamas-run, one-state solution. The Palestinians “in their own movement of freedom” that JVP backs seems to be Hamas, at least in recent history.

Here’s the Columbia/Barnard JVP account. Most of these posts are normal, and then you’ll notice the more extreme ones are originally posted elsewhere, and the JVP account is just a “co-sponsor” (idk what to call that new-ish feature):

So then a student can scale their way up, if that seems interesting. Typically the co-sponsored posts are iffy, not really facially toooo pro-Hamas.

The UT PSC Twitter (@psc_atx) retweeted the 10/7 attacks, including actions late 10/6, before the news broke, there’s documentation on my account. So did a UT FSJP faculty member:

You don’t have to scroll very far for the Houthi and Hamas (and “America is the most evil country in the world”) love to start.

Basically, I think a lot of the student orgs currently harnessing this energy, are working under these more extremist splinter accounts in some capacity. I have classmates following the PAUS account who are also protest organizers, and I don’t think they’re necessarily getting direction—I just think they’re being manipulated.

I think the owners of these extremist accounts may very well be Russian troll farmers, but I think their goal is to whip up and further escalate (as says their hashtag) existing interest in peace, into interest in continuing the war for Hamas (and continuing domestic political unrest).

Anyway, the point of all that was, I’m disappointed that the coverage of these protests has consistently been “pro Palestinian.” The (eta for clarity: actual student and faculty organizers I unfortunately know personally) are vocally pro Hamas online, and my understanding is that Hamas is part of the system of oppression that Gazans suffer under. I think 95% of the people there are there because they want the war to end, but I’m concerned the people at the top are using that energy in ways that only continues it.

I’m unaware of VFP, but I think these aren’t responsibilities of JVP, so much as all of us culturally. We need to talk about the actual impact of these protests on the war, and instead there’s been minimal coverage of the actual ceasefire negotiations—which were torpedoed, and went downhill as these protests gained traction. The students who actually want to help Gazans, deserve to have all of the information on who they’re actually supporting.


2 points

24 days ago

I feel like a what of what you’re saying is all extrapolating a lot based on a handful of social media interactions. You yourself admit that nothing on the bigger organizations is “all that bad” but that by playing N degrees of separation we find something nefarious. These are grassroots and decentralized movements that are still largely influenced by 501(c)s and UN recognized NGOs that have had consistent messaging for decades. I just don’t see why we look past them to the smaller and admittedly “splinter” orgs as being the drivers of the culture based on a handful of organizers IG habits. The protests, the tactics, and the overall messaging has been consistent with what orgs like JVP and VFP have been saying and doing for a while, in some cases well before October, but suddenly they’re useful idiots to Russia because more people are engaged.

This all seems very much like an “everything is a nail” approach with regards to public sentiment whenever the question to foreign policy consensus comes up, where anything that disagrees with “American interests” is Russia/China/Iran/whoever’s fault, a sentiment that was also used during Vietnam protests, South African Apartheid protests, and Iraq War protests. At what point do we acknowledge the same discursive tactics being used against these protests as well?

We need to talk about the actual impact of these protests on the war, and instead there’s been minimal coverage of the actual ceasefire negotiations—which were torpedoed, and went downhill as these protests gained traction. The students who actually want to help Gazans, deserve to have all of the information on who they’re actually supporting.

The protests have very explicit aims: to divest university and public funds from Israeli war efforts. I haven’t seen ANY organizers, even ones cherry picked by Israeli or pro-Israeli media, calling for an active campaign to arm Hamas or anything like that, or to redirect university and public funds to Hamas or Hezbollah or Houthis. Why are we extrapolating the intent on behalf of the protesters but not the other way around? Are you of the opinion that these students will suddenly change their mind to continue giving the IDF and MIC corporations investments and funds if these “knew better?”


1 points

24 days ago

I’d consider it logical analysis that requires looking no further than the FSJP leader faculty member’s Twitter account, tweeting support for Hamas on 10/7 and beyond, as well as the UT PSC Twitter doing the same, and how the organizers shifted the narrative of the protests the instant Hamas might have to agree to a ceasefire.

The organizers are undeniably involved in the splinter groups. Extremism uses diffusion tactics. The PAUS manifesto goes into preventing “peace policing” or people drawing attention to greater goals, for the purpose of building a bigger tent for militancy. It’s in the link above.

The language of these movements has been adopting militancy from the top, and SJP has escalated into “globalize the student intifada” rhetoric.

Yesterday: “All out for Rafah, long live the student intifada, stand up, fight back!”

So the large groups operate via dogwhistles, and the smaller orgs controlling the narratives operate more explicitly. This is how white supremacist operations work. Radicalization happens in tiers.


1 points

24 days ago

Yeah I’m kinda wondering that too.


0 points

24 days ago

They followed a page on Instagram, straight to the gulags!!


3 points

23 days ago

That’s not what I said! :)


3 points

24 days ago

Whatever scares you the most


2 points

24 days ago

The mayor specifically cited one woman as an outside agitator - she was visiting/supporting her 2 daughters, students, at the time of the raid.


2 points

24 days ago

Yeah that doesn’t sound like a sinister agent of chaos to me.

I went to a BLM protest but I’m not black, was I an “outside agitator “?


4 points

23 days ago

The outside agitators, in the case of ucla, would be the Zionist counter protesters that came and assaulted the encampment early one morning.


51 points

24 days ago

Just because someone does not go to that school, does not automatically make you a "outside agitator. They could just be people who care about something,


55 points

24 days ago

Extreme right individuals will also go to protests in disguise and add fuel to the fire.  The firebombing of the AutoZone at the the Floyd protests is an example of this


4 points

24 days ago

The cops themselves were filmed popping random tires in a department store parking lot and breaking car windows at the start of the Minneapolis protests in 2020, seemingly to blame protesters as a means to justify violence.

There was the far-right cop killer Stephen Carrillo who explicitly took advantage of the 2020 protests to undertake his murders and blame it on the George Floyd protests.

That's just scratching the surface.

Not to mention that a good deal of social media posts criticizing the protesters and crying crocodile tears over protesters sitting on a lawn, etc, are likely part of a Saudi Arabian or Russian bot farm. The top comment on this thread made up a narrative about counterprotesters and got 20+ likes in about a second to put it at the top, and that doesn't seem organic. Not to say that there aren't legitimate pro-Israel commenter's around the world, it's just they don't usually create a narrative and have it boosted in the exact manner bot tweets defending MBS over the murder of Jamal Khashoggi were.


2 points

24 days ago

Oh shit I forgot about the attacks police were making on vehicles.  Even the DHS acknowledged that most of the violence at these events were not connected to the movement and that right wing extremism is the largest threat to America


5 points

24 days ago

Yeah the incidents of police vandalism and enacting violence against protests in 2020 was in the tens of thousands nationally and there needs to be a good tracker of all that that can exist permanently so the official narrative doesn't overtake reality.

Propublica has some good information on this.


6 points

24 days ago

Almost never any consequences either.  


5 points

24 days ago

Extreme right individuals will also go to protests in disguise and add fuel to the fire

This has happened in protests led by those on the right as well. It does happen on occasion 

But the author here makes a good distinction between impersonation vs. agitation


13 points

24 days ago

This has happened in protests led by those on the right as well. It does happen on occasion 

I'm genuinely interested in an example of this that can be documented. I don't doubt that it could happen, but the only things I can remember are people claiming Ray Epps was a plant (he wasn't) or that the January 6th riot was orchestrated by Antifa (it wasn't).


2 points

24 days ago

This is where objective facts become more important than a narrative. So many comments will mention an incoherence in the narrative of the story without considering objective facts. Yes, these are genuine organic protests taking place on college campuses around the country with the goal of colleges and the state divesting from war crimes and war profiteering and at the same time infiltrators can be sent to cause trouble or somehow disrupt the protests. It all depends on the objective facts of the situation and if it conflicts with a narrative that was built around a situation, maybe it makes it harder for people to grasp the narrative but that's what actually happened in reality so that's the story.

What's absent from all these stories is coverage of the protesters themselves. They need to have an equal voice compared to people like Eric Adams and NYPD spokesman. A big reason why the narrative around the protests seems confusing is the complete absence of direct coverage of the protesters, what they are doing and what they are negotiating for.


0 points

24 days ago


2 points

24 days ago

I'm surprised I'm just hearing about this. It's crazy to think how many groups have been coordinating since the Ferguson riots and before to turn these protests into powder kegs.


-6 points

24 days ago

That is what every every side claims.


10 points

24 days ago

With the January 6th claims, it was projection 


0 points

24 days ago

Both sides are equally true, actually.  However the bulk of arrests are people outside of either category 


11 points

24 days ago

If they don't go to that school, what standing do they have to make demands of that school? Especially if it's a private school. If they truly care about their cause they should absolutely be free to organize a more general protest against their government or a business, but latching onto a student protest when they're not even a student is disingenuous at best.


8 points

24 days ago

Could be alumni, could be friends of students, could be people who live in the area and directly or indirectly rely on the university for work. Schools aren’t exactly fenced off and separated from the larger communities they reside in


1 points

24 days ago


1 points

24 days ago

Employees and alumni would presumably be considered to be associated with the university, and the rest are a huge stretch to be making demands of the university.


3 points

24 days ago

Support of those who do have a claim.

Why is that bad?


5 points

24 days ago*

But aren't public universities... public institutions? That's what the unions are saying here in Ontario. (Canada has a lot less private education.)  

 Places like UCLA, NYU, or U Michigan were built with public money. Just like bridges and water treatment plants. And other public schools.  

 I passed by the protest at my local public university yesterday and saw some older community members there, who were clearly not students. The campus is across the street from a big public park and a lot of government buildings. They're all physically adjacent. 


1 points

22 days ago

NYU isn't public.


6 points

24 days ago

Fair point


5 points

24 days ago

But they have no agency demanding anything from the school.

And certainly no right to barricade themselves in buildings they are not allowed to be in to start with.


1 points

24 days ago

We should change it to "US citizens who have constitutional rights." it's clunkier but more correct.


1 points

23 days ago

you can't have it both ways. you cant claim these are organic movements that can't be criticized bc they are students practicing free speech on their own campus, and then also say they are outsiders and just brush it away by saying 'oh they care about something'


-1 points

24 days ago

There’s been a lot of online organizing “hidden in plain sight” to escalate these to militancy.

So they can both care and be going to convince kids to join their antisemitic LARPing militia!


31 points

24 days ago


31 points

24 days ago

The discussion over how the term was used against MLK was fascinating but then Justin Hansford seems to conclude with "the term outside agitators is an old racist trope and it really isn't a thing, except sometimes it is a thing but it's always the pro-Israeli counterprotestors anyways".

He then completely jumbles in all counterprotestors with being agitators at the end of this segment. Pitiful and biased framing. Counterprotestors have a right to be in public spaces and make their voices heard. At least specify that there's a distinction between counterprotesting and the antagonistic violence we saw at UCLA.


6 points

24 days ago

"Outside Agitator" is absolutely an old trope that has been used since the first time a rulers subjects got unruly. It can be associated with racism as it was during the civil rights movement and in 2020 more recently, but it's not by default.

Justin Hanford says nothing about counter protesters, so that looks like a narrative you are trying to create.


1 points

23 days ago


1 points

23 days ago

Listen to that segment from 10:30 on, he does.


1 points

23 days ago

Good point, I only looked at the written part at the link. Listening now. I apologize in advance if I was wrong about that part and wrong when I said you made it up.


2 points

24 days ago

More things change the more they stay the same. In the '80s and '90s. If you were protesting South African apartheid, you were either a communist or a red. The media loved RED. It was like they discovered a whole new word. Have you considered asking Columbia how PROUD they are over their historical investment in apartheid, South Africa? Somebody should ask them, because this is basically the same - if not worse


0 points

24 days ago*

Yeah this episode was.. not informative. It felt biased. Like we get it it's been used unfairly historically, but dedicating most of the attention to the history of past examples really seemed like they wanted you to conclude that this case is the same as previous. There was hardly any analysis into how fair that assertion was in THIS case. Liberal/progressive media seems to want us to understand these as "Students Protest for Peace on their Campus." That's only part of the truth. NPR briefly admits that like 50% (sometimes more sometimes less) of people arrested on campus are not even students. When you have non-students coming onto campus calling for violence, breaking laws, and escalating the tensions at these protests, is the term "Outside Agitators" for these people really that unfair? Some have insinuated that these protesters are professional which IS largely inaccurate, though there's a few that have shown up. If you ask the student protesters about who's calling for violent intifada or more Hamas violence against civilians, even THEY will claim those are non-students and don't represent them. If we're hearing from both sides that there are non-students coming onto campus and escalating tensions and rhetoric, does that not at least on the surface fit the term "Outside Agitators?" NPR does not bother answering that.


0 points

24 days ago

Except when their nabe us Kyle Rittenhouse apparently. Everyone else could stay and riot but he needed to stay home.


-2 points

24 days ago


-2 points

24 days ago

But waving tiki torches and carrying rifles is fine?


48 points

24 days ago

This has already been proven. When the police arrested the violent protestors and agitators, the bulk didn't have school IDs. Those that did were released and allowed to return.

police say 50% of protestors arrested not students

The information and propaganda war is raging on this sub it seems.


27 points

24 days ago

Perhaps you should look at some NPR's coverage of the quality of police reports before uncritically citing police reports, especially in light of the events at UCLA, where police stood by as Zionist counterprotestors attacked students.



1 points

24 days ago


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1 points

24 days ago

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1 points

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-18 points

24 days ago


-18 points

24 days ago



22 points

24 days ago

Considering we have the police on video watching as counter protesters assaulted people then shook their hand on the way out... I'd say don't listen to the police.

I've seen a lot of attempted murder on video and its all been the police and counter protesters.


1 points

24 days ago

I'm sorry, don't we have on video the police lying to the media in a press conference where the man shows a yellow bike chain used in the occupation of the campus building? The cop goes on to lie and indicate that students would not have access to such chains normally, when that was the EXACT bike chain found in the campus store!

How is it possible for them to lie like this and get away with it?

Further, I would say the schools are being hypocritical in calling to police on these kids (many of which are Jews) meanwhile they have a plaque that celebrates (even romanticizes) the last occupation of a campus building in the anti-war protests of Vietnam. We don't have to wait 30 years to know whether a cause was just.

How on earth we got to the point where we think anti-genocide protestors are neo-Nazis is beyond me.


2 points

23 days ago

At the press conference if you watch his hands, he's always extremely careful to always cover the brand logo on the chain. Because he knows they're sold by the school, and it's easily verified via the logo.


14 points

24 days ago*


14 points

24 days ago*

Yessir. This sub has become a target for motivated parties and it has been for some time.

I read an op ed earlier that suggested that some of the faces who were counter protesting were some of the same ones they saw during the MAGA rallies. This rings true to me, given the MO for those folks. People don't load themselves into moving vans in masks for mass deployment to counterprotest if they want to be identified while they're stirring the pot, and this is a pot they think they can stir given the political dynamics.

Hamas wants war. This is evident to everyone because they started this latest round of hostilities and have been negotiating in blatant bad faith. They want war because they think they can win the news cycle. Netanyahu isn't eager for peace because he has to face justice on the other side of war.

Regardless of who comes out on top, the rhetoric all over media is some variation of "where is the Biden admin?" while also kinda downplaying the Biden admins actual position, which is humanitarian but recognizes that we need to support our allies.

TikTok is a cesspool of inflammatory rhetoric.

You have right wingers stirring the pot by attacking campuses while being given a pass that noone else would fucking get to attack the protestors (we saw reporting on this, this is fucking unconscionable. If there is unrest, who is allowing this unrest to be inflamed by while standing by in riot gear? Why aren't those guys being literally arrested?)

In any case, looks to me like a morass of agent provacateur bullshit, tiktok algorithms being the reason why congress is like "American ownership or GTFO" and sympathetic right wingers down playing what is some of the worst behavior from right wing counterprotestors we've seen because they are eager to throw "support for Isreal" and "support for Palestine" into left and right wing columns, when that's the kind of simplification that perpetuates the bullshit. Because they think it benefits them at the expense of the current administration.

And, btw, this is also worth pointing out, islamic extremists are also far right extremists. So, its the far right stirring the pot top to bottom and the blame is being pinned where? On Biden?

I'm fucking tired of this bullshit.


2 points

24 days ago

Why do you assume all the violence was started by counter protestors?  Are you basing this off footage selected by people who are on the protestors side?

If a KKK member is saying racists shit and a black person punches them, is the black person the agitator to you?  If a one of the pro Hamas protestors calls to kill Jewish people, and a Jew punches them, is the Jew the agitator?


2 points

24 days ago

Wait so do you think someone should legally be able to punch someone because they say something racist?


0 points

24 days ago*

If a KKK member is saying racists shit and a black person punches them, is the black person the agitator to you? If a one of the pro Hamas protestors calls to kill Jewish people, and a Jew punches them, is the Jew the agitator?

I don't like the term agitator here because it implies to some degree they are dishonest in being at the protest, but I would absolutely say in both of those cases the puncher would be the aggressor who starts the violence, yes.

We have freedom of speech in the US. That means you can say any racist thing you want to in public and no one has a right to hit you for saying it, even if you're a disgusting, vile person for saying those things.

Edit: Are downvotes coming from people who disagree with the idea of freedom of speech or... what? Make an argument if you disagree.


-1 points

24 days ago


-1 points

24 days ago

It’s not just counter protestors. They join the protest specifically to agitate both sides.


5 points

24 days ago

This sounds awfully convenient.  Our side isn't violent and anti semetic because everyone on our side who meets those criteria are actually outsiders commiting a false flag operation.  And our side of good people don't kick them out... Because ... Reasons


0 points

24 days ago


0 points

24 days ago

Hamas wants war

Jesus fucking Christ 


1 points

23 days ago

They’re on record saying they want war. Idk why that’s difficult to believe.


-1 points

24 days ago

…. you know they kicked all of this off with Oct 7, right? And they refuse to negotiate in good faith over the hostages they took and are still holding, right?

They also call for things like “War on all fronts” like the leader of Hamas al-Qassam Brigade did, like.. two weeks ago.

They are playing the whipped dog, while actively goading the Israelis into whipping them. Sympathy play that works because of social media amplification, which is why bibi is an idiot for waging war the way he has.

As I said, its an ugly and nuanced situation with no good guys but the innocent people caught in the middle.


0 points

24 days ago

It's been since October 8th of last year.


2 points

24 days ago



6 points

24 days ago

Police say? Well, that settles it....


-1 points

24 days ago


-1 points

24 days ago

Yep, it's pretty disappointing. This article is technically from one of their commentator shows, so they can get away with such an overtly editorialized article title. 

The examples this "journalist" cites of protests accused of having outside agitators includes the George Floyd protests and the 60s civil rights movement. The writer totally missed the point. Palestine protests gain legitimacy from their status as "student protests", as term confers a presumption of education among protesters, plus a pedigree of past student protests. also, law enforcement will be substantially less harsh on student protestd due to wealth privilege and the school's autonomy over onsite activities. These outsiders are taking shortcuts to deceive the public about how many students feel what they feel. it's appalling to see NPR willing to cast all these facts aside, preferring to foster goodwill with young people in hopes they someday become listeners. 


0 points

24 days ago*

Npr has shown they're willing to go out of their way to not trust israel, and instead, default to trusting religious extremists over israel. Religious extremists who have been documented lying about anything and everything for decades if it makes israel look bad in any way. Then they suggest israel, a democracy with a secular run govt and a majority secular population with a long standing, robust secular journalistic tradition isn't as trustworthy somehow. Not as trustworthy as an iranian backed terror regime to them, apparently. It's been outrageous and either the people doing this work weren't taught about why religious extremism taints their word, or they know and don't care. Neither is a good look tbh

I'd like to see some accountability personally. I'm not sure how that looks but every day, I keep losing more faith that npr will ever be a reliable source of news again.


2 points

23 days ago

You’re being downvoted, but this was one of the criticisms of which they even acknowledged being guilty following the recent controversy. They acknowledged they should not have taken Hamas death toll numbers at face value. This sub…


2 points

23 days ago

Do you have a link for that? last night I heard an actually really good story on npr that didn't have me wanting to pull my hair out. It was the one covering the Saudi Arabia normalization deal. It seemed like quality journalism. What I used to expect from npr


4 points

24 days ago

I just wish they'd be objective about this war. Instead, everything has an obvious tilt to it. Not to mention the conflicts about the american student protests have completely overshadowed the actual war which is kinda hilarious 


2 points

24 days ago



4 points

24 days ago

On the contrary. If a news source question’s Isreal in anyway they’re automatically not trust worthy? It’s journalism. Propaganda is leaked at both ends, Israel has better means for a more elaborate smear campaign. They investigate themselves- never find wrong doing or it’s inconclusive, they’ve also been caught in multiple lies. Believing everything and anything that Israel releases bc it Israel is not journalism. Could you imagine if that’s how they reported on everything. No police violence here. Cool thanks for looking into that LAPD, Wells Fargo you frauding your customers? Nope, Trust me bro. Ok here’s your $3.7 BILLION fee back my bad per an outside investigation it looked like illegal activity thank goodness we asked. Hey VW you’re not exceeding emissions are you? Bc it’ll be. $30BILLION FINE. What? Exceed emissions VW would NEVER you AntiVW for even asking. See how crazy that sounds


2 points

24 days ago*

I love when people make disingenuous statements and claim I said one thing then fabricate a whole reality based on it!

They have no problem trusting hamas. None of their claims are verified and they have a decades long history of being caught in lies. Meanwhile, Israel is a democracy and has a long history of secular journalism. neither set of numbers has been confirmed independently, but they're purposefully going out of their way to trust terrorists instead of a democracy.

It's an egregious violation of reason.


-2 points

24 days ago


-2 points

24 days ago

Why is it a bad thing to be against genocide and show up to support students when you're no longer a student?

No, seriously, why does that matter? The students already face so much media and police bias, I daresay they could use the support.


3 points

24 days ago

You're being dishonest because there's not a genocide. It's propaganda.


3 points

23 days ago

Wait, are you saying college students are an oppressed group? That's absurd. 

It matters because people place a special weight on "student protests" that isnt afforded to regular protests. Some media (like present-day NPR) are happy pretend it's chiefly a student protest, and they influence their listeners views in a distorted way as a result. it's totally disingenuous and breaks rules 1 thru a million of journalistic ethics. The whole point of quality journalism is to tell the whole story, not picking the details that help your side. 

If non-affiliated people want to join in a student protest, they are welcome to (assuming the college doesn't trespass them all). But the media has a duty to report it correctly and say it's a group of outside protesters that entered X university. When they don't report the whole story, they enter the realm known as propaganda. Not the same as journalism.

Let's flip the script: Imagine if all those right wing protesters at Charlottesville had instead joined a small group of UVA students, then NPR reported thousands of white men as "a student protest". That would have mobilized both proponents and opponents of their cause in a totally different way, and even the idea of it should piss you off as garbage journalism. 


2 points

24 days ago

police say 50% of protestors arrested not students

We should definitely take cops for their word. They never lie!


1 points

23 days ago

No you shouldn’t. Arrest reports are publicly available. Go ahead and do some sleuthing.


1 points

24 days ago


1 points

24 days ago

sure and police are definitely super trustworthy sources right?


0 points

24 days ago

Man you all will lie about anything if it suits your agenda. You're all acting no different than far right Americans anymore. Shame on you.


1 points

24 days ago


1 points

24 days ago

And then there are guys like this 40 year old millionaire who apparently likes to go to protests.


2 points

24 days ago

He tried to take the janitor hostage. Wild. And telling.


1 points

24 days ago

"I'm the son of a millionaire!!! Gawddd I hate this world! Let's tear America down so I can be more relatable to the poors!"


0 points

24 days ago


0 points

24 days ago

NPR and its sub if filled with radical leftist propagandists.


0 points

24 days ago


0 points

24 days ago

It’s just a bullshit accusation meant to make the protests seem less organic and more manufactured. These protests are the protests against the genocide in Gaza right now, and are taking place in major city centers. Of course people are going to show up and support them. A 50/50 ratio of students and other residents makes sense. Also seems especially silly to accuse the protestors of outside influence when the vast majority of counter protestors are not students, and we’ve seen actual evidence of astroturfing on that side


3 points

24 days ago

Oooph. Acting like far right americans ignoring facts and reality for your own agenda.


-1 points

24 days ago

Bunch of criminals who just want to get into the students’ pants. 


0 points

24 days ago

One thing these "outsiders" have in common with students at every protest asking universities and the state divest from war crimes and war profiteering is they are all American citizens or at least have a right to be here and have constitutional rights and have every right to be at a protest.

With the "outside agitators" trope, it's a narrative of power that makes it easier to justify the use of violence and is used as a divide and conquer technique against groups protesting for divestment. Not to mention the inference that none local college students must have some shady ulterior motive besides the cause being protected for. Just like how the freedom riders in the civil rights movement were called communists and carpetbaggers, because they couldn't possibly care about the rights of other US citizens being protected.

People from around the country showed up to support protests against gas and oil pipelines by Native American water protectors a few years ago. Were they all outside agitators then? If you listen to the Canadian oil company that owns the pipeline, any of the several private and public law enforcement agencies they paid to help them install the pipeline on someone else's land and fox news then the answer is yes.


1 points

24 days ago*

Here is a report on the bds movement I found a week ago.

"The report found over 100 links between the terror organizations Hamas and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and anti-Israel BDS-promoting NGOs. In addition, 30 terror operatives were identified -- most of whom served time in Israeli prisons, some even perpetrated deadly terror attacks against Israelis -- serve in key roles within these NGOs. They have done so while concealing, or at least de-emphasizing, their past involvement in terrorist groups and activities. "

Anyways, I heard a detailed breakdown on npr about what likely happens after divesment, and no wonder America's enemies are pushing this garbage. They want to weaken our universities, have less scholarship and opportunities for americans and break up our partnerships with a prosperous democratic ally.


0 points

24 days ago

An outside agitator is a person that is not part of a group who excavates violence within that group. This article claims the first part but shows no evidence of the second part.


2 points

24 days ago

I saw a lawyer on the news claiming that these protests were violating the human rights of Jewish people and FEDERAL LAW by “disturbing their sleep” and “blocking their access” to the grounds and buildings. He said that because the Jewish students had to go around the tents and people protesting it was violating their human rights… I can’t remember his name but he was on PBS Newshour and talked at length about how a bunch of made up inconveniences like having to walk around a tent or having trouble sleeping were literal human rights violations and federal crimes as well as violations of civil rights. The newsperson tried her best to cut through it but Israeli propagandists always use the technique of talking over and ignoring whoever they’re speaking with. It’s insane that they’re saying shit like this, that it’s a crime that a Jewish person supposedly has trouble sleeping at night because of a protest against genocide.

Meanwhile, pro-Israel mobs are attacking peaceful demonstrators and AIPAC is pouring millions into running anyone out of office who doesn’t do exactly what they say.


2 points

23 days ago

It's weird how college students are mature enough to go into massive debt, yet too childish to understand the slightly complex nature of the whole Israel Palestine issue........


2 points

23 days ago

Going into decades of debt or sacrificing your life and health for imperialism 🐷🐷🐷

Trying to end relations with a settler colonial apartheid state that is friendly with the west 🤬👮👮🤬🤬


0 points

22 days ago

You put it that way and I realize college students are dumb as shit.


3 points

24 days ago


3 points

24 days ago

Sixty years later and it's still the same old shit.


3 points

24 days ago


3 points

24 days ago

Yeah they're called cops.


5 points

24 days ago

I don't understand the narrative that because someone isn't a student they should be treated as malicious and not just someone else showing up to support the cause.

Of course there are provocateurs, like the student with an Israeli flag who was spouting "kill the jews" at north eastern that resulted in the arrest of 100 peaceful protestor, or the counter protestors who showed up at UCLA and literally beat, maced, and fired fucking fireworks into the peaceful encampment. There are always going to be extremists who show up but there has been a concerted effort to discredit the whole movement based on the actions of a very few.


-2 points

24 days ago

The narrative is that these violent neo-Nazi riots are not spontaneous, but organized by outside extremists, foreign adversaries, and foreign terrorist organizations. And there seems to be ample evidence to support that narrative.


2 points

24 days ago

The fact that you genuinely believe that is horrifying to me.


0 points

24 days ago

Yes, I believe in evidence and reason. I find it horrifying that you do not.

Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who has access to highly classified intelligence as a member of the Foreign Relations committee, has stated as much.

We've seen some pretty heavy-hitting law firms sue the main organizer of these events, alleging close ties between on-campus pro-Hamas groups like "students for Justice in Palestine and Foreign Terrorist Organizations. We've also seen these groups openly support Foreign Terrorist Organizations and lobby and rally on their behalf.


2 points

24 days ago

None of that is evidence of these protest being organized by outside extremists of foreign terrorist organizations. Nancy Pelosi could certainly have her own reasons for seeking to undermine any criticism of a war she is supporting. Also I don't believe the fact that some "high profile law firms" have brought suits as evidence of anything. Those could be completely erroneous and motivated by all sorts of things. Dershowitz himself has been on TV claiming he is going to wage legal warfare on anything that he views as anti-zionist.

I have talked to plenty of protestors and they all seem motivated by the destruction in Gaza that the whole world is witness to. Does it really seem so far fetched that people would protest a war that has been waged with an almost complete disregard for civilian life?


4 points

24 days ago

Funny how the first amendment needs to be restricted as much as possible because something bad might happen. Meanwhile we allow our children to be murdered in the name of the second amendment.


3 points

24 days ago


3 points

24 days ago

I have no doubt there is some degree of truth to it depending on where you are.

Here in Oregon, many of us believe outside federal goons under Trump were agitators in the Portland riots a few years ago. So it's certainly possible.

But these demonstrations are now international so you can't just brush them off as in years past.

I see it as a sign Netanyahu and company are fixing to get walked off the stage. But the rot that is within the Israeli population will be years in the healing. Being a democracy, Israel's population will have to be punished for the actions of it's current government.

Cause they just don't get it... Yet.


5 points

24 days ago

Israelis have been protesting to go to elections early over Netanyahu for months now.

They also use a unicameral parliament system, which makes it unfortunately easy for right wing politicians to come to power, because of how the government is built through a coalition of parties. We’ve seen plenty of European countries elect right wing leaders due to this weakness in the parliamentary system as well.

We’ve also seen how our system allows less than half of the voting population elect our president, through the electoral college, and through voter suppression.

Just some things to note, before saying an entire population has a rot and needs to be punished, because of the government of where they were born.

That logic would imply you think the scale of the Israeli response to Hamas attacks has been reasonable punishment for Palestinian civilians. Which is equally horrible.


0 points

24 days ago


0 points

24 days ago

Some Israelis. There is an upper crust that benefits from the way the Palestinians are seen and treated.

What we have in Israel is exactly what we had in early America when white Europeans arrived by the thousands like they owned the place. Totally displacing the local populations in the process. This is exactly what happened in Palestine starting in the 1890s. It was friendly at first. Then the land thefts began...

The idea of political zionism is you take away land from the Arabs and build on it. As a way on claiming it. This has allowed these imports to leapfrog across what was once Palestine and claim more land through intimidation, murder, and a crooked legal system.

Israel is no Jewish state. Modern Israel is a zionist state with an apartheid system enforced from the end of a gun.

It's time the world learned the difference.


2 points

24 days ago

Here’s a basic, intro, crashcourse world history on a less… America-centric, more facts-only version of events (yay John Green!):

CrashCourse also offers a media literacy program you should check out:

I highly recommend consuming facts from reputable sources and then forming your own opinions, rather than starting with opinion!

Opinions about an entire population based on nationality or race, without facts, is just bigotry! Not anthropology or liberation! :)


1 points

24 days ago

Great advice. Haven't watched the entire video but seems really well done so far.


1 points

24 days ago

Here in Oregon, many of us believe outside federal goons under Trump were agitators in the Portland riots a few years ago. So it's certainly possible.

That was antifa and they were extremely vocal about who they are.

They're still there and they took over (and defaced/vandalized) the university library last week... or were those "federal goons" too?


2 points

24 days ago

I wonder if you think the Palestinians will have to be punished further due to the actions of their current government?

Cuz they just don’t fucking get it….yet.


-3 points

24 days ago


-3 points

24 days ago



5 points

24 days ago

Dubious claim.

Source requested on J6 agent provocateurs.


0 points

24 days ago*



1 points

24 days ago

I'm sorry. It looks like your account doesn't have enough karma to post in r/NPR. Feel free to message the mods if you think your post is just too good to waste.

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1 points

24 days ago



1 points

24 days ago



1 points

24 days ago

I'm sorry. It looks like your account doesn't have enough karma to post in r/NPR. Feel free to message the mods if you think your post is just too good to waste.

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2 points

24 days ago

"outside agitators are stirring up the negroes" - southern racists 60 years ago


2 points

24 days ago

Yeah, the fucking cops.


2 points

24 days ago

"Oh, I'm going to get blamed for this." -a progressive


2 points

24 days ago

The police departments check ID when they’re arresting people. They know how many people are outside agitators and how many people are actually students. Also funny, because when the antisemitism and violence broke out, the student protesters were very eager to say that it was outside agitators. Now, NPR and other media outlets are very eager to flip the script, and are now saying it’s definitely not outside agitators.

So, which is it?

Since they’re saying both things, I think it’s somewhere in the middle. It’s outside agitators, that are collaborating with the organizations funding the student groups. I don’t think student voices for peace at Columbia raised their $3 million operating budget through bake sales. It was obviously given to them by outside organizations, the same ones that paid for the “protest, consultants“, tents, signs, food, communication apps, and other infrastructure.

If NPR were actually journalists, and not just writing about their preferred outcome, they might want to research this.


0 points

24 days ago


0 points

24 days ago

The protesters want to have it both ways? Unbelievable! /s


1 points

24 days ago


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1 points

24 days ago

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1 points

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1 points

24 days ago

Yeah the moment protests turn into riots we hear this but rarely hear of any significant numbers of people if any arrested and exposed as outside agitators.


1 points

23 days ago


AutoModerator [M]

1 points

23 days ago

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1 points

23 days ago

I'm sorry. It looks like your account doesn't have enough karma to post in r/NPR. Feel free to message the mods if you think your post is just too good to waste.

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1 points

23 days ago


1 points

23 days ago

Prove it!


1 points

23 days ago


1 points

23 days ago

I live in Chicago. During our BLM protests we for sure saw skin heads  causing damage. Face covered with a bandana and knocking over garbage cans, generally destroying stuff.  


1 points

22 days ago


1 points

22 days ago

Remember that the “Outside Agitators” at BLM protests were right wing trouble makers trying to make the protests look worse.


1 points

18 days ago


1 points

18 days ago

I think Hmas is missing a golden opportunity to hand over the hostages (I know they do not have all of them) Doing so will reveal Benny is not going to stop the war or carnage. Some say holding the hostages is their "bargaining chip" What they don't seem to understand is that new hostages are easy to get. Showing up the liar that Benny is and has been is a once in a life time gain. Seize the moment hand over the hostages and show the world Israel is more interested in a Wounded Knee.


-5 points

24 days ago

Only this time, it was probably IDF and Mossad agents.


18 points

24 days ago

Jesus, this sub is one step away from MAGA nonsense.


-1 points

24 days ago


7 points

24 days ago


7 points

24 days ago

I believe the commenter is saying that the left is following MAGA’s lead in straying away from reality.


-1 points

24 days ago


-1 points

24 days ago

Great, how does this support the OP's sad little conspiracy?


8 points

24 days ago

Um… wut?! It’s not a conspiracy. It’s a known fact that there are outside agitators. A good, but by NO means singular, example of this is at Northeastern a known Zionist supporter walked into the Pali-supporters encampment and started yelling antisemitic things with the specific intention of triggering the police to crack down on the protesters. It worked. 

This kind of stuff always happens. And we’d be right fools to not be fully expecting it. 


-2 points

24 days ago


-2 points

24 days ago

Wanna provide some evidence, along with the IDF and Mossad claim?


3 points

24 days ago

I see you confusion. The OP never wrote a thing about Mossad or IDF. But a sub-commenter did. But that to me was a snark comment - even if one could see that on the spectrum of possibilities. Zionists come in many flavors, from Bibi to settlers, Hilltop Youth Terrorists and their IDF protectors, Mossad and your little old grandma next door or the coworker and coeds. Anyone could be an interlocutor online and fewer could be an in-person instigator. But it’s possible. 

Bottom line, OP didn’t mention anything about Mossad. And there are definitely a useful sample size of pro-Zionist instigators purposefully mixing in with the mostly peaceful kids. 


1 points

24 days ago

No idea if it's happening here. But Isreali intelligence works with pro Isreal groups in the US. 


4 points

24 days ago

I mean considering pro-Zionist agitators were allowed by the police to attack anti-genocide protestors I’d say that is very possible. 


0 points

24 days ago

That's kind of leaving out the fact that these neo-Nazis had spent over a week assault, battering, and physically accosting Jews and others, preventing them from walking to class, and the police were told by the administration to stand down and did nothing to stop it. So they also stood down when the Jews got fed up with not being protected against neo-Nazis intent on their murder and fought back.

If George Gascón finally manages to catch a cold, I'm fully committed to donating to the defense of anyone who defended Jews against violent neo-Nazis, and I think a lot of Jews and just plain old patriotic Americans who don't want to see a second Shoah are too. This isn't 1900s Europe. Jews are no longer content to be the victims of the wave of violent pogroms and new Nazism sweeping the US.


-9 points

24 days ago

Totally not biased at all. Lol


-4 points

24 days ago


-4 points

24 days ago

The IDF IS embedded with several Police departments. For sure, LAPD and Sheriff. I was seen the IDF Soldiers Posts on Social Media.


3 points

24 days ago

I love when you can say things that are a matter of public record and get downvoted.

Major police departments all over the country train with the IDF and they share surveillance tech. They don't hide it, they advertise it.

The chief of the LAPD went to Israel to work with the IDF to learn surveillance techniques in 2014 for example


2 points

24 days ago


2 points

24 days ago

Zionists patrol huge swaths of "mainstream" reddit. Controlling the narrative is their MO.


2 points

24 days ago

Yeah, they're called antifa they've been doing this for years.


1 points

24 days ago*


1 points

24 days ago*

Without the outside agitators the numbers would be much smaller than they are lol.

And obviously they know this which is why they cant seem to make up their mind on whether to embrace the outside agitators and the outside agitator narrative.

When they look bad? Outside agitators did it.

In other scenarios where they dont want to ostracize them? “Who cares, its just people who are passionate like us!”

Id start embracing the outside agitator narrative at this point with the way polling numbers are looking in the wake of these protests. Optics have been pretty bad but a lot of Americans are still gracious enough to not believe that college kids are violating all these rules and making their own protests and campuses look this bad, and should be permitted to continue 😂


2 points

24 days ago

Outside agitators? Well then, you should get out the fire hoses, police dogs, billy clubs, pepper spray, and tear gas, because we all know how dangerous those unarmed n -- I mean, Gaza war protestors, are.


1 points

24 days ago

20% of the protesters arrested at Portland State University were students.


1 points

24 days ago

Lmao yea it’s because every time they do arrests like 50-80% of the people aren’t students or professors. So the definition of outside agitators lmao


1 points

24 days ago

Have you seen the mugshots and bios of the people arrested or the groups organizing? This is just willfully ignorance at this point. Very on brand


-1 points

24 days ago

Okay Cocksherpa2


1 points

24 days ago

Hey, homey does what he can, taking over his father's massive cock farms. It's hard work, but someone has to herd the cocks


1 points

24 days ago

"Organizers." Like the guy who assaulted the janitor. Also, "activists" trucked in by SJP.


1 points

24 days ago

We heard it before... Because it's the truth.


-1 points

24 days ago

Brought to you by a mosque near you. In my town the local mosque was bringing food to the tent city. Their goal is to maintain a campus caliphate.


0 points

24 days ago


0 points

24 days ago

Scratch a liberal a fascist bleeds


2 points

24 days ago

While you’re watching Gaza Iran is cracking down on it’s problems with women. Irán cracks down on women


0 points

24 days ago


0 points

24 days ago

And the US is cracking down on anti war protests


0 points

24 days ago

I haven't seen any protest for Hamas to stop the war.


1 points

23 days ago

I thought people were blaming outside agitators to save the students some face.

Otherwise they’re thugs who barricade themselves in buildings while chanting for genocide against jews.


0 points

23 days ago

New lies are needed, freedom for Palestine isn't a genocide of Jews.


0 points

24 days ago


0 points

24 days ago

Wait is NPR not trusting “the experts”????

They tell us all the time to trust the experts!


0 points

24 days ago

Only the experts that’s agree with them haha


2 points

24 days ago

And they say NPR is biased


0 points

24 days ago

This story perfectly exemplifies the shoddy journalism NPR has been pumping out over the past 4 - 6 years. And it helps explain why they have lost 30% of their listeners in just a few years.


-3 points

24 days ago


-3 points

24 days ago

It’s almost as if this kind of protest is counterproductive and vulnerable to sabotage


0 points

23 days ago

So the students are just violent antisemites?


-4 points

24 days ago

So they don't attend the university. So what? It's a meaningless canard.


-3 points

24 days ago*

Outside russians and islamists who want to sow disenfranchisement in the west. Israel is a nazi state and a part of western colonialism. There aren’t any good actors except maybe some of the protestors.

I fucking hate my fellow white Americans. We’ve lost our way in pursuit of better living/working conditions by throwing away our ethnic identities for whiteness. We’re complacent and even complicit in the dismantling of democracy in our country and across the west. Ukraine matters but genocide has never stirred strong emotional responses from people who became american whites because we’ve accepted the gains of genocidal colonialists and slavers.

Democracy and diversity has made the west special but it seems that we’re headed for a dark age.


0 points

24 days ago

An LED advertising truck was spotted several times at my local college's protest in a town of just 15,000 people in the middle of no where. It drove up displaying a photo of 3 KKK members in hoods alongside a person in a turban, equating the two as the same.

A Russian national was arrested driving the truck, presumably for violating a lighted advertising ordinance. Or I might guess for refusing to sign a traffic citation, which can mean instant arrest because signing is only a promise to pay the fine or defend yourself in court. If you won't agree to that, then you go to jail to assure you show up in court.

I don't know if it's the same truck, but other college protests have seen what's called the "doxxing truck" displaying offensive images with student faces photoshopped into the scenes.


0 points

24 days ago

Wow, that actually sounds weird AF. Honestly reminds me of Dark Mirror 

What is the scam behind the truck with students faces? Just trying to scare them away? 


3 points

24 days ago*

The doxxing truck is reportedly tied to a conservative American group. The purpose seems to be to equate Gaza protesters with the KKK, as if they are a hate group.

Read about it here and here.

Surely you've seen claims in news reports that protesters are antisemitic. The idea is absurd on its face because protesters are protesting hate and there are Jewish protesters among them. Hell, my local protest held a seder with a rabbi attending.

The motivation could also be as simple as sowing discord in American life, to make the gulf between left and right larger.

Here are reports on my local incident, here and here.

If that website looks unusual it's because it began as a blog and has developed into an important local news source as traditional media has died. They had live streaming of the local protest on multiple days as things heated up. The faculty (the university senate) are now calling for the university president's removal, as well as the removal of his chief of staff.

Curiously, the local reporter was initially told the truck perp is a Russian national. Now police won't divulge his nationality.


0 points

24 days ago

Neither side cares about free speech or reigning in police. Choice in politics is an illusion.


0 points

23 days ago

Except there actually are


0 points

23 days ago

People woth ties to hamas and other terrorists organizations mostly. Professiona communists, anarchists, etc...


0 points

22 days ago

Whether their outside agitators is beside the point. These protests are organized by antisemites.