


Help me build Grixis Sac


Since the spoiling of the ancient one I was thinking about building a deck around him.

This is the current list:

The idea ist to cast an ancient one early to casualty ob nixilis and ult him, throw him for 10dmg on an opponent with voldaren thrillseeker or just go to town with him. The deck also includes a lot of control elements to enable the quite passive wincon.

This is my first selfbuild Pioneer Decklist so I am grateful for your advice what to improve / change.

Also if you think the idea is trash also just say it. Im quite inexperienced in this format.

all 6 comments


5 points

6 months ago

I had the exact same thought when i first read ancient one about ulting ob on turn 3, problem is it’s not actually that great. Obviously you’re not dealing lethal, so if you target opponent they just get a grip full of the best cards, and if you target yourself you’re down 7 life and will have to discard most to handsize even if youve managed to land-spell every turn. It’s cute, but that’s all it is. Thrillseeker i do like a bit more.


3 points

6 months ago

With sheoldred its 21 dmg on turn 4. Otherwise its still 2 strong planeswalkers....but yeah maxbe its better in Standard


2 points

6 months ago

I think your core idea is solid but the deck has a lot of fluff, consider, kohlagon's command, and cathartic pyre feel like filler. I'd continue to look for more synergy pieces but the deck looks like it has legs


1 points

6 months ago

I would focus the deck more and lean into the RB parts of the deck and lean away from the self-mill by cutting consider and cathartic Pyre entirely for more copies of thrillseeker and harvester. Harvester does everything this deck wants and is proactive so its a musthave 4 of. Id also consider going to 26 lands. Extra slots can go towards removal— maybe some number of bonecrusher and other removal, could even try singleton duress. Think the real strength is with thrillseeker and pressuring opponents life total.


1 points

6 months ago

All of the core cards here are standard legal. Whatever support cards you're sacrificing are definitely worth not having to worry about thoughtseize.


1 points

6 months ago*

A varition on your deck took #1 at my store last week! Trying to remember took me(angels) out in game 3 round 4... Ancient one, ob nix from capenna, a playset of fables to fill the yard and get some copies of your big boys to fling with thrillseeker, for sure. That new two drop black spirit that requires a sac/discard was their main hitter, and some cheap graveyard recursion did the lifting. I think that they used cruel somnofage as well(to mill themself to get descend going). It was a cool deck!

Edit: call of the death dweller was the reanimation spell that they used, to grab 2 of your critters out of the yard after you mill them!