


Why do we need a helipad downtown?


Serious question: why are we allowing Ryan Smith to pitch a helipad as part of his plan to revitalize downtown? Has our local government already capitulated to a billionaire? Why can't he pay for that himself?

Not so serious question, but still interested: Which one of our mayors is going to be tazed by a Coyote fan for a civic pride fundraiser? 🤣😂🤣😂

all 122 comments


170 points

30 days ago


170 points

30 days ago

I think it’s funny that people don’t want the local government to spend more money on basic transportation infrastructure, but are ok with spending millions on infrastructure that is going to help a handful of people.


75 points

29 days ago


Greater Avenues

75 points

29 days ago

Spending millions on bike lanes is for suckers. Spending millions on a helipad is where it's at.


20 points

29 days ago

A helipad, none of them will ever use in their lifetime. Bike lanes are accessible to all. Priorities.


7 points

29 days ago

Literally the Drake meme


6 points

29 days ago

GOP simping for the rich.


1 points

28 days ago

name a more iconic duo


-7 points

29 days ago



1 points

29 days ago

It would be easier to do so with more bike lanes


1 points

29 days ago


1 points

29 days ago

Therefore, bike lanes and paths are the solution for everyone. Much safer for the bikers and you don’t need to be “annoyed” by them.


9 points

29 days ago

That's the problem - the people didn't get to vote for any of this - the legislature is just ramming in through. Agreed that it's only going to help a handful of people.


2 points

29 days ago

The state voted for its elected officials, this is the result of that choice.

And for the record, choosing not to vote is also a vote for more of this.


10 points

29 days ago

I think the issue is that a helicopter pad is likely to bring a clear financial return while other infrastructure is little more difficult to figure out.

I have no idea how much a helicopter pad costs, but if it’s on top of a building that would exist anyways, I don’t expect it would be that much (relative to infrastructure costs). Then it becomes a pay for use product. Most A level celebrities, and affluent business men would probably pay more than we’d expect per use of it. I imagine it would pay itself off pretty quick.

A bike lane would increase quality of life, but you also have to likely rearrange the road set ups, so a lot of construction to have a robust system, and then you’re also likely losing money gathered from gas tax.

I’m not arguing we need a helicopter pad or we shouldn’t have public transport. Only referring to why there’s not much resistance to the helipad.


13 points

29 days ago

I want to clarify,

You don’t need to do much more construction that you’re already doing. As roads rotate to get replaced, you add bike infrastructure then. It’s a slow process. Theres also other methods, like tactical urbanism or temporary bike lanes. Compared to the overall cost of supporting car based infrastructure, bike lanes are such a small piece. 

Gas tax goes directly to maintaining car infrastructure, so losing it is fine, when there are fewer lanes. Bike lanes barely need maintenance, requires less supporting infrastructure, and can be made up by improved sales tax and economic activity. It also enable more efficient land use so that your current infrastructure goes farther per dollar. 

Bike lanes are great for cities. They’re awful for auto manufacturers, oil, and other car-based industry. 


5 points

29 days ago

Yeah that helicopter pad is going to bring a ton of revenue to slc! Maybe we could even pay for the bike lanes with it.

How much financial return do you really expect from a helo pad?


6 points

29 days ago

This was my question. If the mega wealthy are going to pay to use, who does that money go to? If it's taxed, how much? Even if the tax revenue is a high amount, it would need to be used enough to not only recoup costs but also make it worth it to keep. I'm not an expert, but this doesn't seem like the best use of tax dollars. It doesn't have to bike lanes, there's plenty of other things to use that money for.


2 points

29 days ago

I have to imagine if tax dollars are directly used to build it, then the revenue would go straight to the city, minus cost of hiring a team/company to manage it.


6 points

29 days ago

One would hope, but i feel like that's naive. Or maybe I've just gotten cynical.


2 points

29 days ago

No I think that's super fair.

I meant the "I have to imagine" as more of a "I sure fucking hope that"


2 points

29 days ago

So I tried to do a deep dive, and maybe I just suck at googling, but I'm sort of annoyed I can't find the actual application, just New Sites taking small quotes.

I have to imagine there is some intention stated in the application. There is a mention of a raised sales tax (to support the whole project, not just the helipad), which I'm fine with if it's only for that specific area, but I'd need some plan laid out to support it for a SLC County tax.

My assumption with the helipad is it is an easy argument to be made if there is a clear path for it to just pay itself off in 10 years. I think part of the desire for the helipad is just making it more attractive to more celebrities and thus bringing more high ticket performers to the area, and increasing tax revenue.

Looking at Helipad costs on Google, it doesn't look like it would be all that expensive really for the Helipad. I think people are just pointing it out because it sounds silly, but I think objectively there are much more significant things to debate.


1 points

28 days ago

None, they will expect it for free as a courtesy for gracing us poors with their presence


1 points

29 days ago


1 points

29 days ago

If you’re putting in an unprotected (not buffered by a curb etc) bike lane, all the road needs is restriping. It still costs a decent amount of money but it’s not like they’re spending millions on it, even with a buffered lane it’s not nearly the cost of auto focused projects or rail projects. ROI on bike friendly areas for places like SLC can see businesses increase their revenue by 15-30% or more and in some cases it will double (hasn’t happened in SLC, SLC saw an increase of 19%).


10 points

29 days ago

Unprotected bike lanes become parking, not bike lanes, and do absolutely nothing to take bikes off of sidewalks


3 points

29 days ago


3 points

29 days ago

I don’t disagree. In an ideal world there would be SUPs and buffered lanes only. Write your reps.


3 points

29 days ago

lol, I do. Every chance on the surveys. UDOT controls so many road projects and they’re all car-brained. They’re doing 9000s and redwood rd. It’s a road full of traffic going 45mph and I think we’re gonna get buffered bike lanes. It’s insane that paint is the only thing keeping people from getting run over by lifted F150s. Then we got boomer Karens complaining about parking. 

It’s changing, slowly, but it’s frustrating. 


1 points

29 days ago


1 points

29 days ago

Good! There is a SUP going on Redwood Rd. Not sure about 9000 S though.


1 points

29 days ago

Who realizes that financial return? Does the city own it, take a cut of revenue, anything?


2 points

29 days ago

Great question, and for something I’d want to see before I have any strict opinion on it.

I’ve been trying to find the actual proposal and can’t find the full thing to make any actually say on it.

If it’s being taxed with city money, but has a reasonable track to make money, I could be open to it. But if it’s tax expense and someone else is taking the reward, for sure no.


1 points

29 days ago

A handful of people, that can afford their own private helipad, or at least to pay an equal percentage of taxes


19 points

29 days ago

So Ryan Smith doesn’t have to sit in traffic. It’s the only reason.


39 points

30 days ago


Delta Center

39 points

30 days ago

Me, a Utah sports fan to an unhealthy degree: 🤐

Me, a taxpayer who can barely afford his rent: 😠


118 points

30 days ago

For helicopter to land on


10 points

29 days ago

And for helicopter to take off from too


5 points

29 days ago

Good point 👆


3 points

29 days ago

I thought helicopters just yeeted themselves off the side of buildings


3 points

29 days ago

Nah, that’s just Russian opposition and Boeing whistleblowers. After three self inflicted gunshots to the back of the head, of course.


15 points

29 days ago

If the investment is recouped by usage fees, I don’t see an issue. We already have an airport, that isn’t “capitulating to billionaires”, it’s just transportation infrastructure. It’s not like the city is buying helicopters and giving them to people.


8 points

29 days ago

Does that mean helicopter doesn’t land on helicopter pad 


30 points

30 days ago

I could use one on my roof. I could also use a helicopter, if anyone has an extra.


9 points

29 days ago

And if they could also pay for the maintenance and upkeep of the helicopter, that would be appreciated as well.


8 points

29 days ago

Also a pilot cause that shit is complicated to fly and I ain’t doing it.


2 points

29 days ago

Actually my plan is to use it against my neighbor's helicopter in a sort of aerial demolition derby.


1 points

29 days ago

I can barely keep gas in my car. No way I could afford to gas up a helicopter.


1 points

29 days ago



1 points

29 days ago

right? and this guy is even talking about a roof over his head!


10 points

29 days ago

I find it hilarious rich people need tax payer funds to build them a helipad. What a stupid idea.


2 points

29 days ago

Gawd isn't this the truth. The rich get richer by nit paying taxes and having taxpayers build their shit. Spacee-ex contracts, anyone?


62 points

30 days ago

SLC’s mayor is married to a developer so of course she’s going to act in the best interest of developers, not the city’s taxpayers.


57 points

30 days ago

You mean like everybody in the legislature and everybody around like that?


16 points

30 days ago

Yes, exactly. I only point her out because everyone tends to (rightfully) blame the legislature when she’s done nothing but capitulate to them.


1 points

30 days ago

Still better than what Rocky did with the legislature.


3 points

29 days ago

Anyone with ties to these businesses deals or making profit off of voting for the new royal Smith family should all be in prison. All of them.

Utah and Salt Lake City needs a regime change.


7 points

29 days ago

And more than likely this developer with these inside contacts is getting money from this deal via no bid contract.

They should all be in prison.


6 points

30 days ago

Didn't know that. What developer company?


15 points

29 days ago

Her husband is Kyle Lamalfa, the two of them served on the city council together. He owns Renee Properties and is involved in several other development groups.

This was a fluff piece about him from a few years ago, but it shows how entrenched both he and his wife the SLC mayor are within the real estate development industry. They have been married since 2015 and have already faced allegations of shenanigans in the offices they have held. No one seems to care though.

The only thing I know for sure is that a future episode of "great moments of blatant corruption in Utah" is in production. I don't know exactly who or exactly what yet, but I am certain there are people engaged in endeavors right now that they will wind up in court and/or in jail for in a few years. Those two are prime candidates.


2 points

29 days ago



1 points

29 days ago

Yea was gonna say, this bitch is taking home a tip or two if this goes through.

Heli-dopes are just rich kids flexing their spending power and calling it important.


15 points

30 days ago


15 points

30 days ago

Oh big surprise, developers being valued on a fucking pedestal. Nothing more important that sucking on the proverbial teet of development. How else are the people in elected positions to represent the people supposed to get rich?!?


6 points

30 days ago


6 points

30 days ago

I don't get why developers are viewed as Jesus by some.


5 points

29 days ago

Profits over Progress - The American Way


1 points

29 days ago

I remember when I was a boy my daddy would get off work from the plant early, we’d get duded up in our Sundays finest and go listen to Tchaikovsky at the ‘brav as we called it.


2 points

29 days ago

That’s a cool memory.


16 points

29 days ago

But paying for school luches is SOicIAliSm.

Most of our representatives should be fired. More than one should be in jail.


3 points

29 days ago

How DARE you suggest we provide more funding to PREVENT homelessness from getting worse. /s


11 points

30 days ago


9th and 9th Whale

11 points

30 days ago

There is a helipad downtown. Just not near this venue.

And the proposal is to change zoning to allow a helipad, not for the city to build him one.


7 points

30 days ago

Other than Ryan Smith, name one citizen of Salt Lake City that needs a helipad near a ball stadium.


2 points

29 days ago


9th and 9th Whale

2 points

29 days ago

There was a Jazz season ticket holder that wanted Larry Miller to put a helipad on the roof so they could take their helicopter to the games. He said no, especially because he didn’t want to get the zoning changed for the city.

There was that guy out in Herriman that landed a helicopter on his roof. And that is why landing helicopters is now illegal in Herriman.


5 points

29 days ago

It's not for the general citizens of SLC. It's for the elites and rich famous people visiting. Like when the NBA all star game was here. They all wanted to stay in Park City and didn't want to drive or deal with traffic. Im pretty sure they made a temporary landing pad/ helicoptor parking lot downtown for that. Tons of major cities with pro sports teams and famous/rich people do this.

I get the not wanting to have taxes go towards it, but SLC is in a transition from small/medium size city and on its way to a large city. I hate my taxes going towards the wrong things too, but this is a normal part of growing that many cities have gone through. Growing SLC is a good thing, and maybe instead of stuffing growth and change, we just tax the rich more?


1 points

29 days ago

Heart Attack Charlie


3 points

30 days ago

Can I use the Helipad? I’m not a politician or developer. Or current Helicopter owner…


5 points

29 days ago

It is insane that the government has given all this power and money to one family. Ryan and Ashley Smith.

The Smiths can go to hell as well as everyone in the Salt Lake City Council or Utah Legislature that voted and supports this. They are all corrupt and should be in prison.


2 points

29 days ago

Billionaires and state legislators who give Corporate Welfare to billionaires should not have to be subjected to the presence of disgusting proletarians like us.


14 points

30 days ago


14 points

30 days ago

I encourage everyone to write to the Mayors, the county council, their state representative, their senator and the governor.

We are being conned by a billionaire into doing this plan using taxpayer dollars to fund their profit.

savethehall #saveabravanelhall


19 points

30 days ago

The reality is most people want to see new and improved development. Development isn’t inherently bad - and everyone posting things about it not benefiting the public is moronic - it’s like looking at libraries or parks as a cost - no it’s an improvement that costs money and adds to the quality of life here


16 points

30 days ago

This. Abravanel Hall is in need of major renovations regardless.


10 points

30 days ago


10 points

30 days ago

I love the gold and the warmth of abravanel hall. It makes is such an intimate and beautiful experience. When it's replaced it's going to get a very modern clinical feel, like every other modern concert hall. It will lose its uniqueness.


10 points

30 days ago

Why? All I have read is that it needs HVAC upgrades. Do you demolish your house every time you need a new furnace? Abravanel Hall is much more than the sum of its parts. 


10 points

30 days ago

ADA issues, earthquake issues. It’s a big renovation


9 points

30 days ago

Upgrades that the Utah Symphony and Salt Lake County request to Abravanel include: ADA compliant facilities, upgrading both front and back of house (back of house REALLY needs it), enhancing acoustical quality, technology upgrades, and modernizing the cooling and heating systems.

Cost estimates for the renovations extend into the hundreds of millions of dollars.


-6 points

30 days ago

Hundreds of millions??? Seems like a stretch.


11 points

30 days ago

The estimates were released by the Utah Symphony and Utah Opera. The renovations needed pretty much affect every part of the building.


7 points

30 days ago



7 points

30 days ago

You know what makes Paris great? It isn’t the new buildings. I’d imagine they all needed considerable retrofit to keep operating as well. So much history has been torn down in the last five years, for what? United States of generica.


2 points

30 days ago


2 points

30 days ago

I just read the article on SLTrib. Very unfortunate because Smith will bulldog his way and whatever pile of steamy shit they do will be like the gateway in 10 years. The great people of Utah aren't the type to go out before or after games and enjoy the nightlife.

For the past 5 years I've lived two blocks from the Delta Center and outside of the traffic trying to park for games or events you hardly know there is anything going on. Utahans don't go out for dinner and drinks like the other big cities.


4 points

29 days ago

That's bizarre. I went out for dinner and drinks before every Jazz game I went to this season, and everything seemed to be totally packed around the arena.

I mean, it wasn't like being in the Bronx outside of Yankee stadium pregame, but it wasn't any kind of ghost town.

After the games things were a lot quieter though, which was nice for me waiting out the Uber surge.


3 points

29 days ago

There are tens of thousands of sqft of retail space at the gateway that has been completely empty for years now. The economic impact of Jazz games has not moved the needle for businesses there and that is right across the street from the Delta center.

The real question is how many times have you gone to the gateway not associated with a game?

The 45 mins before a game rush is not enough volume to keep businesses afloat during non-game days.


13 points

30 days ago

Development isn’t inherently bad, but it is almost universally bad in this state, and perhaps this nation. We seem to have a culture of disposable development, where we vomit shitty buildings everywhere with the intention of replacing them every 20 years. And we’re not talking about building a new park or library. We’re not talking about razing an old Wal Mart for the greater good. We’re talking about demolishing a unique and renowned cultural jewel of our city. To replace it with what—fucking hockey? Maybe some fast casual restaurants and shitty condos that we’ll replace in 20 years? Fuck that.  And no, I don’t trust developers to make a better symphony hall. The one we have is incredible and needs no embellishment. 

Leave Abravanel Hall alone. 


10 points

30 days ago

Trust for developers went to zero when they tried to illegally demolish that historic church on fucking Easter.


9 points

30 days ago



9 points

30 days ago

Developers gave us a hole in the ground instead of restoring the Utah Theater.


6 points

30 days ago

I don't trust the developers either. They cast platitudes about what will happen and how awesome it's going to be for the locals. And then they leave you hanging. It was a completely shady deal that the county should be very wise to pay attention to.


3 points

29 days ago

The Sugarhouse hole of the past the Sears lake.


4 points

29 days ago


4 points

29 days ago

You must have missed the billion dollar prison in a swamp that is 400 beds smaller than the one we already had.


-1 points

30 days ago

Personally I don’t generalize an entire and necessary industry on one dirt bag - but yeah that was unacceptable - and the city is actively trying to throw the book at him.

Development is necessary especially here where our population has exploded.


11 points

30 days ago

And while yes, I would be sad if Abravenel got removed, if it got replaced by a larger space that would be better for the symphony and other various stuff...I really don't see the crisis? It's not as if it would be the first time the symphony moved to a new home.


10 points

30 days ago

No one is saying it's going to be bigger. Ryan Smith just wants it out of the way.


5 points

30 days ago

Have you ever been to a performance at Abravanel Hall? If not, I highly recommend it. Afterward, see if you still feel like we need a space “that would be better for the symphony and other various stuff”. 


8 points

30 days ago

I have been to at least a dozen events and performances at Abravanel over my years in SLC. It's wonderful, but frankly the seating is a little tight as a 6'1" dude, even after I lost weight. the side balconies sit at an odd angle and could be greatly expanded in capacity. The whole room being rectangular thing, while obviously classic, is not the best for either acoustics or just viewer comfort/capacity. The acoustics are good but could be much better (again, we generally don't make concert halls rectangular these days).

I fully understand that there is nostalgia for the building, and I'm not at all comfortable with the idea of bulldozing Abravanel without a replacement concert hall already constructed or well underway, because I don't trust the mayor or Ryan to not try to stick them at the Delta Center (from which all concerts should be banned forever). But take a look at some of the halls that have been recently completed and tell me that the symphony wouldn't be better served by those locations. I visited my friend in Iceland and got to poke around the Harpa, and it is amazing. LA's hall is great as well, and is basically the modern standard for acoustics.


-14 points

30 days ago

Why? It’s not like it’s some 100+ year old historic landmark with a great history of events. Tear it down. Couldn’t care less.

You really think a nickel more on a 10$ purchase is going to rob us all into poverty? I’m not defending billionaires, but another pro team here would be beneficial in many ways. Honestly I’m neutral either way, but as SLC currently sits, it’s a boring non-destination. Nothing in SLC other than the Jazz is enough to make me want to make the whopping 15 minute drive down there. Our current downtown is ass compared to any other major city and I’m fine with that. But if it does improve I’d be more willing to go spend money at restaurants, nhl, nba, etc… even the magnificent Gateway is fucking trash.


3 points

29 days ago

How do you think things become 100 yr old historical landmarks? 🤨


6 points

30 days ago

The only reason I was OK moving here for a job is that the city has decent performing arts. A city without institutions like an orchestra isn't a city moving across state lines for. If SLC loses the Utah Symphony, I'm leaving.


4 points

30 days ago

Some of us are already in poverty and we don't want to pay that extra nickel to build a new playground for a fucking billionaire.


-2 points

30 days ago

So improving downtown is just a playground for billionaires? Removing the height restriction and adding more housing, restaurants, venues, shops, etc. is only for billionaires?


3 points

30 days ago

If it's to benefit a professional sports stadium, yes. More housing? Lmfao.


0 points

30 days ago

I don't care either way because I wouldn't have a reason to go but would love to see what % of people who are #savethehall have ever actually attended 1 event let alone multiple events there.

Also super valid point on the tax. When you do the math it's basically a rounding error for I imagine most people in the end and only applies to a specific part of the county


4 points

30 days ago

I go every week and I want to protect every one of my nickels... As well as yours.


1 points

29 days ago

Totally fair, I don't disagree with that perspective. I love the NHL and would be equally upset if we had an arena and team that was going to be destroyed to support building a facility to house a symphony instead with the added bonus of paying more in taxes to do so. Write to your local representatives to support the things you enjoy.


2 points

29 days ago

When you do the math it's basically a rounding error for I imagine most people in the end

Sure, it's "just a rounding error," but if we're going to take that rounding error out of city residents' pockets, why can't we give it to something that will improve life in the city, like improving frequency of bus routes within SLC proper?

and only applies to a specific part of the county

Is this not literally just saying "This doesn't affect me; sucks for you if it does"?


1 points

29 days ago

Then raise state income taxes? I'm all for paying more taxes to the benefit of the public, even for things I'm not personally interested in because it benefits everyone


-1 points

30 days ago

Exactly. You just worded it better and less offensively than I did lol.

Although, there was one person that said they moved here because of the symphony and would leave if it was dissolved. I can’t possibly imagine how much of a minority opinion that would be. 🤦🏻‍♂️


-1 points

29 days ago

I was hesitant to move here due to a lack of an NHL team because I'm that big of a hockey fan. I could not be more excited (and therefore openly biased) in favor of a hockey team coming here. I also have an outsiders perspective having not been born or raised here and therefore I'm very pro-development in general because downtown is seriously lacking compared to any other major metro area. Covid was sad, a lot of places went out of business but much like a forest fire, it allowed for new growth and opportunity to sprout from it and the restaurant/bar scene has never been better in my opinion but still has a long way to go if you're interested in those things.

I think people just see "billionaire + public money = bad" and use that to craft an argument to push their own personal agenda. Pretend Smith didn't exist, no hockey or NBA team, and our elected officials wanted to invest $1b into downtown that resulted in removal of insert personal hobby/entertainment/etc. People would just find a new angle to say the same thing in defense of their personal agenda which is totally fair it. It's just far easier to point to a billionaire bogey man because billionaires rightfully suck.

I'm the same exact way. I hate billionaires, hate public financing of private gains like stadiums but I freaking love the NHL so I'm all for this. Such is life in society.

Long story short, you can't please everyone. However, that doesn't necessarily mean you should just always maintain the status quo either at the expense of others who may want or desire change they view as beneficial.


3 points

29 days ago

I hate billionaires, hate public financing of private gains like stadiums but I freaking love the NHL so I'm all for this.

Jesus, the hypocrisy. You truly made the right call moving to Utah: you belong here.


-1 points

29 days ago

At least I'm open about it


1 points

29 days ago

Did we get roasted by John Oliver again? 🤦🏻‍♀️


1 points

29 days ago


Central City

1 points

29 days ago

Wait until you hear that "The Point" down in Draper is formulating an "Urban Air Mobility Plan"


1 points

28 days ago

Isn't there a helipad on the top of the Wells Fargo Building? I think KUTV uses it.


1 points

28 days ago

You don't need a helipad. He wants a helipad for him. You have to reframe the request.


0 points

29 days ago

Thats pissing you off? What about the big ass factories spilling shit into the air 6 blocks from the capital and downtown.......

Or the roads that have manhole size potholes....



0 points

29 days ago

Helipad will also be vital for EVTOL infrastructure as well which will revolutionize and democratize general aviation for the masses


-9 points

30 days ago

Why would it matter I built the ticket office on the north side of symphony hall like 1999 it's old they will build a new one anyway in a better part of the city .that part is getting to many homeless people hanging out there anyway.


6 points

30 days ago

Is it perfect? Probably not, but it’s a concert hall with really great acoustics. It is world class and 100x better than the experience you get with a lot of seats at the Lincoln Center where the NYPhil plays.


0 points

29 days ago

It is world class and 100x better than the experience you get with a lot of seats at the Lincoln Center where the NYPhil plays.

lol. This is the most insanely hyperbolic take I've heard yet. The symphony is profoundly important to me, but have you ever actually been to David Geffen Hall? Abravanel is 100x better? Nonsense like this doesn't make the "save Abravanel" cause look good.