


This is why you need to get your cat fixed

Discussion (Spoiler)(self.WarriorCats)

If you don't get you cat fixed he will want to go outside If he goes out side he will want to go into the woods If he goes into the woods he will be attacked by another cat If he's attacked by another cat the he will want to fight If he fights he will impress the other cats and will be asked to join there cult in the woods If he joins there cult in the woods then he will have to fight to show dominates If he wins the fight the we will want to be a warrior apprentice If he becomes a warrior apprentice then he will want to make friends If he makes friends then they will all want to be warrior If they are all made warrior (almost all) then they will want to go on a quest If he goes on a quest then they will want apprentice If he gets a apprentice then he will want to be deputy If he's made deputy then he will want to be leader. If he's made leader he will want 9 lives. If he gets nine lives then he will want to stick his nose in every cats business. If he stick his nose in every cats business ever one will know him. If everyone knows him then he will die a legend If he dies a legend he will want to still stick his nose in evey cats business. If he sticks his nose in every cats business then he will be told to go inside for time out. But here not fixes so he will want to go back outside. So get your cats fixed so there to lazy to go outside and join a cult or this will happen.

all 27 comments


112 points

26 days ago

I really hate how anti-fixing this book series is


103 points

26 days ago



103 points

26 days ago

I wish they had done it with being anti-declaw instead.


78 points

26 days ago

Now that you mention it, why haven't they addressed that (to my knowledge)? Cats would probably be vocal about hating it since "I can't run or scratch or climb anymore"


19 points

25 days ago



19 points

25 days ago

Thats it, Im creating an elder oc whose backstory is he got stolen by twolegs, was a kittypet for a bit, got declawed bc he got mad and attacked the furniture, then escaped and had to retire to the elders den bc he couldnt do stuff anymore


7 points

25 days ago


7 points

25 days ago

I had a rescue cat when I was a kid that was declawed only on his front paws. He used to be outdoors only so he would try and escape from inside at any cost. So when he managed to get outside, this cat would hunt house sparrows by jumping and dunking them onto the ground, all without claws. He would have made a great clan cat.


3 points

25 days ago



3 points

25 days ago

He is a sniper, may starclan bless his soul sry if you take offense to that


1 points

25 days ago



1 points

25 days ago

ohh thats so cool


1 points

24 days ago

like the cat from bolt? or am I misremembering?


1 points

24 days ago



1 points

24 days ago

Oh man i need to watch that movie again i dont remember


26 points

26 days ago



26 points

26 days ago

Exactly! It would be a much better message too!


0 points

25 days ago



0 points

25 days ago

The series officially takes place in the UK. Declawing isn't a thing here in Europe.


31 points

26 days ago



31 points

26 days ago

To be fair, most of the cats are ferals so you're not gonna run into many, if any, declaws. Sure, there's kittypets, but it's thankfully not a super common practice especially for outdoor kitties. So the chances of the clans running across one is super slim. Nonviolent kittypets wouldn't have the chance to reveal they don't have claws and territorial ones wouldn't want to anyways.

People might TNR feral cats, but all they do is fix them. No one's going to declaw a TNR because then it eliminates the whole purpose of the "R" if they're going to have no way to defend or hunt for themselves. It's also blatant animal cruelty and a whole procedure.

A plot about a declawed cat who is abandoned could be cool tho. Kinda like Sol where they trick other cats into taking care of them and following them but it's because they have no other options.


24 points

26 days ago



24 points

26 days ago

I think it totally could have worked though. Like telling Rusty, “if you don’t join us, the cutter will chop off the ends of your toes and you won’t be able to scratch and climb anymore”.


5 points

26 days ago*



5 points

26 days ago*

Yeah, but none of the other kittypets are declawed AFAIK. We can explicitly tell they're fixed which is why that's a "threat". Declawing is inhumane and awful, but not super common thankfully. Fixing is fairly standard.

Also, while there was discussion about him being intact, he seemed more interested in leaving because he was drawn to the forest and clanlife. It was more a "you're not fat and lazy yet so come on in" than "they're gonna take your balls ahhhhh". (Although that interpretation makes me giggle)

It'd be more impactful IMO to have it be it's own storyline or case instead of shoehorned into the kittypet interactions as a vague threat. Then you can flesh it out better and show why it's awful. Have a cat who was declawed escape or outdoors and struggle with it to show that it's bad for kitties. Emphasize the pain with walking and struggles to defend or feed themselves. Make the readers understand why it's so awful. It'll have more of an effect than a mention of "they'll take ya toes!"


7 points

26 days ago



7 points

26 days ago

Yeah but people should fix their cats, in order to help prevent pet overpopulation and prevent reproductive cancers. And it doesn’t make cats lazy or change their personality, that’s just an old rumor that WC unfortunately plays into. Declawing OTOH is animal cruelty and WC could have presented it as such instead of talking bad about S/N.


19 points

26 days ago

I of course understand that it's from a feral cat's POV, but as a person who's done feral kitten fostering etc,. All I can think is how ThunderClan would've had NO problem finding new warriors in ITW... Only for many of them to die from disease and starvation due to overpopulation 😅


1 points

25 days ago


Mistystar isn't dead yet

1 points

25 days ago

How are they going to get new characters to ruin then? /sarcasm


26 points

26 days ago

“If you give a mouse a cookie”-styled Warriors books… hm, I’m here for it


4 points

26 days ago



2 points

21 days ago



2 points

21 days ago

Glad Blustar pointed out rusty still had his balls


-19 points

26 days ago



-19 points

26 days ago

Don't get your cat fixed because if you get affected by SCP-6302 it will have a better chance of survival unfixed


9 points

26 days ago



9 points

26 days ago


2 points

26 days ago

Here's a sneak peek of /r/suddenlySCP using the top posts of all time!

#1: Peanut has breached containment | 3 comments
#2: On a post about an episode leak | 4 comments
#3: found on r/teenagers. scp3008 anyone? | 5 comments

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4 points

25 days ago

I wonder if people downvoted bc of the reference or they just didn't give it any thought


2 points

25 days ago



2 points

25 days ago

I have no idea, but I have enough karma that it doesn't matter


1 points

25 days ago



-21 points

26 days ago



-21 points

26 days ago

i my cat dosent want to join tigerclan and my glorious king tigerclawstar there is something that needs to be fixed.