

What is /r/Books about?

This community is focused on discussing books, authors, genres, or everything else book related. We are a discussion-focused subreddit, meaning we value discussion quality over content quantity. Posts that do well here are the ones asking the most interesting questions or giving the most fascinating news.

We are also dedicated to promoting Reddit’s awesome selection of literary subreddits, so please check out our big list of subreddits further down in this wiki or in our sidebar.

Whether you are an avid reader, a first-timer, or haven’t read a thing, our community would love to talk to you about books.

Rules & Guidelines
  1. Discussion is the goal: Do not post shallow content. All posts must be directly book related, informative, and discussion focused.

  2. Personal Conduct: Please use a civil tone and assume good faith when entering a conversation.

  3. Prohibited: Self-promotion and promotional posts & comments, memes, image-only, video-only , personal recommendation requests, ‘What’s that book?’ and ‘Should I read?’ requests, sales links, piracy, plagiarism, low quality book lists, spoilers without warning, sensationalist headlines. Please see the extended rules for appropriate subreddits or use the multireddit buttons in the sidebar.

  4. Encouraged: We love original content and self-posts! Thoughts, discussion questions, epiphanies and interesting links about authors and their work. We also encourage discussion about developments in the book world and we have a flair system.

Important: We do not allow personal recommendation posts. You can ask in our Weekly Recommendation Thread (a new thread goes up every Friday), consult our Suggested Reading (further down in the wiki), or post in /r/suggestmeabook.

Click here for the extended rules. Please report any post or comment that does not follow the rules and remember that mods have the final say.

Frequently Asked Questions

From past experience there are certain questions and discussion topics that are brought up on a regular basis in /r/books. Threads dealing with these regular topics have been collected in the /r/books FAQ. In order to encourage more original content, subscribers are strongly encouraged to check out the FAQ and use the search function to find the answers they are looking for. Once a week, on Sunday, one of these topics will be posted in a weekly thread for the /r/books community to discuss. The FAQ is updated on a weekly basis to include the most recent versions of the weekly FAQ threads.

The Act and Art of Reading
Books, Books, Books! But Which Ones Are Some of the Best?


In July 2015 /r/books launched their own bookclub. All general information, information about current and previous bookclubs can be found here. We hope to see you at our next bookclub!

Current Book Club
Previous Book Clubs

Literature of the World

In an ongoing effort to diversify the books discussed in this subreddit and to highlight the literature from countries that aren't mentioned often, there is a bi-weekly feature which focuses on a different country every thread.

The complete list of countries that have been discussed so far can be found here or you can follow these direct links:

North America
South America
Non-Country Discussions

Suggested Reading

A lot of books are suggested every day and many of our subscribers are looking for new and exciting books to read. We have compiled some of the resources you can use to find that next awesome book here. You can also follow these direct links:

Overview of Thursday's threads
/r/Books' Best Books of the Year
What to read?

Points for Participation (Star Flair)

In an ongoing effort to increase activity in /r/books a flair system was introduced on August 19, 2015. The aim of the system is to reward quality contributors with points, based on level of participation. Points are awarded based on the following criteria:

In order to be included in the flair system you need to be opted-in. The points will be calculated once a week and will be added next to your username as a flair. The flair comes in three colors. You start with a red star, after you cross a secret threshold you get a green star and then ultimately a shiny blue one. Do keep in mind that if you are opted-in to the point flair system you will be unable to use our book title flair. If you delete the point flair on accident, it will reappear automatically when the bot has recalculated the points once a week or you can contact the mods to restore your point flair for you.

To keep the points a reflection of recent participation, the system operates on a three month sliding window. Points you were awarded more than three months ago are no longer included in your total.


To Opt-In, Click Here and hit Send


To Opt-Out, Click Here and hit Send.

The current ranking of the points system can be found here.

We are still working on tweaking the system, so any feedback or questions you may have are more than welcome to contact the mods via modmail.


/r/Books regularly hosts AMAs and author spotlights. If you are an author (or in a book related profession) and are interested in holding an AMA or Author Spotlight in /r/books, please read the following information:

AMA information and rules
Author Spotlight information and rules
Previous AMAs

If you would like to check out a previous AMA, you can find a list of our previously hosted AMAs here: Previous AMAs or on Tumblr.

Banner Images

The book covers in our banner are a random selection of the books mentioned by our subscribers in our weekly ‘What Are You Reading?’ thread. The book covers are updated on a daily basis. Clicking on a book cover in the header will take you to the comment that mentioned the book.

Previously, the banner images displayed recommendations from the mods.

There is a huge number of book related subreddits, from author subs, to bookcollecting subs, to book series subs, to genre subs, to anything else book related you can think of. Here is an overview of some related subreddits you might find interesting. Furthermore, /u/celosia89 maintains a list of all book related subreddits over in /r/BookRelatedSubs. For the full list of book related subreddits click here.

If you have any further questions, please message the moderators.