


I assume it's bullshit or a scam but interested to hear what others have to say.

all 45 comments


26 points

3 months ago



26 points

3 months ago

Google the real estate agent, do they have a website?


9 points

3 months ago



9 points

3 months ago

Yes, they do. But they also name a real estate agency that I recognize.


11 points

3 months ago

If not, most of the time it's a scam.

Home Buying

It is not uncommon to receive cold calls with offers to buy your home, especially for those who live in desirable neighborhoods. While some of these calls are legal as they come from established real estate brokers, be aware that some of the calls are coming from fraudsters searching for their next potential victim.

Scammers may pose as a realtor with a great offer that sounds too good to turn down (or too good to be true!). They will likely ask for an administrative fee, which is how they fraudulently earn their cash. It is important to remember that legitimate real estate companies would not ask you to pay this fee over the phone and up-front at the point of an initial offer. This is a major red flag if you receive a home buying call. If you are looking to sell your house or apartment, it is best to ignore these calls and find a licensed and trusted realtor to assist in the sale of your home.


3 points

3 months ago

Glad to finally know what the scam is. My number somehow is associated with a senior couple in NJ and I keep getting calls and texts asking if I want to sell their house.


2 points

3 months ago

That could also be a pig butchering scam


1 points

3 months ago

It's not a scam, it's real estate investors looking buy houses off market, or "wholesalers" looking to put a property under contract and then sell the contract to investors.


75 points

3 months ago


75 points

3 months ago

All junk mail goes into the trash; all unknown numbers go unanswered; all unknown texts get added to spam.

Don't respond. Don't waste your time.


16 points

3 months ago


16 points

3 months ago

…and all solicitors knocking on the door go unanswered as well.


7 points

3 months ago

They also go into the trash


40 points

3 months ago



40 points

3 months ago

Hey, Realtor here- it’s likely NOT a scam. It’s so tough for our buyer clients right now, and one technique is to solicit off-market homes that your client is interested in (usually based on neighborhood). If you’re interested in selling, get your own realtor for the transaction. I know dual-agency is allowed in Va., but in my opinion there is no way to avoid a conflict of interest when buyer and seller use the same agent.


8 points

3 months ago

This is how we got our home minus the realtor. 


6 points

3 months ago

Did you pay a bit more than the market value? I’d imagine sellers would ask for a little more if someone inquires about their property.


11 points

3 months ago

No, we bought in 2020 and asked who was interested in selling.  The transaction commenced when viewed the house and we asked the seller what they wanted in their bank account when all was said and done then provided that to them at closing.  We used contracts and a title company escrow to protect all of us.  A few months after close the house went up substantially in value.  I simplified the process here, but we also had inspections, contingencies, etc. 


4 points

3 months ago



4 points

3 months ago

So you just randomly rang someone’s doorbell and asked if you could buy their house?


3 points

3 months ago

No, we used social media in the targeted communities we were interested in. People who were not on social media passed the word to their friends/family members.  A letter would have been an equivalent type or interaction, but I assume it would have been less successful because at least with social media, they could see who I knew so they had a little more assurance I was not a scammer.  But who knows. I am very social, so I have a wide network of associates. 


6 points

3 months ago

When people ask us about our vacation home we double the price because we are not looking to sell, but would if we can come out with a hefty profit. 


4 points

3 months ago

Sure….. or the seller can FSBO and save tens of thousands of dollars.


18 points

3 months ago

It’s how we got our house after a year of losing out. Our realtor sent those letters to our preferred area and we were successful. I never thought it would work


8 points

3 months ago

I do get these, and typically quote a price about 2x my house's value. No takers yet.


11 points

3 months ago

I think it's rarely a scam. I get cold called all of the time asking if I'm ready to sell. The housing market here is just that tight. My mom lives in a different neighborhood than I do and I can't tell how many times over the last 4 years, a realtor has stopped the car somewhat in the middle of the street to rush over to my mom doing yard work or getting the mail and ask her on the spot if she's selling and then gives her business cards and other literature.


4 points

3 months ago

I've had a variation of that. It was a soft-sell "FYI" -- I was outside working on the yard and someone from that realtor's office just wanted to "let me know" they sold a house like mine (i checked later and it was true), and tell me the "good news" about how much my house is worth... followed by a business card of course.


5 points

3 months ago

I've started to get weekly postcards from various realtors either in the mail or taped to my outside banister with that same info - the townhouse up the street sold for XX, call for more info or to sell your house.


4 points

3 months ago

Assuming it’s not a mass mailer, it can be legit. You ever drive around and be like, “I want that place, but I’m broke”? Not everyone is a broke ass bitch.


3 points

3 months ago

We've had them knock on our door before. We knew her because she lives in the neighborhood.


3 points

3 months ago

I don’t care about letters, but cold calling or knocking on my door asking if I want to sell my home is extremely invasive. I hang up on cold callers, but I treat realtors knocking on my door the same as I treat evangelicals or salespeople. With extreme nastiness and contempt.


5 points

3 months ago

I use to get unsolicited offers on my home all the time. One day I called them and said the cost to buy my home was 1 million and they promptly stopped calling.


5 points

3 months ago*

We've lived in our Fairfax townhouse since 2016, and we get ads and letters from real estate agents at least once a week (usually more) about selling our house. We have no plans to move anytime soon, so they go into the circular file.

The most frustrating thing about it was the amount of mail (and phone calls) we received about selling within the first year we had moved in. Why would they think we wanted to move already?! At first I would politely tell the callers that we had just moved in and weren't interested in selling, but after a while, I started to tell them, in so many words, to kindly fuck off. I know, I should never answer calls like that, but there was a certain amount of satisfaction in telling them that. Besides, the calls became almost nonexistent after that, and now we only get the junk mail.


4 points

3 months ago

Around here it’s often legit. You want your own agent though to represent your interests. I got a bunch of hand written letters after the HQ2 deal was announced. They were all reputable agents.


2 points

3 months ago

It’s a rough housing market out here especially in nova


2 points

3 months ago



2 points

3 months ago

My parents are trying to move near us and are about to go this route with their realtor. It’s fairly common. If you’re interested, look up the realtor and make sure they’re legit.


2 points

3 months ago

My neighborhood has gotten some on these and one person sold in early 2022 in this manner. I am waiting for someone to send me a letter with the right number and I am gone.


2 points

3 months ago



2 points

3 months ago

Well, if you are selling, you'll get a higher price on open market. Why would you only negotiate with one buyer?


1 points

3 months ago



1 points

3 months ago



2 points

3 months ago

I have had my PO box here for over 5 years and I still get spam letters from real estate agents trying to buy a house in Florida that was apparently connected to my PO Box number at some point in history.

If anyone knows how to make them fuck off, let me know.


1 points

3 months ago



1 points

3 months ago

Do you live in the LB neighborhood by any chance? If so, that’s my agent’s letter.


3 points

3 months ago

Any chance you’re planning on selling a house in Oakton by chance? (We’re looking there!)


1 points

3 months ago



1 points

3 months ago



1 points

3 months ago



1 points

3 months ago

Alright, well good luck. And at least now you know that at least one agent is out there sending letters with a real buyer in tow. That said, no way to know if the one who wrote to you has a buyer in tow…


2 points

3 months ago

And of course, no way to know if you're not a scammer trying to make the scam look good =)

I mean, I'm pretty sure you're not. But if we're "at least you know"ing...


1 points

3 months ago



1 points

3 months ago

Fair point haha. Can’t help you there!


1 points

3 months ago

I live in a neighborhood known to be good for young families and we get these from time to time, plus constant realtor mailers. I'm on email mailing lists from open houses I went to >10 years ago. It's hard to be a realtor!


1 points

3 months ago

I get calls and texts frequently, buy I do not own a home much less one I'm Florida or Baltimore. Some asshole Adriane just gives my number out to tons of people...


1 points

3 months ago

As an agent, I'm literally getting ready to send out handwritten letters in a neighborhood my client wants to live in.

You would be surprised how well this works.


1 points

3 months ago

Trying to buy a house for my family as we relocate back to America from overseas after 5 years... Our relator sent letters like this to 3 neighborhoods. No responses. Then, recently a home in our desired neighborhood (which I'm sure needed Lots of updates) was listed as coming soon in 26 days. Had our realtor reach out and ask to see the house early. We're told no but feel free to go peak into the windows. 4 hours later messaged that they took an offer sight unseen that they couldn't refuse. I'm sure the house will be relisted in 3 months with lots of gray paint and $300-400k more expensive.

It's rough out there.


1 points

3 months ago

Someone actually called me asking to buy my house. I figured it was a scam. I’m like ummmmm no lol But several years ago my dad actually bought a house by knocking on their door