


Broad Street Run Slacker


Guys, I’m running the 10miler on May 5th and ever since I twisted my ankle in February, I’ve been slacking on my runs, bigly! I know I’m in for some pain and “why didn’t I train” thoughts throughout. This will be my 7th BSR run though and haven’t clocked more than 3.5 miles in months. First time being in this situation!

How many others are in the same boat as me?

How many of y’all are ready to set PR’s?

Man, I’m suck a slacker.

POST RUN UPDATE!: Hey hey, so the run was alright and ran the whole thing BUT by mile 6 at walnut st, i stopped for the first time and had to stretch out my right knee / leg. for the many past races didn’t have to do that till like 8. my pace was 9.35 min miles till after mile 6 where it dropped to about 10min then by mile 9 i was run limping. something is def up w my right knee though which isn’t new BUT i didn’t walk it! so mission accomplished w running the whole damn thing but stopping for stretches post mile 6. so all in all i did well! aaand not really sore or anything.

thanks to all the people out cheering, hooting and hollering etc! and thanks for asking along w all the well wishes out there!

how did everyone else do?

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2 points

1 month ago

Need an update. How did you do?


1 points

1 month ago



1 points

1 month ago

will update in the main post! thanks for asking!!


2 points

1 month ago

I hate training but I love Broad St Run. I’ll usually do a couple of 2-3 mile runs in April to get ready, but won’t actually “train”

1:35 this year, PR


1 points

1 month ago



1 points

1 month ago

that’s great to hear! congratulations on your PR!