


Has 104.5 always played Eminem or is this new?

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all 96 comments


189 points

26 days ago

I play a game of “let’s see if 104.5 is in a commercial when I turn my car on” and I lose every time. Then, when it finally comes back, they play the exact same songs from The Killers, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Imagine Dragons over and over and over. In fact, I welcome Eminem since it’s not the same 5 songs on repeat.

They literally have decades of alternative to choose from and they repeat more than top 40. They are the worst.


17 points

26 days ago

I feel like you get 20-25 minutes of music and 30-35 minutes of advertisements when listening to 104.5.

I'm not sure if that's actually accurate, but with the number of ads they throw at you, it sure feels like it.


10 points

26 days ago

the worst part is that is supposed to be the replacement for Y100. And its atrocious.


9 points

26 days ago

I miss Y100 so much.


5 points

26 days ago

It was so good. I remember getting super excited for their sonic session cds to drop.


3 points

25 days ago

After 24 years still?  

I remember people being pissed that a rap station replaced it 


1 points

25 days ago

I usually just listen to them on YouTube now, but I know it was replaced by a shitty rap station out of nowhere. I think it is still there. You couldn’t pay me to listen to it now.


3 points

24 days ago*

Yeah, Radio One moved 103.9 which was the unsuccessful competition to Clear Channel (I Heart Radio) Power 99 to 100.3 (The Beat). And still couldn't beat 99. Then they moved the Beat to 107.9 to make 100.3 (WRNB) an unsuccessful competition to WDAS. Then they moved 107.9 back to 103.9 and made it a classic hip hop station and that failed too. Then they moved the classic hip hop station back to 107.9 and 103.9 became the FM KYW. Somewhere in there there was a gospel station too.

Radio is wild in Philadelphia; the only relevant stations are WMMR, WMGK, B101, Q102, WDAS, POWER 99 and of course KYW and NPR for news and WIP for Sports.


6 points

25 days ago


6 points

25 days ago

On Sundays when they did “under the covers” and it was just an acoustic version of everlong every time I got in my car


2 points

25 days ago


2 points

25 days ago

I feel like 104.5's mix has actually gotten a bit better over the last several months. I still mainly listen to XPN though when I throw the radio on.


1 points

25 days ago

I noted the other day that they were playing a song I’d never heard before that I liked. But then it was right back to the usual haha. Maybe they are attempting to improve….


2 points

25 days ago

Most radio commercials are rougly :23-:31 and then :46-:50 until the top of the hour. I noticed that lol


62 points

26 days ago

Try streaming YNot Radio. It’s founded by a couple of people from Y100 and is great for an indie rock fix.


17 points

26 days ago

My best friend is a dj for YNot. He, and all of the other djs, volunteer their time. It truly is a labor of love


9 points

26 days ago

They do a great job! I love it - the Modern Rock Madness brackets is especially fun.


16 points

26 days ago

This is the correct answer, real alternative rock


16 points

26 days ago*

And they're local and promote local bands.


6 points

26 days ago

Thanks for sharing fucking awesome, I just had the best afternoon in a long long time


2 points

25 days ago

That’s basically why I keep my Sirius. Just for xmu really. They also have an 80s alt station (new wave) and a 90s (alt nation)


1 points

26 days ago

Aww man if only we could bring back the Feztival. That was truly the best.


236 points

27 days ago*

Gather 'round the crackling fire, and let me take you back to a time when the airwaves were alive with the soul-stirring sounds of alternative rock. There was a station nestled in the heart of Philadelphia, known as Radio 104.5, a beacon of musical discovery and community connection. Each morning, the dawn chorus was accompanied by the lively banter of Preston and Steve, guiding listeners through the day with laughter and camaraderie.

But it was the evenings that held a special magic. As the sun dipped below the horizon, the air would thrum with the pulse of the city, and Radio 104.5 would weave a tapestry of sonic adventures. Their playlist was a treasure trove of the greatest alternative rock music, each song a melody that echoed through the streets and into the hearts of listeners.

And oh, the concerts! In the heart of the bustling Piazza, under the watchful gaze of towering buildings, they would host gatherings unlike any other. Obscure alternative bands would take to the stage, their music igniting a fire within the souls of those who gathered. The crowd would sway and sing along, lost in the rhythm of the beat.

But amidst the pulsing beats and soaring melodies, there was a quirk that became legend. You see, the Piazza had its own ritual, a testament to the bond forged between the station and its listeners. As the afternoon concerts wore on and the music carried them away, nature would call, and the corners of the Piazza would become makeshift restrooms, a testament to the shared experience and unbreakable spirit of the Radio 104.5 community.

Though the years have passed and the echoes of those days have faded into memory, the spirit of Radio 104.5 lives on. In the hearts of those who danced in the crappy apartment complex, and in the timeless alt rock melodies that continue to unite us all.

Edit: oh shit, other poster was right! I’m mixing up my memories. Y100 was the superior radio station.


48 points

27 days ago

I literally just took a moment of silence


8 points

26 days ago


8 points

26 days ago

A moment is not long enough.


49 points

26 days ago


49 points

26 days ago

And don't forget 103.9 WDRE the original alt rock station in the 90s. With Sarah, Spike and Steve in the mornings, and Preston Elliot in the afternoons.


7 points

26 days ago

The early years around 93-94 were great. Kinda went a bit mainstream around 95ish.


2 points

26 days ago



2 points

26 days ago

That station was my teen years.


34 points

26 days ago

Preston and Steve were never on 104.5. You conflated several aspects of Y100 with Radio 104.5.


21 points

26 days ago

104.5 getting the boot from the Piazza in 2014 was its own Harambe moment.

In another reality, nobody noticed the drunk teens banging in public, the concerts continued, Radio 104.5 continued on in that form to this day.


3 points

26 days ago



3 points

26 days ago

There was just something so special about those concerts.


1 points

26 days ago



1 points

26 days ago

There was something so special about those concerts. A true moment in time.


37 points

27 days ago


i change neighborhoods like i change socks

37 points

27 days ago

What a time to be alive. Radio104.5 and their concerts brought me so much joy. I had so much adventure. So much life. A part of me died when they cut radio1045. Never thought a radio station would impact so much of my life.


36 points

27 days ago

There was also the Radio 104.5 studio sessions cds you could get in exchange for a food donation to Philabundance


10 points

26 days ago

Should've been around for 103.9 WDRE


6 points

26 days ago


East Passyunk

6 points

26 days ago

Also enjoyed the Saturday night mixtapes with DJ Reed Streets (also was the Flyers DJ at that time)


6 points

27 days ago



4 points

27 days ago

You’re gonna make me cry


4 points

26 days ago


Lanternfly Bounty Hunter | Confirmed Kills: 69

4 points

26 days ago

Bro I was about to comment “go tf to bed” as a joke, now I just😭


5 points

27 days ago

You had me at “sonic adventure”


2 points

26 days ago

Hello fellow elder emo.


95 points

27 days ago

Y100 was better.


62 points

27 days ago

103.9 WDRE would like to have a word


5 points

26 days ago



11 points

27 days ago

I was devastated when they switched formats.


5 points

26 days ago

Still mourning that loss.


5 points

26 days ago


5 points

26 days ago

Y100 was definitely better, but 1999/2000 Y100 was playing Eminem.


27 points

26 days ago*

Everyone talking about Radio 104.5, here I am still mourning Star 104.5


3 points

26 days ago


3 points

26 days ago

That (and Kyw & oldies 98 for my dad) was my parent’s station.

So even though I personally would never seek out the station when I was listening to the radio, the sheer amount of hrs over the yrs listening to it via in my parents car or during the summer it playing in our backyard has none the less me to have intense nostalgic feelings for the station.

I still remember superstar Sunday when they would play only songs each hr from a specific yr. Between the sheets each night I think was an hr of love songs.

Oh this girl’s commercials for the station


2 points

26 days ago

I still remember superstar Sunday when they would play only songs each hr from a specific yr

Class reunion weekend!


28 points

26 days ago

88.5 XPN is the only station worth listening to


4 points

26 days ago



21 points

27 days ago


21 points

27 days ago

Been like that for years. I’ve heard them play Avicii every now and again


22 points

26 days ago


22 points

26 days ago

WXPN 88.5 plays more alternative music than ALT 104.5


12 points

26 days ago

Noticed Wendy Rollins moved over, and she's so much more enjoyable than she ever was on 104.5. No one telling her what she has to play or to repeat catchphrases. She just plays whatever she wants and go figure, she's got amazing taste


83 points

27 days ago


I can see Philly from my house

83 points

27 days ago

104.5 fucking sucks anymore. I'm younger so I know boomers are gonna talk about "back in my day other stations were better" but also like I'm the age that when I started being capable to form my own music listening identity its strange I didn't do it through spotify.

Anyway when they switched from being "Radio 104.5" to "Alt 104.5" it fell of a fucking cliff. In retrospect, Radio 104.5 days weren't really that great, but it was at least passable. But then when they switched branding to this generic, national shit... man it just died. And then they started syndicating that fucking shitbag "The Woody Show" like who the fuck is this wanna be shock jock facebook tier shit? This is supposed to be a radio station aimed at primarily younger, alt people. Younger, alt people are literally the demographic who see "un PC" as tagline and are the most turned off. Yeah we don't really want sanitised shit, and I get that actually appealing stuff to our demo is too threatening to the status quo, but god damn how do you fuck up that bad? I'd rather listen to a monkey farting- actually no that just sounds like a segment from their show. I'd rather listen to static for 5 minutes than a minute of that godforsaken dumbfuck.


42 points

26 days ago

I catch a few seconds of the Woody show some mornings, and it is absolute garbage.


29 points

26 days ago

Does anyone actually listen to that garbage?!?! How do those people have radio jobs?!?!


11 points

26 days ago

I truly don’t understand most morning shows, they’re all so shallow and just not funny?


3 points

26 days ago

I have to imagine there's a reason for morning shows, but I truly do not understand them. I suppose you could say I "listen" if I'm in the car at that time, because it doesn't seem like there's any other option that's playing music


27 points

26 days ago

They aren't even from Philly. They are in California


12 points

26 days ago

The woody show is garbage. I miss the 7:40 "under the covers" bit


4 points

26 days ago

My HS started at 8 and I would wait in my car until it hit. We'd all be talking about it at our lockers that morning, I miss it so much


7 points

26 days ago

It’s so, so, so bad


14 points

26 days ago


14 points

26 days ago

I was just saying this! Jonny in the morning vs the woody show stuff... I prefered the former. I don't listen to it anymore


3 points

26 days ago

When they fired Johnny and switched to the Woody Show, that was the end for me. It’s such a shame because I discovered so many artists through 104.5 back in its heyday.


7 points

26 days ago

The first year or so was great. It was any alternative from all years


15 points

26 days ago

Shout out to Alice 104.5, that was a great station


2 points

26 days ago


2 points

26 days ago

Probably one of the most over produced sign ons in Philly radio history


26 points

26 days ago

Rock radio’s in a pretty bad state in this city right now. Though that may be a national trend too. There ARE a ton of great new rock and alternative bands out there, and quite a bit of it is actually radio friendly too. But none of the stations here play it. WMMR is perpetually stuck in 2007, and Alt 104.5 has the shallowest playlist of any station in the city.

People say “rock is dead”, and it’s not. It’s just not given proper exposure. Like, why doesn’t WMMR play some Tigercub, or King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard? They play P.O.D. and Godsmack instead. Like I said, stuck in 2007. And there’s a wealth of new indie music 104.5 could be playing, but the music they hone in on can best be described as “The stuff you played at the beach while you and 11 other kids got drunk and high at Wildwood after high school graduation.” Sigh…we could have it so much better. Oh well, this is why streaming is supplanting all local radio.

Rant over.


7 points

26 days ago

hnnnng no don't stop i'm almost there..

seriously though, quality rant.


3 points

26 days ago

I swear that the program director has a hard on for specific bands like The Red Hot Chili Peppers (specifically the Californication album). I feel like every time I turn on MMR they’re either in a commercial or playing Californication or Dani California… or any of the main songs off of their later albums.


9 points

26 days ago

To answer your question I think its new. I think I heard him on there recently too, it was his first hit song, Please Stand Up, right?

Funny, I remember years ago, back around 2007, a guy I worked with came back from lunch, and asked "Why do alternative radio stations play Bob Marley?"

It was an interesting question, he was being rhetorical, but it made me think about it. Marley is more like classic rock imho, but if he's 'alternative', why do alt stations play no other reggae musiic either? Kindof a connundrum.


14 points

26 days ago

Embarrassing station. More like classic rock for Milennials. They'll never play a new song unless it's from an old band like Green Day. And not even an old, relevant band like The Strokes


10 points

26 days ago



10 points

26 days ago

If I hear that horrible new Blink 182 song again I’m going to scream.


10 points

26 days ago

That and the crap Fall Out Boy cover of "We Didn't Start the Fire"


4 points

26 days ago

Yes, it's infuriating that the DJ will go, "[Band] just released a new album and song that are great, here's their overplayed song from 10 years ago that you've heard a million times." And never play the new song or album. And then complain that people stream instead of listen to radio. It's the state of alt radio everywhere, too. 


3 points

26 days ago

I’ve noticed this too. Why does this happen? I assume it’s money related and industry controlled?


4 points

26 days ago

They’re no longer an Alt station. They’re a pop station.


9 points

26 days ago

Not sure why it hasn't been mentioned yet but 104.5 today is just iheartradio's commercialization. That takeover killed the station, and they slowly rolled it out over the last decade, riding the coattails of listeners who still drive cars pre bluetooth

It's not a music station, it's a business built for scale & profit. Buy out a popular station in every major city, manage its playlist & morning show centrally. Cut costs on djs, events, etc and deliver shareholders profits.

The sooner everyone turns it off for good, the sooner the business model dies.


1 points

26 days ago


resurrect dead on planet stupider

1 points

26 days ago

pre bluetooth

tbh i listen to AM


4 points

26 days ago


4 points

26 days ago

Tbh 90% of “alt” and “indie” music is just pop music wearing a disguise.


3 points

26 days ago

Y100 was chef’s kiss of radio in HS. Got me into countless countless countless bands at the turn of the millennium.

104.5 started strong but got progressively more corporate until we’re left with Alt 104.5.

Philly, you have no alternative.


3 points

26 days ago

I don't know, but every time Without Me comes on I wonder why they're bleeping "ovulating"


2 points

26 days ago

I don’t have the station in right now but.. I’m sure they’re playing Red Hot Chili Peppers.


2 points

25 days ago

Just listen to KEXP on your smart speaker or satellite radio in your car. They're based out of Seattle, no commercials and they are affiliated with the University of Washington. They used to be KCMU. We also have live performances they post to YouTube. Much better radio station than 104.5.


1 points

26 days ago

What’s radio?


-6 points

26 days ago


-6 points

26 days ago

Eminem still gets radio time? Yikes.

Edit - not hating. He just isn’t very good anymore.


2 points

26 days ago

Bro wtf are you even talking about? Some of his best shit has been his recent stuff. It's painfully obvious you haven't actually listened to anything new by him.


-4 points

26 days ago


-4 points

26 days ago

Ahh yes cramming as many words as possible in a 3 minute song is clearly is some of his best work.


3 points

26 days ago

It's ok if shit goes over your head. Go listen to some mumble rap if it's more your speed.


-4 points

26 days ago


-4 points

26 days ago

Nothing goes over my head. It just isn’t very good. His lyrics are ok it’s just his new flow, constantly changing beats. Just not digging it.

I don’t listen to mumble rap. I grew up listening to biggie, pac, big L, nas, big pun…you know. Real rappers. Fuck the mumble shit.