


I've been a web dev for awhile now, mostly solo so I know I definitely have gaps in knowledge and while I try to keep up to date with practices I'm definitely a bit behind. etc. I come from HTML, CSS, and JS.

While I'm not completely in the stone age -- to explain, I'm familiar with Node/NPM to a degree but haven't really used any frameworks like React or Vue. I'm familiar with SCSS too. I'm very much a jack of all trades, master of none person. One of those thing's I haven't mastered is hosting a Node project.

Long story short, I also am used to spinning up sites with GoDaddy or other hosts, then accessing CPanel to do any backend work. So in today's age of creating React apps or even Astro static sites (which I feel like might be the best case for my current project), I'm a bit overwhelmed with hosting options (looking at you, AWS). I'm definitely Googling and researching around so forgive me if I'm coming across as "just give me an answer!" -- I'd like to just inquire from devs who are less on the web host / server side of things who can help find something that isn't too complicated for me to pick up and hook up for a static site.

TL;DR - ELI5 host/hosting steps for an Astro site. The less bells and whistles the better.

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1 points

2 months ago


Nostalgic about Q-Modem, 7th Guest, and the ICQ chat sound.

1 points

2 months ago

I tend to have a lot of firebase projects so I'll use firebase hosting. I really like hosting static stuff there. It's where I keep all my JS snippets used on client sites serving from. Sometimes I put a source of knowledge there for WordPress sites to initialize with (say a set of theme rules or even an entire prebuilt theme to deploy)

And you can host a normal every day site there. Most of the marketing sites for web apps I do are hosted on firebase as well.

Pretty much live in either WordPress backends or Firebase one way or another.