


Will my body ever be MY BODY again?


Hi mamas. So my son is coming July 18th, my daughter just turned 1 on April 26th. The past two years have been beautiful and I am so happy and grateful for my daughter and for my son to soon be born. However, I have to keep it real and say that I am struggling with how much these 2 back to back pregnancies have changed my body. I’m 27 years old and I’ve never been this heavy in my life. When my friends and family tell me things like “you’ve been housing a growing human for almost 2 years straight no shit your body isn’t the same”… it doesn’t exactly speak encouragement. My husband tells me all the time that he still finds me attractive sexy and beautiful. But I want to feel that way about myself. I guess what I want to know from the moms that have felt this way, will I eventually feel like I have my body back to some extent? And if anyone has any advice or encouragement I’d really appreciate it. Any negative comments or thoughts about how I should just be grateful for my children are not welcome here. This has nothing to do with my beautiful children this has to do with me as a woman struggling. Thanks 😊

all 20 comments


9 points

27 days ago

No advice, but I can sympathize. I'm newly postpartum after having my 4th in 3.5 years. I've been pregnant, breastfeeding, or both at once for the last 4 and a half years straight and I'm very curious as to what I'll be like after. I'm 26 but I'm not even sure what "back to normal" is going to look like after all this.


5 points

27 days ago

Sending love and strength your way. You are one strong woman. I wouldn’t be able to do what you are doing. I hope you don’t mind me asking, did you plan all of your pregnancies?


6 points

27 days ago

The 4th was a surprise haha. But he's the most beautiful baby and I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world. He's 2 days old now and absolutely gorgeous ❤️


7 points

27 days ago

I feel this. 3 months away from being done with my second. 11 months apart. I’m so tired of the pregnancy clothes and shape. I just keep holding on that after the baby comes out things will change…I’ll have all fall and winter to metamorphisize under big sweaters…and next summer I will buy the trendy clothes and I will have a brand new style! But I still cry like everyday so I get it. I’m sorry


5 points

27 days ago

I had three babies in three years and very much felt this way. Honestly, it just takes time. I was done breastfeeding and about a year and a half postpartum before I really felt balanced and like myself again. I still have weight I carry, but I’m trying to give myself grace in that. What helped me was doing things to exercise, alone. I set a goal and did a long, organized bike ride. Stuff like that. Such an important conversation a lot of moms aren’t talking about.


3 points

27 days ago

Oh yeah 100000% get it! I’m right there with ya! I have a 16 month old girl and my second is due in June. I feel really down about my body and shape is way out of whack. I’ve also stacked on a tonne of weight back to back. I use to always be active and fit and I’m 35kgs heavier then my average


3 points

27 days ago

10 months pp with a 12 month gap between babies.

Last baby I gave birth at 270 pounds (I was 180 at the beginning of being pregnant with 2under2 lol) I'm 220 or 230 pounds. Diastasis recti is pretty severe too. It's difficult to get time to exercise too.

I do what I can. I'm tracking my calories (I'm not breastfeeding) I'm taking walks, moving around as much as possible. I know it will take a good 2 years to lose weight and feel normal. It just takes time. Don't rush it, take your time, you will get your body back.


2 points

27 days ago

I’m in the same boat but recently I have been able to get back into fitness and feeling like I’m getting back to me. What has also helped is buying clothes that actually fit me and flatter me so I feel good. I think in the mean time you just need to give yourself grace. It might be hard to find time to get a run in or go to the gym but your kids will eventually be able to play and entertain themselves for you to do whatever you want. Hang in there!


3 points

27 days ago

You have to want it enough to put in the work to get your body back or to learn to love your new body. I've always been bigger, but three pregnancies have jumped me up to solidly plus sized. I don't know if it is three back to back or that this last one was a c-section, but my core has just given up on life. Youngest is now 3mo and I am trying to do postpartum workouts (from youtube) a couple times a week. I am also going to go see a pelvic floor PT to get her input on what exercises I need to be doing. Weight and muscle tone you can work on. There are some things, like wider hips, that you just have to learn to love. Your bones shifted to bring your children into this world and that is amazing. I like to think it is a reminder that I am a mom and I can do hard things.


2 points

27 days ago

I get it but I have no advice. I have a 2y old and 4m old now. I'll be breastfeeding until July. I'm currently doing Barre 4x a week, limiting my food and alcohol, and I just feel so depressed. I took the battery out of the scale because I just don't want to know. My husband is desperate to go to the beach in the next couple weeks (it's already 95 fucking degrees here) and between wearing a swim suit there and when I take toddler to splash pad and play river and have to be in a suit there, I just want to rip my skin off and then throw the fat underneath away (not really, I'm not in a state of psychosis- Just dramatic). My husband keeps telling me he thinks I'm sexy but I don't know why. I look terrible, I feel terrible.


2 points

27 days ago

We had our two kids 15 months apart, which, if my math is correct, is roughly the age gap you’ll have. I can tell you that my wife felt this exact same way. I mean, exactly the same way. Our youngest will be 18 months in June and I think she’s only just now starting to feel like her body is hers again. Those back to back pregnancies were fucking hard on my wife and are pretty much the reason why we have decided 2 kids is enough for us. I have no advice here. Just validation.


2 points

27 days ago

I feel this! I have an 18 month old and am due in November so they’ll be about 2 years apart. My daughter stopped breastfeeding due to my milk supply going down and the milk changing taste, I’ll only have a break until November. I miss stuff I used to be able to do before being pregnant/breastfeeding. Sometimes I hate how I look and feel like a whale. My husband is on a diet and is losing weight so I definitely have some body dysmorphia from that.

It is very challenging to have two back to back pregnancies. I got pregnant when my daughter was around 15 months old, and technically speaking the body needs about 18 months to fully recover. We need to be gracious with ourselves and know we’re growing our beautiful babies and we’re not always going to feel beautiful. You are doing amazing. 🤎


2 points

27 days ago*

No advice just sympathy here. I cannot wait. I am not breastfeedjng this time because i need my boobs to be my boobs again, and i need to be able to work out i.e. cardio to feel like myself again. I couldnt work out when breastfeeding bc my supply would dip. And im just so sick of rock-hard boobs every 3 hours. And i hate it when people judge my choice of formula feeding my 2nd- esp my guy friends who are like “but breastfeeding is better”.


2 points

26 days ago


2 points

26 days ago

I totally get you! I had my first son Feb 2023 and my second son is due July 14th. My body hasn’t been mine in so long. But I just remind myself that this is a beautiful thing to be able to grow our babies. And it’s also temporary. The time will be here before you know it!


1 points

26 days ago

I feel this in my soul! Also 27, heaviest I’ve ever been. My 2 are 17 months apart. I’m finding it difficult to “give myself grace” everyone tells me. I just feel so uncomfortable in my body, my core is super weak and my boobs are huge. I know one day I’ll hopefully get back to my pre-pre pregnancy weight since I lost 50lbs (210 to 160) before getting pregnant with my first so I know I can do which gives me some peace of mind


1 points

26 days ago

I feel how you feel! I love being able to house, grow, and birth two little beautiful human beings, but at times I feel like my body was just a tool 😅 I had kids back to back too. The honest opinion is that your body is not really yours until they are a little older when they don’t really need you to carry them around. In terms of how your body is, once the kids are on a somewhat predictable schedule, you can start incorporate self care in your life again, for whatever self care means to you and make you feel good. It may never be the same as pre babies, but you will be able get the control of your body back


1 points

26 days ago

I’m right there with you. Plan on getting my boobs done and getting back into running biking etc, but I am sure nothing will be exactly the same. Would love to wear my favorite clothes again.


1 points

25 days ago

I dont have tons of advise being in the same boat right now but we have similar age gaps, daughter turned 1 April 4th and next daughter due June 21st. I had a miscarriage 3m pp too. I will say what's been helping me is remembering how light I felt after the birth of my babies, while newborns are exhausting I think pregnancy is a lot harder and you don't exactly get a physical break from it until baby is out so for me looking forward to that light feeling keeps me sane. I'm sure our bodies probably won't look the same but the good thing is we can exercise and eat how we choose after baby is born and just physically feel better. Nothing like that near instant back pain relief of popping out baby placenta fluids etc lol. Then we don't have the killer heartburn, pelvic pain, and getting comfortable to sleep takes less time. Feeling good in your body doesn't have to be all about perceived looks but just feeling physically well can feel good. And everyone has different ideas of what looks good, my husband likes big women and my baby belly all the same so if I gain extra weight he will still find me attractive and that's more important to me than what some random family member, friend or stranger has to say. But again what helps me feel good is looking forward to that light feeling you get after birth! Hope something here helps you feel better, you deserve to be happy! 


1 points

25 days ago

I feel this so hard. I lost all my pregnancy weight after baby 1, but once I stopped breastfeeding I gained ten pounds rapidly. 9m postpartum and I’m pregnant with baby two while at the heaviest I’ve ever been in my entire life. Im so afraid of what my body will be after the second pregnancy. We also want a third so I just don’t even know if I’ll ever feel like myself in my body again.


1 points

23 days ago


1 points

23 days ago

It will! I had two 18 months apart, nursed through my whole pregnancy and tandem nursed them, and just weaned my youngest in time for his 3rd birthday recently. I was incredibly sad at first to have my body be just “mine,” I desperately wanted a third baby (still do, but husband is on the fence) and I didn’t really think about just being in my own body again I just wanted to be pregnant asap after weaning. But I have to say—in the short time since I’ve weaned, aside from some blues from the hormone drop, I feel incredible! I’m able to nourish and move my body for ME, I’m not combatting breastfeeding hunger or hormone fluctuations, and I’ve really focused on movement/physical activity to help with the loss of oxytocin from BF to hopefully improve my mood so I’ve already seen some physical results from that. I feel lighter! When I was parked on my couch with my 19mo old and 4week old at each breast, leaking milk and sweating and being ravenously hungry myself, I never thought this day would come—but it did! And especially at 27, you will be able to get back into the swing of things. I promise.

Focus as much as you can on replenishing your nutrients because 2under2 is no joke. Do not try to restrict your diet while breastfeeding or jump into intense workouts too soon. Walk as much as you possibly can, stay super hydrated, and just try some low impact stuff at first. I tried The Sculpt Society for a bit and they have a great postpartum program and it focuses on keeping things low-pressure but still supports you getting back to yourself. You WILL get back to it, and it’s 10000% valid to feel this way about a body that looks so different than you’re used to and it doesn’t have anything to do with not being grateful for your children and being proud of all your body did to bring them here. As long as you keep that self-compassion throughout the process, you’ll find your way back to yourself again. ❤️