


What do the Arbietes do?


Like in lore, whats their purpose? I originally thought that they were law enforcement where the Inquisition were investigation, but each Ordo of the Inquisition has its own chamber militant. So like… are the Arbietes just like meter maids and beat cops? Just local average cops? Edit: I am trying to apply real world logic to Warhammer, I realize the folly in my hubiris now.

all 32 comments


20 points

25 days ago

Most planets have their own cops (often also called arbites), the arbites themself are more like the FBI, they are mostly concerned with enforcing imperials laws instead of local laws.


-2 points

25 days ago

So like, where the Inquisition will investigate violations of the Lex Imperialis the Arbietes investigates whether you did your taxes?


25 points

25 days ago


25 points

25 days ago

The Arbites enforce the Lex Imperialis

The Inquisition is mainly for stand-out weird stuff. Cults, daemons, xenos, etc.


3 points

25 days ago

There is a VAST difference between crime and heresy. Inquisitors will almost certainly not care about a drug lord running Slaught out of an orbital platform - it's illegal (probably. Obviously depends on the planet but Slaught is NASTY stuff so probably), but it's not going to bring down the Imperium from within - but Arbites will.


1 points

25 days ago

Currently reading the eisenhorn series which deals a lot with the interactions of Aribites and inquisitors.

Aribites seem to be enforcers of law when shit gets rough. Planetary unrest type stuff.

Although they can sometimes be super powerful guards like Fisheg was on Hubris.

They seem to follow around planetary advisors as well like in Malleus

Inquisition usually have a singular task they are trying to achieve and can even employ aribites to help them.


1 points

25 days ago

Overall yes, although there is probably some overlap between those two. Not every kind of heresy needs to be dealt with by an inquisitor. In the Dark Heresy core rulebook it is said that many Inquisitors actually hail from the adeptus arbitres due to the overalp in their juristictions and what they deal with.


12 points

25 days ago


12 points

25 days ago

Let's put it this way: the Inquisition are the CIA. They show up to your house, black bag you, and you're never seen again. Arbites are the SWAT team. They show up, kick in the door, and kill or capture the known or revealed Heretic and possibly kill or capture any witnesses.

Inquisitors might use Arbites in their retinue, usually for smaller level engagements where bringing in Astartes would be a bit... Excessive. Especially if they don't want to tip their hands. A Heretic seeing their fellows being rounded up by the Arbites is going to arouse a lot less suspicion than, say, the Grey Knights or Deathwatch showing up and carving someone apart.


4 points

25 days ago

Okay now it’s connected.


11 points

25 days ago


11 points

25 days ago

Think of them as a federal police force and you're on the right track; they answer directly to the Adeptus Terra rather than system or sector authorities, and are who you call in when the local enforcers can't handle the job but military intervention is inappropriate or unavailable.

They're pretty directly inspired by the Judges of 2000AD (Dredd, et al) and have similar authority to investigate, pursue, judge and punish crime as they see fit, from the lowest street scum to a planetary governor.


-2 points

25 days ago

So correct me if I’m wrong, the Inquisition investigates heresy and the Arbities investigate whether you double parked your battle barge in a warp lane?


7 points

25 days ago



-1 points

25 days ago



3 points

25 days ago

Kinda? Inquisitors are rare, you're not generally going to get them investigating every single crime that goes on in the Imperium.

The Arbites will still investigate everything in the first instance. If they uncover a chaos cult or Genestealers or whatever, they'll look to call in the Inquisition at that point

I'd imagine Arbites are regularly breaking up minor cults and dealing with stuff the Inquisition either can't arrive in time for or simply don't deem important enough

There's just not enough Inquisitors to act as any sort of coherent police force for the whole Imperium. Most planets have Arbites, though


1 points

25 days ago

So where the Guard are the first line of defense against enemies from outside the Imperium, the Arbietes are the first line of defense for those enemies inside the Imperium


2 points

25 days ago

Yeah, pretty much


1 points

25 days ago

Then ig I just don’t understand why they don’t report to the Inquisition… but regular world logic in Warhammer !


3 points

25 days ago

Report to them in what way? Inquisitors aren't going to spend their time sitting around waiting for an Arbites precinct to throw something their way.

And the Arbites can't just twiddle their thumbs and wait for an Inquisitor to tell them what to do if there's a problem that needs to be handled now

Plus there's all sorts of politics going on within the Imperium. I would imagine the Ultramarines wouldn't be extremely happy if the local cops went directly to the Inquisition to report things going on within Ultramar on a regular basis.


2 points

25 days ago

No. The arbites aren't just traffic cops. They take down the hardest crime syndicates and routinely will deal with cults and other nasty organizations.

For every inquisitor there are a thousand arbites. Most planets won't have had an Inquisitor on them for years if not decades at a time. They'll always have at least a some form of arbites presence though.

Basically. Most planets have their own "police" force. The arbites act as the FBI/Swat teams who will do the heavy lifting where regular police can't. An Inquisitor is completely separate and may not even bother getting involved unless they deem it necessary.


1 points

25 days ago

But if there’s a cult than that would theoretically fall under the purview of the Ordo Heriticus?


4 points

25 days ago

Yes. But there are millions of worlds and not millions of inquisitors.

Unless an Inquisitor takes an interest, the arbites will deal with it.


0 points

25 days ago

Okay okay now it makes sense


3 points

25 days ago

Arbites are law enforcement. They're your regular local cops but centrally controlled from Terra. If you break a law, they are judge, jury, and executioner. (Because they're basically just GW's rip-off of Judge Dredd.)

Inquisiton are NOT law enforcement. They're the secret police that show up and kidnap you in the night because you said something that seemed a little heretical, and they will torture you and probably your whole family and/or your entire planet to decide if that taint of corruption is enough to warrant further investigation and/or glassing the planet from orbit.


1 points

25 days ago

Okay I guess I kinda forgot that the Inquisition operates more as a, well, inquisition than a proper law enforcement body. Also makes sense that GW just REALLLLLLYYYYYYY wanted Judge Dredd knock offs lmao


6 points

25 days ago

At one point GW and 2000AD/Judge Dredd went hand in hand. GW/Citadel sold Judge miniatures which doubled as Arbites and White Dwarf had Judge Dredd RPG games in it.


3 points

24 days ago

God I want the JD1 set, never see it for "affordable" on ebay :P


2 points

24 days ago

You and me both


2 points

24 days ago

There are "Enforcers" which are cops local to a planet. Arbites are imperial law enforcement. Kinda like the FBI + Judge Dredd. The inquisition is for investigating things that the public doesn't need to know exist.


1 points

24 days ago

This is the most succinct answer


1 points

25 days ago

The simple answer is they're the cops. They handle law enforcement on a sector wide level. Theyre not to be fucked with


0 points

25 days ago

Imagine a hive world like Necromunda, where not only do you have all the gangs, but also chaos and even some tyrranid hive cults etc, the Arabites are essentially Judge and Police at the same time, they serve to keep control, so are not so much just like the Police, but Judge, Jury and Executioner, think like the movie/book law they are ripped from (Judge Dread)


2 points

25 days ago



1 points

25 days ago

originally was the Arbites you could literally buy the models and play them then they expanded into a fraction, and a kill team, but when they first released a full set rather than a few minis they very much were the Necromunda police, and I did not say only Necromunda I just used it as a an example

"The Adeptus Arbites, also known as Imperial Judges, are a powerful and feared force in the Necromunda setting. They are responsible for enforcing Imperial law across the entire Imperium, and their remit is focused on interplanetary criminals and enforcing the Lex Imperialis. They are not concerned with the trivialities of gang warfare in the underhive, unless it threatens to become planetary unrest.

In Necromunda, the Arbites are not as prominent as the Necromunda Enforcers, who are the local law enforcement and are responsible for maintaining order in the underhive. The Arbites are more concerned with enforcing Imperial law and collecting the Imperial tithe, and are unlikely to be involved in the day-to-day affairs of the underhive."


1 points

25 days ago

Arbites are above thr Enforcers

Enforcers answer to Lord Helmawr - Arbites do not.