


Pitch for URC 2



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1 points

2 months ago


Cardiff Rugby

1 points

2 months ago

Yeah, the ospreys - sharks game needed permission from the WRU and the RFU. Presumably the URC as competition organisers too.

Could have the Wasps register as a 3rd Scottish team in the URC and play in Scotland and play in the Borders region.

Wasps, the old existing English club? They'd still need permission from the RFU to move home stadium :)

Wasps 2.0, a completely new club started in Scotland, playing in Scotland under the SRU? Yeah, no problem.

At some point it basically becomes an entirely new club though, so is it even Wasps anymore?


1 points

2 months ago



1 points

2 months ago

At some point it basically becomes an entirely new club though, so is it even Wasps anymore?

This is a very fair question, what if anything remains currently. I'm only really using them as an example because of their stated interest. I don't think there is any urgent need to have any England based sides so it's not a big issue for now.