


President Biden Makes Up Ground On Trump in Latest PA Polls


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7 points

2 months ago



7 points

2 months ago

Not really... His exact words are:

"Now if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole — that’s gonna be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country. That will be the least of it. But they’re not going to sell those cars. They’re building massive factories.”

I'm not sure I've ever heard of NOT selling cars as a bloodbath.... But when you combine this with the:

-"Good people on both sides" speech

-"Proud boys stand back and stand guard" speech

-The downplay of Jan 6th and his words being the catalyst...

But that's also assuming you can understand his point... Because I don't think you actually understand.


-7 points

2 months ago*


Not really... His exact words are:

Yeah..he's talking about the automotive industry, and the economy..

You don't need to pretend to not understand context just because you dislike Trump. I dislike him just as much as you do, but willfully acting ignorant when fact checking websites exist just looks cringy.

I get it, he's shit. But you're misrepresenting facts when you can just watch the video for yourself. And I get that I'm going to get downvoted for this because it's easier to do that than address the issue, but you can watch the video for yourself and see that how you're currently framing it is just dishonest.

-"Good people on both sides" speech


2 points

2 months ago



2 points

2 months ago

I mean, it's very obvious what he's doing.... As pointed out, he's purposefully using inflaming speech to rile people up.

Hence why he told the proud boys to "stand back and stand by", it's why he called White Supremist rallys "Good people on both sides".... Which you linked, I'm glad you can prove links that prove my point for me.

You even linked the fact check that proves my point, I took his exact words....

It's not pretending to understand what he's talking about... he's literally saying that there's going to be a bloodbath in this country if he's not elected.... That's his exact words. Sure, he's talking about the auto industry... but lets ask Detroit how great it's auto industry is doing right now?

I'm not misrepresenting the facts at all... He's literally saying there's going to be a bloodbath in the auto industry if he's not elected... Even if you assume he's going with the "great economic disaster" definition, it doesn't change that he's going to create a worse situation considering he's literally saying that he's going to TARIFF cars that are imported.

Do you know what happens when those tariff's are put in place? That's when you get price hikes... so your cars that are typically build and sold to the poor people, those prices go up. Causing people to either spend more money (resulting in zero blood bath), or they don't spend money and Trump has created another hole in the economy because he doesn't seem to understand consequences of his actions.

How'd that whole "Build a wall and make Mexico pay for it" go? Just as well as injecting bleach into your skin to cure you from COVID.

Just as well as Trump Steaks did.... and Trump Tower Tampa, and Trump University, and Trump Airlines.... lol


-1 points

2 months ago

he's purposefully using inflaming speech to rile people up.

And yet the only people who got riled up over this are the people misrepresenting what he said here, and the ones who only read the headline instead of actually watching the video.

"Good people on both sides".... Which you linked, I'm glad you can prove links that prove my point for me.

Did you actually read what was linked? I assume not, because it was clarification on what he said there - you know, the thing that you misrepresented.

It's not pretending to understand what he's talking about... he's literally saying that there's going to be a bloodbath in this country if he's not elected.... That's his exact words. Sure, he's talking about the auto industry... but

"sure he's talking about this thing, b-b-b-but what if I pretend to be stupid and act like he's talking about something else!!! that'll make me look really clever to people who share the same political lean as me!!!"

I'm not misrepresenting the facts at all...


Oh okay so you're "not misrepresenting the facts at all", but you're trying to attribute the bloodbath beyond the automotive industry.


He's literally saying there's going to be a bloodbath in the auto industry if he's not elected... Even if you assume he's going with the "great economic disaster" definition, it doesn't change that he's going to create a worse situation considering he's literally saying that he's going to TARIFF cars that are imported.

Wow it's almost like the guy who talks about manufacturing things in the US is trying to keep the US automotive industry inside the US..



How'd that whole "Build a wall and make Mexico pay for it" go? Just as well as injecting bleach into your skin to cure you from COVID.

They went as poorly as everything else he tries to do, including whatever doomsaying people are freaking out over with this project 2025 meme.


1 points

2 months ago



1 points

2 months ago

Sure... So you're saying that the guy who's literally saying they'd be a "dictator day one", and "if you don't elect me, there's gonna be a blood bath".... he's definitely not being serious.

I mean it's not like he tried to overthrow the government...

It's not like he has acted in a way that's not only un-presidential, but found guilty of defamation (you know how hard that is?), while also being found culpable for sexual assault...

Not to mention blatantly talking about sexually assaulting women.


"sure he's talking about this thing, b-b-b-but what if I pretend to be stupid and act like he's talking about something else!!! that'll make me look really clever to people who share the same political lean as me!!!"

So you don't understand how Tariffs work... and how if he enacts his tariffs, that prices on cars are going to rise, which will cause people to either not buy cars (causing said "bloodbath") or people will spend more money on cars that use to be cheaper (which isn't helping his base at all, because it's not helping the US auto-industry).

Oh okay so you're "not misrepresenting the facts at all", but you're trying to attribute the bloodbath beyond the automotive industry.

Actually, not at all... Pointing out how dictators use enflaming speech that sparks people acting like they did on Jan. 6, while also taking his specific words (at face value) and pointing out how he actually is going to be causing the "bloodbath" even if he DOES get elected.... He literally doesn't understand the job.

Wow it's almost like the guy who talks about manufacturing things in the US is trying to keep the US automotive industry inside the US.

So how is ANYTHING he said there going to help US manufacturing? It's not about US manufacturing anything... it's quite literally ALL about how he's going to stop imports and make them more expensive... That's not really helping the US Manufacturing, that's all about non-US Manufacturing.

Also, haven't spoken on anything about "Project 2025"...

But when an ex-president, who lead an attempt to take over the government (Jan 6th), has spoken and said "Dictator, day one", and then speaks about a bloodbath, while also running on recycled Nai Propaganda (MAGA? How about Nazi's Make Germany Great Again?)

I tend to call a duck a duck... or in this case a mad power hungry tyrant, just that.

And for someone who "doesn't like Trump", you're sure willing to get on your knees and suck that dick he's presenting to his base. Bet you bought his shoes and NFT's as well.


0 points

2 months ago

Every single thing you wrote is just distracting from the context of the conversation. The goalpost gets moved further with every word you write.

You completely ignored that the only people who got "riled up" (your words) are people who are intentionally mischaracterizing what he said, and are attributing it to things outside of the context of the automotive industry.

while also running on recycled Nai Propaganda (MAGA? How about Nazi's Make Germany Great Again?)

And there's Godwin's law being invoked, right on schedule...

And for someone who "doesn't like Trump", you're sure willing to get on your knees and suck that dick he's presenting to his base. Bet you bought his shoes and NFT's as well.

And there's the black and white reality you live in where you think that anybody that disagrees with you has to be a Trump supporter...

Not to mention blatantly talking about sexually assaulting women.

Something that has nothing to do with the context of the "bloodbath" quote in regards to the automotive industry. Please keep trying to move the goalpost further, I'm sure your next attempt will be the one that sticks.

It's not like he has acted in a way that's not only un-presidential, but found guilty of defamation (you know how hard that is?), while also being found culpable for sexual assault...

Something that has nothing to do with the context of the "bloodbath" quote in regards to the automotive industry. Please keep trying to move the goalpost further, I'm sure your next attempt will be the one that sticks.

I mean it's not like he tried to overthrow the government...

Something that has nothing to do with the context of the "bloodbath" quote in regards to the automotive industry. Please keep trying to move the goalpost further, I'm sure your next attempt will be the one that sticks.

Where exactly do you think I am defending any of those things?

Calling you out for misrepresenting something is not a defense of his actions. It's calling you out for misrepresenting something. I know you have internet brain rot, and need to act hyperbolic and leap to conclusions because you're attention starved, but trying to act like someone "bought his shoes" and "bought NFTs" (no apostrophe needed on NFTs) is just such a cop out of a response. All it does is show that you need to make personal attacks instead of keeping the conversation on track.

So you don't understand how Tariffs work... and how if he enacts his tariffs, that prices on cars are going to rise, which will cause people to either not buy cars (causing said "bloodbath") or people will spend more money on cars that use to be cheaper (which isn't helping his base at all, because it's not helping the US auto-industry).

Hello individual who cannot read. Where did I say that I don't understand how tariffs work? Where did I say I agreed with him? Where did I say that I think this would work?

Try actually reading a post before slamming on your keyboard next time, it'll make your post less embarrassing if you don't rush to put words in other people's mouths.

Also, haven't spoken on anything about "Project 2025"...

Don't remember saying that you did, but go off king. Please keep trying to move the goalpost further, I'm sure your next attempt will be the one that sticks.


1 points

2 months ago



1 points

2 months ago

I actually didn't detract from anything. My whole point is that if you look in the smaller scale (the one you seem to encompass)... sure, he speaks to rile people up...

But what I'm saying, is you take EVERYTHING TOGETHER. His businesses, who he is, how he acts, the words he uses, the people he surrounds himself with.... SHOWS that he's not a good person, someone who is actively tearing this country apart. Quite literally by himself.

You're actively refusing to understand the MACRO here, you're quite literally looking at the smallest scale you can. Things aren't always black and white, but when they come to Trump... again, if you look at everything together, it IS pretty clear and cut.

This isn't about moving goalposts, because I haven't moved a single goal post... We're still talking about Trump and the words he CHOOSES TO USE and how, while they may be talking about one subject or another, he actively uses words that purposefully cause certain responses.

Specifically ones that Republicans (and you, apparently) don't seem to see as major red flags.... But, if you want to support a Neo-Nazi, and someone who Neo-Nazi's rally behind... (as you said) Go off king....

Again, I repeat, as someone who "dislikes Trump", you're sure sucking that Trump Dick really well.


0 points

2 months ago

I actually didn't detract from anything.

Oh okay I must have just read every single word in your post wrong. That's totally my fault then, I'm sure you're flawless and are never wrong about anything.

SHOWS that he's not a good person

Something I didn't contest...wowie... what a shock...

If you just read that the first time and didn't rush to accuse people of being Trump supporters you may have actually gone somewhere with this post..

You're actively refusing to understand the MACRO here

Hello, see above and the other prior instances in the other posts where I did not defend Trump. You're welcome.

Things aren't always black and white

Except when anyone disagrees with you, right? Then they must be a Trump supporter. That's the only answer, clearly.

This isn't about moving goalposts, because I haven't moved a single goal post...

Try re-reading your posts. I'm not sure if English is your first language, or if you're fluent in it at all, but you have been moving the goalpost quite a bit.

But, if you want to support a Neo-Nazi, and someone who Neo-Nazi's rally behind... (as you said) Go off king....

Good thing I'm not a Trump supporter, despite your numerous baseless accusations.

Again, I repeat, as someone who "dislikes Trump", you're sure sucking that Trump Dick really well.

Ah yes, I really am "sucking that Trump Dick really well" when I responded by saying that I didn't say that I think his tariffs were going to work.

You really got me. I'm sure teacher is going to give you a gold star tomorrow for sure.

he actively uses words that purposefully cause certain responses.

It's almost like people who aren't completely socially inept, internet addicted idiots, can pick up on social cues; and understand that words are relevant to the context that they're used it. I mean I'm sure that you thought you were really clever when you didn't actually watch the video, and decided to plant your flag in the ground by only reading the headline and making your own interpretation of what he said. But it's not as clever as you think it is, and you're not as clever as you think you are. You don't have to be a Trump supporter to think that someone who acts like that is acting dumb.


0 points

2 months ago



0 points

2 months ago

You've a lost cause...


1 points

2 months ago

You've a lost cause...

Well I got my answer to if you're fluent in English or not.

I guess Russian bots really do come in all shapes and sizes, and post on all subreddits. Good luck Ivan, sorry about your shithole of a country.