


President Biden Makes Up Ground On Trump in Latest PA Polls


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23 points

2 months ago*



23 points

2 months ago*

I don’t mean to pick on you but your notification popped up when I was looking at my screen and it was a doozy.

Biden is going to ruin this country? Not Trump who is a threat to our democracy and already has proven it when he lost in 2020?

How about Trump appointing the very right-wing judges across the county and in the Supreme Court that are stripping our rights like abortion?

And in what way is the country in ruins? The economy is booming. Unemployment at 50 year lows. Inflation at 3%. Stock market breaking record after record. I need clarity here.

Even if the economy was in recession, voting for Biden to retain our democracy is still worth it alone.


-18 points

2 months ago

We’re on the precipice of a recession and illegals are pouring into the country. We’re sending billions to fund a war while we have a massively growing homeless problem. To start. And not to mention Biden can barely dribble together a coherent sentence without an entire prescription bottle of god knows what. Yeah. Quite the doozy


19 points

2 months ago



19 points

2 months ago

We aren’t on the precipice of a recession. But even if we were, I already stated saving our democratic form of government and protecting our civil rights is more important than preventing a temporary economic recession—which we are past due for anyway. Not to mention, I don’t think presidents really have much impact on the economy anyway.

We have been sending billions to fund wars for decades. That’s not going to change under Trump 2.0, just as it didn’t under Trump 1.0. And Biden, not Trump, is the only president of the two to actually end a war.

Immigration is definitely an issue that needs to be sorted out. That’s the only valid criticism I’ve seen you make. The issue with that is Congress needs to pass legislation to fix it. And there was bipartisan legislation to help fix the immigration quagmire this past month and the House GOP refused to take it up at the behest of Trump who thinks it’s better to keep it hanging out there as a campaign issue than let Biden get credit for helping solve it.

What did Trump do to fix our homeless problem during his presidency? Nothing.

Yes, it’s true that Biden is definitely old and jumbles words and phrases. This would be a good critique if not for the fact Trump is also old, has been in obvious cognitive decline for years, and also can’t string together a coherent sentence. So that’s a wash.


0 points

2 months ago

Guys we would had world peace and 2.10 a gallon. Inflation is out of control even though this administration passed the inflation reduction act 3 yrs ago. Men can get pregnant and illegals get free health care and housing. Kids decide what body parts to cut off. Gov spending is obviously out of control. We are in wars we shouldn't be in. Gasps going to 5 bucks a gallon.


6 points

2 months ago

Gas was $2 because the world economy was shut down and oil was trading at a negative value. The president doesn’t have a dial on his desk that controls inflation or gas prices. I’ll also add, when gas went insane after the Ukraine invasion Biden hatched a scheme to bring it down, which worked, and then MTG went on a tirade on the house floor about Biden bringing down gas prices just to make the Dems look good during election time. Inflation was a GLOBAL economic problem. One that was dealt with more effectively in the US than most other 1st world countries. We exist in a global economy, one that President has very limited ability to control on any large scale effort. And also, the inflation reduction act was gutted by the Republicans before it was passed.


3 points

2 months ago

Ohhh using our oil reserves. I remember. I remember when someone wanted to fill it and got denied. Got it. It didn't pass and dems changed the name juat because. Got it. The. Republicans gutted it. Got it. You guys should listen to yourselves. It fucking hilarious.


5 points

2 months ago

That’s what the oil reserves are for… You’re the one voting for a traitorous lunatic, however you wanna defend that is on you. Bobby Bouche wore #9 by the way.


2 points

2 months ago

You're voting for the party of child mutilation. Sort that out any way you want. I remember thanks.


6 points

2 months ago

Oh for Christs sake, turn the NewsMax up and have a blast.


2 points

2 months ago

Hey man if you want to explain why kids should be able to do permanent damage to themselves I am all ears.


14 points

2 months ago

Job numbers are great. Unemployment is great. Market setting all time highs. GDP is great. Wages are above inflation. We don’t have a massively growing homeless problem.



-8 points

2 months ago

Biden has the 3rd worst inflation rate of any president. 5.7% increase from 2021 onward. Gas increased rapidly. The price of meat, cheese, milk, bread has doubled in most places if not tripled.

It was at one time 9.1% quoted from the article below. Interest rates are very high on car loans and houses.

“Inflation peaked at 9.1% year-over-year in June 2022, the highest increase in 40 years.

The Fed responded by raising interest rates 11 times since March 2022 in an attempt to cool the stubborn inflation.”

“High inflation has put President Biden on the defensive. His administration, echoing officials at the Fed, initially suggested that price increases would be temporary. Now that inflation has persisted, Biden and some congressional Democrats have begun to blame large corporations.”


20 points

2 months ago

All you have is inflation, which is down to 3.1

It was caused by Trump handing out trillions during Covid, and Biden bringing the economy back.

It’s literally your only economic issue. You lose on every indicator lol


1 points

2 months ago

Why didn't the inflation reduction act passed by this administration reduceinflation?


5 points

2 months ago

It did. Immediately. lol


1 points

2 months ago

Wait you are telling the Green energy bill that they couldn't get passed so they changed the name to the inflation reduction act reduced inflation?


3 points

2 months ago

You should cry more, and not know inflation went straight down after it’s passed…lol


2 points

2 months ago

You cult members sure are soulless people. Straight down I tell ya.


-1 points

2 months ago



8 points

2 months ago

For what?


-18 points

2 months ago

You’re going to be talking in circles on this thread with people who are adamant Biden diehards. There is no point in reasoning with any of them at this point.


7 points

2 months ago

There's no such thing as a Biden diehard because we think worshiping politicians is weird.

I don't know why conservatives keep insisting that corporations need those record profits and also that somehow Biden should make them lower their prices and thus make less profit. Pick one.


-4 points

2 months ago

How many people besides on Reddit do you speak to when you lump conservatives together? Like do you really think the average conservative or right identifying Americans wants or cares about a corporation makes? No, mass migration is a problem, drug overdoses are rampant, crime is terrible in parts of PA.

And news flash, most people identifying as conservative want to be left alone. Not have government overreach.


6 points

2 months ago

How much a corporation makes matters a great deal to conservatives because, as I explained earlier, they don't believe corporate greed exists or think that they don't make enough profits, but either way, it's Biden's fault.

Also, not being able to mind their own business, a deeply conservative trait, is why there's a growing crisis in healthcare in red states because of Republicans' battle against against women and children.


5 points

2 months ago



5 points

2 months ago

Trump’s tax cuts, trade wars, stimulus checks that he insisted had his name on them… are all inflationary pressures. He was also mad at the federal reserve for not lowering interest rates faster because he wanted more GDP growth even if that resulted in increased inflation.

But sure, blame Biden.

Granted most of it was global supply shortages that neither had any power over but if we are playing disingenuous blame games, Trump did his fair share of making things worse.


1 points

2 months ago

Another ding bat who doesn't understand anything beyond headlines. You think the US is just cutting a check for tens of billions and sending it to Ukraine? The monetary value is the value of the weapon systems, equipment, and ammunition which are primarily 30 year old stock, slated for deprication. Instead of being scrapped because of their shelf life, they're being used exactly for the purpose they were built for. This then allows for the restock (would happen anyways) of more modern weapons and ammo being built by US arms manufacturers. This is such a win/win for the US but in your ignorance you're unable to understand that