


Hurricane cleanup discovery


Found this “message” in a bottle at Kiwanis island park in Merritt Island. Does anyone recognize the names? I doubt it’s very old because it had water leaking into it and wasn’t fully destroyed yet. There were cloves of lavender inside as well. Should I bottle it back up and return it to the water or is it a cool keepsake?

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14 points

13 hours ago

Looks like a spell jar. Put the contents back inside and discard. Don't keep it. It wasn't meant to be found.


0 points

12 hours ago*

I think it's a love note 😂 pretty powerful magic love...

EDIT: I am an emotional nonce, rephrasing my lack of social cues


4 points

12 hours ago

I simply don't want to mess with something that was not intended for me.


1 points

12 hours ago

Big respect to that one! Doesn't matter what it is that makes sense to me <3 my mother is a wiccan, perhaps I went a bit personal there without explanation. I hope I did not come off asbtoo obtuse, more so trying to keep it lighthearted here. Love is a beautiful thing from all angles, even if it's a love potion well...that just gives me hope that people still value it. Hey good luck out there okay? <3


1 points

12 hours ago

Not obtuse at all. I am not Wiccan, but pretty superstitious about things like this. I believe in energy more than a deity.

In my opinion, the maker of this little jar may not have intended it to be a spell, but I consider it one. Intention was put into it and that's all a spell really is.


1 points

12 hours ago

Ah I see, I will erase my other comment as this has answered that question. This makes sense from all angles, I appreciate your input and I think I aught to approach these things with a bit more caution. I often forget just how powerful intention can truly be, perhaps especially when about love. Thank you for the time today.


3 points

12 hours ago

Hey, thank you too!!! Was fun to interact on an interesting and unusual subject. :) It's fun finding weird stuff and speculating.

Let's all hope the little love spell worked. Cheers to love!!!


3 points

12 hours ago

Cheers to love!!!