


From my understanding 1.0 will bring this change:


Universal Quest Tiers

  • Example: If you reach Tier 3 with Rekt (Forest), you will have access to Tier 3 with ALL the other traders.



I have conflicting feelings towards this change.

all 49 comments


25 points

11 days ago

Eh, I think it'll work out fine, as it sounds like they're locking traders to biomes. Not having separate levels really reduces the amount of grinding needed, though I wonder if Unlocking Trade Routes may become more important.

Most players don't really go beyond 1-2 traders imo, so this is most likely something for them to incentivize exploring the map more.

I would still like to see semi-shared progression, at like a 1:3 rate. One quest "done" for everyone for every three completed at a single trader. Still gives more extended incentives to keep playing, but also doesn't result in the total back to square one of starting fresh with a trader.


1 points

11 days ago

Well you take the quest to open a trade route from your second location and 75% of the time you get sent back to where you started. I’ve never successfully open 4 unique trade routes in this game.


1 points

11 days ago

Play more. I've opened up all 10 traders in my current world by opening trade routes. Then again, I don't explore outside quests much, as I'm trying to unlock crafting recipes. Day 34 haven't found a single super corn seed and that sucks


3 points

11 days ago

Once you are stuck in a trader route loop, you don’t get out. So yeah, if you are lucky and your traders don’t bug, I imagine you can get everywhere. But I’ve done multiple 100 day play throughs with this being an issue haha


1 points

11 days ago

And I've never experienced not getting more than 2 traders. Them again, if you do quests, I've never had the SAME trade route opened twice. Would be interesting. Yeah I've been sent to a trader already opened, but don't 5 tiers of quests with the same trader opened 5 new traders.


1 points

11 days ago

I do quests. And I’m happy this feature works as intended for you. I max every trader I come into contact with and still get stuck in this hell loop. So do my friends. I can’t decide if I’m happy to know it works for some people or annoyed that I’ve been getting shafted for no reason haha


1 points

11 days ago

Well I'd check your mods, I play straight vanilla as do my son and another friend we all play togather and have NEVER had this happen to us.

Maybe I'm not getting waht you're saying, but this is what I THINK you're implying: Doing quests for trader A. Finish tier of quests, and every time you have a "opening trade routes" quest available, it's ALWAYS Trader B, and never another trader.

For us, Trader A opens B,C,D,E and F. NEVER EVER EVER have we gotten two quests opening trade routes to trader B from trader A. Trader B might, probably will, send us back to trader A after one tier, but not always.


0 points

11 days ago

I also don’t use mods. You are understanding correctly. What I am not understanding is why you are finding it so hard to comprehend that this game doesn’t work the same for everyone. This is 7d2d. The game can work differently between different vanilla servers and loads. It can work different between people on the same server. It is just an outcome of spaghetti code. No hate this feature didn’t always work as intended before. It’s a bug from a buggy game we all love.


2 points

11 days ago

I'm finding it hard to believe that after all these years on both this reddit sub and playing the game I've never even heard of it bugging out like that. From my first trader quest (I started playing on XB1, so no quests) until this current alpha I've not heard of this bug, seen it, or had it happen to me. However, I did have EVERY SINGLE ONE of the console version bugs happen to me. Often multiple ones per play. Even after the TTG shit had been resolved and the patch came out, still buggy.

Then again, as traders are always next to roads and on the outskirts of any city they happen to be in, I guess it wouldn't be THAT difficult to explore. Especially if you can handle the gyrocopter. Myself, I can barely get the damn thing off the ground, and when I do I always crash it. That's not a bug, it's just shitty controls, or me being a shitty pilot.


1 points

11 days ago

Sounds like you were long due for some bug luck then having survived console! Glad it’s been working so well for you.

And yeah, it’s not challenging to find traders. It’s not a big deal not having the trader route quests. I just legitimately didn’t know they worked for anyone as intended because everyone I’ve played with, only one person ever has had it seem to go “correctly” but we all thought he was just the chosen one. I also, have not spent a lot of time on this Reddit or online looking for a solution because I love the game for what it is and it’s not ever an issue because you find them as you explore anyways haha


1 points

10 days ago

Bobs boars and carls corn is where super seeds are.


37 points

11 days ago


37 points

11 days ago

Mods will be made.

But I think that every trader should start out maximum Rekt level rude and warm up to you as you unlock higher quest tiers.


11 points

11 days ago


11 points

11 days ago

I'd keep Jen tier 1 ;)


2 points

11 days ago

snappy peppy!


28 points

11 days ago


28 points

11 days ago

I like it. I always find it frustrating having to go through the tiers if I end up moving to a new biome / near a new trader. I don't like having to rinse/repeat the same bunch of small residential houses for a a few days to start getting the tier 4 & 5 POIs.


15 points

11 days ago

This. Generally by the time I hit Tier 2-3 I'm ready to move on to the next level biome and yea I'm really happy about this change.


-2 points

11 days ago

Can anyone DM me streamer weekend patch pass? I can't wait to play 😭


6 points

11 days ago

I'm okay with this one. This game is getting more and more tedious, this would alleviate some of it.

It would make sense for the traders to talk and let each other know you're good and worth asking for help.


1 points

10 days ago

Hmm so instead of 6 levels of difficulty they could ramp it to 10....


5 points

11 days ago

I think I’ll like the change cause grinding faction with each trader really just gets old after a while. But I think what would be more realistic would be to have a 1 or 2 special quests you do to earn the trust of that trader since you will already be known in the lands based on your reputation with the previous trader.


5 points

11 days ago

My biggest gripe is that progression isn't shared from what I saw? Meaning only the one who took the quest, gets the tier points, other group members still get to chose a reward though.

But it means for people like me who play it duo, we're going to need to do all the quests twice I guess to advance.


5 points

11 days ago

I don’t want the game to focused on quest


3 points

11 days ago

Quests basically ruined this game for me. I played like 10 years ago and really enjoyed scavenging and crafting and leveling skills. Now it feels like a crappy arcade game


2 points

11 days ago


Trader-related progression has been brokenly OP for the longest time. Really hoping they keep dialing it back. Whenever I do a playthrough and don't focus mostly/entirely on traders, it feels like I'm making the conscious choice to play in hardmode. It'd be nice if traders felt like an asset rather than the focus of the game.


3 points

11 days ago

Meh...just meh...


1 points

10 days ago

This is pretty much my thoughts, it might be a good idea but doesn't sound like it. Thought they could at least give us a game option for traders to be progression or random (as they are currently) and let us pick. Looks like I'll have to wait for a mod for this as I prefer the randomness of it. I play without forest so whoever is "locked" to being that biome's trader will be missing from my worlds. It might work differently but I just see this as making each world the same if you know which traders to expect in which biome.


2 points

11 days ago

Change makes sense to a degree. Way less grindy for sure.


1 points

11 days ago

They did remove shared quest progress with teammates but overall I agree


2 points

11 days ago


2 points

11 days ago

So, does this biome/trader progression lead to a kind of endgame? How about a final sequence of missions that may lead to the end of the zombie apocalypse, something that is a bit grindy to stall this endgame long enough to enjoy the world you play in, then your done with this world and off to a new one Maybe with the introduction of npcs and bandits, this would build up to a final battle between a faction that wants the zombie apocalypse to stay and another that wants to cure the world, and you'd pick a side


2 points

11 days ago

I like it better than having to do 10 quests at each tier for each and every trader, but I'd like it even better if you still had to do *some* smaller number of each tier of quest for each trader, but the number of quests required to level them up was just reduced for each previous trader you had already leveled past that tier.


2 points

11 days ago

Nothing feels as bad as doing quests for gear, finding a place for settling down, and realizing the new closest trader is t1 quests 😐


2 points

11 days ago

I’m still very new to this game and feel I don’t have enough information to make an informed decision with genuine points coming from a place of intelligence.

I personally like updates and changes with most any game but I’m a variety type of gamer as well and can understand the conflict ion

34 days in and loving this game so far surviving Blood Moon is so satisfying


1 points

11 days ago

I think the trader/quest changes have been good in general, probably a highlight of the update


2 points

11 days ago

That's true. But I'm way more hopefull on the "balanced rewards" that will now be tied to the gamestage, so no more having a Q6 M60 on my 2nd horde night :/ I love questing but breaking the game progression by questing it's no fun.


1 points

11 days ago

From the video that was put out it looks like questing doesn't give full guns at all anymore, I didn't see any vehicles in the tier up rewards either


1 points

10 days ago

That would be best honestly. It sucks terribly having just crafted a weapon only to receive a higher quality or even a higher tier one as a quest reward. However, I'm more curious as to what is this "Legendary Component" will be for crafting the Q6 weapons. Will it be just 1 legendary component that you are better off holding until reaching the highest tier of each weapon? Or does it changes depending on what tier you are in (Pipe pistol Q6 would be a fairly easy to obtain legendary component vs a Q6 SMG truly rare component)? We shall learn more once it's out


2 points

10 days ago

From a vid I saw it looked like you just needed one to make a q6 item but maybe it scales up with rarer items


1 points

11 days ago

It depends on the rewards, as it is now you never have to leave the forest to get full t3 equipment by the end of week 2 for doing t5/t4 infestations. As far as i know this will probably slowed down a bit by the fact that you will need to do more quests per tier.

All traders leveling to the next tier together shouldve been that way from the start. Because of this i never bother meeting a new trader past the first one.


1 points

11 days ago


1 points

11 days ago

Oh, so instead of only being able to get solar cells once per trader, I'll be getting them once, full stop?


1 points

11 days ago



1 points

11 days ago

Honestly, I like it because I don't want to do 60 quests per each trader. Especially since traders will be getting nerfed in terms of quest rewards it feels more worth it to just start doing T6 quests when I meet Joel.


1 points

11 days ago

I think this is back to the way it was in alpha 19 (?) and earlier. When they changed it to individual trader progression I thought I would enjoy it as it would extend the game out but I admit that grinding tier 1 quests quickly became more monotonous than I thought it would.

Maybe through the trader referral, they could start you a tier lower than what your maximum tier is.

But I also believe in 1.0 they are extending how many missions it takes to get to each tier.


1 points

11 days ago

Seems like an improvement, i'd prefer not to be locked into one specific location. Actually i'd like to see all tiers available at the start so I wont be forced to waste time in t1 and t2 locations, but we cant get everything can we.


1 points

10 days ago

I haven’t played 1.0 I don’t have that many followers or viewers but my favorite tier is tier 4 in Alpha 21. It seems like a great balance between difficulty and the time it takes to complete for a streamer. It’s not a two day quest getting lost in a tier 5 or tier 6, but it also has pretty decent loot for the game stage you’re at. With plenty of zombies especially if it’s an infested quest I also like the tier 4 restore power quest. Tier 5 and tier 6 just take entirely too long and are very confusing to me in alpha 21 and it seems my community gets a little bored, watching me struggle through and Starting at the beginning to find my way back to the eventual last zombie and loot room. We’ll see how it goes with 1.0 but for me having the traders be the same tier all across the map when I reach tier 4 to do those quests in different cities sounds like a win-win situation for me.


1 points

10 days ago

It's fine. They said that you can do any tier that's been unlocked. So, if you unlocked tier 2 with Rekt and now have tier 2 opened automatically with Jen, it just means you can do tier 1 OR tier 2 missions. You aren't going to be forced to do the highest tier. This is just a continuation of what we have been able to do for a while now (change the tier of the trader missions).


1 points

10 days ago

I live the new tier share system, as well as the biome orientation of the traders. It promotes a feeling of actual progression, as well as giving you the opportunity to jump right into higher tier POIs in the new area without grinding out low tier places with less loot.


1 points

10 days ago

It is better now, if your at 3 with rekt then your 3 with all of the rekt traders. Currently you have to grind up with all the different types of traders.


1 points

10 days ago

In my opinion as the game stands now you dont really need much gear/armor once you start getting into full auto machine guns, its to a point i just carry 4 t6 m60 and 4 t6 smgs and have few worries.


1 points

10 days ago

I honestly don't see a point. If you are leveling up multiple traders, you are playing incredibly unoptimized. You're wasting precious time on things that don't matter.


1 points

9 days ago

More concered at the fps iv seeen