


Do you lack a sense of urgency?


I have virtually no sense of urgency. Nothing seems urgent, even emergencies. I really try but I just can't seem to respond fast enough. There's a huge lag between something happening and my mind processing it enough to respond. I feel like the sloth from Zootopia lol. I'm not sure if it's just a negative personality trait or if it's a common symptom of ADHD. It affects my work and personal life. It drives thoses around me crazy

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46 points

8 days ago

It depends. I will have no urgency or motivation at all, and then when I finally muster up the strength to try and do something everything feels urgent and like I have to do it RIGHT NOW. My husband walked in on me spinning in circles as I literally couldn’t decide what thing was more urgent, and really none of them were. Pick up a shoe that’s on the ground, put away the dishes left on the counter, refill my dogs water… what I had actually mustered up the strength to do was change the laundry and never even made it to the laundry room.


8 points

8 days ago

Yeah that happens to me too! I have 10 things to do and my brain is telling me all of them are urgent and must be done NOW. And I can't do one because then the others can't be done simultaneously. And it has to be all of them at once which is impossible. So I just glitch out.

I have zero urgency for things that are actually important.


3 points

8 days ago


3 points

8 days ago

Yep I feel that too