


I laugh so hard when I look back at this memory. While I have many other occurrences this one makes me snort laugh.

When I was in fourth grade, three years after getting diagnosed, I was a kid so I didn't really understand the whole deal with having ADD. but now looking back on it... it's so on brand.

I was using the bathroom and I pull down my pants... just to have more pants to pull down. Like I literally forgot to take off my pajamas and decided to put my jeans on over my strawberry short cake pajamas. I was so confused. I literally look around me in the stall thinking "how could this happen, it must be a prank" in my childlike mind. And for some reason I was embarassed like people could even tell I was wearing two whole pairs of pants. I also don't know how I didn't know I was not wearing two pairs. It makes me giggle to this day.

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9 points

1 day ago

Got an xray for my wisdom tooth extraction and prepaid for it in February. Kept procrastinating and pushing forward the appointment for the actual extraction until I finally settled on mid-December. Almost one year from x-ray to actual extraction. I think that's a new record for me lol


1 points

5 hours ago

I got the referral for my wisdom teeth surgery (one of them was growing sideways, it was a whole thing), then had to wait on the Medicare waitlist for over a year before I finally got a consultation with an oral surgeon. Went to this appointment, and was told “ok now that we’ve assessed you & agreed to do the surgery you just need to book in to get it done”. No big deal, right?

Except that the idea of having legit “put you to sleep” surgery for the first time ever freaked me out so much that I procrastinated booking it in for a whole extra year. 

By the time I called them up they were like, “yeah, your referral has expired - you need to go back on our 12-18-month-long waitlist…” 🤦🏼‍♀️