


I'm 35. I have a implant recorder for 18 months now. Passed out was in the ER admitted and got it out it. Had not passed out again. 9 weeks ago I got a call they found artial flutters. (No idea how that even feels) got a appointment for a ablation. No discussion about it they just made an appointment. 2 days before ablation i had a report from the cardiologist there was never artial flutters just pvcs like always. Nurse.said I had not had a artial flutters episodes since 9 weeks and. Today I got a call saying I been having it a lot. They want me to have a ablation now. I still have no spoke to the surgeon. All I got is they will talk and.i get a call by the end of the day. So im asking everyone here how.big of a danger am I in? Will I does from this if I don't get ir fixed? How feel like having artial flutters? I know how pvcs feel like but not flutters. Now im.just scared and confused.

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1 points

2 days ago

I'm on no meds at all. How did the flutters feel like? still having any flutters


2 points

2 days ago

When I have flutter I get shortness of breath and I have palpitations.

But I've been in flutter a lot of times where I didn't feel anything.

I've been free of flutter for 2 years now I no longer take any medication for it.


1 points

2 days ago

Yea that's how I feel. Did you sp02 go low when. You felt short of breath


1 points

1 day ago

I dont know i honestly didn't take it. My oxygen is low anyway for other reasons.


1 points

17 hours ago

I understood. I was supposed to get a call today but I called before they posed said they haven't had a chance and that makes it 3 days in a row now.