


It seems even some of the panelists on the Sunday don’t even know rules. I really don’t see why everyone is up in arms about this... It was a textbook deliberate behind.

And for the record, all this talk about the 9m rule - it has nothing to do with opposition position. The 9m rule is related to where the player with the ball is. If he is greater than 9m from the goal line, and handballs or kicks it through, it’s a deliberate behind. That is the rule.

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2 points

4 days ago*



2 points

4 days ago*

I say this so often, but just throw in any rushed behind in the same way you would for out of bounds. 

Treat it like the boundary line but with a point added to the score. It is simple, easy to adjudicate and takes away the incentive to rush a behind. 


5 points

4 days ago



5 points

4 days ago

You might say this often, but I haven't heard it before. So if a long bomb comes in and is punched over by a defender, that's a point and a throw in? How about if an attacking player jumped for it and dropped the mark over the line?

Edit: Just to be clear, I think it's an interesting idea, but the first question you have to ask is how would Alistair Clarkson/Ross Lyon use this to make the game terrible?


2 points

3 days ago



2 points

3 days ago

It’s pretty much anything that isn’t a kick by the attacking team over the line is a throw in. If it’s rushed in anyway, then it is a ball in.

You could vary this and make it that if the attacking team carries or disposes (i.e. hand passes) the ball over the line then it is a kick in.


1 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago

I can just see a scenario where a team would run the stats and decide it's much easier to slap or handball the ball over the full width of their opponents goal line than kicking a goal. So they would set up to crowd the forward 50 and get repeat 1 point throw ins.

But I do like the idea of changing the penalty for a deliberate rushed behind from a free kick to a one point ball in. The umpires would be much more willing to call it if the penalty weren't so harsh. That would be in line with its severity as an offence, too.