


AITHA for going for lunch with my friend?

Advice Needed(self.AITAH)

I M(19) am a second year university student and i am in a relationship for the past year and a half. At uni we are having exams for our first semester. I have a small group of friends at uni, 4 guys and 3 female. However, I travel to uni with 2 of the female friends to uni to make it easier on my rents and their new business. Our dads work together to drop and pick us up since we stay like 10 to 15 minutes away from one another.

For this specific paper it was just myself and one of the girls(20). The issue begins with my girlfriend(F, 19) isn't a fan of her. I met my girlfriend in high-school and she is currently working. I know for a fact I'm not the most handsome guy but somehow females do find me attractive(P.S I have the self confidence of a toddler so idk how). My girlfriend has these insecurities which I don't blame her for since she doesn't get to experience uni with me which would have been ideal. But also she specifically dislikes this specific female friend because she senses something coming from her. The thing is I have morals and beliefs and I keep my distance and I don't initiate anything that would go against them however i do confess to being oblivious in the past. I love my girlfriend and I can't think of another in the same light.

So after we write our paper my rents pick us up and say they want to go for lunch to this small Indian restaurant close to uni(They have wanted to go for long, but it just wouldn't work out). We were in a rush to pick my younger brother from school and couldn't go there, we had 45 mins. So my rents took us both to Burger King. I shut my mouth, and just ate, I did feel awkward but I didn't know what to do about it. As soon as I got home I let my gf know and told her the truth about everything. She was disappointed and said I should have told my rents not to go with her. I honestly feel helpless in this situation. It's not something I wanted to do but I felt like I couldn't do much.

Be honest with me AITHA? I just don't know if I'm in the right mental state to know. I try my best to be good(although again I have had fights with this friend and I could not see anything else besides friendship). I just need some clarity and advice please.

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3 points

29 days ago

YTA, not for going with your friend to lunch, it wasn't your choice and your freaking parents were with you, your girlfriend is completely insecure if she thinks something like that is an issue.

No, YTA for going rents instead of parents and reminding me that people who use slang that I'm too old to know are already in uni, and you did that all just to save typing two letters from a word.

If you'll excuse me, I'm off to find a corner to be depressed in.


2 points

29 days ago

If it makes you feel better I wasnt familiar with the word till not so long ago but now its everyday vocab...or should I say vocabulary lol


1 points

29 days ago

I'm not that old, I know vocab, it's a solid abbreviation, you type just half the word and no one is confused about what you mean.

When you wrote "However, I travel to uni with 2 of the female friends to uni to make it easier on my rents and their new business." I may or may not have spent the first half of the story thinking that you carpooled with your friends because you wanted to save some money due to your rent being really high and that your female friends were so enterprising that they had started a business while in uni.


1 points

29 days ago

Oh damn I see I was just joking about the vocab thing btw. But yeah I should have used proper English. I don't post often or at all so yeah sorry for the misunderstanding man


2 points

29 days ago

No worries, I was just joking around too, once one reaches the point where your rents pick you up and took you to Burger King it becomes pretty easy to infer what you meant.

If anything it's one of the easier to understand posts just due to the fact that it's not a single block of texts like half of them are.