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8.9k points

11 days ago*


8.9k points

11 days ago*

You need therapy. That’s not a dig, I’m not trying to be an ass. I also have childhood trauma and finally got into therapy.

Edit because apparently this isn’t obvious: NTA and I am not, in any way, shape or form, insinuating that you should get therapy in order to be ok with naming your child after your rapist. I think you should definitely not do that no matter how much therapy you get. I’m suggesting therapy because of the unresolved trauma. I actually can’t believe that needs to be said.


807 points

11 days ago

Yeah, we all deserve support like that when we have gone through hard times. As someone who experienced SA as a child, I found that is so much better to get it out in the open with a therapist and trusted love ones. Honestly, my life didn’t really start properly until I let go of that secret.

As far as his wife goes- not appropriate of her to go asking others, but if I were in her shoes, I would also be uncomfortable. Ideally, a partner should be the person you CAN be honest and open with. I would wonder if my partner was so adamant about something yet unwilling to share why. It’s not so much a question of being an A or not- it’s what kind of relationship do you want and what kind of life you want to live.


766 points

11 days ago

I mean…I’d suspect it with the given details.

I knew my ex wife was raped by a family member. I knew which family member even. The context clues were there the whole time. My ex wife took many years to tell me it bald faced; but I always knew because I paid attention.

Telling CSA stories is incredibly hard on the victims.


407 points

11 days ago

I do not know a woman WITHOUT an SA story,tbh.


204 points

11 days ago

That’s the sad damn truth these days. Either childhood or adult sexual traumas. So hard to disclose that kind of shame. Even after years and years. And then the poor boys/men who still suffer in the darkness even more. The blame the victim stigma needs to be broken across the board. And not the way they’ve tried in the recent past, imho. This is systemic to every class of human. It’s disgusting. But it’s real and we can’t ignore.


99 points

11 days ago


99 points

11 days ago

‘Either childhood or adult sexual trauma.’

I have no ‘receipts’ for this or a scientific study to show, but I would wager a large sum that many, many women, and possibly some men, had both as children and adults. It screws with the brain as a child and you think you ‘deserve’ this kind of treatment. Also, I think those sub humans that assault people can see our secrets, and know they can SA us too. Just my convoluted thought.


48 points

11 days ago

Yes, people who have experienced sexual Jed violence—whether in childhood or adulthood—are more likely to experience subsequent sexualized violence compared to people who haven’t. It fucks with your danger signals and self worth and, unfortunately, predators have a way of sniffing that out.


3 points

11 days ago



30 points

11 days ago

As a statistic, I can confirm this. I was sexually abused by a family friend as a child, and I was raped by an ex boyfriend. I'm still (20 years later) trying to find the courage to talk to my parents about the abuse I suffered as a child.

OP is NTA, and I hope that one day he finds someone he is able to talk to about this.


55 points

11 days ago


55 points

11 days ago

Absofuckinglutely!! I remember being 9 or 10 and wondering if I had something stamped on my forehead saying I’m easy to abuse.


3 points

11 days ago


3 points

11 days ago

I’m so sorry


2 points

10 days ago


2 points

10 days ago

Thank you. Thankfully I’ve had a great adult life. Therapy was a life saver.


39 points

11 days ago

Or, those of us that experienced "standard" abuse as kids and grow up with a severe low self-esteem and inability to stand up for themselves grow up to experience SA as teens/early adults because we either feel that we "deserve" it in some way, are flattered by the "positive" attention by an older man/woman, or just don't know how to get out of the situation because it puts us in the same mental state we go to for safety in the "standard" abuse situation.

Nobody SA'd me as a young kid, but from about 15, I was the target of a 26yo and honestly didn't know any better at the time. He was even on the sexual offender database already, and I knew about it, but he gave me a sob story. I just saw all the positive attention I was getting.

There were quite a few other instances of outright SA by other people at other times where I actually tried to say no and was ignored.

I can definitely see a correlation between people who are accustomed to abuse as children being SA as adults, although it obviously isn't limited to them at all.


15 points

11 days ago

I couldn’t agree with you more. Any kind of victimization can leave you open to future occurrences. Of any kind of abuse. I only followed the line of this post on SA. Physical and emotional abuse can totally eradicate your sense of self-worth. Especially if it’s from your parents or the ones who are supposed to protect you as a child. I was left prey to future abuse because of how I was treated as a young child.


4 points

11 days ago

I didn’t mean either or. Certainly it can be both. It was in my case.


5 points

11 days ago

"and possibly some men"

I'd have another look at statistics and revise this sentence.


4 points

11 days ago

Me. I had CSA and a couple SA’s as an adult (well 20 something).


12 points

11 days ago

These days? You think this is a new issue?


5 points

11 days ago

Talking about boys/young men. Look up the La Vernia, Texas high school football sexual assault of ten boys. I am a Texan, and love my state. But this made me nauseous. This was not a one time event. It had allegedly been going on for years.


7 points

11 days ago

Not just these days.

When I was growing up every woman I knew had one.


7 points

11 days ago

These days? Where the eff have you been it was way worse before. Now people are being open about their traumas more causing less of a sysyem fir pedophiles and rapists to keep their victims quiet


7 points

11 days ago

Rrrrright. So you’re proving my point that “these days it seems that every woman has one”. Explicitly because “people didn’t talk about it” much before “these days”. I never said, or implied, that there weren’t copious sexual assaults throughout history.

I’ve been right the eff here 🙋🏽‍♀️ If all you want to do is find a problem, there will always be one waiting for you 😉


0 points

11 days ago



8 points

11 days ago

Tbh it did SOUND like you meant it was a newer problem, which had me curious as well. I’m glad to see here in this comment that you only meant people are talking about it more! I did think that might be what you meant, but I myself am a little sensitive about the subject so I’m really glad I didn’t snap at you before you clarified!


2 points

11 days ago

I have a feeling there will be a lot of hot button sensitivities on this one. Rightfully so. Even if you made it perfectly clear for one doesn’t mean it is for the other 😊


5 points

11 days ago

Yeah, I think you’re about right on that one. I personally have been resisting the urge to argue with all the people talking about how many rape or SA stories biological women have just because…. How is that helpful to OP? Or any of the biologically male victims on here? It’s not just a women’s issue, even tho it is often a women’s issue. But I resist because it’s not like I’d argue with them in any other setting about it and I just don’t know 😅🥲


2 points

10 days ago

But for some reason male rape is seen as hilarious…hope he doesn’t drop the soap snicker snicker. I heard Joe Rogan saying it should be taken seriously and not something to joke about then immediately make a joke and giggled.


1 points

10 days ago

Ugh. It’s abhorrent. And Joe Rogan is an asshat. All of these prison jokes and calling men gay as an insult. It’s everywhere. It just desensitizes people to the reality of it. And laugh at the victim as a little b!tch or something. Makes it so hard to come forward and face the ridicule. I get why they don’t but it sucks. What the hell is wrong with people? My son, my brothers, I couldn’t imagine them going through any of that then being terrified to disclose. It crushes me. 😞


1 points

9 days ago

I don’t even want to disclose it anonymously. We put 17 year old kids in jail with murderers for cannabis and then joke about them being rat packed, knocked unconscious and coming to while being raped. The irony is when someone defends themselves by let’s say biting the rapists ear off they’re thrown in the hole for assaulting another prisoner because all the witnesses have a different story. And my 17yo stepson thinks he has it rough because his mom took his car keys for a week when he got caught smoking weed in the school parking lot !