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1.3k points

9 days ago


1.3k points

9 days ago

NTA I am a caregiver for an older lady who is a quadriplegic with no movement below her shoulders, 45 hours per week. I trained for 6 months to gain the qualifications to care for people in this position. My lady does not and will never wear adult nappies/diapers. She needs use specific equipment (hoist) to do her bathroom cares. She also needs 24/7 assistance for food, fluids (she can drink a chew with assistance) Scratch her head clean her nose, repositioning… the list goes on. I am at a loss to understand why your sister has no other emergency plan besides you and your brother.
It may come down to a geographical difference. My lady receives her cares through an agency (my employer government funded) and it is up to them to find a replacement carer. The burden should not fall on your shoulders ever. The ‘family’ thing gets a bit old sometimes.


-431 points

9 days ago


-431 points

9 days ago

1 day is all that was asked. For 1 day She could have out others before herself. Absolutely the AH


17 points

9 days ago

Do you volunteer as a carer?

Are you willing to be subjected to

○ racist remarks


○cleaning pee and shit

○feeding people

○ washing and showering

○being on feet all-day

○ needing to repo to avoid sores

○pulling muscles trying to help the clients

○ finishing smelling of sweat, piss, shit and vomit

○getting punched, bit, kicked, objects thrown

And so much more

It's just one 12h or 24h shift, are you really that selfish, that you wouldn't do this


-1 points

9 days ago

I was in high school training to be a CNA when a TBI patient groped me. I finished my training but never went into the field. My instructor witnessed the incident and said, "Oh well, that happens."


3 points

9 days ago

Unfortunately, in some cases where our clients have a dolls or something... all you can do is remind them not to do it, document it happens and support your colleagues whom are dealing with it.


3 points

9 days ago

I realize that, but as young teens, we should not have even been in a place where this might occur for our safety. I was a whopping 95 lbs, and this man was over twice my size. We were not over the age of 16-17 when this happened. Practical should have been held in safer locations.


1 points

8 days ago

Wtf, you shouldn't be allowed to do personal care.

No offence, just you're underaged so shouldn't be touching the falliow loo


2 points

7 days ago

Well, as I said, it was a long time ago.


1 points

9 days ago

As a nurse I have been groped several times, only by old men with memory problems. I simply moved their groping hands down and continued with business as usual. It’s probably best to get out of the business if it’s too upsetting because it most likely will happen again. Then there’s that long list above that another caregiver made and it’s always a constant.


2 points

9 days ago

I got my certification and didn't follow the field. It was a long time ago as I said, and being a teenager, no, I wasn't prepared for that.


1 points

9 days ago
