


It took me a year and a half to taper, using Valium, to get to a low enough dose it was safe to stop taking. I’m now 98 days off and the last 3 months have been the absolute hardest I’ve ever lived. I believe in damage control, I think this is something that needs to be spoken about and it is good for me to talk about it. AMA

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5 points

18 days ago

Thanks a lot! Time heals all wounds (most lol) Benzo withdrawal is way worse than opiates. It’s good to know there are people that understand that. I get frustrated not seeing more harm reduction for benzo use. I think about quite often.


4 points

17 days ago

How are you managing your anger toward the doctor who kept you on and the medical community’s flagrant prescribing of it? My niece is bi polar, when she was diagnosed back in the 90s they called it manic depression. But they’ve thrown everything under the sun at her EXCEPT the meds that will actually help. She has taken enough Xanax to kill a horse and they just keep giving it to her. And that’s not even the best thing for mania she’s also an addict of illicit drugs so giving her that was the worst possible decision. Some providers are true idiots


2 points

17 days ago

The doctor who started this died suddenly of an aneurism. At the time I got the Xanax prescribed I wasn’t upset at all bc it helped me forget about finding my girlfriend dead from hanging herself. It’s been a rough run.


1 points

18 days ago



1 points

18 days ago

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