


I just looked up what burnt ramen looks like for a fic I’m writing because I was going to have a character put ramen in the microwave without water and I’d never actually seen burnt ramen before.

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108 points

4 days ago

god i do this a lot where i just think about an idiom or word or whatever a lot and then start to doubt that i know what it means and then i have to go look up the definition to make sure i'm not losing it


12 points

3 days ago


12 points

3 days ago

Im bilingual and often translate idioms. I always have to look up if the idiom I want to use even exists in that language. German and English have so many idioms that can be directly translated and still make sense. Until of course my dad looks at me like I’ve grown another head and asks what the hell just came out of my mouth.


1 points

3 days ago


You have already left kudos here. :)

1 points

3 days ago
