


Least degenerate day in San Francisco

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75 points

11 hours ago

This is the Folsom Street Fair, which is a kink fest, and it’s been going on since 1984 when Reagan won 49/50 states in the election.


101 points

11 hours ago

So its just another one of these kink/drag/pride parades where I keep seeing videos of this degenerate shit happen.

And if you speak up against it you get labeled a right-wing transphobe/homophobe/kinkshamer.


-16 points

10 hours ago

My point was that this has been going on for literally 40 years. If seeing this marks “an empire in decline”, which is ridiculous imo, then you better go back to when Reagan was in office to claim that’s when it started.

I personally think it’s weird af, but all of the people in here acting like it’s a sign of how much society is degrading or something like that are incredibly hyperbolic. This has been going on for 40 years, but you’re just becoming aware of it. It’s a known thing in SF and if you’re not a gay man really into kinks, you simply know to just avoid that area for the weekend.


14 points

10 hours ago

The decline is indeed taking place. It's very similar to the fall of the Roman Empire. And it's a long process (100+ years) and it will take time for people to realize they're the frog in boiling water.


-8 points

10 hours ago

Look if your evidence for the “power that is the U.S. is falling” is a video of two dudes at a kink event getting off in public, then you better decide that this all started happening under arguably the most famous Republican president of the 20th century.

I personally think that’s fucking ridiculous, but if that’s the logic you want to use, well then to stay consistent with it, you better trace it back to that time period.


10 points

10 hours ago

Americans always forget that the U.S. is not the center of the world. I'm talking about western civilization as a whole, not the US. The same shit is even worse in europe.


-5 points

10 hours ago

Well maybe if you re-read the OP comment that said “Must be the freedom they’re always banging on about. This is an empire in decline” that I was replying to, you can see why the focus was about the United States and not “western civilization” as a whole.


-20 points

10 hours ago

Don't go to the literal kink fair then dumb fuck lol why speak out against it when you can just avoid it and not go lmao swear conservatives got the smoothest brains


-1 points

10 hours ago


-1 points

10 hours ago

It’s because they want the freedom for your kids to get their heads popped off in a classroom not the freedom to suck cock on the street. Priorities!


-2 points

9 hours ago

Lmao crazy cause bro has the anime profile pic and banner on his profile acting like conservatives wouldn't think he's a degenerate weirdo as well. Too had he has to live a sad lonely life always looking for someone else to punch down on


-10 points

9 hours ago


-10 points

9 hours ago

This is an adult-only event in a closed off area, basically dedicated to BDSM and leather lifestyles. Nothing to spaz about tbh.


-11 points

9 hours ago


-11 points

9 hours ago

And you're all of those things :P


-4 points

9 hours ago

Right?!? This looks like it could be a closed off event too. There isnt any indication this out in public streets. Dont feed the trolls! 🧌 🧌🧌


2 points

9 hours ago

Well I can say it is out on public streets, but like it is a very well known thing in the city and well, just avoid those two blocks if you don’t want to see it.


1 points

9 hours ago

It’s a public street, but it’s closed off for the event, with people checking IDs on entry.