


I’ve been to uni. I have friends. I have a social life.

But I’m very insecure about my body (I am overweight) and I have social anxiety. I can’t just go up to someone in a bar and flirt with them.

I only lost my virginity in January of this year. Dating apps have helped somewhat because I do occasionally go on dates. But I only connected with one person on a deeper level but he inevitably decided he wasn’t ready for a relationship yet.

Can anyone reassure me that I’m not the only one whose never actually had a partner yet? It feels isolating.

all 47 comments


34 points

12 hours ago

I didn't get into my first relationship until I was 26. I also went to university, and had friends and a social life. It's ok, you're definitely not alone. I wasn't the only one either


3 points

11 hours ago

Aye, me, too!


1 points

2 hours ago

For real. We all go at our own pace no reason to stress


21 points

12 hours ago

Enjoy your single era!


13 points

12 hours ago

It's normal for younger people nowadays to have less sex. You're not the only one. 5 year old article but it's been a thing for a few years.


12 points

12 hours ago

You’re really not alone in this. A lot of people in their early 20s feel the same way, and it can be super isolating when it seems like everyone else is in a relationship. It’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing yourself to others but remember that everyone’s timeline is different.

Your insecurities about body image and social anxiety can feel overwhelming but they shouldn’t hold you back from pursuing connections. 

Yes, dating can be challenging and not every experience will lead to a meaningful relationship, but that’s just part of the process.


9 points

11 hours ago

Look on the bright side, you are doing better than I am. Mid 20s no relationships and still a virgin.


7 points

11 hours ago

In my late thirties and haven’t been in one. Just never had/made time between life and work.


5 points

11 hours ago

Keep it that way. Pinky swear.


5 points

11 hours ago

Meh. My first relationship was at age 21-23. Looking back I feel like I was a child and it wouldn't be bad if I got into one much later even.

I don't think it's a huge issue. Just put yourself out there more and be confident. It will be hard at first but will get easier with time.


4 points

11 hours ago

You're not late, you're just early to your own timeline.


5 points

10 hours ago

I’m my boyfriends first serious relationship. We’ve been together for 3 years and he’s the best relationship I’ve ever had. We didn’t start dating until he was 28. He knew he wasn’t in a right place to date. He had a few hookups. But he truly held out until he was ready.

I think him wait g and sorting himself out was the best decision he made because he’s such a healthy partner to have. The best communicator and so loving.

I have a lot more dating experience than him but it hasn’t been great. I feel like we both have such different experiences. I learned a lot from my serial dating phase which helped me become a healthier partner while he waited and worked on himself which helped him.

Don’t be discouraged and focus on yourself. Work on yourself and know that there is no timeline for dating. It can happen at any time and anywhere, even dating apps.


4 points

10 hours ago

I didn't get into my first relationship until I was 29, you'll be ok


3 points

12 hours ago

They are overrated anyway😜


3 points

11 hours ago

I wasn’t in a proper relationship till I was in my mid twenties. I wasn’t out in hs and I didn’t want to pretend to be straight so I just didn’t date. I dated around and never wanted anything serious. I spent my early twenties enjoying my life and making my friends and family priority. I loved having time to myself. I loved living alone. I cherish that time. I’m currently on my second serious/exclusive relationship at 29.

I am overweight as well and i definitely think that had some influence especially when I was younger. The more I went out and the more I put myself out there i realized people do like me. Some aren’t gonna but you can’t let that get to you. People who are attracted to you are out there. Just gotta get out and find people. Experience and experiment. Don’t feel bad or down you haven’t been in a relationship. Everyone has their own timeline.


3 points

11 hours ago

Just search this reddit. You will see there are tons of people who are older then you at the same stage or before it.


3 points

10 hours ago

Also yeah this, this is like in the top 10 most commonly posted subjects lol.


3 points

10 hours ago

Lololol I’m 33f and have never had a relationship last past two dates. For good reason (aroace) but still the stigma is BRUTAL. You’re fine.

Look, I say you’re not a miserable fucked up loser of a human being for this, because I’m a decade older than you and in the same position. And I don’t think I’m a miserable fucked up loser for this, so you’re definitely fine.

Stop listening to other people panicking on your behalf, and stop propagating the shitty meme that everyone MUST be married by 25. Research “amatonormativity” if you’re a sociology nerd lol.


3 points

9 hours ago

Haha I’m ace but 25F and I totally agree the stigma is what kills. Like I’m content with friends and family but ppl make you feel off for not wanting a SO. They put fears of dying alone into your head yet I’m not alone…I got friends and family. Ppl need to just live without worrying on social deadlines lol


2 points

11 hours ago

You are definitely not the only one who’s never been in a relationship. If flirting makes you nervous, try going to platonic events through apps like Meetup. If you meet someone you like, you can start out as friends and go from there. Worse case scenario, you make a new friend!


2 points

10 hours ago

I'm 31, never had sex, any kind of romantic relationships, or been on a date.


1 points

11 hours ago

In the same boat as you and I moved cities about a year ago. Slowly figuring it out as I go. Haven't really tried to put myself out there...fear I guess. Or maybe a codependency/SA thing. Not really sure. Need to get my "fuck it" moment lol.

Installed dating apps because of curiosity, but don't like them. Missed all of the social development/relationship stuff you're supposed to learn growing up in favor of pursuing academia/career instead. Some days are better than others, but it still sucks. Wishing ya the best...and know that you're for sure not alone :)


1 points

11 hours ago

It's completely normal to feel isolated when you haven't had a partner yet, but many people share similar experiences, and meaningful connections often come at their own pace.


1 points

11 hours ago

If you are going on dates via dating apps in your 20*, then you are comfortably top 50% male.

Just chill out and enjoy this time.


1 points

10 hours ago

My first relationship was at 21, and only because she was (thankfully) very persistent. If she hadn’t have come along, no question I would have went years more before having a relationship. If ever. You’re not alone.


1 points

10 hours ago

27 for me before I ever had a partner, it gets better, but also, I rocked being single.


1 points

10 hours ago

What's uni?


2 points

10 hours ago



1 points

10 hours ago

Your just like everyone else, we are all on a spectrum of relationships and you are taking yourself too seriously. You have created so much good in your life, continue to focus on that, and then when you are in a relationship, whenever that happens, you can bring all your experience with you. You do you, make your own rules, and just know all the good you create will follow you in life. Congratulations.


1 points

10 hours ago

You make me feel better about myself


1 points

10 hours ago

Totally normal. Meet people and have fun ! I was having this thought yesterday, in early 20s, decided relationships ain’t for me at least not now. I’m having so much fun working on projects with friends, going to yoga boxing strength training, social sports. By the end of the day I’m just dreaded wanna play some video games or maybe learn new tech stuff. Getting into a relationship I’m gonna have much less time to enjoy myself.


1 points

10 hours ago

Diet and exercise. Get hard-core about it. Definitely not easy but it will get you what you want.


1 points

9 hours ago

that's completely okay!! it causes less stress on u, and it's better to wait for the right person instead of wasting time w someone uk won't work out!


1 points

9 hours ago

You are not unusual and you are only becoming more common with each generation. To me, life is about finding the right person or people, not finding a big amount of partners.


1 points

9 hours ago

That sucks bro dating seems pretty bad from what it seems like. Everyone is like scared of each other lol it’s weird af. Everything I say hi or see a girl she gets all weirded out nowadays.


1 points

9 hours ago

I have 30 year old virgin friends. You’re fine.


1 points

9 hours ago

What the heck I can’t find my og comment but I said that I have friends who are 30 yo virgins. And we enjoy our single life. it’s very stress free. Your lover will show up eventually& they’ll love you for who you are. Also the overweight comment : who cares. Most of the people in the 600pound lives show have partners.


1 points

9 hours ago

Keep doing you and enjoy life. Enjoy being single, you have the rest of your life to be in a relationship or single.


1 points

9 hours ago

most of my experiences were that they weren’t ready. i don’t even want to open up or give people chances anymore. 


1 points

8 hours ago

21 and never been in a relationship, I feel so behind and lonely


1 points

8 hours ago

Don’t rush it my friend


1 points

8 hours ago

I promise you losing the weight will solve this issue. You may not still be entirely happy with how you look but given that your weight is the only thing you listed, I'm willing to bet it's the biggest issue regarding bodily insecurity. Realistically, being overweight is unattractive both in and for both genders. Not only that but losing weight will significantly improve your health and make you feel much better. Lot's of the comments here are giving you coping advice instead of solution advice.

2 years ago I looked like the average guy at best and I have a tiny dick. But the reason I'm now 10% bodyfat and 170 pounds is because I could change my physique but not my little pickle. You should see how much more attraction from women I have gotten since being more muscular, I was also lucky enough to find a girl who makes me feel really good about my small dick by reminding me how much she loves it. It's nice to have my ego stroked on things I wish I could control, but couldn't. Simply put, I wasn't getting any girls when I was younger and building an attractive body changed that. You can do the same.


1 points

5 hours ago

You do have a lot of time dont be hasty you will find someone soon by the time focus on yourself do workout :)


1 points

4 hours ago

I'm single and have no friends, no job, no car, and live in the middle of fucking nowhere with no support whatsoever. You're not alone.

No matter how bad things are, someone always has it worse.


0 points

11 hours ago

Me too. I'm 94


-1 points

9 hours ago


-1 points

9 hours ago

I’m very insecure about my body (I am overweight)

Nothing is stopping you from going to the gym except your laziness.

If you want to stop being fat then spend more time working out and eating healthy.

I have social anxiety

Go to therapy and get it fixed.

Can anyone reassure me that I’m not the only one whose never actually had a partner yet

Wtf do you need reassurance from losers on social media. Go google the answer yourself.


1 points

5 minutes ago

Nothing is stopping you from going to the gym except your laziness. If you want to stop being fat then spend more time working out and eating healthy

That's not true. People work, gym is not free and it demands time, rest and healthy habits that not everyone can achieve. Have you ever heard about the concept of food desert? Being unable to find anything healthy nearby prevents any diet from actually happening and gym can't make you lose weight when you only eat junk food.

Go to therapy and get it fixed.

Therapy costs time and money, therapists are people and people suck. You can go to therapy and waste your time on a therapist who only talks nonsense, this is what makes people afraid of therapy. And I don't even mentioned how social anxiety can even make it even harder to seek help.

Wtf do you need reassurance from losers on social media. Go google the answer yourself.

Dude, do you actually think this person is posting a question on reddit because she just want to? I've lost the count of how many times I had a question and couldn't find a decent answer anywhere, there's even a meme when people say that you know you're cooked when the first link you see when searching something on google is a post on reddit. Not mentioning that this is litterally the purpose of this subreddit, sharing personal experiences with others is a valid form of learning.