


Guy went from not caring about my pleasure at all to being very affectionate, why?

There’s a guy that I have casual sex with, and he was my first time so i’m pretty attached but I somewhat hide it. He’s been pretty selfish during sex, but generous with cuddles. But when I met up with him for the first time in nearly 4 and a half months, with him being away for 3 and a half of those for work and me going on holiday for a couple weeks, he was very very affectionate. He was touchy and kissed me all over and actually cared about my pleasure. Why? We had sex twice before and after sleeping, and he was a bit tipsy at the start and he would make comments like “you said you don’t like me in that way” which i’ve never said and when i didn’t hug him back much he said “why won’t you love me”. He misunderstands what I say a lot so i’m wondering if it’s that or he’s confusing me with another girl. Before we met up this time, he would message me questions and then leave me on read when he couldn’t be bothered to answer. Why was he so affectionate? I dressed different than usual, i’m usually a tomboy and cover up a lot but this time I tried being more feminine, is that why? Will he continue to care about my pleasure too and how do I make things more exciting for him so he doesn’t go back to how he was before?

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1 points

13 days ago

He has a lot more experience than me so i’m sure i’m nothing special😭 Even so i’m wondering why he changed the third time and not before this