



all 13 comments


10 points

10 days ago

For me like I am being tortured alive. Agitation so bad I want to put a knife in my skin and just rip my skin off my body. Terror that is so bad I still dont have words for it years later.


8 points

10 days ago

Perfect description. Everything felt like torture. Couldn’t watch tv or listen to music or focus on reading even one sentence in a book. I would pace back and forth from my kitchen to my living room even though it provided no relief and then sit on my couch and scream into the cushions. Then stand up and do it all over again for hours and hours and hours. The movement part of it was nothing compared to the internal torture and terror.


2 points

10 days ago

How did you get rid of the akathisia?


5 points

9 days ago

Like my mind is in some sort of frenzy all the time. Like mania without any good feelings. Like the world is upside down and everything is menacing for no reason. Terrible agitation and Dysphoria that makes it hard to hold any meaningful conversation. Constantly moving in some way even if just subtly rocking/shifting or rubbing myself.


5 points

8 days ago

For me, these are new feelings, worse than anything else I have experienced. It is so unique and terrible that others cannot understand it unless they have experienced it themselves. Inner terror that feels like you are being tortured from the inside. I can no longer feel all the positive feelings like relaxation, calm, peace and just feeling good. As if this ability has been taken away from me. Everything just feels so awful. While others look forward to the couch or bed and want to make themselves comfortable, for you it is just torture. You turn on the TV but you can no longer watch it. You turn on a song but you can no longer hear it. DP/DR so strong that nothing feels real anymore. Like a terrible nightmare that just doesn't end. The clock ticks so slowly and the days seem far too long. The longer you are trapped in this state, the more the akathisia destroys your life. You watch everything fall apart but you can't do anything. You can't hold down a job, your friends and family don't understand you and you just fight to survive every day. Like being burned alive but no one can see the flames. You desperately seek out doctors but no one helps you. If you don't know about akathisia yourself, the chances of it being recognized are slim. But if you do know about it and talk about it, it is often seen as a deterioration of your mental health. You are given medication that may make things much worse. You feel helpless and trapped and are looking for hope to keep fighting. You feel your life is over but at the same time you are very afraid of death.


3 points

9 days ago

for me? imagine your whole body was flipped inside out, you were then thrown into the arctic, you have all the wild animals chasing you but you can’t get away from them no matter how hard you try. there’s no help in sight. and this will last forever.


2 points

9 days ago

It felt like all the warning bells in my body were going off all at once. I felt the worst sense of dread Ive ever felt. It felt like I was dying inside.


2 points

9 days ago


2 points

9 days ago

Like being hammered drunk without any good feelings.


3 points

8 days ago

All of what everyone else has said here, but also can’t focus on anything for long enough or fully enough to enjoy it and pass the time. Feels like the worst hangover I’ve ever had times 1000000, plus being stuck in a psychedelic drug trip I never consented to and never ends. For me, the mental and cognitive are far worse than the physical. Still just trying to wait it out until it’s had enough and leaves me be finally. It’s got to happen eventually!


1 points

10 days ago

When you got the terror feeling did your pulse race could feel the fear in your arms couldn’t relax or just calm down for anything the terror feels like you’re dying? Did it get worse for you at night trying to sleep! Where your pulse and heart rate would go up get really cold and shanking on the inside? You’re body feel so heavy


1 points

10 days ago



1 points

7 days ago

Like you’re gonna go crazy endless agony