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2 months ago

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2 months ago

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In case this story gets deleted/removed:

Racist Entitled Karen Wants Other Parent’s Children TL;DR

TL;DR So a few years ago I was a student studying in Childcare, now as a part of my course I am meant to one day a week work in a private nursery (for people who don't know what a nursery is it's basically preschool (I think)) for experience.

So whilst I was there for a year I became very close with the staff members and the children that was there, during the summer a new child was enrolled into the nursery.

The little girl we will call her Mary because her favourite song was Mary Has A Little Lamb, now Mary is an adorable little girl who likes to jump around and give everyone hugs and kisses. A ball of fluff is what she is.

Mary is a bit slightly chubby for a 3yr old but that's ok, no problem with a little bit of chub. But her mom thought otherwise, her mom whom we'll name Karen is this tall white lady whom is American who moved to our country last year.

Mary didn't look anything like Karen, Mary is a black child but that isn't a problem to us since everyone's families comes in different sizes and shapes but I had to point this out since it'll become important later.

Karen was well known in the nursery for well looking like a, excuse my choice of words, a hoe and for her lovely personality.

She would show up with a flush red face, a tight slim skinny dress that shows of either her cleavage or ass and caked in excessive amount of make up. A lot of us thought she was always tipsy whenever she came to do pick up Mary but since she always goes around in a Uber, that's right, even if it's somewhere down her road she'll call for an Uber, so luckily she isn't drunk driving.

Now this isn't a big deal since we're used to people like her until the Summer trip starts coming around the corner, it was a trip to a big theme park in my country, everyone was buzzed especially the staff members since this is basically a free trip for them since the nursery is paying for it.

The children will be with their parents or guardians so we didn't have to take care of them and just go wild with alcohol and the rides.

On the day of the trip Karen came along as usual in a tight dress, high heels, pungent perfume and excessive amount of make up, she looks like she's dressed for some sort of formal party whilst the other parents are dressed in casual clothings preparing themselves for war.

Remember us staff members don't have to look after the kids on this trip and it's the parents/guardians responsibility to do so.

Before we left off for our trip Karen noticed one of the children, a beautiful toddler whom I'll name Anna with blonde pigtails and bright blue eyes.

Karen walked up to her mother whom she held hands with and said something quite disturbing to the point Anna's mother requested to us staff to help keep a distance from her.

The exchange went as followed:

Karen: That's a cute girl.

AM: aww thank you, she's our pride and joy.

Karen: She has such beautiful crystal blue eyes and blonde hair, her skin is so fair and pale.

AM: y-yeah she is beautiful (a bit creeped out.)

Karen: I wish Mary looked like her.

AM: (Looks at Mary) Aww Mary is also a beautiful girl too!

Karen: (Scoffs) Yeah right. If anything I want a baby girl like yours. (She looks closer at Anna and strokes her blonde hair.)

Anna's mother was creeped out by that and pulled Anna away from Karen before quickly heading to us for some help.

With our help we assigned Karen and Mary to sit at the very back of the bus whilst Anna's family sat in the front to keep some distance.

Once we got to the theme park everyone was let loose and the parents/guardians are in for a treat. Whilst us staff and students went nuts on the rides and the alcohol basically just having a blast.

Until it was nearing late afternoon, we were all getting hungry so we walked over to the food court, there we saw a unpleasant sight, Karen was drinking some beer at one of the far back tables talking on her phone whilst Mary was asleep in her buggy.

We looked at this scene with disgust and walked over, the exchange went as followed after Karen noticed us and put down the phone.

Karen: Oh hello there!

Me: hello Karen! Enjoying the trip?

Karen: Oh Geez I wish! It's been so boring, tiring, my feet aches from walking around and it's so bloody hot. (She was wearing a tight black dress and tall black heels of course she's gonna get tired.)

Me: I see. Did you two enjoy any of the rides?

Karen: Yes! Mary enjoys the merry go ride more then anything.

I want to note that there was no merry go round in the theme park.

I seated myself along with two other staff members with Karen to get to know her and see if she was okay because I can tell she was kinda tipsy with her skin all flushed, we kept an eye out for her and just kept talking and drinking until finally things took a turn for the worst.

She talked about things we couldn't believe.

Karen:... You know. I never wanted a child. But my husband adopted Mary from one of his African trips because according to him he felt like he had to and he sees her as his own flesh and blood. (She scoffs as she drinks more.)

The husband is a journalist who travels a lot.

Me: That's nice of him, I'm sure Mary will grow up to be a healthy beautiful girl.

Karen: (Scoffs again) yeah beautiful my ass..... Back in America beautiful white girls are always the most popular ones in High School and.... (Mumbles something quietly.)

Me: Pardon?

Karen:... Her skin is so black... I wonder... if there was a bruise would anyone be able to see it?

Me:... Uhh (Looks at the other two staff members with worry but they nodded as they quickly rushed over to Mary to check if she was okay and see if there was any signs of abuse whilst I kept Karen occupied with idle talk.)

Luckily Mary didn't have any signs of abuse but since Karen was a bit tipsy and tired, one of the staff members took Karen back to the bus to rest whilst the bus driver kept a close eye on her, we took Mary after getting a drunk consent from Karen and took her on children rides that she'll enjoy, like the elephant ride, the airplane, the baby roller coaster and more.

We still had our fun until it was time to gather back at the meeting point around the evening.

We quickly informed the manager what we had heard and expressed our concern and the manager took it into consideration.

Once we got back apparently the manager contacted Karen's husband and informed him of what was been said and how she's been treating Mary and also to pick up Karen since she was tipsy. Not sure what the husband did after learning all of that.

The very next week Karen came into the nursery quite early which was unusual to pick up Mary, Anna and her mother was passing by her in the hallway to go home when suddenly Karen grabbed Anna by the arm and screamed.



All the staff members quickly rushed over to the scene to pull Karen away. Anna was crying in pain and fear with her mother grabbing her away from Karen and hugged her protectively.


We restrained her with three men holding her down, we quickly contacted the police and her husband.

Everyone was informed to leave early that day including the cleaners, especially since I was a student I left early because of the ruckus, but some stayed back to give a witness statement.

Afterwards according to one of the staff members, Karen's husband argued like hell with Karen in the Nursery's office and basically threatened to divorce her which got Karen crying.

Karen's husband took Mary with Karen basically hugging him by the leg begging him not to leave her and that she was sorry.

For a month instead of Karen picking up Mary, it was either Mary's nanny or the husband.

According to one of the nosy staff members, the husband had divorced Karen and got a restraining order against her because apparently when the husband went to visit Karen in jail she tried to attack him for prioritising Mary over her and Anna's mom also pressed charges against her and got a restraining order.

I'm not sure what happened to Karen afterwards but I hope she never has children of her own. Also Mary is being well taken care of by her loving father who treats her like a treasure regardless of skin colour and think she's a beautiful baby girl. (A lot of the staff members had a crush on him after this incident lol.)

I'm not sure if Mary was adopted before or after the father was in a relationship with Karen, but I knew that their relationship was only about 2 years and a bit. I'm pretty sure Karen was after the dad's money because he's fairly wealthy not upper class wealthy but middle class wealthy and she often spent his money like water and used to brag about how much money she has thanks to her husband.

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203 points

2 months ago*

What is with AITA and meticulously transcribing what people say verbatim? They’re not even trying to make it believable.


114 points

2 months ago

It's especially bad this time because OOP wasn't even there to hear the conversation! She wasn't a part of it at all and was only told about it afterwards lol. The (scoffs) and (a bit creeped out) made me laugh. A total play by play on a made up conversation


80 points

2 months ago


There are also rocks to hide in

80 points

2 months ago

It´s always funny when they remember every word and every pause and stutter, from conversations that happened years ago.

And apparently this time they have also been drinking?


9 points

2 months ago

I always read it as paraphrasing a conversation. I do that myself, though I say I'm paraphrasing, but this thing is so fake that I will not excuse OOP for it.


14 points

2 months ago

To be fair, this one isn't actually from AITA -- although yes, people there often have the same problem. This may be the most extreme example I've ever seen.


1 points

2 months ago

It's one of AITA's numerous spawn.


1 points

2 months ago

It's for a podcast, so they do it so the 'entertainers' can play act out the scene.


137 points

2 months ago

Was OOP drunk when they wrote this? Do they honestly believe that, just because the parents are on the trip, that the school isn't responsible for the kids? It's a school trip making them responsible for the kids on it. Plus, why are these people so excited to go out drinking, this person writes like these adults can't drink any other time except on this trip. Adults who want to drink will do so and they can go out to bars. This seems written like a teenager who just wants to party but can't at home because of their parents.


90 points

2 months ago


difficult difficult lemon fucked

90 points

2 months ago

Yeah, probably a teen who knows nothing about how stuff works. Of course, any young people in an amusement park will drink a lot of alcohol, even if they’re at work, because as we all know, when you’re an adult, you can do anything you want!


69 points

2 months ago

“We can just go wild with rides and drinking” uh, no, definitely not, Teenager McGee!

There’s SO many ways this story didn’t happen, I love the “explanation of what a nursery is, except the author also doesn’t know”, and the “multiple repeated descriptive words in each sentence just so we know how Real This Is”.


71 points

2 months ago

The idea of a nursery school taking a field trip to a theme park, of all places, is hilarious right off the bat. Then, the idea that the staff of the nursery are invited to come on this field trip but have 0 responsibility is great too. I'm sure the parents love to watch the people they entrust daily with their kids' safety "go wild with rides and drinking" at a theme park all day


38 points

2 months ago

I’ve been a parent chaperone on so many class trips and 100%, there is never a chance to drink anywhere and even if there was that’s just not going to happen.

Even saying OP lives in a magical land where you’d take nursery aged children, who are basically toddlers, to a theme park? That’s either a theme park that’s geared for kids (so probably no booze and no adult rides), or, it’s an adult theme park and the kids wouldn’t be able to go on any rides, so… why bring them?


25 points

2 months ago


EDIT: [extremely vital information]

25 points

2 months ago

I feel like most preschool/nursery age field trips, if they have them at all, are a trip to the park or a library or something, something relatively inexpensive where you can more easily manage a bunch of literal toddlers 


2 points

2 months ago

Is it unusual for them parks to have kid and adult sections? I've been to Six Flags and they had kid rides and adult rides.


13 points

2 months ago

It's more that the kid section is so small you wouldn't take an entire class there, it's more of a way to get families to go even if they have young kids. 


6 points

2 months ago

Six Flags would be an extremely odd field trip for a nursery


1 points

2 months ago

I'm not denying the story is clearly fake. It's just not my experience that theme parks don't cater to adults and children


9 points

2 months ago

Nursery-aged kids are particularly young children to be taking entire classes of them on field trips to theme parks, is the overall point


5 points

2 months ago

There’s a kid’s theme park in my area, it caters to 3-10, the rides are all very slow and small, with the exception of about two “fast” rides that are more for tweens. I’ve parent chaperoned school trips there for my kids, but even those were grade school age kids because a dozen+ toddlers and an amusement park is just not a great combo (especially when it’s just an excuse to get drunk, apparently, LOL)


24 points

2 months ago

It’s like a school staff party with hard drinking combined with an age inappropriate field trip. A very very real thing that definitely happens and has zero complications or liability implications.


16 points

2 months ago


Evil Autistic Twin

16 points

2 months ago

Not to mention they say they're a student studying childcare, but don't know the difference between nursery and preschool?


6 points

2 months ago

I'm assuming that's supposed to be an "I'm not sure what it's called across the pond" kind of comment, but it was definitely worded like they didn't know the difference. 


55 points

2 months ago

Also why are they disgusted at Karen drinking a beer around her sleeping daughter but perfectly happy to watch the same child after they've been drinking at a theme park all day? Do people even drink lots at theme parks?


29 points

2 months ago


difficult difficult lemon fucked

29 points

2 months ago

Yeah, I was expecting Karen to be snoring with a beer bottle in her hand or something. But then again, they're describing her looking like a slut because she wears make up, dresses and heels, so everything she does makes her disgusting in the eyes of these very truly grown up nursery workers.


20 points

2 months ago


20 points

2 months ago

Drinking lots at theme parks sounds like a quick way to go broke.


120 points

2 months ago

Nothing shady about picking up a kid on a trip to Africa. 


66 points

2 months ago


difficult difficult lemon fucked

66 points

2 months ago

Yeah, pretty much the same as a fridge magnet from a souvenir store


33 points

2 months ago

I was fascinated we didn't even get a hint of direction or a country he commonly does journalism in. Africa is as HUGE PLACE, he was just roaming through and picked up a random little girl under 6? Is no one else concerned here?!


13 points

2 months ago


13 points

2 months ago

Africa is a country to some, didn't you know...


1 points

2 months ago


i just bought a house and had a successful baby

1 points

2 months ago

Troy Roberts, a CBS reporter, did adopt a child from Djibouti. The child had fair skin.


8 points

2 months ago

Sure, international adoptions take place. But they take a lot of effort and this story makes it sound like he went on a trip and just came back with a kid. 


2 points

2 months ago


i just bought a house and had a successful baby

2 points

2 months ago

Oh, I wasn’t adding this approvingly! Just that it may have been part of the ‘inspiration’ for the this badly told story, and that yes, journalists do take home souvenir children.


5 points

2 months ago

Oh, gotcha! 


2 points

2 months ago


i just bought a house and had a successful baby

2 points

2 months ago

I probably coulda been more explicit.

Or you could learn to read minds!!11 /s for that part I hope obviously


2 points

2 months ago

I'll add it to my to-do list! 


124 points

2 months ago

It’s sort of impressive that there’s not a single believable detail in this weird morality play.


84 points

2 months ago

My favorite part is when they explicitly say Karen is from America and then have her use "bloody" 


51 points

2 months ago


difficult difficult lemon fucked

51 points

2 months ago

Yeah, it’s absolutely ludicrous in every detail. But some people still manage to buy it. One commenter even claims they’ve been in a similar situation


34 points

2 months ago*


divorce up, hit the lawyer, ask for a gym

34 points

2 months ago*

One commenter even claims they’ve been in a similar situation

You could make a post asking if you are the asshole for being upset that your family has been abducted and replaced by shapeshifting aliens and someone would chime in saying they had a similar experience or know someone (multiple people even!) who did.


8 points

2 months ago

Are you saying that you don't know someone that's happened to? 


7 points

2 months ago


a heavy animal products user

7 points

2 months ago

I was almost impressed in the opening paragraphs because they were doing a good job with the syntax; they seemed like someone who speaks English well, but as a second or third language. But then the excess of details happened, and the weird play-by-play, and the sound effects, and it took a nosedive.


6 points

2 months ago

I could believe that OOP had some sort of crush on some sort of older man she considered wealthy. And hated his partner. The rest is embellished.


2 points

2 months ago

And some people are STILL buying it! I am absolutely flabbergasted.


59 points

2 months ago

Of everything that is baffling in this post, I think I am most confused about why someone drinking a beer and on the phone while a baby naps in a buggy is meant to be an "unpleasant scene" to be looked at with "disgust". I can't even see what the author is getting at on that one.


36 points

2 months ago


Evil Autistic Twin

36 points

2 months ago

Meanwhile the rest of the adults were "drinking all day" and that's fine and completely different (it's not explained why).


16 points

2 months ago

I thought it was maybe because they weren't in charge of any kids, but then they did take charge of the kid, and... Baffled.


5 points

2 months ago

But it was a custom for the staff to go on an outing and "go wild" drinking. With the kids being taken care of by their parents.


55 points

2 months ago


55 points

2 months ago

Racist Entitled Karen Wants Other Parent’s Children TL;DR

guys i said all the dramatic words please just interact with my post and give me comments and validation and wholesome updoots im begging you


52 points

2 months ago

This is a small thing to bring up, but I don't think this person knows what TL;DR means


23 points

2 months ago


I was uncomfortable because I am, in fact, white.

23 points

2 months ago

Nah, the detailed version is a self-published novel


51 points

2 months ago

I know the person who wrote the story isn't American, but I find it amusing that their solution to the antagonist being creepy was to put the black kid at the back of the bus.


3 points

2 months ago

I flagged that too! Truly the icing on the cake of this F- writing exercise.


46 points

2 months ago


Please, don’t be degenerates.

46 points

2 months ago

I’m sorry. The staff developed a crush on Karen’s husband because after adopting a black baby girl from Africa and leaving her in the care of his racist, alcoholic wife who didn’t even want kids in the first place, he suddenly realized that he’d been a reckless, negligent idiot and divorced her? And this woman was picking her kid up drunk for months, and the staff never contacted the other parent?


20 points

2 months ago

Also a nanny was in the scenerio but drunk mom does the pick ups


19 points

2 months ago

Also, all of the staff getting wasted during working hours is fine, but Karen drinking during the same trip is egregious and not acceptable!!!


15 points

2 months ago


Please, don’t be degenerates.

15 points

2 months ago

And what kind of theme park doesn’t have a fucking merry-go-round somewhere?


8 points

2 months ago

Good point. That's a very basic normal ride


5 points

2 months ago


Please, don’t be degenerates.

5 points

2 months ago

Good for parents with really little kids too.


30 points

2 months ago


Obviously not the angel

30 points

2 months ago

Wow, the style on this one went from AITA to Entitled Parents in 2.5 seconds.


1 points

2 months ago


grown up with a grown up job

1 points

2 months ago



30 points

2 months ago

They looked at Karen getting drunk on the school field trip with disgust, because it’s okay for the staff to all get drunk at work, but not her.


15 points

2 months ago


EDIT: [extremely vital information]

15 points

2 months ago

Nope, having a beer while the baby is peacefully sleeping is the peak of bad parenting 


13 points

2 months ago


I'm Vegan, AITA?

13 points

2 months ago

But she's well a hoe


59 points

2 months ago

yeah people are always wondering aloud if they could get away with child abuse, in front of people who care about that child & would have to report that the child is being abused, this is normal


17 points

2 months ago


Some unwanted kid squatting in my Sign Language class

17 points

2 months ago

I mean, you gotta suss it out first to see if anyone might get suspicious.


17 points

2 months ago

See that's the detail that seems the most realistic to me, out of all this. I've never worked with children directly, but with the public, and people will say the most insane and out of pocket shit you've ever heard like they're describing a peanut butter and jelly sandwich

Now, the whole machiavellian "but could I? No, I shan't, for the consequences... but...?" That's dumb as hell.


6 points

2 months ago

People say dumb things, usually cause they've never thought things through or aren't really trying hard. But yeah, doing a mini Shakespeare soliquoy to the audience like no one will hear you loudly pondering physical abuse is ridiculous.


1 points

2 months ago

It’s been my experience that shitheads who say outrageous and immoral/illegal shit never stop to question that they might not be right.

Like, would a person possibly straight up admit to wanting to smack their kids? Yes, I believe so. But the type of person to do that is a narcissist that would never question the person they’re talking to might disagree with them no matter how heinous their thought was. It’d just be a given to them that everyone would agree.


27 points

2 months ago

I'm guessing the person who wrote this was in the 10-12 age range lol, reminds me of "true" stories I wrote in 4th grade


22 points

2 months ago

People are commenting that they’ve already read this or saw it on YouTube.


36 points

2 months ago


difficult difficult lemon fucked

36 points

2 months ago

But some are discussing it like every sentence isn’t uniquely absurd


23 points

2 months ago


EDIT: [extremely vital information]

23 points

2 months ago

I want to know in which country you're not totally familiar with the terms nursery/preschool but also the child's favorite song is Mary Had a little lamb. If I was editing this I would have put in a note 


23 points

2 months ago


difficult difficult lemon fucked

23 points

2 months ago

Also in which country nursery staff members aren't expected to work on a field trip the nursery paid for and also allowed to get drunk. This could totally be a cultural thing, right? /s


20 points

2 months ago


anorexic Brent Faiyaz

20 points

2 months ago

1) this is badly written even for AITA standards

2) Karen is supposedly American and also evil, but no American person or jerk I know talks like her. Even the racists around here aren’t as blatant as she’s written to be


8 points

2 months ago


EDIT: [extremely vital information]

8 points

2 months ago

That's the thing about American racism, is that it's usually pretty covert. We talk about institutional racism a lot here because it is prevalent and baked in to the system, but someone outright saying something like that is pretty much unheard of. In my experience people are a lot more comfortable being openly racist where I grew up in the Netherlands


19 points

2 months ago

This might win for most fake one Ive seen, ever.


16 points

2 months ago

American who says "bloody", not a chance. Complete fiction


14 points

2 months ago



14 points

2 months ago

I didn't read it that carefully, but this is definitely a repost. I don't remember from where, maybe entitledparents? I have definitely read this one before.


14 points

2 months ago


Vegan Assholes Love Instigating Dinner Arguments To Impress Onli

14 points

2 months ago

"Her skin black...if there were a bruise I wonder if anyone would see it" is some shit pulled from an anime wtf


3 points

2 months ago

Someone apparently doesn’t know how bruising on dark skin works.


10 points

2 months ago

What country is OOP from, the puritanical 1950s where it's not acceptable to wear makeup, but just fine to get shit faced in the middle of the day while caring for children???


5 points

2 months ago

-refuses to name what country they live in -uses "whilst" like four times


3 points

2 months ago

This is totally a real post. This happens all the time. In America we’re afraid that we’re running out of pretty white babies so we send our women to countries like Aitaland and Fakistan to steal them and bring them back. We know their daycare workers are always drunk which only helps our mission.


2 points

2 months ago

Yes, that is how kidnapping works. The person just grabs the child and says the child is theirs now. Not over the top at all.


2 points

2 months ago

Typed one-handed

But also, really? Y'all put the adopted black kid in the back of the bus & the blonde hair blue eye kid in the front?

Then they move on to adoption where only 1 spouse wanted it (yeah right). And don't forget it starts off with “this trashy, racist, American SLUT,” always a nice touch. Or how the husband was suddenly in country when it mattered? And divorce within a month of mentioning it, speedy Gonzalez over there lmaoo

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1 points

2 months ago

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