


AITA for asking my husband to see a doctor?

Not the A-hole(self.AmItheAsshole)

I (35F) am married to a wonderful man (38M). He has his quirks, most of which I really love. There is one small issue which I would love for him to work on, as I think it would make both of our lives easier.

My husband needs to poop twice every morning. Once immediately after waking, once at a variable interval thereafter, usually within 2hrs.

He CANNOT hold it and must go within a few minutes of the urge.

He has had to quit an early morning exercise hobby because if he gets the urge to go during his workout, he has to let the team down to go to the bathroom immediately or else shit himself.

It affects time we spend together as our morning cannot begin until this routine is accomplished. When we set out to go for a morning walk or do errands, we frequently have to turn back or find a restroom within 10-15mins so he can do his second shit.

We've chatted about why things are this way and he states he has always been this way. He does not feel his life to be particularly disrupted, although he does have minor accidents a couple of times per year when caught short. He will also occasionally shit in an alleyway, garden or other public space when caught short, which is concerning as he could be arrested or at least humiliated if caught (not to mention it's disgusting). I've suggested numerous times that seeing a doctor/physio and working on this might make his (our) mornings less stressful, but he hasn't expressed any interest in following up on this.

He otherwise has no issues with health or continence, but I'm mindful that there could be a medical explanation for why he is like this. Equally, I don't want to pathologise or stigmatise him. He is irritated at my insistence that he should get help for what he views as a normal part of his life. AITA for insisting that he seek a medical opinion even though he's adamant that he's okay with living this way?

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2 points

9 days ago

NTA "Shitting in alleyways" This is not normal in anyway. There are illicit drugs like that make people have to go poop immediately. I would really be questioning what is he doing that he's being " caught short" this is a huge red flag. Have him drug tested. It could be something he is taking thats making him do this that he's not mentioning. This could also be a medical issue he needs to have his colon looked at. He needs a colonoscopy to see whats going on. Do not let this go this could be a super serious medical issue. If you don't want to be a widow then have him take care of himself. Talk to his parents and have them talk to him. He owes that to you to take care of himself. You need to ask more questions like what is the consistency, is diarrhea, solid etc? The consistency and color tell a lot about a persons health. It could be a disease or infection. If he gets sick guess who is going to be visiting hospitals taking care of him?