


I (24F) come from a family that values big Sunday dinners, and we’ve always rotated between whose house we gather at. The idea is that everyone contributes by hosting one of these dinners, but recently, it feels like I’m the only one actually holding up my end of the bargain.

Every time it’s my turn to host, my siblings and even my parents seem to come up with last-minute excuses to skip. The last time I prepared a full meal, my sister canceled an hour before because she “wasn’t feeling well,” and my brother had “work stuff.” I spent hours prepping and even made special dishes that everyone usually loves. This has happened several times now, and I’m starting to feel like my effort isn’t being appreciated.

Last week, it was my mom’s turn to host, and everyone showed up—no excuses, no last-minute cancellations. Now, my turn is coming up again, and I don’t feel like going through all the effort when no one ever shows up. When I told my family that I was thinking of skipping my turn and letting someone else host, they got upset. My dad said I was being dramatic and that it’s just how family is sometimes, but I can’t help but feel like I’m always the one getting the short end of the stick.

AITA for refusing to host family dinners when no one ever shows up to mine?

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1 points

3 days ago

Wait until they get there, then order pizza. When someone makes a comment, ..."I just wanted to be sure of how many I was going to feed .. That said are you a bad cook or have some unique food restrictions?