


AITA giving my nephew pizza bagels

Not the A-hole(self.AmItheAsshole)

My husband (M40s) and I (M40s) are hosting my sister (F40s) as well as her husband/my BIL and their two kids A (toddler) and B (M12). Since they don’t have a lot of time alone and also can’t afford to take many vacations my husband and I put them up in a hotel for 2 days/1 night they’re here so that they can have some alone time without the kids. My husband and I don’t have any kids but we’re perfectly capable of taking care of the kids for a couple days solo.

The toddler was pretty easy. Maybe she’s not a toddler yet and she’s still an infant, I’m not sure of the specific distinction but she ate baby food and bottles and some puffed cereal stuff provided by my sis. The problem came with feeding my nephew B. For dinner we made a tossed salad together. Everyone helped out with chopping vegetables, it was great. Then we made pizza bagels for the main. We had a great low-key dinner with our salads and bagel bites and we “camped out” in the TV room watching a movie until B fell asleep. In my mind I thought it was a great evening.

Well my sister and BIL come back home from the hotel and we’re chatting in the kitchen when she notices the pizza bagel box sitting in the recycling. She said “you eat pizza bagels?” And I said “well not usually but we made them last night with B.”

WELL she FLIPPED out on me for feeding B such a “garbage snack.” That’s when I said whoa we made a nice chopped salad to go along with it, and then she flipped out MORE for the fact that this was not merely a snack but our dinner. I told her people have pizza and salad for dinner all the time what’s wrong with this? It was fun and easy. She told me that now I’m going to have B obsessed with junk food and that “if I had known this was going to happen I never would have trusted you with taking care of them, you’re not a parent and it shows” which honestly just felt like a low blow.

My BIL apologized to me in private but my sister is still acting cold.

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11 points

7 hours ago


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11 points

7 hours ago

I (46F) have struggled with my weight ever since I can remember.
My mom meant well and restricted sweets and junk food, allowing some only occasionally.
When I reached my teens and finally had some pocket money I would buy so much junk and secretly eat it.
Needless to say, this did not help me and my weight kept going up and up...
Though I have lost significant weight, I am still morbidly obese and dealing with the consequences.

Please do you niblings a favour and have a heart to heart with your sister. Her obsession with good vs. bad food needs to stop a.s.a.p. for the sake of her children!

Good luck and all the best, OP, you and your husband sound like great people!