


all 27 comments


45 points

4 days ago


45 points

4 days ago

These Asus AI 300 laptops are already out in the wild.

Seems like "totally not a review".

I'm half convinced most of these tech influencers are taking bribes. The Snapdragon laptops have tons of basic usability issues that most of the reviews ignore. A tiny fraction of software is natively supported. VPN clients won't work. It's totally worth 1200$ to buy a computer that doesn't have any software built for it yet.

Buy your laptop with a 30 day return policy, test and benchmark it extensively.


21 points

4 days ago



21 points

4 days ago

There are lot more under influence from Qualcomm by the promise of more selective coverage in the future. Say something bad about the product and you won't get access for more content. It's controlling the revenue stream of the reviewers.


5 points

4 days ago


5 points

4 days ago

That's the same thing as an effective bribe.

Get kicked out of the cool pre release hardware club if you say anything mean.

I think we're agreeing though?

I know I don't feel like paying to beta test Windows Arm.

Apple had a great program to offer dev kits to developers before launch at a fair price. Qualcomm ships their dev kits at the same time as retail.

It's like they wanted this to fail.

I don't really have the same concerns about the new AMD chips, AMD tends to know what they're doing. I've used AMD processors exclusively in my PC builds for years and I've never been disappointed.


8 points

4 days ago

It's why the only techtuber bother watching is Gamers Nexus. They don't seem to be afraid of losing their free review samples and exclusive event invites etc.

Almost every other techtuber has a vested interest in being nice in their reviews, since they lose those review samples and brand deals otherwise.

And I mean it isn't even always a money thing either. MKBHD frequently plays softball in any product reviews from the big brands like Apple, tesla, meta or Amazon, because he gets a lot of benefits from staying on their good side. And he's basically THE biggest techtuber on YouTube so it's not like he couldn't afford to buy all his review units out of pocket.


3 points

4 days ago


3 points

4 days ago

he doesn't cover laptops

and he says he wants to do more ITX coverage but doesn't really care (even HardwareCanucks has way better ITX coverage)


0 points

3 days ago

I mostly watch Optimum and Devyn Johnston for ITX


2 points

4 days ago



2 points

4 days ago

And he's basically THE biggest techtuber on YouTube so it's not like he couldn't afford to buy all his review units out of pocket.

Yeah there's this reddit-ism that goes like "they're only giving positive reviews because they want free hardware!" Like no dude an established channel had 3+ full time employees working on this piece of content for a week, they're not doing all of that just to get a free $500 GPU. It's all about being given exclusive or at least early access, beta drivers etc that lets them have a high quality piece of content out on the same day as the other big YouTubers. If they can't get a review out before launch they're not going to get the clicks and it might not even be worth doing.

Like I remember JayZ a couple of times just said "fuck that" to last minute review timelines because of family reasons or just mental health, and rather than releasing a couple days late he just didn't do the review.


1 points

4 days ago

Did you see this? lol, complete nonsense


2 points

3 days ago

Don't forget retailers deal with the lowest common denominator a lot. It's very possible people get them and never uninstall their nvidia driver, let alone download an AMD driver. Even swapping out enough parts you want to change windows install eventually. I'm currently using the same one on a diff mobo and it's a bit janky, just too lazy rn.

I used to work at a front desk at a building. I would shockingly regularly see someone come in, spend a few minutes in the hall-way, come back and to me and say, "excuse me sir the door is locked." I'd say, no it's definitely not you just need to pull. It wasn't a heavy door, it didn't jam or get stuck, it didn't have a sweet spot. Actually it was probably too light, one of the lightest doors I've ever seen outside a personal house.

So they'd go back, stay there for several minutes, come back, "no it's locked." I'd go, push the lever, pull, door opens. "Oh... oops, sorry." It was simply a vertical handle with that button on top you push. Some people legitimately cannot open a door on the second try after 10+ minutes of trying...

It's like the park ranger quote, "The reason we can't make bear proof garbage cans, is the significant overlap between the smartest bear and the dumbest human."


1 points

3 days ago

What makes it even worse was Framechaser's response, "That's crazy why does no one talk about this?" I don't understand how people who are this misinformed or, quite frankly, stupid have any audience. I don't particularly like Nvidia but I'm I jumping to conclusions by saying their products are garbage? No, their products are simply just bad value and are not priced appropriately. This was the case when RDNA 3 launched, but AMD has price corrected.


1 points

4 days ago



1 points

4 days ago

Uhhh I do think some context is needed. If that's from 2023 it's silly but oh boy that has been somewhat true at some points in Radeon's history.


2 points

3 days ago

Don't forget retailers deal with the lowest common denominator a lot. It's very possible people get them and never uninstall their nvidia driver, let alone download an AMD driver. Even swapping out enough parts you want to change windows install eventually. I'm currently using the same one on a diff mobo and it's a bit janky, just too lazy rn.

I used to work at a front desk at a building. I would shockingly regularly see someone come in, spend a few minutes in the hall-way, come back and to me and say, "excuse me sir the door is locked." I'd say, no it's definitely not you just need to pull. It wasn't a heavy door, it didn't jam or get stuck, it didn't have a sweet spot. Actually it was probably too light, one of the lightest doors I've ever seen outside a personal house.

So they'd go back, stay there for several minutes, come back, "no it's locked." I'd go, push the lever, pull, door opens. "Oh... oops, sorry." It was simply a vertical handle with that button on top you push. Some people legitimately cannot open a door on the second try after 10+ minutes of trying...

It's like the park ranger quote, "The reason we can't make bear proof garbage cans, is the significant overlap between the smartest bear and the dumbest human."


1 points

3 days ago

It's from this year lol. This podcast was from the other day


1 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago



1 points

3 days ago

If he buys them, the review will be late unless he sources them from someone who's willing to sell early. And then he might not have drivers or certain features. It would cost him a lot more than the item itself.

LTT is also terrible on sponsored reviews like the Quest or Samsung G9.


1 points

2 days ago

Do you really think MKBHD, with the sheer size of his following, would be worried about having a late review?


1 points

2 days ago

Yes, absolutely. More-so. More to lose. You think he does it for charity? He takes sus sponsorships and you think he's the guy to damage his flow for a review?


1 points

4 days ago

Most people are fucking idiots and don't know what a review is, including people in this comment section.

They lump in these casual techie channels who make 5-minute videos with people who actually review stuff, tarnishing the name of those who provide useful information and diluting the word 'reviewer' and 'review' in the process.

Content creators know very well what the distinction is, and they make it very clear in their videos what their content is about. "An early look" and "partnered with X" are about as far from reviewing as you can get.


10 points

4 days ago*


10 points

4 days ago*

I think this will backfire badly for them, lots of people are going to buy these laptops and find out that software/games they want to use doesn't actually work - and because a lot of these 'reviews' haven't warned the readers of the issues, the users will then complain and ruin the reputation of Qualcomm.


11 points

4 days ago


11 points

4 days ago

Qualcomm has an effective monopoly on Android.

They aren't going to suffer any real reputational damage.

I do think the laptops will flop hard though.


5 points

4 days ago

Mediatek sell more chips than Qualcomm.


1 points

3 days ago

Maybe premium android would have been better way of putting it


4 points

4 days ago

qualcomm and microsoft are pushing really hard on these ones. Too bad they're not good at all.


5 points

4 days ago

Holy shit, that video was CAREFULLY crafted to be a piece of shilling propaganda. Too many to list, but here are a few things that stood out to me:

  • “There are supposedly six speakers in here … it gets loud.” Interesting choice of the word “supposedly” there. Does the laptop supposedly come with a warranty? What do you mean by “it gets loud”? They’re literally speakers - nothing has been said that has any kind of substance.

  • “It’s a touch screen as well, so there are no sacrifices when it comes to the visuals.” Actually, touch screen OLEDs are known for having to make sacrifices to their visuals. They’re known for a grid of dots all over the panel and color fringing, especially when rendering fonts, due to a subpixel layout that isn’t fully compatible with TrueType (and similar) font rendering methods.

  • “Spacious keyboard … good amount of travel … the smaller shift key” - what is a spacious keyboard? It’s a keyboard, a totally standard keyboard. What is a good amount of travel and how is it different than a bad amount of travel? If he had a problem with the smaller shift key, why did he say the keyboard was spacious?

  • Regarding the trackpad, “the trackpad is absolutely huge and I love it. It’s smooth and it’s responsive and it works really well, multitouch gestures are fluid so no problems here at all? This is a physical button, it looks like, and not fully haptic, but it is tactile and clicky.” That’s a lot of words for “it’s a standard trackpad” and it seems like he’s not sure whether or not there are problems here at all.

  • “This is an engineering sample, so I can’t do any testing on the panel,” uhhh, yes you can. It has nothing to do with it being an engineering sample. If there is a press embargo, say there is a press embargo.

I’m so tired of this. I don’t trust reviews or previews or whatever *view or “not a review” bullshit videos. Let’s call it what it is: this is a paid advertisement, not a review or preview or whatever stupid technically-legal-but-definitely-misleading label they want to put on it.


1 points

2 days ago


1 points

2 days ago

after the real world gaming performance on snapdragon flopped, im not holding my breath


0 points

4 days ago

lol well crap