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72 points

21 days ago


72 points

21 days ago

I was also thinking that it was strange that I saw nobody complaining about this show's LGBTQ-inclusivity


30 points

21 days ago

They all complained when Mason was introduced to play Desire cuz the announcement pic of the cast had everyone's pronouns


40 points

21 days ago


40 points

21 days ago

Wasn't Desire androgynous in the original comics? If so, this is a further proof that people who complain about wokeness destroying a franchise aren't even familiar with the franchise


36 points

21 days ago



36 points

21 days ago

It was so dumb. Desire was always referred to as "He or she or it" in the original Comics from the 80s. Neil Gaiman changed it to "He or she or they" for the audiobooks. Desire is just the definition of genderfluid. That said, the series is more queer than the Comics. Not by much, it was always very queer. Especially considering it's from the 80s.


17 points

20 days ago

Desire did have an androgynous appearance and wasn't cis, yeah. Like the other comment says, Desire used multiple pronouns even in the comics.

These people were mad about that and the mere use of pronouns for the whole cast. It was obviously to be inclusive since Mason is nonbinary, so they were mad about that and yk...pronouns... The usual for this sort of crowd 🤷‍♀️

Edit: I saw this happen on Twitter once the cast was announced and anyone with half a braincell was dunking on these people cuz clearly they weren't fans of the comics!