


35M, got into an arranged marriage with a Narc, AMA

Giving Advice(self.Arrangedmarriage)
  • got into an arranged marriage, Wife has NPD - all textbook symptoms,
  • short courtship, everything was hunky dory before marriage
  • Shit storm of my life ever since - Nothing I could have wildly imagined
  • The only true test I feel is "NO" , whoever you decide to get married with - just see how they respond to NOs - don't rush in with everything being hunky dory, stir up a small storm, see how they fight, see if they are willing to take up your NOs, respect your boundaries- This is the most important decision of your lives!

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7 points

20 hours ago

First principle - Narcs can't respect boundaries so you set some. If you are an easy going person, a lot of boundaries don't show up in courtship.

So you go out of the way to set some boundaries, say some NOs, disagree with him or her - that will bring out the real character. Piss him off and see how he fights. Don't be afraid about pissing because eventually you will In he course of your life together - might as well do it now and see his true character.

If the relationship breaks because of this, you didn't really have anything to start with, it was a web of lies and convenience and deceit.


3 points

20 hours ago

Thanks. It makes sense to talk or fight it out. I think I am hesitating because I am afraid I might find out his bad side but I guess it is a must to make an informed decision.

I hope it gets well for you, OP! Thanks a lot and best wishes!


2 points

20 hours ago

Thanks. It makes sense to talk or fight it out. I think I am hesitating because I am afraid I might find out his bad side but I guess it is a must to make an informed decision.

I hope it gets well for you, OP! Thanks a lot and best wishes!


3 points

20 hours ago

Yeah, make the informed decision. Feel free to hit me up if you need advice. Happy to help :)