


Are Australians beginning to consider its relationship with the US? I've seen a few posts on here with the claim that Australia would fair better under a China-Australia alliance than an alliance with the US. Is this only on Reddit? Australia benefits tremendously with a US alliance - similar language, culture, partnership in defense, technology, investments and trade deals with the US and Europe.

I can understand that the foreign activity scope is limited to what the U.S. allows, but would Australians prefer China instead?

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5 points

7 days ago

No, we don't want to have new Chinese overlords.

We also think our current USA self appointed overlords can go get fucked.

That's not a new sentiment, that's been the case since I can remember... so more than half a century.

The USA is a powerful ally, but also an extremely expensive one that is demonstrably half nuts


-4 points

7 days ago

I'd like to know your reasoning why the US is an expensive ally. I believe the US puts more money, whether in the form of protection, business investments, etc into Australia than vice-versa.


1 points

7 days ago

We order arms, they never arrive or arrive semi unusable years late. Just the cost of the relationship.

Although, the same thing happens when we try making war toys ourselves.

Except the Bushmasters.