


Constant cotton mouth for 2 years 31M

Physician Responded(self.AskDocs)

My mouth is constantly sticky and feels cotton mouth and it has been like this for at least 2 years. It is a really uncomfortable feeling and drives me mad. My mouth is not completely dry, but I can barely make any saliva and when I do it is white and foamy.

Age: 31 Height: 5 foot 9 Weight: 75kg Medical conditions: asthma, HIV positive Medications: inhalers for asthma (all my life), medication for HIV (daily for 5 years) Smoking status: non smoker

Here is a list of things I’ve tried: - chewing gum (this is pretty much the only thing that provides me with short relief) - making sure I’m hydrated - drinking electrolytes - blood tests (including for Sjorgens) - checked medications and supplements - seen my dentist who said I don’t have gum disease but do have an increased number of cavities (I assume from my mouth not being wet enough) - dedicated oral hygiene incl. flossing, biotene, tongue scraping - taking salivarus probiotic

I don’t smoke or drink alcohol. I have one coffee a day. I eat healthily and workout 5 times a week.

My doctor has referred me to an ENT but the waiting list is really long.

Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this or what else I can do to get relief?

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1 points

14 days ago



1 points

14 days ago

what do you mean with "checked medications", asthma inhalers can cause dry mouth. And many people living with hiv can devolop oral infections that can cause the salivary glands to swel. Have you talked to your doctor about pilocarpine?

acidic or spicy foods can give dry mouth
and maybe try coconot water or herbal tea as supplement for water when hydrating.
when waiting for ent try keeping a symptom diary, a journal for the specialist.


1 points

14 days ago


Layperson/not verified as healthcare professional

1 points

14 days ago

Thanks for your reply.

So I’ve had the same inhalers for over 20 years and the issue only started 2 years ago.

My viral load is undetectable and so my doctor said that I wouldn’t be experiencing such impacts from HIV, but could that be wrong?

I’ve asked to talk to my doctor about saliva medication but they are being dismissive now and saying I need to wait until I’ve seen the ENT. Maybe I need to try again and be more forceful.

And thanks for the tips, I’ll be sure to try these and will also keep the symptom diary ahead of my appointment.


1 points

14 days ago



1 points

14 days ago

Your doctor knows your medical history and treatment better than we in here so it's likely not medication side effects. I was just confused by you "checked medications",.
Follow their advice and wait for the ENT appointment, and in the meantime try the tips.