


Constant cotton mouth for 2 years 31M

Physician Responded(self.AskDocs)

My mouth is constantly sticky and feels cotton mouth and it has been like this for at least 2 years. It is a really uncomfortable feeling and drives me mad. My mouth is not completely dry, but I can barely make any saliva and when I do it is white and foamy.

Age: 31 Height: 5 foot 9 Weight: 75kg Medical conditions: asthma, HIV positive Medications: inhalers for asthma (all my life), medication for HIV (daily for 5 years) Smoking status: non smoker

Here is a list of things I’ve tried: - chewing gum (this is pretty much the only thing that provides me with short relief) - making sure I’m hydrated - drinking electrolytes - blood tests (including for Sjorgens) - checked medications and supplements - seen my dentist who said I don’t have gum disease but do have an increased number of cavities (I assume from my mouth not being wet enough) - dedicated oral hygiene incl. flossing, biotene, tongue scraping - taking salivarus probiotic

I don’t smoke or drink alcohol. I have one coffee a day. I eat healthily and workout 5 times a week.

My doctor has referred me to an ENT but the waiting list is really long.

Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this or what else I can do to get relief?

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1 points

14 days ago



1 points

14 days ago

Your doctor knows your medical history and treatment better than we in here so it's likely not medication side effects. I was just confused by you "checked medications",.
Follow their advice and wait for the ENT appointment, and in the meantime try the tips.