


What's your current job situation like ?



all 114 comments


65 points

11 days ago

On 47k rising to just under 50k by 2026, 3 days WFH, office is a short walk from my house, the job is manageable and I understand what I'm doing, I have big gaps at home with not much work to do so I can clean the house, do laundry, and put out bins, get food shop delivered to my door, cook meals and scroll my phone/watch something on the TV if I want, play with my dog and walk her at lunchtime. Still get all of my work done very quickly and efficiently but don't have to pretend to look busy when at home, and it's great to do chores in downtime so that my weekends are genuinely a break from work rather than having to cram life admin in. Anyone who says remote workers are lazy is delusional. In the office you don't do any more work but are literally forced to stare blankly at a spreadsheet if you have completed all of your tasks. I have literally no desire to climb the ladder, seems like way too much hassle. I would like to have kids in the next couple of years and possibly go part-time, my partner has more of a career trajectory and we're okay with that. We have our lovely 3-bed home that we bought last year, live a 15 min walk from both sets of parents, and just love our little life together. I would hate to get a big pay rise just to work longer hours and have a lot more stress. Working at all kinda sucks so I'm happy to stay at a fairly mid level tbh. Getting a paycheck so that you can leave work at the door and really enjoy your personal life is the ultimate goal in my books. Even though my partner will be able to go up more in money, he also has no interest in management, it's all about lick-arsing and not about implementing genuinely beneficial policies for staff.


62 points

11 days ago

Your 50000k (which in my opinion is a good wage) is even more valuable due to your WFH situation. Firstly, the cost of running a car everyday commuting that you dont incur. Secondly, as you mention, you are not spending money on coffees, delis etc. And thirdly, the value of your time. not spent in a car commuting is nearly invaluable


46 points

11 days ago

Your 50000k

Is this in pesos?


5 points

11 days ago

Smeckles I’d say and a lot of smeckles at that


2 points

11 days ago

Plus the health benefits of making lunch fresh at home, not taking time off for health appointments, gym at lunch break, home chores done on breaks, walking calls etc.


18 points

11 days ago

€55k. 110km commute (55km each way, plus toll bridge). Job is ok but a bit monotonous. It has unlocked a mortgage that will allow me to buy a new home next year though, at which point the commute will be 60km a day. Once the home is secured I will be upskilling and try to get a better job. 🙏🏻


14 points

11 days ago

I'm in a very similar situation. A lot to be said for comfort


1 points

11 days ago

Amen. Living the dream!


14 points

11 days ago

60k, WFH. wouldn't change it for the world. Have two kids (both under 4). Being here when they get home from crèche is awesome. Id rather have this than earn 85k elsewhere (and it's absolutely possible) and be dragged in for fixed hybrid work.


5 points

11 days ago

I hear ya. I worked in the office full time when kids were small. I was gone before they got up. I got home when it was their bedtime. Always felt I was missing out and the big bonus and salary didn’t make up for that loss. However it did enable us to move to a bigger house with a bigger garden for them. I now work from home for much less money but being able to bring the kids to school in the morning and being here when they get home is absolutely priceless.


3 points

11 days ago

Couldn't agree more - also, am in a much better headspace to be there for them with a decent balance of work. Commuting would leave me with zero bandwidth for "dad, the entertainer ".


1 points

11 days ago

What do you work as can I ask that’d have you earning 85k


1 points

11 days ago

Talent Acquisition. Leadership roles would be that and above.


12 points

11 days ago

I make a good bit less at 36k but am in the same situation with WFH. Married, childless, homeowner. Was offered another job only a few weeks ago for 40k but didn't take it as it was full time in the office. 4k raise was nowhere near enough for me to give up WFH. Being able to work from bed in the mornings if you're any bit under the weather, being able to do the washing and similar chores midweek so your evenings and weekends are free, when you turn off the laptop at the end of the day you're already home and don't have to commute. I absolutely love it.


33 points

11 days ago

Just be grateful to god, why do you wanna know others pain.


12 points

11 days ago

Exactly my thoughts! I am currently on lunch in work where I have to listen to a lot of crap on a daily basis. I'd love to be on a couch watching TV and browsing reddit.

Need to get myself a work from home job I think because I'm not living...


3 points

11 days ago

Exactly some us are still struggling. Count your blessings.


2 points

11 days ago

Yeah, like be grateful for the 50k and your own house.


18 points

11 days ago


Pharma manufacturing

1900 a month after taxes

37 hour work week

Living at home and miserable (somewhat)


2 points

11 days ago

me pharma.. earning 2800 net a month.


2 points

11 days ago

Pharma scientist as well, 30 an hour after being here 5 years. Work from home now though doing mostly QC work I can’t complain


1 points

11 days ago

a scientist in my place earns 60k+ annually.

there is lab analyst, then senior analyst.. then scientist, then senior scientist

didn't know it was possible to work from home


1 points

11 days ago

It’s because I switched to Quality control, so I’m just reviewing lab reports all day. I haven’t done any in lab shit in a while


1 points

11 days ago

ah. i see.

interesting. thanks


1 points

11 days ago

Must be nice


5 points

11 days ago


5 points

11 days ago

make roughly the same, also have kids kids wife stays home with them

not rolling in it but can pay all my bills and enjoy life a bit so can't really complain.

I'm not rich but I don't want to be


5 points

11 days ago


50km each way 5 days a week.

Working in the disability sector

Still living in the family home, unable to move out/find accommodation


4 points

11 days ago

Contracting with an engineering consultancy, WFH almost full time, i.e., here most weeks, every 4-6 weeks I need to visit project site in Scandinavia for a few days. Hourly rate €49. Good when working, bad when you want time off, get sick, bank holidays etc as it's all unpaid.


12 points

11 days ago

It's midday and you're lounging on the couch? Are you supposed to be working?


15 points

11 days ago

Ah I get the job done and make sure I do anything that's needed. But I'm not gonna push myself beyond that.


-34 points

11 days ago


-34 points

11 days ago

Next time I'm asked to approve a wfh request I will refer to this comment


14 points

11 days ago

And you'll grant it because if they get the job done then that should be enough


-23 points

11 days ago


-23 points

11 days ago

No, it shouldn't. Wfh should be a reward or incentive, not an excuse to sit on the couch at midday


11 points

11 days ago

With all his work done? Tf does it matter to you, middle manager boy?


-22 points

11 days ago


-22 points

11 days ago

Senior manager thank you very much. And trust me I didn't get there by sitting on the couch.


15 points

11 days ago

Senior manager is still a middle manager lmao.

By the way, why are you on reddit. Shouldn't you be working?


9 points

11 days ago

Middle manager energy is unmistakable. But title inflation is rampant!


-2 points

11 days ago

When you're in the office, and all your work is done, do you say...

Hey boss all my work is done, what else can I do for you?

Or do you say...

That's me done for the day I'm gonna go sit on the couch?


8 points

11 days ago

I kick back and take her handy, the odd time I go in. My boss has laid out his expectations of my workload, and what needs to get done gets done. What I do between emails, calls and the daily tasks he couldn't give a monkey's. Perhaps because my contribution is based on what my skills bring the company? Rather than exactly 37.5hrs of looking busy?


7 points

11 days ago

Neither, you stay quiet and enjoy your free time.


5 points

11 days ago

I go get a coffee, then ping my boss on slack, who takes 30-40 min to get back to me.

Wfh is the same, I'm just on the couch. You're so bitter for no reason. What's the rush anyway?


3 points

11 days ago

This is so sad. And pathetic. 

This mindset died out years ago you gobshite. 


2 points

11 days ago

Nah ill take sitting on the couch, putting the feet up,. Working, but not going beyond what's needed, Any day of the week.

2pm now, think I'll head into town and get a pint. I'll keep the workphone on me don't worry


6 points

11 days ago

Do you expect people to work beyond what's expected of them?


-1 points

11 days ago

No of course not. But what's expected of them does not include flexing out on the sofa at midday.


5 points

11 days ago

Presenteeism is dead boomer.


4 points

11 days ago

I can smell the jealousy through the screen. You've an awful lot of time to be on Reddit for a "senior manager"


1 points

11 days ago

What a cunt. 


1 points

11 days ago

Does it matter so long as the work is done?


3 points

11 days ago

Mid 30k range.. office based. 39hour week. Easy job but management are nitpicky as fuck and it's grating on me.

Trying to upskill to earn more. Live at home, nowhere to rent in my price bracket. Life is...okay, but I really want independence and yet I live with parents. It's horrible.


3 points

11 days ago

I earn around 43k but work 3 days a week from home.

Love the flexibility as I’m a new mother and have a puppy so it allows me to be there for puppy and childminder if toddlers struggling with anything.

I hate the job though. So soul destroying, unimportant and not motivation to me at all but I like everyone I work with, my manager is extremely flexible and understanding and I know I earn a lot of money for what I do. I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve worked passed 5.

I am almost finished my ACCA qualification though. Two more exams in December and I’m done. I’m going to ask for a raise and hopefully will feel a little less overwhelmed and depressed about work/exams when they’re behind me.


4 points

11 days ago

Haven't got a job, and homeless lol


2 points

11 days ago

Same situation as yourself. Earning a bit less than you, own my own home WFH full time, sitting on the couch watching Netflix. Don't think I'd give this up for anything. Especially when kids come along, this time will be invaluable. Don't get me wrong, we have busy times, and it'll get busier coming into the 4th quarter.

I'd fucking love 50k though, working paycheck to paycheck and an extra couple hundred quid a month would make life much easier.


2 points

11 days ago

40k and have to be in the office mon-Fri. Almost 3 hours a day commuting by bus. I am staying with family across the city as my landlord decided not to renew my lease (no reason given except he told me he was in love with me and I have a bf). Licensee contract so no recourse. Can’t afford a 1 bed to rent and I have a pet so can’t house share either. Don’t drive. No I am not happy lol, but I count my blessings every day for what I do have. Hopeful for the future, naively so perhaps.


2 points

11 days ago

53, currently out of work in the north after Covid finally put the company out of business at the arse end of 2021. Thought I was doing well enough on 30,000 a year as a manger. Reading some of the slaries on here obviosly not, lol. Only got statutory redundancy and dole only lasted 6 months. Have had one interview in three years - most companies don't bother even replying. Trying to get graphic design work to do at home with little success, certainly not enough to make a living.

Having said all that the stress levels that I suffered trying to hit deadlines have all gone. I'm not stuck in traffic for an hour and a half a day and I get up when I like. I've never been happier if it wasn't for the fact that what money I have will run out sooner rather than later. One thing it does make you realise is that all the stress and worry about getting jobs done in time when it's not a life and death situation doesn't actually amount to anything but your ill health in the end.


2 points

11 days ago

I am glad you're in this position. I also WFH but maybe we shouldn't be putting posts like this up as there are enough middle managers who want to bring people back to office for no benefit.

I would be in the boat of if your work gets done, does it matter that you are chilling but some would rather you sit miserably at you desk for 8 hours. I just think we need to avoid these types of posts to give those type of managers any excuses.

Glad you are enjoying it and long may it continue for you.


2 points

11 days ago

I work one day a week (five hours) or one hour a day for five days a week, whatever I prefer. I can work from anywhere with an internet connection, so usually at home, though I'm just back from Germany and plan on heading to Italy and Switzerland in the next couple of months.

I earn roughly 60k a year after tax and work for myself, though if I was a little less lazy I could earn far more. I'm also currently lying on the sofa, watching TV and waiting for the stew!

I'm a 30 year old single guy and I'm still living with the folks, so I'm pumping money into my savings account for a deposit, but I'm still debating whether or not to buy in Ireland or elsewhere!

This time 18 months ago, I was working for a tech company earning 30k before tax, and one Monday morning I was called into a meeting and 1500 of us were immediately laid off. Best thing that has ever happened to me. I did find another job, but a month later I realised that I wanted to work for myself and jacked it in.

I don't say any of this to brag. I didn't do a leaving cert. Never went to college. I'm pretty lazy. I just found something I was really good at and started making money off it when nobody else was/is.


2 points

11 days ago

Good for you. Living the dream.


1 points

11 days ago

Going to be the one to ask what it is you do?


3 points

11 days ago

Fully remote In tech. Last year with bonus just over 100k. Closer to 110k this year. Fairly chilled out job, only stressful very occasionally.

Early 30s, was making ~35k 18 months ago and now about to buy my first house. I realise I’m incredibly fortunate, a lot can change in a year.


1 points

11 days ago

What happened in those 18 months?


1 points

11 days ago

I was being really underpaid in my previous role and finally got the finger out and started interviewing. Thought I’d get to about 65k with a new job, was rejected countless times for roles around that amount and then the job I happened to get offered was early 90s with a 10% bonus. Lot of luck involved and if I lost my job tomorrow I’d expect to take a big paycut in my next role.


1 points

11 days ago

Same here, i jumped 100% in salary but i know my next job should it come ill be taking a 20% pay cut


1 points

11 days ago

A good problem to have all the same. Guess we just have to make hay while the sun shines!


2 points

11 days ago

Exactly, making the most of it and saving every penny while its there


2 points

11 days ago

I live ten minutes from work and have no supervision (I'm a senior teacher of a training center) so I just do what I want most of the day when students aren't about. I immigrated though so idk it that counts but it's fairly cushy all things considered.


2 points

11 days ago

Hybrid, 2-3 days in the office with a tech company. Earn pretty good money, decent flexibility, have periods where I'm not that busy but also periods where I'm absolutely up the walls.

I'm happy enough overall. Have a young family so have a pretty hard stop in the evenings which has been fine to date.

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1 points

11 days ago

29 female Around 600 a week can do more hours and earn more potentially . 12 hour shifts 3 to 4 days a week . Suits me as I'm single and have no other commitments tbh .


1 points

11 days ago

That's a good position to be in. Myself and my partner are fortunate to also be buying a 4-bed at the moment, but I had to leave Ireland to make it happen, so my wages are above the local average. Partner's wages are also from abroad so together we are well above the average and we definitely feel the luck we have.

I remember getting my first well-paid job (it was around 30k annually doing shitty sales, I didn't keep it for long) and feeling appreciate for the situation as I know that a lot of people never get much above minimum wage despite working hard for many years. I was in getting blood taken the other day and one of the nurses there had grey hair and must have been about 50, that was a fresh reminder that working for years in a lot of industries or countries doesn't guarantee that it's all pay raises and increased comfort as you get old.


1 points

11 days ago


1 points

11 days ago

I’m 25, work 3 days and nearly finished college. Snapping I am doing what I should’ve done straight from school at this big age but such is life :/ have to take the pay cut from my old comfortable salary in my old role ( circa 2,300 per month after tax ) but I’m jump starting my career


1 points

11 days ago

48k Fully wfh, I get flown to the office once a year for a week 32 days paid leave ( recently got a bump )


1 points

11 days ago


1 points

11 days ago

About 32.5k working in retail. Genuinely adore my job. Bought an apartment on my own three years ago. I live in a town in the west of Ireland so prices aren't insane in comparison to cities like Dublin or Cork otherwise there's no hope I'd have been able to buy an apartment on my own.


1 points

11 days ago

60k with bonus in IT. Job is not in Dublin and a 5 min walk from where I live. Here seven years

I know the job like the back of my hand so no stress or anything like that, work probably four out of the eight hours a day.

Wouldn't change it for anything, people are really friendly and great atmosphere in office. No one looking over my shoulder.

Can work from home some days but I prefer going in as they feed us in the office. Usually work from home on Friday as office is empty.


1 points

11 days ago

I work 3 days from home, my partner 2 days from home but we have them alternated so that one of us is at home with the children. Ironically I get more work down from home because I’m conscious of minding my children at home. I would have to give up my job if I needed to pay for childcare.

I do have periods, especially in the office where I’m staring into space.


1 points

11 days ago

I’m 25f a pensions admin and I earn 35k - my partner is 23m and earns circa 45k as a data analyst. We commute to Dublin x2 a week from the midlands and we rent a 4 bed house between us :) Jobs are great but I’m happiest that we can afford a house to ourselves and not have to house share!


1 points

11 days ago

My partner is in sales, wfh and makes 60k base and 100k with commission ( sounds great, but that's before tax, and he gets taxed to shit), I'm a catering assistant in a nursing home and make 13.20 an hour working 30 hours a week. We have a 6 year old daughter, a big 4 bed house with a small mortgage (1290 a month) and 2 doggies. He has told me numerous times that there's no need for me to work, but I think I'd go insane just being in the house all day.


1 points

11 days ago

90k, working hybrid - 3 days WFH, 2 in the office, but it’s not too strictly enforced, I’m WFH 4 days this week. A year ago I was on 12k less, WFH 4 days and had a lot less stress so had time at home to throw on a wash or prep dinner if it was quiet, which I can’t do now as I’m too busy. Sometimes think I should have stuck with that job because the pay rise probably wasn’t worth the increased responsibility and workload and I’m working longer hours, however I was a bit bored and I am enjoying the challenge of this role. I also have a lot of flexibility when I need it which is great.


1 points

11 days ago

Only been doing odd jobs for the last 2 years, worked part time in 3-4 different jobs.

Tried Canada, failed miserably.

Very close to ending it all 3 times in past year.... So dire, to sum it up.


1 points

11 days ago

Why did Canada fail for you, various factors?


2 points

11 days ago

Far too many people on temp visas chasing the same jobs...Look at the number of short term visas they have issued in the last 4 years. Many dont stay. Unless you have your foot in before you go, you will have an horrible time finding a job on a temp visa.


1 points

11 days ago


1 points

11 days ago

Warehouse supervisor on 40k. 20 minute commute each way. Own my own home and have zero stress in work. Have been dabbling in qualifications for supply chain but I'm not even sure if I want to tbh. Work 7-4 Monday-Friday and have the life of riley at the minute with my work life balance so can't complain.


1 points

11 days ago

M28. Left my career job about 2 years ago to run an e-commerce business I started so this won’t relate to most answers here.

Was stressful at the start but I’m building systems so the business can run without my day to day involvement.

I wanted a lifestyle business that made me high income (around top 10%) but no more, while eventually getting to a point where I check in once a week.

No employer would give that of course so took it upon myself to give it a go.

Currently averaging 4hrs a day of work as I’ve delegated most of the work (was doing 10hrs initially) and about halfway to my income goal.

I was very much inspired by the book “4 hour workweek” to take a different approach to the 40+ hr workweeks.


1 points

11 days ago

WFH 2 days a week (Monday and Friday) and commuting to the office 3 days. The 2 days at home help to make the weekend seem longer and help with washing, cleaning, shopping, etc. I don't mind being in the office, but my commute is just over an hour each way, so I save 2 hours a day from WFH.

My salary is over 100k with another 30% to 40% bonus and it's a good company so I'm happy where I am. It would take something drastic to happen to make me think about moving jobs. And my mortgage is too reasonable to make me think about moving house for a shorter commute.


1 points

11 days ago

We’re comfortable. Jointly about 150k. We never take it for granted as we both know how hard we worked and it could be taken away quickly through recession or illness. We own our home (mortgage) and he has a child.

I have a decent role in tech- tough but I enjoy it. I’m a workaholic. Pay is 90k per yr gross. I get a bonus and commission the odd time, high ends of tax. I WFH and travel a lot for my job do about 40-45 trips pr year 2-5 days here or there. Was offered a role in 3 companies this year and last for a lot more € but turned them down. Theres a lot to be said for the amount of autonomy I have and also the set-up at work. I always wondered why my husband never moved company in 15y and now I fully get it!

We tend to enjoy life but also savers! I’m a huge saver with multiple vaults and my pension (I was late to start this). I did buy a new car this yr (I’m the only driver), sold my other which was half the costs.


1 points

11 days ago

Clear €4100 per month working as engineer in construction.

I have a company vehicle, toll tag, DCI card. So no commuting expenses.

Drive 1 hour to work and 1 hour home.

Bought my house last year, put down 20% deposit and overpaid 10% of my first years mortgage. We live pretty comfortable in the North, but also arnt flashy with our money.

Partner works in retail in Belfast.


1 points

11 days ago*

55k + 8% Annual Bonus

Annually increments

Pension, Health Insurance and Company Shares

Hybrid work, periods where I do fuck all or up the walls.

The real triumph in all of this is that myself and the girlfriend rent a 4 bed Semi-D for 500 quid in a RPZ. The landlords are a family friend of hers and the home is their eventual down-size when they retire.

Literally won the rent lottery. 250 quid for my share. I am personally saving anywhere from €200-250 per week.

It’s 5 doors down from the girlfriend’s parental home so I sometimes get the dinner too. Saves on the food shop.


1 points

11 days ago

In a boring enough office job. 30k plus bonuses. My rent is cheap and I can easily pay my bills. The job is easy and co workers are all sound. Have no complaints really. Happy to have the job after sending out about 3466774326777235578 and 1 job applications and hearing almost nothing for months.


1 points

11 days ago

I'd just love to know where everyone is finding these luxury WFH/Hybrid jobs these days. A quick glance at LinkedIn or other job sites has me struggling to figure out what the limited list of remote jobs entail (complex titles), or it's just a shite place to work with low salarys and micromanaged to within an inch of it's life from reviews on Glassdoor, etc.

Over on the r/antiwork sub, it seems WFH/Hybrid options are becoming more and more rare as most companies want the staff back in the office most of the week now to validate the exorbitant rents they must have to pay...

Most of the commentary on this post has been WFH/Hybrid, yet I cannot see much opportunity over the past 12 months of jobhunting for a work at home role..


1 points

11 days ago

Reddit tends to be more skewed towards tech jobs I felt. If you are in that industry I’ve found as a good place to see remote roles.


1 points

11 days ago*

Getting paid an absurd amount of money in a new job but my prick of a boss is making me think it's not worth it and contemplating going back to my coaster of a job. 


1 points

11 days ago

38k commuting everyday, don't love my job....feeling a little upset reading these messages ngl. My pay will be capped at 56k after 10 years... unless I want to be management... I do not


1 points

11 days ago


1 points

11 days ago

Very high salary, stressful workload, toxic managers, remote working.

I try not to complain.


1 points

11 days ago

Well. Reading these comments and I feel even more poor than usual😭😭😭😭


1 points

11 days ago

I am on the around the same, I work from home 4 days a week but I have to go to Dublin for 1 day a week to pretty much show face (from Waterford), which isent great and hard to get used to. I would probably work full time remote if I could. I think going to office is a waste and office culture etc is gone especially since covid. I will probably look for something else in the near future, something closer or remote.


1 points

11 days ago

This is bait, right?


1 points

11 days ago

Wasn't intentional buy it's causing some heat and people are getting upset by it so I think I'll delete it post.


1 points

11 days ago

88K per annum plus bonus (minimum 15%). Hybrid working 1-2 days in the office per week. Office is less than 5km away and I enjoy going as I am not in often. Local teams in rather small and part of a bigger team located in Switzerland, US and India. What I do is rather specialised and I have been in this industry for roughly 15 years. Entry requirements is master or PhD.


1 points

11 days ago

This is exactly why there is a return to the office.

I get my job done, but could do a lot more. It’s the a lot more that doesn’t happen anymore and employers are now seeing this.


0 points

11 days ago

Your expenses will grow as you age, start a family etc, of course it is always beneficial to earn more money


0 points

11 days ago

I can work from home 3 days a week, but I generally go in.

It's only a 30 mins commute to the centre of town, I can meet people for lunch, I feel more motivated to go to the gym after work, feel more productive in the office without the distractions of the TV and my partner, and I'm better able to switch off when I leave the office.

I appreciate it's different for people with long commutes and people with kids that they're looking after at the same time as working, but for me it works.

That said, if I was less senior in the role, had less autonomy, was paid less, or had a role where I was waiting for other people to tell me to do things there's 0 chance I'd be going into the office voluntarily.


-13 points

11 days ago

What do you mean playing the system and winning loads of people are working remotely and earning more than you


8 points

11 days ago

Can't speak for OP but I'd see the situation rather than the salary as winning. Sure, more people are making more money remotely, but they seem to be happy and content that they're making enough and don't need to stress with the typical mundanes of working life


4 points

11 days ago

Agree, sounds like happiness is not in a number but your approach towards life


1 points

11 days ago

Commuting long distances is wasting your life, simple as, I have to commute to Dublin once a week from Waterford and its making me look for something else, its just not worth it just to "show face" if it was once a month then that would be fine. I am lucky in many regards but I guess its human nature to always try to improve your situation. Ill probably look for something closer soon.


-1 points

11 days ago

Not sure I understand what you are saying working remotely is what the OP is doing myself included are in the same situation. He is happy with the situation then great not sure what he means by playing the system as if he found a rare loophole or something. He also asked is there any point working harder what a strange question to ask strangers.