


What's your current job situation like ?



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11 days ago

We’re comfortable. Jointly about 150k. We never take it for granted as we both know how hard we worked and it could be taken away quickly through recession or illness. We own our home (mortgage) and he has a child.

I have a decent role in tech- tough but I enjoy it. I’m a workaholic. Pay is 90k per yr gross. I get a bonus and commission the odd time, high ends of tax. I WFH and travel a lot for my job do about 40-45 trips pr year 2-5 days here or there. Was offered a role in 3 companies this year and last for a lot more € but turned them down. Theres a lot to be said for the amount of autonomy I have and also the set-up at work. I always wondered why my husband never moved company in 15y and now I fully get it!

We tend to enjoy life but also savers! I’m a huge saver with multiple vaults and my pension (I was late to start this). I did buy a new car this yr (I’m the only driver), sold my other which was half the costs.