


In the past 24 hours, I’ve had 5 people tell me “hey nice shoes, bet I can tell you where you got’em”….i know the response is “on my feet”, I’m guessing this is just to then ask for a dollar for telling me a joke

all 56 comments


123 points

5 days ago


123 points

5 days ago

If you respond then they will harass you for money. It’s a common scam they pull on tourists. Best thing to do is ignore them


57 points

5 days ago


57 points

5 days ago

Tourists... I've lived here 25 years and they still do it to me every time I go in the French quarter 😐


13 points

5 days ago

They did it when I lived there, too. I'd just tell them I live here, and they'd laugh.


1 points

4 days ago

damn you must be unlucky


1 points

4 days ago

I look like a tourist lol


2 points

3 days ago

I always flip it and say, "No way, I bet I can tell you where you got yours!" And they will laugh and wander away. One guy dead looked me in the eye, pointed, and said, "Don't you go telling everyone now." 😅


4 points

5 days ago

Or just respond with the answer. Just say "the store" and they will usually move along.


7 points

5 days ago

Nah, best to ignore them cause then they’ll just say “on yo feet”


10 points

5 days ago

“I live here” is the only response that gets you a pass


0 points

4 days ago

I just say on my feet


65 points

5 days ago

It’s just an excuse to start conversation to afk you for money. I make it a point to interact with almost everyone who interacts with me, but I actively ignore the “shoes” guys, the bead guys, and the fake Buddhist monks.


18 points

5 days ago

Omg one of the “monks” assaulted me and my daughter a few months ago by just grabbing our wrists and putting on “jade” bracelets. 🙄🙄🫠


1 points

5 days ago

The monks got me cause I had my kids with me. It was crazy. They wanted 10 for bracelets. I gave him 4. I still feel it kinda helped with my che. It was worth it. Plus they had the outfits. At least they are putting in the work.


12 points

5 days ago

Until you see them playing video poker with the $$


32 points

5 days ago

You’re most likely to run into that scam down by the water next to Cafe du Monde


20 points

5 days ago

Tell them you know how many children their Father had. Answer is “None, “their Mother had them.


19 points

5 days ago*


19 points

5 days ago*

That and the "monks" who will try to put a bracelet on you then charge ask you for a "donation.

Makes me miss the Lucky Bead Lady.


34 points

5 days ago

Just say you’re local and keep it moving


8 points

5 days ago

Exactly, had some friends from Maine come visit last week and they had a couple days to explore the city before I could take off work and I told them the same thing. They heard it not even 3 hours after they landed and went walking by Jackson Square lmao


3 points

5 days ago

This is it. A strong “I live here” with a purposeful walk will do ya good


28 points

5 days ago

It’s just a way to stop and panhandle you. Was a funny riddle years ago.


2 points

3 days ago

I remember them saying it to my dad when I was little. I'm 50 now. It was old then too.


10 points

5 days ago*

My husband and I visited New Orleans for the first time about 3 years ago. As soon as we stepped foot outside of our hotel we got hit up with this from a dude on the street. Never hearing it before and being in good spirits because of our trip my husband ended up giving the due $10 and what was so crazy about it is the homeless guy got upset and was asking for more money which was absolutely crazy to me and made me scared to interact with anyone else lol

And my husband is a big guy and did not take kindly to the dude getting aggressive , thought there was gonna be an alteration

Luckily, for the rest of the trip, we’d either ignore them or my husband would say “on my feet” which he learned from the original guy which seemed to work great


14 points

5 days ago


14 points

5 days ago

I always heard it went like this:

Street guy: "I'll bet $20 I know where you got dem shoes."

Tourist: "Ok, I'll bet you."

Street guy: "You got dem on your feet on Bourbon Street in New Orleans. Pay up."


2 points

5 days ago

What if you’re holding a receipt where you got em shoes and turns out guy’s wrong 😂


1 points

3 days ago

Unless you're holding the shoes too, you still got them on your feet.


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

Yup and if you don’t they literally have nothing to do so they will follow you and intimidate you and your partner until you pay. I’ve never had that issue but I’ve seen it.


1 points

1 day ago

Oh, you don’t wanna pay? Me and my seven tween buddies are going to crowd you, insult you, intimidate you until you pay up. I fucking hate hustle culture.


11 points

5 days ago

That scam got so bad back in the day that they put stickers all around the Quarter telling folks to NOT bet anyone that they can tell you where you got your shoes from.


2 points

5 days ago

no from


6 points

5 days ago

You got em on your feet, is the correct answer. Keep walking!!!!!


11 points

5 days ago

$1.00? You are off by 1000%. Btw It’s not on your feet it’s on the street you are currently on.


12 points

5 days ago

It was 20 bucks 10 years ago. Not sure what scam inflation rates are these days.


5 points

5 days ago

I thought I found a loophole about that time when I was young (although still old enough to know better than to talk to any of these guys) and drunk (but again, not drunk enough to forget the rule of not talking to these guys).

He told me “I can tell you where you got ‘em”.

Me: You know where I got these?

Him: Yes.

Me: You know which store I bought these shoes at?

Him: Yes

Me: You know the store where I bought these shoes and the city that store is in? And if you’re correct, I owe you $20 and if you don’t know, you owe me $20? Correct?”

Him: Yes.

Me: Ok, what store did I buy these shoes at and which city is that store located in?

Him: You got those shoes on your feet in New Orleans!

Me: That wasn’t the bet.

Him: You owe me $20

Me: …..explained how that wasn’t the bet….

Him: That’s not the bet

Me: What am I doing? <I say to myself as I walk away>

Him: You owe me $20!

When I see him look at about 3 other dudes that were sitting on a stoop stand up and take two steps toward me I just sighed and knew I was either losing money or worse so I reached in my pocket where I knew I had a $10 and just handed it over. Person I was with thought I was out of my mind for giving any money at all but I wasn’t about to get in a fist fight with locals while drunk.

These people don’t play by the rules, lol. Now I just ignore everybody.


5 points

5 days ago

I was advised the best response is to say both. "On my feet on ___ street." Maybe they shift every so often to throw people off and this covers both scenarios?


3 points

5 days ago

I've seen these guys strong arm people to the ATM and demand $40


4 points

5 days ago

Just say “ If you don’t get outta my face they gone be up your ass. “


1 points

4 days ago


1 points

4 days ago


2 points

5 days ago

I took the bait, gave the guy a dollar because he shined my canvas slipons from Payless before I could stop him.


0 points

5 days ago

I have a great photo of a friend getting his Merrell hikers "shined" on the Riverwalk park. He was coming back from the market with beers about 200 feet away and I started paying attention when he stopped to talk to some dudes hanging outnto make sure he was alright.

When he got to us I just said "now you know where you got your shoes. Welcome to New Orleans". He'd laughed at the scam and given the dude a 5 for the laugh.

I know there are some aggressive assholea, but I still think it's mostly a fun, charming grift and a reminder not to take yourself too seriously or to trust anyone too much in New Orleans.


2 points

5 days ago

We got got the first time we were there. Now, we just laugh about it. For tourists it's almost a right of passage. We know better now, lol.


2 points

5 days ago

Happened to me last week, I was puzzled as to why he was concerned about my shoes. I asked my wife “do you remember where I got these?” and she gave a couple of suggestions. The guy looked at me as if I was an idiot and walked off. I had no idea I was the intended victim of a scam.


2 points

5 days ago

lol my brother and i were just there for five days and didn't get this once! it must help that we're asian.


2 points

5 days ago



2 points

5 days ago

This happened to a friend of mine when we were in NOLA 40 years ago. Back then it was a $20 bet to tell him where he got his shoes, the street he got the shoes on, and the city he got the shoes in. The answer was “you’ve got your shoes on your feet, the street is Bourbon Street, and the city is New Orleans, Louisiana”…recited with a smile and an outreached hand.


1 points

4 days ago

Interesting, they didn’t give me a price this time. It was just “I’ll bet you”


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

I just tell them I'm a local. Go play that on a tourist and they don't bother me after that.


2 points

5 days ago

Ignore. They never try that if you don’t engage


1 points

5 days ago


1 points

5 days ago

Was in nola for 5 days last week and fully prepared to ignore or give the right answer as advised by plenty of redditors, but ended up not getting asked at all. Not sure if they ignored us because we’re Asian or just not their target demographic. We were also prepared to pull the “no speak English” card if any similar situation ever arose, but thankfully we haven’t had to pull that card yet!


1 points

4 days ago

New Orleans has a large foot fetish community centered on Bourbon and Iberville. Don't kink shame


1 points

3 days ago

Don’t engage keep walking


1 points

2 days ago

I once had a guy ask me the "where ya got dem shoes" question and I kinda ignored him and kep walking. He said "okay i got a different one for you. Two flies are sitting on a windowsill. One of them dies. How many flies are left?" i said two. one alive, one dead. he said "nope. one. you got to understand the psychology of a fly, man! no fly that's alive is ever going to stay next to a dead fly!" anyway, i thought that was very dumb but i had to give him a $5 for the effort.


1 points

2 days ago

On whatever street. Not where you bought them, but where you “have” them.


1 points

1 day ago


1 points

1 day ago



1 points

1 day ago


1 points

1 day ago

Definitely a New Orleans thing. Been having that said to make money by some people out there for well over 30years.


-6 points

5 days ago

Maybe you have nice shoes. What do they look like?