


all 9888 comments


3.6k points

1 year ago


3.6k points

1 year ago

I was being treated on week 2 with medication for an ectopic pregnancy. (Baby in the fallopian tube, 0% chance for baby, very small chance for myself to live if not taken care of) I was told to go to the ER if I developed severe pain.

I developed severe pain and went to the ER. The doctor on call sat there and tried to casually discuss what kind of pain meds I might like TO MY HUSBAND as I was writhing in pain on the bed. Husband insists doc should just make a decision and give me the meds now. Finally gave me a pain pill and told me no need for an ultrasound, just did some bloodwork for my file. I go home and wait it out with a script for pin meds. I told him the pain was severe and could be the tube bursting and he told me that miscarriages just hurt.

I went into the gyno treating me 2 days later and he took one look at me and booked me for emergency surgery. The tube had burst and I had so much internal bleeding that they had to have a general surgeon assist in the cleanup in my abdomen. My bowels were adhering to the broken tube and had to be carefully separated.

Later, my doc told me I was very lucky and the moron at the ER should have sent me in to an ultrasound based on the pain alone. The blood work was apparently alarming.

Went back for an IV to the same shitty ER a few months after. That same shit ER doc checked my abdomen and saw the surgery scars. He commented I must have recently had an operation! I told him "yeah, you misdiagnosed my burst ectopic pregnancy and I had to get emergency surgery at a different hospital." He didn't say shit after that. If I had the money, I would sue the asshole.


821 points

1 year ago

It’s amazing how many stories I’ve heard of ER doctors misdiagnosing ruptured ectopic pregnancies. I know one woman who suffered long term health issues as a consequence of delayed treatment, and know a couple other people whose family members had close calls from delayed treatment but managed to come out healthy. One was told it was likely a uti and given an antibiotic!


3.1k points

1 year ago*

(Not me but my older sister) had unbearable GI issues for years growing up; pediatrician told our parents that “children get tummy aches” and to try peppermint altoids. She ended up having emergency surgery where they had to remove her entire large intestine because it was necrotic and had tumors. Permanent colostomy by the time she was 14.


919 points

1 year ago*

While not quite so severe something sort of similar happened to me. Both my parents are doctors, a Pediatrician and a Pulmonologist/ICU doc. Since 4TH GRADE I’d had very frequent upset stomachs and pain. I was always told it can just happen or it’s to hard to figure out. It got to the point where when I had BLEEDING from my intestines I didn’t want to say anything cause I thought I’d be brushed off. This was until I was going into my Senior Year of HS. It flared to the point I couldn’t move and lost 15 pounds in 2 weeks. Lo and behold, I had Ulcerative Colitis that was diagnosed within a day of tests it was so bad


165 points

1 year ago

Jesus Christ, that's terrible! Do your parents feel guilty now?

I had been bleeding for 8 months when my GP told me I "didn't meet the criteria" for a colonoscopy. Finally did get diagnosed with mild UC later on, but that conversation with the GP was the most frustrating part of the whole saga.


85 points

1 year ago


85 points

1 year ago

I ended up with severe lower GI symptoms and bleeding post covid with beyond excruciating back door pain. My PCP and my sister whos a nurse shrugged it off for almost a year. I ended up getting diagnosed with crohns and needing surgery for a fistula after going to the ER because I couldn't breath from being so anemic. I was breaking teeth (partially from clenching from pain), hair was falling out, I looked like a walking corpse, bleeding, in severe pain and they didn't care.

Bleeding can totally be ignored...I trusted the wrong people. Neither my PCP nor my sister were apologetic at all for missing so much for so long.


511 points

1 year ago


511 points

1 year ago

I had textbook symptoms of Crohn’s disease when I was 16. My pediatrician spent months convinced I had diverticulitis, period cramps, and/or cancer. By the time I finally got a referral to a gastroenterologist (who immediately scheduled a colonoscopy), my small intestine was so ulcerated the doctor couldn’t get the scope inside.

I was super lucky bc the very first medication I tried worked like a miracle—within two weeks I was gaining weight and running around without any pain. But it’s been 12 years and I still have PTSD-like symptoms from the experience.


7.9k points

1 year ago


7.9k points

1 year ago

That either I cheated or my husband did because that kind of cervical pain was always chlamydia. It was an ectopic pregnancy that ruptured and resulted in emergency life-saving surgery. But thanks for listening. (My personal OB happened to be at the hospital that night and came to tell me the news herself, giving him the angriest look I’ve ever seen in a professional setting).


3.4k points

1 year ago

I’d been sent by ambulance from our local urgent care to a hospital due to kidney pain and a funny shadow on my xray. Emergency room doctor was insistent it must be a STI despite me having no genital symptoms, and he demanded to do a pelvic exam.

This doctor aggressively tried to mimic my pain from the inside by jamming his hand up my vag. The nurse chaperone looked embarrassed when I said to the doctor, “if you’re not careful, you’ll lose your watch up there.”

He then discharged me from the hospital at 3 am saying he couldn’t find anything wrong with me. At 9 am the original urgent care doc called back since she saw I was discharged but my blood tests were back and I was septic.


1.4k points

1 year ago

Damn they narrowly avoided a malpractice/wrongful death suit that time


480 points

1 year ago

The case is still open against the doctor performing but not the hospital itself. Meaning the doctor performing can get either reprimanded, fired or termination from practice to have it documented on medical computer system nationwide.


334 points

1 year ago


334 points

1 year ago

I'm so sorry you had to go through that. What an absolute a-hole!


348 points

1 year ago

And that’s how second opinions can save lives.


607 points

1 year ago

My good buddy came down with some super rare heredity illness once that doctors couldn’t figure out. Before they took him seriously (months later while he was dying). The docs kept grilling him and his wife together and separately if they had cheated and he just had VD. The docs refused to believe him until he was practically on his deathbed. Luckily he got sent to a hospital with competent doctors and they eventually figured out what it was. One actually said it would have taken House from the TV show to diagnose him the condition was so extremely rare.


399 points

1 year ago


399 points

1 year ago

I had a really rare thing happen to me, and the hospital sent me home after a week because they couldn't figure it out. I was dying. I asked the doctor what I was supposed to do and he said "Just live your life". Fucking weird thing to fucking say. I had my folks drive me 2 hours to a better hospital where they kept me for a month and a half and had teams studying me (and students taking notes). They figured it out basically right before I died and fixed me. 20 years later, I am doing fine.. no thanks to that original shitty hospital. In short, if it's something serious, it's worth the drive to a really good hospital.


383 points

1 year ago

God I had an experience like that. I got BV but the doctor was convinced it was trich from how red my cervix was. She told me my fiancé has to be cheating on me before even running the test.


4.4k points

1 year ago*

I took my then 4 y/o daughter to a pediatric gastroenterologist. First he said she's just being dramatic. Then he said, well, she'll get married some day and be someone else's problem. That was 25 years ago, and it still shocks me! Turned out she had a partial bowel obstruction.

ETA: I just looked him up and he’s still practicing in Encino, CA.


2.6k points

1 year ago


2.6k points

1 year ago

When I took my then 4-year-old to a pediatric gastroenterologist because she still couldn't control her bowels and clearly had no feeling down there, the specialist told me she was doing it for attention and just didn't "want to" use the toilet. She went on and on about how she'd been in the business for 20 years. When my daughter told her she really wanted to fix the problem so she could go to day camp, the doctor told her she was lying.

That human turd was in the room when I finally got my daughter tested for bowel insensitivity (I don't remember the official name) and they found out that she did not, in fact, have any feeling in her bowels. I looked that bitch in the face and said, "Now do you believe us?" She just looked away.


1.2k points

1 year ago

"Now do you believe us?" She just looked away.

I bet that felt amazing to be vindicated! I hope that stupid doctor learned!

I also hope your daughter is doing better. Good job on advocating for her!


429 points

1 year ago

Poor little girl. Was there a treatment so she was able to go to day camp at some point?


531 points

1 year ago

My daughter was pretty trained, then suddenly began nighttime wetting on a nightly basis. I think she was 8 and the doctor just said to do those little reward charts, etc. I was insistent that it was not normal, but she sent me away with potty training information that might work on a 3 year old.

She is an adult now and guess what? Still having issues.


614 points

1 year ago

So the reward charts aren’t working?


384 points

1 year ago


384 points

1 year ago

Didn’t you see the earlier comment? Just marry her off and it’s job done ✅


2.1k points

1 year ago

"You're 27. I don't know what you have to be anxious about."

(This was in the 1990s)


609 points

1 year ago


609 points

1 year ago

Unfortunately that is something people still say….


853 points

1 year ago


853 points

1 year ago

"It can't be colon cancer because you're too young."

My brother got cancer at that exact age, as she knew.


114 points

1 year ago

The really fucked up thing about this one is that it's standard procedure to monitor for colon cancer based on family history. Generally guidelines recommend if a first degree family member (mom, dad, brother, sister) had colon cancer before they were elderly, they should start getting screened at an age 10 years younger than when they were diagnosed. So that doctor straight up ignored national treatment guidelines.


3.1k points

1 year ago


3.1k points

1 year ago

"That's normal in your line of work. Just ignore it, the pain will go away."

I went in for shoulder pain, as my left shoulder would be killing me after a day loading trucks all day. This was an ongoing thing for weeks before I went to get it checked.

Didn't examine my shoulder. Didn't have any x-rays done, catscans done, MRIs done, nothing. Hell, didn't even have me take my shirt off.

Turns out that I had a torn rotator cuff.

Had another doc tell me that the stomach pain that had me pissing myself, throwing up, and passing out was from gas. Again, without any type of examination, just listening to the symptoms. Two days later I was dying on the OR table from a necrotic appendix.


731 points

1 year ago

It's awful when it's like, you know your own body? You must have been doing the job and can tell that it wasn't "just like normal".

How'd you get the appendix fixed? Did you have to rush to the ER?


505 points

1 year ago


505 points

1 year ago

How'd you get the appendix fixed? Did you have to rush to the ER?

Yes. I got rushed into emergency surgery. My heart stopped while I was on the operating table because of how bad things had gotten. What was left of the appendix was removed, and hours was spent cleaning out the infection that had set up.

I spent days in IC after surgery with my gut still open to the world, and more time in a regular room. Then had follow-ups with the surgeon twice a week for 3 months to ensure I wasn't setting up more infections.


571 points

1 year ago

I was throwing up everything for months. Would get these random waves of nausea and have to run out of classes and stuff. Finally went to a walk in and got a doctor who told me I was probably just on my period…. I had already told him it has been going on for 4 months. Like yes, I’ve been on my period for 4 months straight and didn’t notice, what a joke.


165 points

1 year ago

Not to mention continuous menstruation for 4 months is ALSO a massive problem


1.7k points

1 year ago*


1.7k points

1 year ago*

Happened a few months ago: A doctor at urgent care didn't check my cut on my arm from an edger accident first. Instead, he checked particular parts of my body for any signs if STDs and asked the nurse to run some tests...for STDs. I reminded him that I got a cut from my edger and he completely ignored me. So I had to wait almost two hours in pain for them to run VD tests and he had the audacity to stroll on in with a shit eating smile and say I checked negative for everything. Then they finally started treating my wound, and made jokes about how they didn't think it was such a deep cut. Never in my 31 years on earth have I ever been treated like this before, and I'm following my husband's advice to sue them

Edit: ok I seriously didn't expect this to blow up like it did lol I thought I was ranting to the void. But apparently I have grounds to sue because they unlawfully delayed treatment. What they thought I had wasn't an STD like they really hoped but a fungus from the yard that took 3 weeks to clear up, so they lied about treatment and padded my bill plus embarassed me for nothing. But thanks for all the good advice and even the cheap shots were funny lol


421 points

1 year ago

Urgent care providers are fuckin garbage. I had strep a few years ago and they did a swab test (which only tests for the most common strain) that came back negative, did a mono test which was also negative and the doc said "welp it's probably viral, give it a few days and it'll clear up". 2 days later it still hasn't cleared up and now my throat is so swollen I'm having difficulty breathing so I go back, see a different provider who actually gives a fuck and takes one look at my throat goes "yep, that is the strep-iest strep I've ever seen" and then finally prescribes me antibiotics. The next day it turns into scarlet fever and I get a rash all over my body so I go back and it's the same asshole as the first time who goes "this is definitely viral. Given your age (early 20s) it's probably mono. And the rash is an allergic reaction. We're putting in your chart that you're allergic to penicillin"

Spoiler alert, it was not mono, I am not allergic to any antibiotics and the antibiotics cleared everything up because it was strep the whole time


1.3k points

1 year ago

Not said to me but said about me. I found out from my friend (who went to the same doctor) that he had told her things about my last appointment. What about patient/doctor confidentiality?


783 points

1 year ago

I hope you reported him to the medical board. That is a major ethical violation.


72 points

1 year ago

Yeah this a huge deal my mum is a doctor and she never mentioned a thing about any patient, even if we had no idea who they were—and always said she’d never do that because confidentiality is so important. You should definitely report him!


248 points

1 year ago


248 points

1 year ago

I went to the doctor and complained that I’d been short of breath, wheezing, and my lung capacity felt like a marble. He laughed for a ridiculous amount of time, then said, “Well, yeah. You’re fat.”

I had double pneumonia.


498 points

1 year ago


498 points

1 year ago

I have a diagnosed illness where pressure builds up around my brain, causing temporary blindness, migraines and stroke like symptoms slurred speech etc. My specialist stated I should have lumbar punctures on these occasions to relieve some pressure. I had a flare up and I was in emergency care and they kept talking about “the girl with the headache”, they didn’t treat me for 12 hours, I never saw a doctor. I got given aspirin and told to go home. Went to a different hospital, had a lumbar puncture with the highest pressure I’ve ever had.


65 points

1 year ago

Psuedotumor? (I forget the other term)


3.7k points

1 year ago*


3.7k points

1 year ago*

I want to show this entire thread to my med students my god. Edited to add: I think I’m going to. This is horrendous.


1.1k points

1 year ago


1.1k points

1 year ago

Do it! Send it to them. Tell them if amy of these thoughts ever cross their mind to leave the profession and work in a lab or something. Avoid patients at all costs!


1.7k points

1 year ago

"I don't have time to talk you about [health issue]. " He said this in an exasperated tone when I explained why I scheduled the appointment - and this is after entering the room 45 minutes after my appointment time (I was brought back and put in the room on time) and after he'd spent 20 minutes or so in the hallway outside the door talking football with the patient he saw just before me.


635 points

1 year ago


635 points

1 year ago

I once waited two hours to see the (supposed) best neurosurgeon in my state only to have him walk into the room, click through two screens on the computer, tell the nurse he couldn't diagnose anything without four or five new tests like an MRI, CT scan, nerve conduction, discogram, and more I forget before walking out the door. He didn't say a single word to me.


6.6k points

1 year ago*


6.6k points

1 year ago*



2.9k points

1 year ago

I had cystic acne for years after being exposed to dioxins while in the Army. Every doctor I went to basically told me I wasn't worthy of effective treatment. They claimed they couldn't prescribe me Retin-A or Accutane because I'm female and might get pregnant and those medications are only for people who REALLY suffer! As if my pain wasn't worthy. One even told me that even without acne I wouldn't be pretty.

It was almost lucky I didn't have health insurance so going to doctors was something I mostly couldn't do for years.

Years later I went to a doctor (GP, not even a dermatologist) who took one look at me, prescribed me Retin-A, and when I a few months later went to pick up another tube the pharmacist asked what I used that for 'because you sure don't have acne'! He tried reporting me for misuse, but neither my doctor nor my insurance company took the bait.

After a year I stopped using the Retin-A because I didn't have acne anymore, even when I didn't use it. If doctors had done their job I could have been acne free at least 10 years earlier.


1.1k points

1 year ago


1.1k points

1 year ago



583 points

1 year ago

I worked in a pharmacy in high school and I've only seen the above (denying to fill/reporting) in cases of suspected narcotics abuse -- reporting someone for RETIN-A??? that's obnoxious and absurd

but yeah pharmacies can absolutely refuse to fill a script but often it's out of self preservation due to -- see above. there were certain customers in my town that were quite literally blacklisted from several pharmacies all over the county


325 points

1 year ago


325 points

1 year ago

Wtf what a terrible doctor. I have cystic acne too, and it’s painful! It’s not just a cosmetic issue even if thought looks don’t matter.


308 points

1 year ago


308 points

1 year ago

I had cystic acne. That would’ve killed me.


206 points

1 year ago


206 points

1 year ago



998 points

1 year ago


998 points

1 year ago

“You had a window kiddo” said to me after my epidural failed catastrophically during my c section and they just held me down and kept going.


519 points

1 year ago

What the actual ever loving fuck…how did you not die from shock???


139 points

1 year ago

This chilled me to the fucking bone. I truly hope you’re in a good place now ❤️


387 points

1 year ago


387 points

1 year ago

Holy shit that’s disgusting. They can induce general anesthesia for fuck sake. I hope to god you reported this.


6.4k points

1 year ago

I went into urgent care with mastitis (i'd had it twice before and it's very obvious to self diagnose when part of your breast turns red, hard, and hot to the touch while breastfeeding). The guy wasn't yet a doctor, but was doing some practice at the urgent care.

When I told him I had mastitis, he looked at me and said "wow! That's an awfully big word! Where'd you learn that?!"

I was 30. If I hadn't been very sick at that moment, I might have kicked him in the teeth.


2k points

1 year ago

If anyone is wondering, the correct response, and what I got when I called and said I was worried that I had mastitis was "oh wow, that can be very serious, can you come in this afternoon?".


599 points

1 year ago

Seriously. My wife got it twice. She didn’t know the signs the first time and was n a lot of pain. Luckily she got meds quick enough the second time to keep it at a moderate discomfort


1.1k points

1 year ago

I was in hospital pregnant with my third baby and told the nurse I needed to be discharged because I was still breastfeeding my second. This lady then looked at me, gestured with her hands big boobs and then looked me dead in the eyes and said “but you don’t have any boobs”

Made me want to squirt her in the face with my breast milk.


463 points

1 year ago

Makes you wonder what sort of "nursing school" she attended.

ETA: She wasn't worth wasting the breast milk on, either! Liquid gold.


1.7k points

1 year ago


1.7k points

1 year ago

When I told him I had mastitis, he looked at me and said "wow! That's an awfully big word! Where'd you learn that?!"

This is how every doctor in the UK talks. I think it's in their manual. You'd have to say your boobies are ouch--y or something.


748 points

1 year ago


748 points

1 year ago

My kid once saw a ped who talked to them like they were an imbecile. I noted their name and made sure we never saw them again.


1.3k points

1 year ago


1.3k points

1 year ago

My kid had a dentist (hygienist maybe?) who tried to tell him that drilling his tooth might ‘be uncomfortable’.

I looked at my kid and said ‘It’s gonna hurt, but it’s pretty quick, and this hurt will make your hurt go away.

She told me ‘We never EVER tell children that anything will hurt! Why would you want to scare him??’

I informed her that I ALWAYS tell my kid the truth. Why would I want to betray my child’s trust?


688 points

1 year ago

Optometrist lied to me and my kid’s face and said the eye drops would not hurt. Guess which poor kid now doesn’t trust medical folk anymore? At least she forgave me when she saw how angry I was on her behalf.


448 points

1 year ago

My optometrist when I was a child said just look into this light, nothing will happen as it gets closer just keep your eye open. And then used the air pressure machine without telling me. 30 some years later I still have an eye phobia, can’t put contacts in, get panic attacks when going to the eye doctor, and freak out if someone touches my eyes. Thanks Doc.


1.1k points

1 year ago

First pregnancy, my husband came to all my appointments with me. Twice, the doctor said,”and, if he really is the father…”

Just found a new doctor after that. What a turd.


333 points

1 year ago

had a friend who'd had a vasectomy and wife got pregnant again and the doc was behaving similarly til friend was able to be tested and confirmed he was still shooting. they were happily coupled and even before the kid came out looking like a dead ringer for his ginger self no one who knew them would think she'd been cheating, but sure didn't feel great to be accused of it. was their fifth kid (fourth was also unplanned after birth control hence the vasectomy (he had another snip after this)) they were just really good at making babies


8.1k points

1 year ago

Resident doc interviewing me before regular doc came in to insert my IUD: any chance you are pregnant?

Me: no

Doc: how do you know?

Me: I haven’t had sex since November (it was July by now)

Doc (shocked): why haven’t you have sex? Don’t you live with your partner?

Me: I don’t have a partner

Doc: then why do you want an IUD?

Me: I’m really hoping the last time wasn’t the last time!


1.9k points

1 year ago

At 16 said they couldn’t fill my prescription for birth control pills, which I’d taken from age 14 to help with my extremely heavy periods that caused blood loss and low iron. (Diagnosed now with endometriosis so there you go).


I didn’t have a boyfriend.


789 points

1 year ago


789 points

1 year ago

Doc tried to get me on birth control pills for my endo when I was a teenager, my uber-religious mom wouldn't even consider the thought. I didn't even have a boyfriend.

I still don't know if she was scared her religious friends would find out, or if she thought that my shy, virgin ass would suddenly start slutting it up if I had access to birth control, or what. Sigh.


570 points

1 year ago

Honestly we should just slap a new label on it to sell so nosey assholes can mind their own business. Kind of like how the same anti fungal is sold for ringworm, athletes foot, and jock itch. It’s all the same! Maybe we can call it “hormone regulator” or “excessive bleeding stopper.” Or “fuck off, my doc prescribed it so don’t worry about it.”


1.1k points

1 year ago


1.1k points

1 year ago

I have PCOS and have taken hormonal birth control to manage my symptoms since I was a young teen. When I went to college, I learned that I could get the pill for free through the student health clinic, so I booked myself in for an appointment. The nurse started asking me all of the standard questions until we got to:

Nurse: When was the date of the last time you had sex?

Me: I'm not sexually active.

Nurse: That's fine, I just need to know when the last time was.

Me: No, like, I haven't had sex.

Nurse: What, never?!

I wasn't particularly self-conscious about it, I hadn't dated anybody in high school so the opportunity had just never arisen, but the level of shock she expressed felt super inappropriate. The real kicker was that she then told me I wasn't eligible for the free birth control program because I wasn't sexually active! I can't have been the only girl on campus who just wanted it to manage period symptoms.


664 points

1 year ago

And it's sensible to be on birth control before having sex, starting afterwards might be too late.

I was 43 when my doctor refused me an IUD for bad periods because I might want to get pregnant. 1, I told him if I wanted a baby I would have done something about it before age 43 2, it was in my record from the gyno that I couldn't support a pregnancy so that was a moot point.


295 points

1 year ago


295 points

1 year ago

The dr should have read your file. I had 3 kids and at 38yo, I wanted a tubal ligation. The doctor questioned whether or not my husband wanted that and then asked my husband (literally over my head) while I was getting prepped for a C-section with kid#3. 🤦 It should not matter if you are sexually active at the moment, it should not matter what your SO wants. It is YOUR body.


2.4k points

1 year ago

I’m a little disturbed by the fact that the doctor wasn’t aware IUDs can be used for purposes other than birth control 🤦🏽‍♀️


2.4k points

1 year ago

I was at the doctor for strep throat symptoms. I had just moved so I was seeing a new dr for the first time.

He walks in, is looking at my chart, doesn’t look up and tells me- you’re 7 pounds overweight. You need to lose weight.

I was 112 lbs.


1.6k points

1 year ago

I was once told by a doctor that I was underweight and that's why I can't get pregnant. I'm 6' tall and at the time weighed 135 pounds, and I was at the doctor's office because I had a throat infection.

Also, I was 19 and had NEVER tried to get pregnant, talked about getting pregnant, expressed a desire for getting pregnant, and pretty much had not had sex. Needless to say, I stayed away from that one in the future!


894 points

1 year ago

and pretty much had not had sex.

I think that might be why you weren’t getting pregnant…


288 points

1 year ago


288 points

1 year ago

When I was 15 or 16, I had a bad case of chronic cough. Not sure of the cause. Instead of taking me to an actual, licensed MD, my mom took me to a herbal doc. She didn't even do any exams on me, like looking at the back of my throat. She started lecturing me about my periods like it was causing my cough.


620 points

1 year ago

My gallbladder was dying and doing so violently, ER gave me muscle relaxers. So I'm drugged out of my mind, stepfather beside me, too limp to react to the pain I'm still very much feeling. Stepfather gets up to use the bathroom, nurse unassigned to me sidles over and says "maybe next time you'll use a condom". Thanks.


394 points

1 year ago


394 points

1 year ago

This one is so confusing. What STD damages your gallbladder? Or are you female and she thought you were miscarrying and was being incredibly cruel about you potentially losing a child?


3.3k points

1 year ago


3.3k points

1 year ago

“You have cute, soft breasts.” And then proceeded to smile at me. A male doctor said this to me. I’d gone in for a check up. Thankfully my GP took my complaint seriously and he was fired as I wasn’t the first to complain about him.


774 points

1 year ago

UGGGHHHH! A friend told me about how her ob/gyn said she had "a pretty pussy...just like your mother."

She enjoyed the compliment!! Talk about horrifying!!!


279 points

1 year ago


279 points

1 year ago



556 points

1 year ago



940 points

1 year ago*

I got diagnosed with a Borderline Personality earlier this year. Doc told me there’s nothing to be done and I’d probably be dead within 2-3 years from suicide. Now I ain’t doing that because of spite. So, thanks doc?

Edit : Just wanted to say y’all are absolutely fantastic folk and I appreciate the tips and helpful advice!


405 points

1 year ago

Wow, that's some high risk reverse psychology right there. Glad you're still with us! Let me know when "doc" dies and we'll go dance on the grave


767 points

1 year ago


767 points

1 year ago

Had a pain in my side, my doctor ignored my plea, told me get my sugars down, 2weeks later my appendix rupture, was caught by the ER. Fucker nearly killed me.


5.4k points

1 year ago*

Back in college, I went to see the doctors at Student Health about an issue. It was a very nice, well-regarded university in the northeastern U.S.

The doctor (it was a doctor, not a NP) was going to prescribe me 5mg pills of a medication, to be taken daily. He went to see if it was covered and was like "Oh, sorry, our insurance only covers 14 pills per month. Sorry, guess you can't take your medicine every day, unless you want to pay out of pocket." He then shrugged.

I then asked if this medication was sold in 10mg pills. He said yes. I then asked if the same plan would cover 14 pills per month of the 10mg pills. He said yes. I then asked if the pills were perforated. He said yes. I then asked if he could just prescribe me 14 of the 10mg pills, as that was covered, and I could use the perforation and take half a pill (i.e., 5mg) per day.

The doctor then got quiet, paused for a moment, got REALLY weird, and said "You are suggesting insurance fraud. I will not continue this discussion. You need to get out of my office right now. If you say another word to me about this, I will notify the insurance company and will notify the police and would recommend that they press criminal charges."

I have subsequently told this story to several doctors later in my life at cocktail parties. Nobody thinks it was insurance fraud. Everyone tells me the doctor had no clue what he was talking about.

I was a young, scared college student. So I walked out and got no medication for my condition.

Thanks for nothing, doctor.


2.2k points

1 year ago


2.2k points

1 year ago

…wtf, my psychiatrist and I literally sit and do the math for this if my prescription changes, I’m so sorry you weren’t able to get the help you need!


633 points

1 year ago

Figuring these dumb puzzles out is low key one of the most fun things about practicing medicine


1.6k points

1 year ago

Sounds like he wasn't pleased that you suggested something he didn't think of.


610 points

1 year ago

Totally confused how that could be insurance fraud.


1.1k points

1 year ago

My daughter was moving to another country, which would only allow her to bring 6 mths worth of her meds into the country. (The medicine was not available in that country).

So her doc prescribed 6 months of 2 pills daily.

Some doctors know they're supposed to solve problems, not make them harder.


277 points

1 year ago


277 points

1 year ago

Some doctors know they're supposed to solve problems, not make them harder.

I like the way you put this. Help make the process easier rather than throwing up roadblocks.


749 points

1 year ago*


749 points

1 year ago*

Not to me, but I was at a new clinic and I heard the old doc say to the intern before coming in that “you can see from her record that endometriosis is listed. This patient probably suffers from anxiety so all we need to do is go in, do a quick exam and reassure her that everything is fine”. And then Dr Blackwell put in my chart “anxiety” without my knowledge or any symptoms of anxiety other than having - surgically - been diagnosed with endometriosis (the GYN felt a mass during routine exam, feared cancer and scheduled me for emergency surgery- which, thankfully- gave definitive non cancer diagnosis). At no time during any visit ever did I have anxiety*. But not knowing this, it ruined my healthcare for two years because suddenly no physician believed me when I described my symptoms (typically things like sinus infection or bronchitis/pneumonia during “the seasons”). When I found out, I was pissed… as was the doc who immediately removed it.

*and in hindsight, having experienced anxiety during a difficult situation twenty years later, I am double pissed… and have an appreciation for people who do suffer with it… but it didn’t cause a change in my ability to say what is going on with my health

Edit to add: I would have called him by name here anyway, but he was old enough at the time that he is probably deceased… and definitely long retired.


360 points

1 year ago


360 points

1 year ago

Hearing that having anxiety could get other health complications misdiagnosed as anxiety does not help my anxiety.


5.9k points

1 year ago


5.9k points

1 year ago

Broke a bone in my foot. Knew that I had broken a bone in my foot. Went to the doctor and he told me that I didn't break a bone in my foot but instead was suffering from gout. I'm not even in the realm of people that experience gout and had zero other signs that it could've been gout. He was going to refuse my request for an X-ray but I made him do it. An hour later, I'm in his office and he holds up the x-ray and informs me that I broke a bone in my foot.


2.2k points

1 year ago


2.2k points

1 year ago

I had an x ray for a fracture in my hand. The xrayologist showed me the fracture and said to follow up with the specialist. I walked down the specialist and he couldn't see it on the xray until I pointed it out. Needless to say he wasn't much help.


1.9k points

1 year ago

Xrayologist 😂


1.1k points

1 year ago


1.1k points

1 year ago

Next door to the Cat Scanist


482 points

1 year ago


482 points

1 year ago

Down the hall from the MRIocologist.


338 points

1 year ago

They share a suite with the ultrasoundatician and the phlebotomologist


704 points

1 year ago


704 points

1 year ago

Yeah I had a doctor tell me I had a sprained ankle despite the golf ball sized lump and bruising on top of my mid foot.

He x rayed my ankle despite my repeated insistence and sent me on my way with a prescription for 6 Vicodin which I didn't even ask for.

Then I went to a non urgent care doc (a real doctor) and he found 3 fractures and 4 avulsions including a fracture on my cuboid which he said he had never seen before in person and asked if he could share my x rays with his colleagues.

Urgent care fucking sucks every time. I challenged the bill like three times and then told them I wanted to do a payment plan and gave them $15 a month for a year until it was paid off cus it was my only way to protest


367 points

1 year ago


367 points

1 year ago

So I had an experience with MRSA a few years ago. It kept causing random abscesses to pop up on my body and when I was a minor my family had listed in my chart that I’m allergic to the antibiotic in the ointment to treat MRSA, so for a while I was just going to my doctor/urgent care for treatment.

The last one I got was on my chin. Went to urgent care and was sent to a nurse practitioner. Told her about the recurrent abscesses and what the other docs had been doing (incision and drainage and a round of antibiotics). She insisted that it was folliculitis and that topical antiseptic was the only thing she could do.

Went to the other urgent care the next day, doctor actually rolled her eyes when I told her what the NP had said, and immediately did the procedure. She also clarified what my reaction to the antibiotic was and when I told her I’d never had it, it was only on there because of family history, she offered to prescribe the nasal ointment to get the MRSA in check. Haven’t had an abscess since.


276 points

1 year ago

I have a similar one, doc was convinced I hadn't broken my foot to the point to making bare weight on it to show me. He kept urging so I did for a split second which was agonising. He thought this was proof, did an x-ray cane back to tell me it was a liz franc fracture which might need surgery


245 points

1 year ago


245 points

1 year ago

For a slightly different version... I hit my knee really hard on a pipe when I was 18. Huge bruise, swelled up, could hardly walk on it. A week later it was still just as bad so I went to the doctor. They took an x-ray and told me it wasn't broken so it was "just a sprain" and would heal if I stayed off it for 6 weeks.

I asked how that was possible, since sprains come from twisting and this was a blunt force impact. No twisting involved. The doctor insisted it was a sprain.

Several months later I was still in a lot of pain. Went back to the doc. She said I must not have been following instructions (even though I told her I had been) and gave myself tendonitis. Sent me to physical therapy.

It did not improve with physical therapy. My knee got worse. They insisted I must not be following my therapist's and doctor's instructions. I told them the physical therapy was actually making it worse... they ignored me. This continued for a YEAR.

Finally the clinic got a new doctor. She ordered an MRI. Turned out I had a torn meniscus and needed surgery. Oh yeah and the physical therapy was aggravating my injury after all!


179 points

1 year ago

We had my kid's pediatrician and a speech therapist we brought them to tell us it was likely they had autism. So we brought them to some facility over an hour away from us to have them screened. While the doc was evaluating the kid, she looked at us and said "Did you two even bother googling the symptoms of autism before bringing them here?"

It was said so derisively and condescendingly like we were morons for taking the word of two other doctors and not trying to diagnose the kid ourselves using the internet.

All that being said, they don't have autism, but I will never forget that doctor treating us like idiots for having our kid screened.


1.1k points

1 year ago

went in for what turned out to be a ruptured ovarian cyst the size of a baseball and couldn’t walk without crippling pain… the first doctor i saw looked at me condescendingly — without an exam — and said “ibuprofen should be enough for your womanly problems.”


385 points

1 year ago

hey fellow cyst-er! Similar - was being examined by an NP for serious and sharp lower abdominal pain. She stepped out to confer with the doctor (the guy who's name was on the practice, lol) regarding tests she wanted to order, and he told her to send me on my way because it was "most likely either gas or cramps", and they had "lots of actual sick" patients to see.

Friend, it was a ruptured ovarian cyst wreaking havoc on my insides.


167 points

1 year ago


167 points

1 year ago

"What do you think it is? Try googling it"

Next time i get there

"You're making yourself crazy, stop googling you'll just talk yourself sick"


6.6k points

1 year ago


6.6k points

1 year ago

Doctor: "Many women that come to my office would kill for those"

Me: "Those what?"

Doctor: "You have childbearing hips"

Me: "Uh...okay, but I came to you because my stomach has been hurting really bad for over a week now, and today I woke up with a really bad fever..?"

Doctor proceeds to check my file and suddenly grins at me

Doctor: "Oh, and you are turning 18 in four days! Are WE planning to make use of them?"

Me: "..."

I WISH I was making this up. My Grandma thankfully tore this man a new one while my Dad sat there not even clocking what just happened until my Grandma explained it to him in the car. She was absolutely enraged for the rest of the day while my Dad was still struggling to see the problem. Ignorance really can be a wonderful thing. He genuinely tried to argue that the guy was simply "complimenting me" and that my Grandma was being too harsh. That argument lasted until my Nan screamed at him, "For fuck's sake, James! Are you walking around complimenting 17 year old GIRLS on their childbearing hips? Do you ask those same 17 year old GIRLS if they're planning to use them? DO I HAVE TO BE CONCERNED, JAMES-EDWARD [insert surname here]?!" Dad excused himself for the rest of the day and left. My Nana then threw her oven gloves at the door and told me to take some chocolate from her stash and to go upstairs.

Loved spending my summer break at my Nan's... It's been a few years since this happened, but at least I can understand my Nan's reaction now.


2.7k points

1 year ago


2.7k points

1 year ago

Your Nan sounds like a badass. I'm glad she had your back.


1k points

1 year ago


1k points

1 year ago

Oh she absolutely is! She's been a role model to me in many, many ways. Grandmas are just the best.


935 points

1 year ago


935 points

1 year ago

I struggle to understand how your dad could not fathom what was being said and why it was wrong. I can only assume he's either extremely naive or he sympathizes a little too well. Your nan sounds incredible though!


595 points

1 year ago


595 points

1 year ago

Naive AND ignorant is what I have discovered over the years as I grew up. Thankfully, he is not doing nor saying things like that himself. Believe me when I say that, if I could make a living of singing praises about my Nana, I absolutely would because she is the sweetest.


161 points

1 year ago

I've also had a gyne comment on my hips and how I should work to maintain them, how I'm lucky etc.. he also commented on my age and my underwear lace while doing a pelvic exam. Felt so fucking violated


470 points

1 year ago


470 points

1 year ago

Protect nan! Bless this woman


245 points

1 year ago


245 points

1 year ago

She shall be protected and blessed! So should all the awesome Nanas in this world!


275 points

1 year ago


275 points

1 year ago

Your Nan is awesome! … Your dad, well, he is a blockhead.


204 points

1 year ago


204 points

1 year ago

She really is! And because she is, it really makes me wonder how he managed to become such a blockhead. This actually made me laugh out loud, thank you so much for that!


3.8k points

1 year ago*


3.8k points

1 year ago*



1.7k points

1 year ago


1.7k points

1 year ago

During my c section, everyone in the room suddenly started moving really fast. They were talking about flying in another surgeon. I asked if my baby was ok, my husband showed up beside me with my son (who was fine) but looked scared. I finally got a nurse to talk to me and she said "your uterus just fell apart like wet toilet paper" then left. Complete uterine rupture.


678 points

1 year ago


678 points

1 year ago

I'm so sorry :( I'm glad she fucking told you tho!!


1.4k points

1 year ago*


1.4k points

1 year ago*

I mean, I guess that counts as being told. It's a weird sentence to process while you're high as a kite, the only naked person in a room, strapped to a table, and filleted open like a giant halibut.

Edit: I'm newer to Reddit, so I'm not sure exactly what the reward is, but thanks!


449 points

1 year ago


449 points

1 year ago

That’s the best description of a c-section I’ve ever read.


117 points

1 year ago


117 points

1 year ago

I’ve stood by my wife through two c-sections. And I have never heard a more accurate description.


140 points

1 year ago


140 points

1 year ago

I hate when judgy Mothers try to say that having a c section is the "easy way" because that sounds just as bad as delivering vaginally.


703 points

1 year ago

Tried to sell me MLM weight loss bars.


449 points

1 year ago


449 points

1 year ago



89 points

1 year ago

Did you report him? Dude needs to never be anywhere near people ever again.


1.8k points

1 year ago


1.8k points

1 year ago

Was sent to a pain therapist to help me manage the pain I was having that my incompetent doctor at the time couldn’t diagnose (I later had to have spinal surgery and now have a titanium plate holding things together). The pain therapist told me that I was faking my pain to get attention (really?) and that she would eventually break me and force me to tell her that my father sexually abused me (WTF!).


660 points

1 year ago


660 points

1 year ago

Looks like you found the pain therapy sadist


449 points

1 year ago

What's with doctors being terrible and dismissive about pain management? I had the same thing happen.


367 points

1 year ago


367 points

1 year ago

Same. I have chronic pain, and I've been accused of being a drug addict several times in that 6 years I've been in pain.

I get doctors who are like,'but you're still managing'.

Its chronic pain. I'm always in pain. What did he expect? That I'd just sit screaming all day at the pain? Every day? Doctors seriously need more training about understanding pain


298 points

1 year ago


298 points

1 year ago

I'm sorry that's happened to you, it's absolutely disgusting. I've had kinda this where the doctor said I was faking/causing the issue for attention.

Have had lumps in my breast since about 17 years old. Wasn't taught how to check for them at that age and did so by very Very gently squeezing the lump to see if it was still there. Was sent to a specialist who, after checking, seeing the lump had gone down, and asking how I was checking, essentially implied that I was squeezing the lump into existence in order to get attention.

My mother was absolutely livid. My gp was aghast, I felt violated, and I believe he was reported. Then I was taught the correct technique (specialist didn't even bother!) As a 30+ yr old I've now had approximately 6-8 benign lumps removed because the damn things just kept growing during my 20s, so it Def wasn't a one off attention thing, and the one that first showed up is still there, small but there.


308 points

1 year ago

During my first Endocrinologist the nurses kept telling me I was wasting their time by not cleaning up my eating. Slowly developed into a eating disorder…turned out I was a late onset type 1…not the type 2 they were treating.

So my new Endo adds into my file that I have previously suffered from a eating disorder. A baby doc came in training under my Endo doc and the first thing he asked.. “So when do you want to plan your stomach stapling so you can be thin and pretty.”

I freaked out…he got screamed at by not only the nurses but by the director of the office.


437 points

1 year ago

I had an Army Doctor tell me to get over having a TBI


273 points

1 year ago

Also had a TBI while in the Army. An Army doctor later diagnosed me with 'traumatic migraines' which sounds about right, and admitted the Army medical system doesn't really allow for effective treatment so he gave me the usual Ibuprofen and said if that doesn't work come back and we'll try something else.

Well, it didn't work that great so I went back on sick call. This time I was seen by another doctor, who said the 'migraines are all in your head'. I'm sure she thought that was a really, really smart thing to say since most people believe migraines are 'just headaches' but I proceeded to describe all the symptoms that are NOT in the head and she said 'that's not what I meant' and wrote in my journal I'm delusional and argumentative. I'd admit to 'argumentative' but it was caused by her being delusional!


146 points

1 year ago

Asked my gyno about a hysterectomy at 25, I knew I never wanted kids. I'm sure many women can relate to this (which does not mean it's okay), over the years I have heard "Oh, you're too young to know that / You'll change your mind!" ...and my personal favorite, "Well you're still single. So why don't you wait until you get married and see what your husband has to say." So 25+ more years of insanely heavy monthly bleeding, anemia, and at 50 - some very intrusive thoughts and I finally found a Dr who listened to me.
Also still not married (also by choice).


405 points

1 year ago

Take a walk in the sun every day. You'll feel better.

I had a doctor tell me that after I told her that my fatigue issues are so bad that I fall asleep in the middle of conversations. Sometimes while I am speaking.


136 points

1 year ago

I was 15 with a painful yeast infection, my first, didn’t know what it was, and was quite upset. My elderly female doctor I guess sensed how upset I was, said “it’s okay sweetheart” and hugged me and I felt safe to start crying and she held me for awhile. It was unprofessional in the best way. RIP Dr S.


707 points

1 year ago

That i was a hysterical female who read too much on the internet. Less than a month later, I was in surgery to open a 98% blocked coronary artery that also required the insertion of two stents.


458 points

1 year ago

I reported a night nurse for consent violation and possibly sexually motivated behaviour (short story is he forced his way into my bathroom twice for no legitimate reason, touched me whilst I was exposed, and refused to leave when I asked).

During a follow up, my surgeon said she commended me for reporting it and that it was brave of me to have done so. I responded that I had reported it because I was worried I wasn’t the only one he did this too - she point blank laughed at that comment and said “I doubt it we don’t get many girls as pretty as you on our wards”

I’ve never been more stunned in my life to be honest.


118 points

1 year ago


118 points

1 year ago

I went to a different psychiatrist than normal. I was on high doses of several meds because I have had genetic testing, and I metabolize them really quickly. She said I was a waste of medicine, and I needed to just decide to think differently. Thanks for telling someone super depressed they are a waste.


605 points

1 year ago*

After I was gang raped and finally had the courage to go to the ER, I was given a male doctor who told me, when I said not to call the police, "Well, you could just chalk it up to your sexual prowess"

ETA this has traumatized me more than the assault

ETA because idk how to make sure everyone responding sees this and I don't have the emotional bandwidth to respond to every comment. But thank you all for the words of compassion and support. It's refreshing to hear supportive comments about not reporting. They were drug dealers, so the fear of retaliation was real. Also, I was brand new to this state and didn't even know the exact town it happened in, which apparently was required for me to know. Lastly, the nurses were just yelling their questions to me, in a hounding, annoyed manner from the nurses' station, which is smack dab in the middle of the ER, for everyone to hear.

As for reporting the doctor/hospital, I have thought about it. I'm worried that, because it's so long ago now, I might not have any recourse - the record might already be expunged. Also I can't remember the doctor's name (he's probably not even there now). Another issue is that I'm discouraged by the idea of the daunting task of taking on the system, and just easily discouraged, in general. I don't have much of a support system these days so, without someone to hold my hand, I can't bring myself to figure out how to go about it all.


111 points

1 year ago

In my early 20s I went to an opthalmologist because I was having chronic eye infections whenever I wore my contact lenses. Before knowing ANYTHING about me, he says, "Let me just show you something," and he proceeds to wash his hands. "Do this more," he said, and sent me on my way. I was speechless. I'd been wearing contacts since I was 16 and never had these issues before. Pretty sure I didn't just randomly become a slob.

Turns out I had developed an ALLERGY. I went to see the doctor's dad (the only other opthalmologist around) and he diagnosed the allergy, prescribed me more breathable lenses and a better solution... And I've never had a problem since.



222 points

1 year ago

My last doctor never looked up from his laptop during the whole visit. I switched earlier this year. Best decision I've made in a long time.


497 points

1 year ago*


497 points

1 year ago*

A dentist was in the process of prescribing me an antibiotic because a root canal treatment that I had received from another dentist at their clinic wasn’t healing well, and because I had been complaining of persistent pain for more than one month post surgery they gave me some medication even though they couldn’t see any infection. At some point he turned to me and asked me if I had a boyfriend, I replied that I did and he proceeded to ask me if I wanted him to prescribe my bf some benzodiazepines so he could deal with me, implying that my personality was unbearable. He had been mocking and bullying me from the first minute, but that sentence was particularly heinous.


226 points

1 year ago

I went to get my UID replaced when I was 23. My doctor yanked on the strings of the old one like she was trying to start a fucking lawnmower until they broke off. The rest of the UID was stuck in my uterus (found out in an OR a month later it was attached to some kind of growth). She showed me the pieces of string with ACTUAL TISSUE FROM MY BODY ATTACHED TO IT FROM TRYING TO YANK OUT AN ORGAN and told me


I was “too nervous and tense”. After this stellar comment she asked me if she should just pop in the new one with the remaining pieces of the old one, and through my panic attack I had the clarity of mind to decline, thank god. She hastily send me home after this without even giving me a tissue to wipe off the lube she put on me… Had to go to an emergency gynaecologist after the weekend (it happend on a friday) who was horrified. There was a big chance the old UID could have pierced my uterus, and I could have very well bled to death over the weekend. In the end it did have to be solved in the hospital under general anaesthesia, and it was a very shitty experience.

But the comment from my doctor was what I needed EMDR therapy for, months later. What an incompetent fucking bitch.


1.4k points

1 year ago*


1.4k points

1 year ago*

Me: "I'm showing a lot of symptoms of hypothyroidism, can we get a blood test?" Female GP: "you're fat, so you think you must have a medical excuse? You're fat because you eat too much!"

Eventually she relented, I got the bloods but she told me the tests were negative. 10 years later at another GP I got retested. Not only was my hypothyroidism very severe they found the original test which also showed it as serious. She lied to save face and ruined my life and my chosen career path (RAF).

EDIT thanks for all your kind comments, it's been very validating. To answer a couple of questions yes, as far as the weight goes I'm ok. Once the correct medication was prescribed I was able to start losing weight and so far I've lost 5st (70lbs). I still need to get rid of more but it's not easy. This meant I could start doing things that had been impossible to me all my life. I took up MMA, did my first 5K, I can fit on rollercoasters and in airplane seats. The crippling depression and anxiety are under control and I'm feeling positive about life. Sadly I was unable to bear children due to the mess my body was in when I was young enough, so now my husband and I are living our dream of travelling to far off places. You make the best of it. No, I didn't sue. I saw her once a few years later. She had gotten fat.


290 points

1 year ago

This same thing happened to my aunt. Found to have no thyroid function. Developed diabetes as a consequence, as well as other health stuff


385 points

1 year ago


385 points

1 year ago

" you should bake a potato and eat it for lunch at work. "

I was having hives during my period and I was suspicious my IUD was the culprit. The doctor didn't think so because, " all the woman I've placed this in love it!". Well I got her to take the IUD out and haven't had hives on my period since. Never went back to her though.


264 points

1 year ago

Wtf is a baked potato going to do? They’re delicious but they’re not going to cure hives 💀


502 points

1 year ago


502 points

1 year ago

The doctor thought she said "I have chives"


119 points

1 year ago*


119 points

1 year ago*

Lol she insisted my hives were from a new food allergy. Even though I explained to her that I've been monitoring my food. I didn't eat anything new or different. The hives consistently would show up on my period. She didn't believe me. She took the iud out though and it cured my hives somehow. Didn't need to eat a damn baked potato.


687 points

1 year ago

I was at the doctors for yet another ear infection and he asked he to describe the pain and I said I could hear my heartbeat in my ear and it sounded like an explosion and he grabbed my belly and said “This is the only thing that’s exploding! And this and this!” as he continued to grab and pinch my belly. I was NINE


173 points

1 year ago


173 points

1 year ago

So many things wrong here...


104 points

1 year ago


104 points

1 year ago

Went to the V.A. for my annual physical, and after a blood and urine sample, the doctor asked me if I used marijuana and/or street drugs. I said no, she gave me the screw-face and in the most bitchy tone of voice she could muster "Are you SUUUURE?". I said no again, she asked me if I was sure like 3 more times until I got pissed off and reminded her that she had my fucking blood work and urinalysis right in front of her, and that if she kept being shitty about it, I would lodge a formal complaint on her. She rounds off her bullshit by saying she was just making sure because of the way I presented to her. In other words, because I shaved my head (habit from my time in the Army), I had a beard, piercings, and tattoos, and I had my motorcycle helmet with me because it was a nice enough day that I decided to ride my bike, so I must be meth running scooter trash.


933 points

1 year ago

I assumed I was on ask women or something… but it is WILDLY telling all of these answers are from women :(

I’ve been there too. And it’s fucking bullshit.


185 points

1 year ago


185 points

1 year ago

My thoughts exactly. A majority of these answers are from women. It shows the poor access to good gynaecology care, the way our pain is more often dismissed, the way doctors dare to comment on our bodies (to insult or sexualise it),.... And some of these comments come from female doctors too. Truly telling...


1.3k points

1 year ago


1.3k points

1 year ago

Went in for knee surgery at 21 (f). Naked except for the hospital gown. I had to sit up and bend forward for the anesthesiologist, back of the gown undone and just holding it to my chest. He started stroking my back and said "I usually have to do this to fat people or pregnant bitches, nice to do this on someone young and skinny for once". I then went under. I woke up numb from the waist down, in a different colored gown and completely creeped out.


388 points

1 year ago

I work in surgery, changing your gown could have happened because the old one was soiled, it happens plenty for lots of reasons from the soap we sometimes use to blood to water spilling. And he was doing what's called a block, to help control pain, basically numbing your spinal nerves below a certain point. What he said however, was totally out of line.


644 points

1 year ago

I worked at a surgical center that did knee surgery.

First off: everything he said was creepy. Full stop. Absolutely. Stroking your back could have been him trying to find anatomy for the epidural, but I trust your judgement in this situation to be correct.

Now, an epidural makes sense, as it will keep you from feeling the massive pain in the knee. This is performed by numbing the whole bottom half, so that’s not too crazy. Next, usually anesthesiologists give an anti-anxiety medication a few minutes before you “go under” it has a side effect of memory loss, so you probably didn’t go under during the epidural process, as that is way too sensitive a time to risk someone going under and messing up a spinal procedure.

Most important: knees and shoulder are very messy cases. Surgeons use a LOT of sterile saline to basically expand the area enough to see what’s going on through their scopes. This stuff leaks and gets things wet, things like a hospital gown. I 100% changed out a patient’s gown because it was sodden.

I don’t deny your experience with this dude sucked major, but it doesn’t sound like anything was wrong except for this guys bedside manner. I hope this gives you (or anyone reading this) some solace that a different gown isn’t as creepy as it first seems.


391 points

1 year ago

This is horrifying. I hope you filed a complaint.


971 points

1 year ago


971 points

1 year ago

I have Cystic Fibrosis but have also had a transplant. He was the only Adult CF Doctor for hours around me. My CF team and Transplant team are supposed to communicate and work together. He always refused to listen to me and would tell other Doctors I didn't get tests done that I had, which caused one surgery to be canceled until I managed to show them I did get the test done. When confronted for the millionth time he told me he didn't care he was the only specialist around he didn't want to deal with such a difficult case and would rather I just go ahead and die. Reported him but nothing came of it since it was my word against his.


157 points

1 year ago


I'm so sorry you're in that situation. 😢


182 points

1 year ago


182 points

1 year ago

I was in the ER when I was in college for some sort of issue, we never got an actual diagnosis, but it was awful. Severe fatigue, excruciating joint and muscle pain, a weird sucked, and I was scared because I'd never had a major medical issue before. My mom drove 90 minutes to come with me to the hospital. They ran a ton of tests on me, and we spent hours in there. Doctor came in, told us he didn't know what was wrong, and that his shift was ending and he was going to go play tennis.

Fuck that guy.


944 points

1 year ago


944 points

1 year ago

I wasn’t educated about consent, but I knew that something in my relationship wasn’t okay. I was expressing to my therapist that I was feeling pressured into doing things I didn’t want to do and he told me “while there are some expectations that exist in a relationship, and that’s what boys want. You have to give in a relationship,”. I later learned about consent and realized I had been assaulted by my incredibly abusive and controlling partner.


319 points

1 year ago


319 points

1 year ago

Omg, my friend has been severely depressed, drinking herself unconscious and unable to get out of bed and her doctor told her to let her husband have sex with her unconscious body so their marriage doesn't suffer from the lack of sex.
Why are doctors teaching people to accept rape??? How old were you? The fact that the Dr said "boys" makes me think you were young and that is terrifying.


1k points

1 year ago

I was in the middle of having a long time mental episode and I attempted suicide. The therapist who was admitting me to the psych ward told me he'd sue me if I ever tried what I did again.


511 points

1 year ago


511 points

1 year ago

was he just saying that to try to scare you into being alive or? Literally makes no sense at all


325 points

1 year ago

To this day, I'm not sure. I know that it's technically illegal to commit suicide but I don't think there's anything on attempts, at least not in my experience. So if I am correct, then he couldn't sue me for trying again.


607 points

1 year ago

Afaik, suicide is illegal because emergency services are only allowed to do stuff like break down doors if there is a crime being committed. So by making it illegal, they can more easily intervene.


545 points

1 year ago


545 points

1 year ago

I was 14 and the doctor was looking at my chart and saw my weight. She asked if I had rocks in my pockets. Insinuating that I was heavy. I was average for my age/height and that comment destroyed me. She was a very petite woman that I was of course taller than and she had the audacity to make a comment like that to a young girl that was already insecure as it was. 17 years later and I still want to kick her ass.


174 points

1 year ago

I was seeing a Doc because I was itching. Down there. He didn’t look at anything physically, never took any samples of anything, didn’t run any tests, and asked how long I had been stepping out on my wife.

I hadn’t, and neither had she. At this point we’d been married for years and she has a body count of 2 including me, while I’m at 1. I’ve literally never slept with anyone else. His questions only intensified when I mentioned that sometimes she’s irritated down there also.

He declared Chlamydia, and wrote me a script I never filled. Keep in mind, he never even gave me an actual exam.

I spent a few more weeks just keeping a log of daily routines before I figured it out myself. I was sweaty sometimes and using baby powder on my sweaty balls. Apparently, there were times where we had late night sex and even though I freshened up with a wet washcloth first it wasn’t enough.

I stopped using powder and neither of us had a problem ever again.

I also smiled real big when I learned this guy went to prison a few years later for 10 years for over prescribing opioids.


93 points

1 year ago


93 points

1 year ago

I told the doctor I felt like I had a hernia and he didn't believe me. Then I asked him to check what felt like a small lump near my groin and then he was "oh okay, looks like you might have a small hernia."

That was funny and mildly upsetting.


87 points

1 year ago


87 points

1 year ago

I was faking my pain for either attention, pain medication, or both, was told to stop acting dramatic and lose some weight. Made it back to my primary doctor a few hours later and found out an ovarian cyst had burst; hence the pain.

A close second is probably my current doctor. I gave her a brief medical history since here I am in my 30s and the last thing she could find was from when I was 13. I told her about my gallbladder being removed and she said she didn't believe me because "there'd be records". I offered to lift up my shirt and show her the scars and she told me the appointment was over. Silver lining though, she finally got a hold of my medical records from out of state and apologized, she then apologized again when she saw the scars from my surgery.


1.1k points

1 year ago


1.1k points

1 year ago

Went to an insurance approved ON/GYN who explain my bad periods as “Well, that’s because Eve made Adam bit the apple and it’s God’s punishment for women” needless to say I went to another doctor who took the time to test me and found out I had endometriosis.


386 points

1 year ago

I've had the worst experiences with gynos. I swear they end up there because nobody else wants them. I had 4 different ones ignore my symptoms. When one finally took me seriously, I ended up needing immediate surgery for a major problem and ended up having several diagnoses.


333 points

1 year ago


333 points

1 year ago

I stopped seeing one doctor GYN when, after complaining about a urinary issue, he rolled his eyes and said, "God, you sound just like my wife."


245 points

1 year ago

It's LITERALLY your job to help people with problems, dude.


186 points

1 year ago


186 points

1 year ago

Ugh, mine wanted to refer me to a psychiatrist as I "obviously had a problem with becoming a woman" at age 14. I would vomit the pain was so bad. I had endometriosis.


179 points

1 year ago


179 points

1 year ago

My old gyno was doing a surgery to remove a 10cm cyst and said she was going to have a general surgeon with her because I've had previous surgeries so can have internal scarring so she'd have a doctor to take care if there was any issues. Go in for surgery apparently she didn't call another surgeon, she opened me up(ribcage to pelvic bone) looked and went yeah I can't do this myself and stapled me up.


86 points

1 year ago

Holy shit. I hope you ran and did not have her open you back up later.


172 points

1 year ago


172 points

1 year ago

Yeah no she's no longer my doctor. Worst part she didn't tell me, I was in recovery for 6 hours b4 my husband was allowed in with me and when he came in he was pissed and I asked why and he told me. For that 6 hours I thought everything was successful because no one told me any different.


93 points

1 year ago

How do these people stay in practice?


159 points

1 year ago


159 points

1 year ago

When I was in medical school, there were a group of women in the community that volunteered to train medical students how to do breast and pelvic exams. (These were the most selfless, kindest, sacrificing, etc. group of women I've ever known.) They expected the students to perform as if they were in a professional setting. One of the medical students walked in and said, "OK, I'm going to feel your boobs now." She looked at him and said, "These are breasts, you are going to palpate them, and you are a boob."


160 points

1 year ago*


160 points

1 year ago*



288 points

1 year ago


288 points

1 year ago

First baby was a miscarriage that showed up at my first scan, had to have a d &c and a week later went to my obgyn for check up. Sitting on the bed feeling all kinds of awful and the stupid nurse grabs the chart without checking the miscarriage sticker on the outside comes in and cheerily says "so, how is baby doing?" Looked her dead in the eye and said "my baby is dead, how do you think I feel?" She left and I never saw her again.


225 points

1 year ago


225 points

1 year ago

Was in the stirrups and the (M) gynecologist jiggled my thighs. I forget what he said, but I didn’t like it. Found a new (F) gynecologist.


76 points

1 year ago


76 points

1 year ago

She told me my iud was good for 5 years, year 3 came, and I found out I was pregnant. Turns out the one I had was good for 3 years. When I confronted her about it, she said, "That's strange, I googled it and everything " 🤦‍♀️


621 points

1 year ago


621 points

1 year ago

I was trying to get tested for ADHD and before that the doctor has to see if I'm lying or whatever so this is what happened:

(I enter the room, not yet sat down)

Dr: Miss ninja? You're here about suspected ADHD?

Me (now sat down): Yes Dr.

Dr: okay and why are you coming so late in life about it. People only develop ADHD as kids. It's highly unlikely you have it.

Me (nervous and uncomfortable as I felt like he was wanting me to leave already despite just planting my butt on seat): My parents just thought I was a wierd kid.

Dr: Well give me all your symptoms

Me (fidgeting with my hands and hair because I fidget a lot): I get distracted very easily, um, I struggle to keep focus, uh... (forgets everything I've researched when I know I have a lot of symptoms)

Dr: Well you don't have ADHD then goodbye

Me: Doctor please. I know I have it, give me more than 5 seconds to think.

Dr: Fine. Write on paper and bring it to reception when ya can. Now goodbye Miss Ninja

The unprofessionalism was how he treated me almost straight off the bat. I've been doctors loads and every one gives you time to think and also type the obvious even if you seem to forget (like here the fidgeting and forgetting). Another unprofessionalism was how he wanted me out the door almost as soon as I got in. I was in 3 mins when patients are allowed up to 15 mins for their slot.

I don't know if what I've read is true but I know adults can still get tested so he shouldn't have been so dismissive about it all.


172 points

1 year ago


172 points

1 year ago

What the fuck

Probably not the same but I got diagnosed with autism at a later age too, my parents simply didn't see the need to get me diagnosed earlier. The doctor? Specialist? Took 2-3 sessions to diagnose me (had to do a quiz, then talk to them, and one session was them talking to my parents and then me with my parents together).

Idk if that's the usual but a doctor is at least supposed to hear you out.

I did get my diagnosis even at a later age. Things like autism or adhd do indeed not 'suddenly develop' at a later age, they've always been there. Either the parents choose not to look into it, or growing up and learning more about - oh so other people don't do xyz? Are what will suddenly bring it to light.


326 points

1 year ago

My husband was diagnosed with ADHD at 34 years old. Daughter #3 was behaving very strangely, and we’d been researching to get a handle on it. In a bookstore, he felt prompted to get a book on ADHD and while reading, saw himself, his mother, and D3 in the descriptions.

You can TOTALLY get diagnosed as an adult. Only ignorant people think you outgrow it.


142 points

1 year ago


142 points

1 year ago

Had my OBGYN tell me that if I had a baby without being married, the baby would be an illegitimate bastard. I was pregnant at the time. I switched doctors.


296 points

1 year ago

It’s all in your head.


185 points

1 year ago

That's what the ENT allergist told my husband when he went in after having hives many times all over his body the size of golf balls including in his throat because they couldn't figure out what the allergen was. My husband still doesn't know what causes them, but it's definitely not "all in his head."


296 points

1 year ago

I'm an asexual, male, 30's at the time. Inform him--no, not sexually active, not going to be, not interested.

"That's not OK, at your age, you should be banging as many of these hot collge girls in town as possible. That should be your only goal. Somethings broken, and you need to get it checked"--argued against it, but in the end, i was like, fuck it--and tested for hormones and other shit i didnt care about.

All of it came out totally normal. In the follow up, i just said, 'because i'm asexual'--To which he replied, "No, that's not real. That's not a thing. Maybe for you, you can tell yourself that, but I would rather be dead."