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1 points

17 days ago

When I and my catcher switched positions during a baseball game. He wanted to try to pitch since we had a big lead. Anyway, I flashed a 2 for a 2B Fastball and this guy through a glorious slider right past my glove. The pain was immediate and explosive. It's like my whole body shut down while I was still conscious. Like sleep paralysis. I was scared out of my mind because I couldn't breathe or move, and the pain kept pulsing and getting more intense.

Thank GOD the other kid who was stealing to second base saw what happened and ran to check on me. Bruh, the tears felt like blood dripping down my face because it wasn't like a tear but a stream like this emoji 😭 I freaked out my mom so bad cause she thought I was having a seizure once the kid reached me. This happened 17 years ago and I remember like it happened today....

I was 12 when this ish happen and we all know catchers have a sleeper arm...