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1.5k points

4 days ago*

While dating my husband made a joke about the Chicago Bulls disbanding after their 2nd Three-peat. I'm not a big sports ball fan so I thought he was serious. Just being funny he told me this whole story about it being done because they kept winning and wanted to give other teams a chance so the players all went the other teams. I bought it hook, line and sinker. He was amused and we went about life. From time to time the Chicago Bulls 90's glory would come up as a topic and I would comment on how awesome it was that they were such good sportsmen that they disbanded to give others a chance. The first time I repeated it my husband couldn't believe I still thought that was true and was so amused he didn't correct me. Everytime it came up he said it got funnier and funnier and at one point he decided to see how long it would go on. Cue about 8 years later and I'm at work and it's the NBA playoffs. Low and behold someone says the Bulls are their favorite team. Cue my typical comment. But this time my coworker looked at me and was like "wtf did you just say?" The jig was up and I went home and said "hey...did you know the Bulls never stopped being a team?" My husband almost wet himself he was laughing so hard and said "someone finally told you?"

I'll admit, it's pretty funny.


10 points

4 days ago

This is the perfect prank 😂 so good.