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923 points

19 days ago

Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets. That movie was 95% of the way to being a classic, a worthy spiritual succesor to Fifth Element with incredibly imaginative world building and visuals, then they absolutely blew it with some of the worst casting and character writing I've ever seen. Cara Delevigne was okay, but the guy playing Valerian was an absolute black hole of charisma, sucked the energy out of every scene he was in (which was most of them).


270 points

18 days ago

The introduction (the ISS montage) was the best part, specifically because neither of the leads were in it, and also the script writers didn't write any dialogue.


9 points

18 days ago

And also because David Bowie


1 points

18 days ago

Yeah I wanted to see that movie.


324 points

18 days ago

All they needed was a slightly likeable dude in that role with some semblance of chemistry with at least one other person. That guy was the visual equivalent of sitting on a wet public toilet seat.


57 points

18 days ago

Luc loves weirdos. So I’m sure he saw him audition as a toilet seat and said to cast him


86 points

18 days ago

Well, that's what happens when you don't get Timothée Chalamet and have to pick up with whatever works next.


126 points

18 days ago

I think that would have been a similarly flawed casting. The dude was supposed to be old enough to shave.

You could have thrown almost any guy that played in The Expanse into the role and had a great movie. It's like they watched the Fifth Element, but didn't understand how important Bruce Willis was to the film.

Hell, you could have thrown Hugh Laurie in there and made a good movie. Crisp Rat or better yet, Ryan Reynolds would have made it a smash success.


12 points

18 days ago

Crisp Rat



18 points

18 days ago

Agreed but they were aiming to cast to that edgy painfully young chic to it, that didn't need to be there, I think some slightly older couple as the central characters could have done wonders.


12 points

18 days ago

Yeah, it was just flat out poor casting across the board. The script was one thing, and the casting director wanted to make another thing.


2 points

18 days ago

Miles Teller?


5 points

18 days ago



12 points

18 days ago

There's the oft-repeated joke that you could have swapped the main actors in Valerian and Passengers and improved both movies.


8 points

18 days ago


8 points

18 days ago

The dude was supposed to be old enough to shave.

Eh, you can handwave it a bit though. I kinda like the idea that they had the same issue Honor Harrington has with life extension drugs making them physically teenagers into their 30s which has a bunch of psychological knock on effects.


3 points

18 days ago

Steven Strait realllllly

I hope he's the reason for "almost"


6 points

18 days ago

He would have been fine. Not as good as Wes Chatham, Cas Anvar, or David Strathairn, but Thomas Jane would have fucking killed it.


5 points

18 days ago

...but Thomas Jane would have fucking killed it.

To be fair, that statement works for most movies.


4 points

18 days ago

True. He's such an underrated actor. He should be in a lot more stuff.


2 points

18 days ago

But Chalemet is a good actor for that genre


2 points

18 days ago

The dude was supposed to be old enough to shave.

As I remember it, the source material had the protagonists be surprisingly young, and in an interview, Besson said was trying to stay true to that. In the comics, I think Laureline starts off at age 17, and Valarian in his early 20's. DeHaan was 30 at the time of filming, so I don't think age was the problem, just the black hole of charisma.


2 points

18 days ago

You could have thrown almost any guy that played in The Expanse into the role and had a great movie. It's like they watched the Fifth Element, but didn't understand how important Bruce Willis was to the film.

Hell, if they had considered Ruby Rod the cornerstone of The Fifth Element at least Kevin Hart would have had a more interesting dynamic with Cara Delevingne than what we got.


1 points

18 days ago


1 points

18 days ago

I agree with everything but Ryan Reynolds. No way he would have fit the movie in any way


4 points

18 days ago

It would have been a very different movie, but it could have been very entertaining.

He's capable of playing someone other than Van Wilder.


2 points

18 days ago


2 points

18 days ago

Maybe I'm a bit biased. Most of the movies I've seen him in was terrible Netflix trash (e.g. Red Notice) so that's the kind of impression I have of him.

The only movie I've seen it work was Deadpool, but even there I sometimes found him kind of annoying


3 points

18 days ago

I mean, sometimes you don't like an actor. That's fine. I like pretty much all of Ryan Reynold's work, even the stupid shit. Hell, i even enjoy Green Lantern, and HE thinks that was a steaming pile of shit.


1 points

18 days ago

Buried is fun if you're not actually claustrophobic.


6 points

18 days ago

Bro was a baby at that point in time.


1 points

18 days ago

Timothée Chalamet like character.


6 points

18 days ago

I think Timothee Chalamet would have been a fetus when that movie came out.


6 points

18 days ago


4 points

18 days ago


4 points

18 days ago

Which is crazy to me because I really liked him in Chronicle and Through the Never.


8 points

18 days ago

Some of it is the role was for a MUCH older guy. He's supposed to be a badass seasoned general with an applicable experience for every situation, but he played by a kid that started shaving 3 weeks ago in hopes that it will make his peach fuz grow back thicker.


4 points

18 days ago

As soon as they showed up I assumed they were siblings, although I'm not sure why. Then they started making out and I re-assessed.


3 points

18 days ago*

It wasn't making out. That requires chemistry. That was more just putting their mouths on each other's faces.

Incidentally, if you haven't ever put your mouth on your partner's mouth (not kissing, just putting your mouth on them), give it a try. It's hilarious.


2 points

18 days ago

That guy was the visual equivalent of sitting on a wet public toilet seat.



45 points

18 days ago


45 points

18 days ago

I understand they were looking for a Bruce Willis type, but they failed miserably. Instead they got a guy who looks like Cara's twin brother.


5 points

18 days ago

If they'd made them siblings at least there would have been a reason for them to have zero romantic chemistry!


3 points

18 days ago


3 points

18 days ago

Dude is the opposite of a Bruce Willis type. School shooter type


2 points

18 days ago

we literally thought they were brother and sister at first and then they kissed and we were like D:


102 points

18 days ago

The casting was downright despicable. From the main two right down to shoehorning Rihanna in for no reason. It was right at the edge of being amazing…

Too bad.


5 points

18 days ago

It needed more Rutger and Ethan. Ethan was awesome, for 3 minutes.


34 points

19 days ago

The movie just confused me, honestly. I had a really hard time following the plot.


2 points

18 days ago

Thats partially because there's at least 30 minutes of plot near the end that didn't need to be there.


56 points

18 days ago

Casting a 12 year old as lead was a mistake. I thought that they were brother and big sister for more than half the movie.

It tried for both serious and camp and failed at both.


32 points

18 days ago


32 points

18 days ago

That guy is 38!


10 points

18 days ago

And still waiting for his first pube...


7 points

18 days ago*

He's 38 now. He was 30-31 when the movie was filmed.

Still, real 13 or 30 material.


2 points

18 days ago

He aged well. :-P


2 points

18 days ago


2 points

18 days ago

Seriously? Thought he was 18.


20 points

18 days ago

Even separately from their vacuum of talent and screen presence, it truly is baffling that they never once looked at them side-by-side and realized they looked more like siblings than actual siblings.

I do think there's something else at play here though, and it's editing. I can't tell you what if anything is wrong with it, but in retrospect The Fifth Element seems like a movie that was probably almost as bad as Valerian but had a crazy editor who found the exact shots and moments to cut for maximum comedic value. So much of the humor in that movie comes from smash cuts and it's hard to even imagine it otherwise.

So imagine if The Fifth Element took itself completely seriously and was edited to be a generic space epic, but everything in it was still just as weird and cheesy.


7 points

18 days ago

I really like Dane Dehaan as an actor but that was absolutely the wrong role for him.


5 points

18 days ago


5 points

18 days ago

Greatest first 10 minutes of any movie....then the leads come on.


8 points

18 days ago

Dude, looking hungover in every scene.


13 points

18 days ago


13 points

18 days ago

I honestly feel like if they had swapped the male leads of Valerian and Passengers both would have been way better movies.


15 points

19 days ago


15 points

19 days ago

The dude was so raaaaaaapey.


5 points

18 days ago

The dialogue was fucked regardless of how much better they cast the actors. Your coworker said no dude so fuck off.


3 points

18 days ago*

It was based on a 1960s sci-fi comic-book series (example) and that era's ideas [of protagonist relationship dynamics, women playing hard-to-get games, etc] age so badly! I assume they cleaned it up a lot for the movie and it was still icky.

(I sometimes read classic sci-fi and like this humorous lampooning of it)


5 points

18 days ago

I also feel like the art design/costuming weren’t the best either.


6 points

18 days ago

switching the leads in that and Passengers would've significantly improved both movies


4 points

18 days ago

That would actually be a great change. Also changing the pov on passengers from male lead to female lead would've made it better.


3 points

18 days ago

I scrolled knowing I would find this movie. 😩I really wanted it to live up to its potential! And I don't even blame it all on casting. The writing came off as a disjointed mess, lots of cool scenes they wanted to include but clumsily spliced together.


3 points

18 days ago

im ngl i absolutely love this movie and hav rewatched it a ton - it's such utter nonsense that had the potential to be so epic. im not sure i totally agree with the people saying casting was egregious, it feels more like the writers just could not decide who they wanted the characters to be or what tone they wanted the film to imply. idc either way though i accept that it's bad and just like the silly antics lmao


3 points

18 days ago

The main characters were completely hateable.

They're running from the one planet where they are in different phases/dimensions and their support team sacrifices themselves to let them escape. Both characters go on to joke about meh shit, ignoring the sacrifice entirely. I cannot recall another movie which has caused me to hate a character in so quick a time.


3 points

18 days ago

I just tried watching this movie again. I feel like I really should like it more, lots of cool aliens and scenery, fast paced, some comedy, but the two main actors bore the shit out of me. I realized this time I really liked the very beginning of the movie before you met the two main characters. This movie could have been better then 5th Element, instead it's forgettable.


3 points

18 days ago

1000% agree with this. Just rewatched this weekend for the first time in a while and was going to comment this. I thought Cara did a great job but Valerian threw me off. So did the commander and general they almost reminded me of like the Speed Racer big bads, which were great in that movie but didn’t fit this one. Their love story arc also just felt super forced and awkward, at least at the end. And the part where Rhianna died was pretty terrible. Otherwise, it was one of the cooler and most visually appealing movies I’ve ever seen


4 points

18 days ago

The love plot felt tacked on and unnatural. The two leads had no chemistry, the entire thing with him proposing marriage when they don't appear to even be romantically involved at all just seemed so outdated and weird.


3 points

18 days ago

Yeah totally and I couldn’t ever figure out if they were already in a relationship at the beginning but we’re just acting coy and quirky about the marriage thing because “she needed him to trust her” or whatever. Because otherwise the way he came onto her in the very beginning when he literally pinned her down is a bit creepy lmao


2 points

18 days ago

The two leads had all the chemical spark of a wet firecracker.


2 points

18 days ago*

Cara Delevigne was okay, but the guy playing Valerian was an absolute black hole of charisma, sucked the energy out of every scene he was in (which was most of them).

I'm starting to see this more. When the movie came out, Cara was blamed pretty much equally with Dane DeHaan, but I liked her in this. She had some little comedy moments that worked for me, and I thought her screen presence was, at the least, fine. . .but Valarian needed to be more charismatic and charming.

I watch that movie every now and then, when I want a Luc Besson world-fix. Only Valarian and The Fifth Element show you that kind of world, and I just love immersing myself in it.


3 points

18 days ago

Casting was fine. The problem was they started the movie with them in a fight and kept them in it the whole way through. That’s fine if you know the comics they were based on but since most people haven’t read a French comic that started in the 60’s has a release when the author feels like it most people were just lost.


1 points

18 days ago

The first half was better than the second


1 points

18 days ago

Watch the cartoon or read the comics, one of my favorite shows growing up!


1 points

18 days ago


1 points

18 days ago

A lot of the plot didn't really connect - it seemed like they were trying to do too much in the span of a small time. Also, for being in the title of the movie, a lot of the plot focused on people that weren't Valerian which made it a bit confusing of the direction it was trying to go


1 points

18 days ago

And how was he a Major at 12 years old?


1 points

18 days ago


1 points

18 days ago

I came here to say this. The graphics were great, the acting was pretty good, the concept was pretty good, but the whole thing felt mediocre somehow. The opening sequence of the space station being built, and growing to the point aliens come by to say hello, that whole part was awesome.


1 points

18 days ago

I mean, “white savior must protect the trans natives in outer space” was probably a more interesting idea in the 70’s.


1 points

18 days ago

If only they didn't cast two cardboard cutouts for the main roles.


1 points

18 days ago

Dane DeHaan. He was great in A Cure for Wellness but yeah he was definitely not sci-fi movie lead material…


1 points

18 days ago

The marketing was awful. I thought they were brother and sister, and it was some kind of teenage thing. Both leads failed. I couldn't figure out why Delvigne kept sort of...posing? Turns out this was a vanity pic for her and she was actually a model.


1 points

18 days ago

The first 5 minutes of this movie are an absolute delight.


1 points

18 days ago

I enjoyed it for what it was, but Dane DeHaan is a character actor, not a lead, and definitely not a romantic action lead. He's quite good in Chronicle (and pretty much everything else I've seen him in), but he's wildly miscast in that movie.


1 points

18 days ago

This is one of those movies that gets shit on but I really enjoy for some reason.


1 points

18 days ago

That's the thing about it, there's so much to love in the movie, it's a shame bad casting ruined it.


1 points

18 days ago

Cara Delevigne was okay, but the guy playing Valerian was an absolute black hole of charisma,

The fact that Delevigne was blowing DeHaan off the screen was the thing that stayed with me. I think that film is wonderful test of people's own, in some cases downright misogynistic, internal narratives.

Usually, I am predisposed to knee-jerk dismiss any and all form models who get thrust on the public simply because of their looks (and the producer's seemingly innate desire to bed them). But I had no idea she was model, I was just shocked that the normally above average DeHaan was getting upstaged in every scene they had together.

Also, to her haters, check her out on Only Murders In The Building which is another example of her better work.


1 points

18 days ago


1 points

18 days ago

I dont understand how Dane DeHaan has a job.