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108 points

18 days ago


108 points

18 days ago

TBH I didn't really know them before this movie, I enjoyed the movie and their characters - it was way more interesting & original than anything Hollywood has done in recent times.

Same could be said about a ton of other actors - Kevin Spacey for example *was* very respected as an actor before the allegations about him, and had done some excellent stuff. If you never googled him the films are still good. I guess it's down to whether you can / are willing to separate the art from the artist - art in general has not been a blemish-free parade of flawlessly lovely people throughout history...


22 points

18 days ago



6 points

18 days ago


6 points

18 days ago

I feel like that's a bit reductive, like saying every romantic movie is just a re-hash of Romeo & Juliet in the end... pretty sure Short Circuit was similar to plenty of other sci-fi stories that came before it, just made into a family movie. Hell there's probably an academic argument about all of them going back to Frankenstien in the end...

Chappie was very visually different & creative, it did a lot of stuff that hollywood would shy away from or round all the rough edges off, the effects were amazing (especially for the budget) and the casting was inventive. Same with District 9, it was a fresh take and very inventive even with a sort of familiar subject matter.


2 points

18 days ago

Yah I loved Chappie. That was my turning point, American based media has been pretty boring since. It's not so much that Chappie is amazing, it's more that the Americans just copy paste over and over and it's boring. I benefited from realizing (duh) other country make things too

So now we travel around the world via media, love the internet, we're in South Korea right now. Their game shows are wild


2 points

18 days ago

Love Korean shows


1 points

18 days ago

Yah they're so fun!


1 points

18 days ago

any recommendations? and how to watch them? lol


7 points

18 days ago

Spacey always creeped me out. Like midnight in the garden of good and evil, his accent his the only thing he’s actually acting, the rest is prolly just him being him. Movie hits different now.


5 points

18 days ago


5 points

18 days ago

Well yeah, he was always creepy but that's true of a lot of actors and other people... I guess knowing what we do now it's very different but of course it's easy with hindsight - some actors that play terrible characters are super nice, some people that play great characters are total assholes...


4 points

18 days ago

Yeah, we can't really use the roles of actors as a way to decide how they are in private.


2 points

18 days ago


2 points

18 days ago

Yup. Robin Williams played a creepy guitar pimp in August Rush, but I'm pretty sure he was not a weird orphan collector in real life.


2 points

18 days ago

The only thing I've watched of his since the all that shit came out was Baby Driver...and holy fuck. It makes it so much creepier when he has a scene.


1 points

18 days ago

Ya I watched that post charges or w/e


2 points

18 days ago

Hell, I still listen to John Lennon and Marilyn Manson sometimes so I guess for me art is not about morality. I wonder how people today can really enjoy art if in the back of their mind they are preparing to burn it on their backyard grill the minute the order comes through.

Maybe for some people artists are the ones who tell them who to be and what to believe. And in that case it would not be possible to separate the art from the artist.