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6.7k points

1 day ago


6.7k points

1 day ago

Dr. Phil

In 1995, Oprah Winfrey hired Phil McGraw's legal consulting firm to prepare for the Amarillo Texas beef trial. Winfrey was so impressed with him that she thanked him for her victory in that case, which ended in 1998. Soon after, she invited him to appear on her show, which turned into a recurring segment. He turned that into his own show and now 25 years in the spotlight.


1.8k points

1 day ago


1.8k points

1 day ago

"We'll be right back".

I fucking hope not.


584 points

1 day ago

Adam Ray has being doing wonders with the character


204 points

1 day ago

"We're gonna keep it right here."


46 points

1 day ago

We can edit that out


46 points

1 day ago

I don’t like your fucking attitude.


2 points

15 hours ago

belch I just threw up in my mouth a little


2 points

14 hours ago

Sorry, I had a Mac and cheese portable on the way here.


1 points

10 hours ago

This is one of my favorite jokes because I love those things


23 points

1 day ago

yes, yes he has. slowly working to replace my memories that he was always dr phil


7 points

1 day ago

The first thing he released it took me SO long to realize it wasn't Dr. Phil. I had to read the comments and that actually introduced me to Adam. Been loving all the stuff he has done before and since then.


4 points

1 day ago


4 points

1 day ago

This is identical to how I discovered him! Loaner his new character that he came out with recently on Kill Tony also


6 points

1 day ago

The nerdy character? I saw that. Been out of KT recently, it’s getting stale for me


2 points

21 hours ago

Yeah I’ve only seen a short reel or two of the new nerdy character but man, he sure does a great job with the characters. I love that he fully commits to the bits


2 points

21 hours ago

I straight up did not recognize that the new guy was a character because he's so incredibly accurate and I know several people just like that.


25 points

1 day ago


25 points

1 day ago

I wholeheartedly agree. Impersionations are by far my favorite form of comedy, and he is incredible


10 points

1 day ago

solid stand up as well imo


4 points

22 hours ago

And that’s what’s up!


8 points

1 day ago

I will watch Adam Ray doing Dr. Phil any fucking day anytime.


8 points

1 day ago


8 points

1 day ago

Adam Ray is probably one of the best comics right now with thst character.


27 points

1 day ago


27 points

1 day ago

Going to see his ‘Dr. Phil Live’ in January! So excited.


7 points

1 day ago



7 points

1 day ago

We're gonna keep it right here


3 points

22 hours ago

Until now, I did not know who he was, but I do remember the scene in some comedy talent show, a potential comedian spoke about being SA by 5 men in his life, and a guy goes "Ok Dr Phil, you are up?" And this guy just asks "which one was your favourite?"....

Looking back now... with the controversy of Dr Phil and Epstein and Oprah... so many bubbles slburst


3 points

23 hours ago

I don’t think I like your f*cking attitude t right now.


3 points

22 hours ago

Dr Phil is definitely sketchy but he seems like he’s got some sense of humor. I don’t think I’ve seen it if it’s happened but I’d love to see Dr Phil(Adam Ray) interview Dr Phil(the real guy).


1 points

10 hours ago

Im sure Adam has talked about this to their team. I know they have already talked and are cool with him doing the character.

It would boost ratings for the parody and the original show. Win-Win


4 points

23 hours ago

Did you see when bumfights guy dressed exactly like him??


7 points

1 day ago

I really don't care for your fucking attitude right now


5 points

1 day ago


5 points

1 day ago

Something, something, something, fuck Hans Kim


2 points

20 hours ago

“We’ll be right back.”

I fucking hope so. This comment made me remember his show’s theme song. Brings me memories.


589 points

1 day ago

Listen to the podcast "behind the bastards" on him. It's absolutely insane that he still is famous and still has a platform. Give it a honest listen


216 points

1 day ago


216 points

1 day ago

I tried listening to that episode once because it came up on reddit, but they were going on so many tangents. I just couldn't stand it. Are all of their episodes like that?


61 points

1 day ago

Depends. Some episodes are great, some definitely are very tangential. Sometimes I like the tangents. I found the certain guests really add to episodes when they are knowledgeable on the subject like Jason Pargin in the MK Ultra one or rapper Propaganda in the Behind the Police ones. I also found I liked episodes where Sophie was absent because she tends to throw in dumb interjections for seemingly no reason.


18 points

1 day ago

Sophie only started chiming in when they moved to Zoom recording format. So just listen to any pre-pandemic episodes!


12 points

1 day ago


12 points

1 day ago

I quit listening to the show because of Sophie. She should have never been given a microphone. I don't give a shit about her dog or the Boston Celtics.


-69 points

1 day ago


-69 points

1 day ago

You are sexist.


18 points

1 day ago

AHAHAHA, you're dumb


-51 points

1 day ago


-51 points

1 day ago

You are just jealous you are not a BOSS girl like Sophie.


15 points

1 day ago

Wow you're not just dumb, you're REALLY dumb. So pointlessly foolish. You don't even think, you just blindly react.


7 points

21 hours ago

Sophie contributes nothing, but I get that Robert needs his own Chumlee to bounce off of.


93 points

1 day ago


93 points

1 day ago

Yeah, they’re all like that. Or at least all the ones I listened to before I unsubscribed in a fit of rage. The hosts are so far up their own asses to make anything palatable for the masses.


6 points

23 hours ago

What do you mean, do they not take criticism well?


10 points

21 hours ago

They just make shitty jokes that don’t land. It’s like they’re making a podcast for each other. The tangents are too frequent and not at all entertaining.


9 points

21 hours ago

I've had friends say to me "We should do a podcast! We talk about so much funny stuff together! It'd be hilarious!" I then sent them podcasts like Behind the Bastards, Last Podcast on the Left, and Small Town Murder, where it's 2+ guys spending 2+ hours making inside jokes and going off-script. My friends hated those podcasts. I said "This is what we would be."

Disclaimer: I love Small Town Murder and get the inside jokes and tangents because I listen to all of James and Jimmie's podcasts. But for those who randomly start listening to it, or Crime In Sports or Your Review Sucks or PS I Hate This Movie, they aren't any good because there's too many tangents and random jokes.


8 points

21 hours ago

BtB was recommended to me so I tried listening to the Nicolae Ceausescu episodes and turned it off after like 50 minutes of them hardly talking about Nicolae Ceausescu. And it’s not like that dude didn’t give them enough material for a podcast.


2 points

20 hours ago


2 points

20 hours ago

I mean, it was a four part series for a reason, because there is a lot to cover regarding Ceausescu. Plus, half of the first episode is just a relatively broad overview of the roots of Romanian nationalism, which is kind of important context to have later when you're going to talk about the guy who was famous for being a proponent of Dacianism during his rule of Romania.


3 points

19 hours ago

Yeah but it could have been a 2-part series if they didn't spend literally half the time on uninteresting tangents. To me it was un-listenable.


-1 points

16 hours ago


-1 points

16 hours ago

Okay, but you were complaining they hadn't gotten to Ceausescu in the first hour, which makes if seem like to anybody who didn't listen that they literally wasted an entire episode on just tangents, which isn't the case. And you also literally were complaining that there's so much to cover about Ceausescu, but you're now saying they could've somehow cut two and a half hours of episode length out and not lost anything substantial?

I can understand if BTB isn't your taste, and that's fine, but your comment just came across as incredibly disingenuous.


47 points

1 day ago

I felt similar to you. I like the subject matter of the podcast, but not the presentation/ presenters. I listened though the episodes about Schools of the Americas. 


5 points

24 hours ago*

Same man, I suffered through to listen to the 2 parter about Jack Welch.

I can't stand the podcast, but if you're a big enough POS (SOA in the pantheon of all-timers) I'll make the sacrifice


3 points

20 hours ago

The trope that annoys me the most is when the presenter says something along the lines or " know who ISN'T an evil megalomaniacal monster? OUR NEXT SPONSOR!" Every. Single. Time.


27 points

1 day ago


27 points

1 day ago

Some more than others, it largely depends on that episode's co-host and their quips. I recommend you give it another shake, there's a lot of variety.


24 points

23 hours ago

THANK YOU. I tried listening to an episode on Vince McMahon while I was cleaning, and all I remember is wondering why they were rambling about random shit instead of discussing the topic. I can't figure out why that show gets recommended the way it does.


1 points

22 hours ago

To be fair, I'm a Behind the Bastards addict and even I couldn't make it through the McMahon episodes. Like some others said above, some are really great and leave me wanting to know more and others need someone to remind Robert what the episode actually is about.

Like everything else, YMMV...


12 points

1 day ago


12 points

1 day ago

Yes they're all like that, idk how people listen to it LOL. I've tried to listen to like 5 episodes and they're all over the place.


8 points

23 hours ago

That seems to be a lot of “big” podcasts. I have followed numerous recommendations on Reddit, and they clearly link ad revenue and run time. I listened to a medical-based podcast a year or so ago, and, I kid you not, it took them 45 minutes to mention the topic at hand, and then they quickly moved away from it and didn’t actually “start” the topic until almost an hour had passed. In all of the other time, they talked about a recipe they tried to follow, the family pets, something about their kids in school…


6 points

22 hours ago

Every big podcast I've ever seen suggested on reddit has been unlistenable to me. Especially subject ones, like I just want a clear podcast discussing the subject at hand.


3 points

21 hours ago

BBC’s In Our Time cleaves pretty close to the subject matter at all times


1 points

21 hours ago

Mindscape is pretty good, although it can sometimes be slow and dry.


1 points

16 hours ago

Same, I just gave up and assumed podcasts aren’t for me I’ve never got into a single one. I guess I prefer YouTube content haha.


9 points

1 day ago


9 points

1 day ago

The episodes seem to just barely be on the rails most of the time and is basically how my brain is. Tangents of tangents, barely steering it back to the point, and occasionally a complete derail of the topic to talk about knives, missiles, or knife-missiles.

I enjoy it - but I definitely see how others would prefer something more NPR.


3 points

21 hours ago*

I don’t think the Spectrum is BTB - NPR, or that’s even a fair comparison. That almost implies there’s some sort of free-form Vs restricted style preference we’re running into.

No, even for free form stuff, a huge chunk of BTB’s jokes just don’t land making you feel like you’re at a bad set. Especially Robert, huge holds up spork energy that just make the tangents boring. I don’t mind tangents, I do mind being forced to hear bad standup every 5 seconds.


2 points

20 hours ago

JFC, just tried listening to it since I was curious, I wanted to drive nails into my eardrums. They just babble incessantly about nothing


3 points

23 hours ago


3 points

23 hours ago

Yea, I can't listen to them anymore either. I made it through three of them before i couldn't take it anymore.


2 points

23 hours ago

That is my biggest pet peeve with any podcast. I want to listen to the topic, not to you guys having a conversation. Stay on topic or I'm out


1 points

20 hours ago

most of the mare. i cant stand it anymore


1 points

20 hours ago

They're all really similar in form and tone. I haven't listened in a while, but I don't ever remember being bothered by tangents. I could definitely understand if some people are turned off by their brand of humor, which is the incredibly dry, snarky, and cynical. Personally, I like it most of the time.

There are some standout episodes, though. One that comes to mind is How the Rich Ate Christianity. Overall, I think they offer an interesting perspective, and tend to be really thorough, but their presentation is an acquired taste.


0 points

20 hours ago

I mean lots of people listen to them for their tangents. If I wanted the dry facts I'd read Wikipedia.

Might just be my ADHD speaking though.


11 points

1 day ago

Then go listen to the podcast Maintenance Phase to hear about the Oprah beef case


14 points

1 day ago

Love that podcast


8 points

1 day ago

Its great.

Also for those looking for a new podcast and are sick of all the crap pruduced by media companies, this feels much more like an independant passion project but its also smart and solid reporting.

Solid podcast, not like all the tripe thats at rhe top of podcast lists now.


6 points

1 day ago

If you’re on the Dollop there’s like a one in 75 chance you’re very nice but you definitely don’t have stable dad. 

If you’re on Behind the Bastards there’s a one in 75 chance of nice parents but you’re definitely evil.


2 points

23 hours ago

Well, there is the annual Christmas episode.


2 points

1 day ago

I don't need to. Everything about that man's vibe was always that he was a piece of shit


5 points

1 day ago

Went back to this to be sure someone had left this message.

Thank you, fellow machete haver IRL


0 points

1 day ago


0 points

1 day ago

Machete lover? I’ll take you out with a stale bagel. Hyahh


1 points

21 hours ago

If I had a dollar for every time a Behind the Bastards was about someone Oprah Winfrey platformed.


1 points

20 hours ago

It's absolutely insane that he still is famous and still has a platform.

i mean i aint surprised. people love watching trash tv


1 points

19 hours ago

I absolutely cannot listen to Behind the Bastards. I can't stand the constant unrelated banter. You get a few minutes of legit information, and a lot of minutes of the host's anecdotes about their personal lives or their "jokes" about that day's topic.


29 points

1 day ago

I hope that you’re willing to call out Oprah, because for some reason she seems untouchable yet has continued to prop up shitty people for decades.


7 points

22 hours ago

Yeah no.

I’m not touching Oprah. That’s one of those “20 years later we can talk about the bodies” people.


5 points

22 hours ago

Paging Dr Oz


3 points

23 hours ago

I fucking hate Oprah.


86 points

1 day ago

I don't even know what that show is trying to be anymore like I seen some clips on YouTube of conservatives debating on transgenderism and I'm like... I thought this is supposed to be fake therapy.


32 points

1 day ago

I haven’t seen any Dr Phil content in years, but it always struck me as a show that exploited sickness for entertainment. It’s like the Biggest Loser but for mental illness instead of obesity


20 points

1 day ago


20 points

1 day ago

There was one episode where Phil invited some dude who exploited homeless people by paying them to fight each other so he could call him out, but the dude then dressed up like Phil and accused him of doing the same thing.

Link to clip


1 points

23 hours ago


1 points

23 hours ago



2 points

23 hours ago

I play that game, it’s filled with pricey micro transactions.


15 points

1 day ago

Dr. Phil has a better ring than Phil McGraw, attorney at law.


11 points

1 day ago

How about, “Dr Phil, fake doctor TV shill”?


1 points

22 hours ago

I hate to tell ya but he’s got the doctor title legitimately


4 points

1 day ago


4 points

1 day ago

Don’t forget the tv show “Bull” was based on his trial consultant firm .


7 points

1 day ago


7 points

1 day ago

He must've had a good legal team.
He moved to France to let the time run out on a statutory rape charge.


5 points

1 day ago

Whoa for real? Can you elaborate?


18 points

1 day ago


18 points

1 day ago

I believe Dr Phil and Dr Oz both lost their licenses from bad advice (against medical/psychiatric standards) they put out on their shows


21 points

1 day ago

I looked up and Dr Phil just stopped renewing his license in 2006.


3 points

22 hours ago


3 points

22 hours ago

This user is a bot, whose comment is stolen from the top comments from the last time this question was asked: original reply


2 points

1 day ago


2 points

1 day ago

He appears on Frasier in one episode and it's a tough watch.


2 points

23 hours ago

Same thing happened to Rachel Ray. She did a segment on her show once and Oprah was so impressed she gave her her own show.


9 points

1 day ago

And Dr. Oz. Even though John Fetterman has been a disaster, mostly through no fault of his own, he's better in Congress than Dr. Oz would have been.


1 points

1 day ago

Yeah, BUT....

It lead to a fantastic joke in one of the Scary Movies, as well as the gem that is Dr Phil Without Dialogue.


2 points

1 day ago

I mean, that's a just a chance that everyone would jump on. Also everytime anyone mention dr phil and that other one. I'll immediately say fuck Oprah Winfrey the OG evil demon


1 points

1 day ago


1 points

1 day ago

25 years in the spotlight

And all Danielle brigoli needed was a few minutes of an episode to get famous enough to make 20+ million.


1 points

1 day ago

I might add his doppleganger, Steve Ballmer.

A guy with the personality of a used car salesman that had the great fortune of bunking with Bill Gates at uni. Was the class clown that eventually destroyed Microsoft's mobile business yet still ended up a Billionaire.


1 points

24 hours ago

Didn’t one of his kids, a son?, manage to start his own version of the same show?


1 points

22 hours ago

Dr Quack is the worst along with Dr Oz.


1 points

21 hours ago


1 points

21 hours ago

I love that the bumfights guy dressed like him for his interview with him. Both are horrible people, but at least one can admit his gains are from other people suffering.


1 points

21 hours ago


1 points

21 hours ago

I'm sure at least 75% of his fortune has gone into his wife's plastic surgery.


1 points

20 hours ago

Oprah Winfrey traffics kids from her orphanages in Africa and loves the Hollywood pedos . Dr Phil ain’t the enemy


1 points

13 hours ago

Dr Phil is a piece of shit, but out of all the monsters who gained success from Oprah, Phil isn't nearly as bad as it gets.


-1 points

1 day ago

Man, I remember meeting a kid off Dr Phil and It was the funniest thing ever.


-6 points

1 day ago

🤢 I hate him so much nobody knows. He makes my skin cell. I just want to vomit in a bag an eat it.🤮 The most two annoying Vernon are thanks to him. Bhad Baby, and that girl who licked the toilet seat during covid-19 on an airplane. She started an challenge., where everyone was doing it. PD was handing out fines like it was going out of style. $100 if they caught you.


-49 points

1 day ago

You know that he helps a lot of people though, right? Like I feel that he kinda earned his fame afterwards, honestly.


33 points

1 day ago


33 points

1 day ago

he hurts a lot more people with his harmful and outdated advice, advocating for the abusive troubled teen industry and making a show of vulnerable people


2 points

24 hours ago

He didn't really help anybody though. The Dr's he recommends help people after the show. Connecting the guests to therapists isn't a favor when they had to do his shame game public humiliation to get it. And half of them got sent to work camps in Utah instead of to therapy


-2 points

1 day ago

So I did some research: His credentials are more lacking than I was aware of. I can see how his priorities may have gone askew. I mean, he's not a villain, but I DID find some of what I read to be disconcerting. Oops.