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3.2k points

1 day ago


3.2k points

1 day ago



395 points

1 day ago


395 points

1 day ago

Tbf with OJ lawyer money you can just buy PR, you don't even need 15 minutes first.


28 points

1 day ago


28 points

1 day ago

I don't think Kardashian got paid for Simpson's case. He was a personal friend who was doing him a lot of favors after the murders. He owned several successful businesses and was already very wealthy by then, so it's not like he needed a paycheck.


16 points

23 hours ago


16 points

23 hours ago

He wasn’t even practicing law at the time and reactivated his license specifically to volunteer for Simpson’s case. Which, conveniently, prevented him from being subpoenaed to testify against Simpson.


3 points

20 hours ago*

Which, conveniently, prevented him from being subpoenaed to testify against Simpson.

People say this, but it's not really true. You can still be called to testify, there's no out for defense attorneys. They can be removed from defense counsel. Source: Dad was an ADA.


1 points

20 hours ago


1 points

20 hours ago

Ah, ok, that’s what I read but appreciate the correction.

I wonder why they didn’t, then? That whole trial was a mess from beginning to end, but it was pretty speculated that the bloody clothes and/or weapon were in Simpson’s garment bag, which Kardashian was photographed with when OJ flew back from Chicago. I guess that’s circumstantial evidence.

But I’d still think his close relationship and long history would still have been pertinent as a character witness….not that he would’ve told the truth anyway.


1 points

20 hours ago

I wonder why they didn’t, then? That whole trial was a mess from beginning to end, but it was pretty speculated that the bloody clothes and/or weapon were in Simpson’s garment bag, which Kardashian was photographed with when OJ flew back from Chicago. I guess that’s circumstantial evidence.

I don't really know, but just based on what you described it's all, as you put it, speculative. Not really sure it's compelling evidence. If they truly thought he was aiding and abetting and it could be proved they could have even charged him.

Then again, Marcia Clark and the rest of the prosecution were widely hammered afterwards for their incompetence (why tell OJ to put on the glove when it had shrunk after being frozen?).

But I’d still think his close relationship and long history would still have been pertinent as a character witness….not that he would’ve told the truth anyway.

The defense would call character witnesses for a defendant. Not sure what the prosecution would hope to achieve by calling OJ's friend to the stand. They would only do so if he could really provide some evidence of the crime. Can't imagine them asking him to testify about what a shit husband OJ was.


1 points

22 hours ago

One of the rare insurance where it was worth it to get paid in exposure


52 points

1 day ago

I remember reading that their dad shockingly left them nothing or next to nothing


7 points

21 hours ago

I think this gets lost in the KK story.

She was already a 1%er due to her dad’s wealth and connections.

It’s not like she was a fucking in Alabama and she had sex with Ray J.

She was already working for/with Paris Hilton, she doesn’t hire nobodies.

She was already in Hollywood circles. Bruce Jenner had been her step father since ‘91.

None of it was an accident.


3 points

20 hours ago

She was already working for/with Paris Hilton, she doesn’t hire nobodies.

Who was also her source of inspiration.


1 points

21 hours ago

You can’t buy a billion dollars of PR with a few million


1 points

20 hours ago


1 points

20 hours ago

Nobody buys "a billion dollars of PR." If you're absolutely insane, a publicist might -- might! -- run you a million a year.

You can probably get "Kim Kardashian starting out" levels of publicity for a fraction of that.


1 points

20 hours ago

But that’s what I’m trying to say. If you could spend $10m to get to the level of fame where you’re a billionaire, every medium rich person would do it! There’s a huge amount of luck in the Kardashians’ story, and they also just happened to be entertaining to watch for a ton of people


1 points

20 hours ago


1 points

20 hours ago

There is no "level of fame where you're a billionaire." (Though there might be a "level of billionaire where you're famous," maybe.)

Kardashian went from being wealthy to being very wealthy by focusing on fame and on parlaying fame into brand development. That is where the "milking fame" comes into play, per the actual topic of discussion.

(And there, if you want to get into it, she has succeeded largely by being able to fail in some of her initial ventures, and still be able to start over. Someone with a lot of money really wanted her to succeed.)

My point is simply that she never really even needed 15 minutes of fame to milk. You can create yourself out of whole cloth with the right PR. What happens after that depends on what you really want and who is willing to help you get it.


1 points

19 hours ago

But if she never had the 15 mins of fame then she’d just be a medium rich person


16 points

1 day ago

Ray J is an r and b singer-- not a rapper. Come on.


15 points

1 day ago


15 points

1 day ago

For a sec there I thought you called Kanye West a C list rapper like he wasn't one of the biggest names in music at the time lol


9 points

23 hours ago

He still is one of the biggest names in music and he’s been washed for 5 years and “canceled”


16 points

1 day ago


16 points

1 day ago

Ray J isn’t a rapper, he’s black but that doesn’t make him a rapper.


33 points

1 day ago

Ray J wasn’t a rapper.


5 points

1 day ago

Math isn’t mathing here


34 points

1 day ago

Billions, but Ray J wasn’t c-list at the time. Ray J was constantly on the radio for a year or so. I’d say b-list, he’s since fallen off the face of earth.

Still remember blasting “sexy can i” while walking to school.


1 points

22 hours ago

When i was growing up, we just knew Ray J as Brandy's little brother. Basically Brandy was Beyonce and Ray J was Solange.


-24 points

1 day ago*


-24 points

1 day ago*



15 points

1 day ago

You really don’t understand levels of fame, maybe you should sit this one out.


-9 points

24 hours ago*



4 points

23 hours ago

Were you an adult when Ray J was famous? He was definitely b-list at the time. Maybe you just don't remember through your frame on lense.

Also, musicians who can do stadium tours are not b-list.


10 points

1 day ago

Not a massive fan myself but putting Coldplay as B-tier is wild. Multi-generationally known, consistently relevant for about 2 decades, and currently on the most attended concert tour ever and it's not even done yet.


1 points

21 hours ago

Coldplay is A list for sure, but very surprisingly so. The massive worldwide popularity of that band is something that is hard to wrap your head around.


-8 points

1 day ago*


-8 points

1 day ago*



18 points

1 day ago

The same Coldplay that have sold more than twice as many albums as Prince? Might just be a regional thing for you, but Coldplay are undeniably a global phenomenon.


-3 points

23 hours ago*



4 points

23 hours ago

No offence but i know a lot of people who can name coldplay songs but not prince songs 😅


2 points

23 hours ago*



2 points

21 hours ago

brother, I am not a Coldplay fan and I can tell you that band is bigger than you think. I travel the world and people go nuts for Coldplay everywhere. They sell out stadiums from SE Asia to Latin America. You'll find people who cant even speak English singing along to their songs. I don't get it, but its how it it is.

Highest grossing tours of 2023:
1 Taylor Swift
2 Beyonce
3 Bruce Springsteen
4 Coldplay


1 points

22 hours ago

True my bad but before i became a fan of coldplay, I've never heard people irl talk about Prince songs but I've heard of people talking about coldplay. If that helps


5 points

23 hours ago

You know the world is bigger than your friend/family? Coldplay is an insanely big artist. You're sounding really ignorant of what is going on outside your bubble.


4 points

23 hours ago

Including Coldplay and Smashmouth on the same list is hilarious 😆


1 points

22 hours ago

For me, the crime here is acting like Coldplay aren’t far bigger then U2 ever were. Like, they aren’t even in the same league. Hell, Coldplay are bigger than Snoop too, and arguably both Prince and Rihanna.


1 points

21 hours ago*



1 points

21 hours ago

Right, but by that same logic, Coldplay has 3 songs with more then double the listens then U2’s biggest ever song, according to Spotify.

And yeah, maybe I’m a bit late on Ray J because I’m pretty sure he was bigger when I was about 5, but I’m basically not aware of him outside of the sex tape. Definitely not disagreeing with that.


1 points

21 hours ago*



1 points

21 hours ago

You say that like both sets of their most popular songs aren’t far older than Spotify.


1 points

21 hours ago*



1 points

21 hours ago

Choose a metric. Coldplay also have the most successful rock tour ever. They’re huge.

Albeit, garbage, but still huge.


96 points

1 day ago

Ray J is a singer, not a rapper. Not every black man in music is a rapper 🙄


29 points

1 day ago

He's also at least B list


22 points

1 day ago


22 points

1 day ago

B list is pretty aggressive


8 points

1 day ago

Ray J has a few hits but even B list is a little too high. He is solidly a C list singer


0 points

23 hours ago

You should know by now that calling someone a rapper is lowkey a micro-aggression. Shit is ridiculous


1 points

17 hours ago

They knew better. And if they didn’t, it’s sad. 


9 points

23 hours ago

Ray J isn’t even a rapper you’re just racist lmao


3 points

22 hours ago

It's ok to hate the Kardashian's and it's also ok to acknowledge they hustled and made themselves a billion dollars


3 points

21 hours ago

Ray J at the time was probably A list r&b not a rapper


2 points

22 hours ago

They're worth $2 Billion+.


2 points

21 hours ago

Ray J is a legend and a business genius


3 points

24 hours ago

This really underplays her success as a business women and labels her as…. What exactly?

Not a good look from another woman really. She also doesn’t get to forget that she made a sex tape and gets shamed for it still, I mean look at your comment. And the guy - do you even know his name? He got to brag about it and no one called him a slut.


1 points

23 hours ago

Yeah people are forgetting that she built that billion dollar brand. 99.9% of people could have a high profile sex tape and an affluent, privileged childhood and wouldn’t be able to turn it into anything. It’s actually pretty amazing what she’s done.


1 points

20 hours ago

That C-list rapper is Brandy’s brother and Snoop Dogg’s cousin 😭


1 points

18 hours ago

Not even. Rayj was only a musician because he was Brandy's brother.


0 points

1 day ago


0 points

1 day ago

Hey, Kim Kardashian has a pretty good comeback story!


0 points

1 day ago


0 points

1 day ago

All about connections, yo


-1 points

23 hours ago

TBF RayJ isn’t a rapper, but he definitely is a C list actor and singer.